C E N T R A L P O IN T H E R A LD . TH U R SD A Y. A U G U S T 2, llajd. ■ B 3 H B E -JOrnUTHi.', B E O M B B B S B B ¡Si EggFW -.lgg Correspondence jj m il finí irjErar a li Given Away W e are Cranks kH M l I ! I 1 i ; I I I I I -H -H -H -l-H - Beagle Briefs Absolutely without cost. - on Mr. Alma Houston and (amity, of Jacksonville, are visiting friends and talalivea at this place. G O Lester Rogers has gone to Wasco, 'Oregon, where he will work for the Walter Richardson had quite a se­ rious accident Wednesday. He was ■^loading grain from his header bed when he slipped and dislocated his kaee. Dr. Chisholm, of Gold Hill, a t -1 landed him. 5 ( \»/e Don’t forget our location—next door to the Postoffice. Glass Brothers will commence thresh­ ing Monday. 0 - - . Price, $1:75. W e sell $1.70 “ 75. “ “ *' 70 - - - - “ 75. “ “ 60 - - - “ 60. “ “ 50 50. “ “ 40 - - - - “ 3 75. “ “ 2.50 2.75. “ “ 2.00 - - • * “ 15. “ “ 10 - - - - “ 25. “ “ 20 25. " “ 20 all lines except furniture. Good only 10 days - J O N E S ’ C A SH Sanderson n . j i i w w . ¡ ‘.k a tF i ■ V* L. HATFIELD CENTRAL STORE erally will have local pride enough to Martin Brothers started their header cause them to do their part, I am, last week. “ Very truly yours, “ Geo. W. D u n n , Miss Clara Richardson has gone on a “ County Judge.” visit to Belina, Washington, where wUl be the guest of Mrs. Anna i lay. Fo r Sale or Rent Bird Johnston and Jasper Hanna have gone to Klamath where they are ood b u s in e s s lo t o n p in e employed by Pelton Brothers in haying Street, 33x140, with two ¿ood bus- Milas M. Richardson has gone tojiness bouses thereon. W ill sell out- Jlsmath Falls where he has accepted 1 right or lease one or both buildings at a petition as clsrk in the store of his reasonable price. For price, terms, M»ther-in-law, A. J. Manning. etc., call on or address W. A. O w e n , Tom and Hal Hamrick, of Central 13dl6 Central Point, Ore. Point, ware visitors at the home of M. H. Gorden last week. For Sale £ G wm “Coon” Tbem Ay We will sell or trade for wood any or all o f the following articles : The following self-explanatory com- One steel beam 12-inch plow: one ■aenieation from the county court has sulkey 14-inch plow; one section har­ been received for publication: row, one single shovel plow; one Deer- C a r e f u l o f H e r N on e. "The County Court has decided that ing mower; one disc harrow. Many interesting stories of courtiers it it for the general good of Jackson B e a l B ros ., Central Point. and favorites at the old French court county that a suitabie exhibit of our are found in the memoirs of the Mar­ resources and products be made at the 1 quise de Crequy. «She says that on cer­ tain solemn occasions kings of France forthcoming State Fair to be held in wore ermine linings to their robes, but Bybee Ranches fo r Sale Salem, Oregon, September 10th to 15th, ; ermine became scarce, and she writes: 1906. ------- “ The anointing of Louis XV. was re­ “ We have secured the services of Mr. From and after this date. I will sell tarded some years for want of this fur J. E. Watts, of Medford, Oregon, to j to the best advantage, and for cash, for the court mantles, and at the coro­ collect and superintend our exhibit and I all or any portion o f those two certain nation of Louis X I V . ‘ they actually we are desirous of calling the attention ) ranches known as the Bybee River used catskin.” Superbly elegant was of every person in the county to the i Ranch, at the Bybee bridge on Rogue the Duchesse de la Ferte, who generally fact that we want each and every one j river, consisting o f 1240 acres, and the was carried around under a canopy. to contribute something toward fur- j Bybee Antelope Ranch, consisting of The marquise goes into ecstasies con­ thering this exhibit, in order that we 1560 acres. With the Bybee River cerning this particular duchesse, whose eyes “ had the most disdainful expres­ msy be able not only to make a credit- Ranch will be sold that portion o f the sion 1 ever saw, though they had a able showing, but, also, that we may crop upon the part purchased. This alight east in them.” IHit her supreme place Jackson county at the head o f j ranch is partly under irrigation and elegance cau be appreciated when it is the list of Oregon counties, where she more can be put under irrigation. known “ she never blew her nose for rightfully belongs. Address me at Agate, Oregon. fear of spoiling her Creek contour, but dabbed it at intervals with a small “ Wp have the goods. Let us display 12-tf F. E. B yb e e . square of cambric.” If each person who has some­ thing good in the nature of grains. . grasses, fruit, vegetable«, etc., wil CHURCHES. take the painB to save a nice sample, Mr. Watt will be around in due time, . C hristian C hurch . if notified, and collect them, or they t E. A. La Dow, pastor. Preaching ean bring them in and leave them in service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun- the warehouse of Mr. Perrv, at Med- ‘lay school, 10 a. m. Ladies Aid So- ford. who has generously ' offered us m. eVer* at the W ?dne8day- home of the use of the same for the purpose of ¡js members. Cli hoir practice every Fri­ .collecting our exhibit. day night. “ It only takes a few minutes time M ethodist E piscopal . to save a nice bundle of grain or box Geo. L. Burbank, pastor. Sunday of fruit, or sack of onions, or a min­ school every Sunday at 10 a. m. eral specimen, if we will only take the Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. and every other Sunday at 7:30 p. m. interest that we should. Prayer met ting Thursday evening at ‘•W* ean ’coon’ them all if we will 7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex­ tended to all. Preaching at Gold Hill get in and do our part. Hoping and feeling assured that the newspapers on alternate Sunday evenings at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at will lend their valuable assistance and 10 i a. m. will help inform the people and agitate this subject, and that the people gen- Send the H erald to your friends. JACKSON COUNTY BANK (E s t a b l is h e d 1818,] ( ' a p it it 1 a t u l S u r p l u s . X '- o .o o o - G. R. L1NDLEY, C ashier L. L. J accbs , A sst . C ashier Under one Management for nearly Twenty Years. Promptness, Courtesy and Conservatism is a part • f our policy. MEDFORD, OREGON l - H- l ’H I I I-H -M -H -l "1 “H -h P lans Ilrn jn m in F r a n k lin 's ,y I C O N V E R S A T IO N “ D O N ’T S .” WARNER & SO! M Lumber, Doors, Windows, Building Hardware, O l d S p R s the famous H A N F O R D ’S BALSAM OF M YRRH. Hickory Wagons, Buggies and Farm Implements. Sprain«, Strains. Bniioes, Puffs. Bunches. Etc. Just Received W . C. L E E Y E R T h e H a rd w a rem a n î I'-H-i* : —1—*—T—' — T—I—t-~l—,—I--*—!—i— I—¡—1—I—l—I— 1— Î--I--I— I" !' Price, the Ho-rseshoer, OREGON FRUIT JARS Don't Indulge in personalities. They invariably return worse than they started out. Don’t mention family feuds. It em­ barrasses the listener, and you are sure to regret It. Don't talk of the cost of things. It gives the rich n chance for boastful­ ness and may be embarrassing to the poor. Don’t tell your personal Interests, occupations, hopes or aspirations. No­ body wants to hear them, and you give your dignity a mortal stab. Don't discuss children. I f you have any the chances are you are boring those who have not I f you have none, you arc sure to be mortally wounding those who have. Don’t discuss dress. The lady whose evening gown you are scoring may ! T h # P crn ln n W a y , They have curious method# in Fer- huve come direct from Paris, wearing sia of iusuriug law and order. A fail­ the newest thing, and the whole sub­ ure of the crops had resulted in a dear ject is a hopeless one anyway.—Har­ loaf, which much enraged the popu­ per's Weekly. lace. In oilier to quell the tumult the shall ordered a number of bakers to re­ Cows for Saie ceive several hundred strufces with a rod, besides a few minor little atten Two fresh cows; one Jersey. Two j ,tions. such as the amputation o f an miles north o f Jacksonville, (Willow ear ■ or two. lpring road). R. A. C lar k i S2dl5 I- H . -------O-------- **. rH-rrl-h-rH-r A t the annual fair In Nijni Novgorod % I stepped with a German-Kussian friend Into a saddlery, where he wish­ RETAIL ed to purchase a valise, n e picked DEALER IN WOOD -Í- out one for which the Tartar mer­ chant named a price that was evident­ D . C. G R I M ly much In excess of Its real value. My City.'Draying and Transfer friend was making the usual feint un­ der such circumstances of leaving the store when he noticed that the dealer, j A ll Kinds o f Hauling with a rapid movement, stuck a paper I Promptly Done. In the outside pocket of his valise. Not being a greenhorn in Russia, he knew C E N T R A L POINT, OR. $ Immediately whut the Tartar was up to. “ Blit, barln,” said the latter, calling -H— !-:-:-6-l-W-d-K-;—:-l"l"i-l-'l-:-!-l-!-l-:-H-H"H-!— l-l-H-t-H-l-i-H-H-H- him back, "come. Look at the leather uud the lining, silk all through. Please examine it carefully.” lie handed the valise again to my friend and turned! back to his stock, apparently looking for other satchels to show. With a sly wink my friend extracted a ten ruble note from the outer pocket of the va- I lise and hid it In his hand. Then he said: “ Don’t trouble yourself any long­ er. This valise seems to be what you large consignment (three different styles) of the best ? suy It Is, and I will take It.” known Jars The Tartar grinned broadly as he turned around, satisfied that his little trick had succeeded. Then while my friend pretended to count out the pur r- X chase price he took hold once more of T (he valise In order accidentally to ills- jfc cover the bank note In it. I shall nev- -i- er forget his eyes, which bulged out of T S P E C IA L O F F E R IN G —For each six dozen lot sold to one their sockets, or the petrified smile on J. purchaser we will give one dozen of the famous Schram X his face when he found his money T Jars FREE. gone. He was so bewildered that he X stammered like a drunken man. All kinds and sizes of Caps and Rubbers on hand. "The fellow really ought to get a les I son,” my friend said to mo in German, 14- while he kept the trickster In suspense I J for several minutes before handing -j* him back the bank note, together with X the valise, which the dealer now of- •}• fered for less than half of what he had X demanded before.—Sigmund Kranz In y Booklovers’ Magazine. X t Benjamin Franklin’s w ife is taken from the diary of Daniel Fisher, who was Franklin’s secretary for a short time. “ She aat on the floor at a neigh­ bor’s. She assumed tlie airs of extraor­ dinary freedom and great humility, lamented heavily the misfortunes of those who are unhappily infected with a too tender or benevolent disposition, said she believed all the world claimed the privilege of troubling her pappy so she usually calls Mr. Franklin—with their calamities and distress, giving us a general history of many such wretch­ es and their impertinent applications.” He mentions “ the turbulence and Jeal ousy and pride of her disposition” and the ^ iolente of her invectives. Pointing to Franklin’s son one day, slio exclaim­ ed, “ There goes the greatest villain up­ on earth T* -1—1-1- S pecifications F urnished T h e W a y H e T r i e d t o S e ll a V a lin e ■ 'o r e iffn e r . W ife . A very unflattering description of and C E N T R A L P O IN T S o ld ie r * « S enn e o f H u m o r. A high naval official, now dead, often flted as an example of ghastly humor •n Incident that befell a young woman during the civil war. “ She was good and kind,” he would say, "and during the war she visited the hospitals daily, distributing fruits and flowers and tracts. “ One morning on her rounds a young Boldier, Immediately after she had passed him, set up a loud laugh. “ She turned and looked at him In surprise. Elis seemed a pitiful case. Nothing of him but his face was visi­ ble on the little white bed, and this young lace was sadly thin and pale. Nevertheless he laughed like one pos­ sessed. His mirth resounded through the grewsome room. “ The visitor returned to him. “ ‘Will you tell me what amuses you?1 she said. “ ‘Why, ma'am,’ said he, ‘here you have given me a tract on the sin of dancing when I've got both legs shot aft.’ ’’—Baltimore Herald. on tractors and Builders & Sons The reasons why you should contract with us to build your house are- Our work is executed with neatness and dispatch and completed in a work­ manlike manner. Estimates given on work in all parts of the valley P O IN T , O PE G O N Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Jones were trading in Medford one day last week. It t w e l l and will deliver, within the city limits, on “ schedule time,” without a wreck. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Weiss and daugh­ ter, Hattie, are visiting relatives and friends here. They are also looking for a location. . § - - GROCERIES Hill M rs. Ore- here VAWTER, P res . A dkins , V ioe -P rks . S Sherwin-Williams paint Pure Linoeed Oil - Overalls - - - Overalls - - - - Overalls - Ladies’ Skirts - “ “ Violet Oats - - Graham Flour - W W. Flour These cut prices apply to W e quote the fol­ We also handle a complete line of Nearly everyone in this section of j the country is through with his \ heading. w. ». For every $5.00 cash purchase you get a waist. lowing prices: We handle the BEST GOODS for the price, in these lines, that we know of. Mrs. Ida Henderson and family, of Jacksonville, is spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. Amick. Jasper Rogers went to Gold Wednesday to meet his daughter, Flora Carter, of Sherman county, gee, who will spend a few weeks visiting friends and relatives. 100 Nice Shirtwaists C L O T HI N G SHOES C OF F E E C e n tr a l P o in t, O re g o n •l-l-H-H-l-i-M-l-l-i-t-i-M-l-I-l-H-i-H-f1 X | Freeman | & Wiley Farm Implements. Vehicles. x X We carry a full line of t ¿’ r I 1 1 1 11 PRICES Etc. Always the ------------------ CHEAPEST, B A IN W AGONS, BUGGIES. HACKS, SURRIES. ETC. • R UNA BO UTS IN STE E L and R UBBER TIRES Quality Considered. C ALL A N D SEE US Harness. Saddles. Robes and W hips, Gasoline Engines. Pum ps. Bicycles and Incubators We carry one of the largest stocks in Jackson County heap Savey? + CENTRAL I » H-M-t-X-k-l-l-IH-H- -K - i - M - H 1- H -H -H -H -l-H -H -H -H -h POINT, OREGON C E N T R A L POINT. OR. -H -Î-K -Ï l ?■ P H I i ! 1 I ! t + H H -l Hfrl » i -W -H è-Î