CENTRAL POINT HERALD. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1906. i 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I ’M 1 I I H 'I l -l' l-l 'H - H - l-l- l' l 'l- l- l- 8- rr”'d“1 F K Central Point Market F irst N a tio n a l B a n k C entral P oint H erald 'w“ E. A. FORD, P rop . local newspaper devoted to the interests o f Central Point and the Rogue River Valley. Published Every Thursday. Subscription price, $1.50 ‘per year, in advance. B a U r e d a t »fcal • .t a f f lo . a l ( « a l r a l c aa* ■ a lta r . P o in t, O r ., aa a ««oad THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1906. WORK Of THE LEAGUE the T HAT tempted J. ¡1. G A Y M e d fo rd , O re g o n | P aid U p C apital , $25,000 Aa independent •H-M- l- l- l -i- I- i- K -H -H -H - L ancaster & P attison , P ublishers S. A. P attison , E ditor . J. E. L ancaster , B usiness M anager i DEALER IN S tockholders ’ L iability , $50,000 Fresh and Cured Meats £ FA IR DEALING, SAFETY, SECURITY We do a conservative banking business. Always safe-guarding our customers’ interests equally with our own. W e S olicit Y our A ccount . ^ D irectors :— W. S. Crowell, F. K. Deuel, E. V. Carter, Chas. Strang, Geo. W. Dunn. M. L. ALFORD, C ashier . Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. Yard on track near depot. Estimates furnished. Let us figure on your lumber bill. Y our P atronage I s S olicited CENTRAL POINT. OREGON ' agreement between the government ; and said company, | Now, therefore, be it resolved that the said railroad company is requested to take immediate steps to place its lands on the market, in conformity with the terms and agreements o f its grants; that upon failure to do so that the attention o f the governor and the attorney-general o f the state o f Ore­ gon, the government department at Washington and our representatives in congress be called to the situation and that all reasonable and honorable e f­ forts be made toward compelling said railroad company to comply with the terms and provisions o f its railroad land grant. Resolved, that the secretary o f this league forward a copy o f this resolu­ tion to the proper railroad officials as soon as practicable and, Be it further resolved, that a com­ mittee o f four be appointed to prepare and present to this league for adoption a proper memorial for presentation at Washington and to our members in congress, and to the governor and at­ torney-general and legislature o f the state o f Oregon. work being at­ by the Rogue River Valley Development league is either not appreciated or mis­ understood by many of the peo­ ple of Jackson and Josephine counties is shown by the lack of interest manifested in the work ot the league by the people at large in many sections of the two counties. Many seem to be of the opinion that the league has been organized for the special benefit of a few rather than for the general welfare of the Rogue river valley, but the scope of the work being attempted should The committee has been ap­ convince any man that such is pointed and the league proposes not the case. to take vigorous steps to bring One matter of general import­ this important matter to a focus ance that has been taken up by with a view to having these by league is the withdrawal of lands placed on the market and its lands from market by the the spirit and letter of the stat­ Southern Pacific Railway com­ ute by which they were ceded to pany and the absolute refusal of the railroad carried out. Every the company to sell such lands citizen will admit that this plan to settlers at any price, when it of work, if carried out, will result is known that the lands were in great benefit to the material ceded to the railroad by the gov­ development of the valley, but ernment with the express under­ they should remember that such standing that they should be sold work cannot well be carried to a to bonafide settlers in parcels of successful issue without the not more than 160 acres to any moral and financial support of the purchaser at a price not to ex­ people generally. ceed $2.50 per acre. The cost of membership in the This matter was taken up by league, if secured through a the league some time ago and membership in the Central Point the detriment being worked to commercial club, is only 50 cents the development of the valley by membership fee and fifty cents such a policy was pointed out by [ yearly dues. Persons not aflil- several prominent citizens o f the liated with any local body will be county on that occasion. As a ' admitted to membership in the result, the secretary was in­ central organization by payment structed to write a letter to the of $2.50. Can we not all help out Southern Pacific land agent ask j in this work of development in ing if this policy was to be con­ that small amount? Let’s boost tinued for an indefinite period the membership, neighbors; it and, if it is to be changed, what will help us all as the country is plan, price and terms will prob­ I settled up and becomes pros­ ably be adopted in disposing of perous. these lands. The letter was written and at A STRANGE DISEASE the league meeting held at Grants Pass recently the reply T A N D F R A U D I C I T I S is frort\ Charles W. Eberlein, acting j L* the latest disease to become land agent of the company, was | epidemic in Oregon. The symp­ read. Mr. Eberlein’s reply did toms are extreme nervousness, not answer any o f the league's aversion to the society of Francis inquiries but simply referred to 1 J. Heney and Judge Hunt, great the sad havoc wrought by the weakness when in sight of the earthquake at San Francisco last ! federal court building in Portland spring and stated that until his and unusual agility and improved department recovered from the ¡appetite when the victim believes •ffects of the quake that he 1 there are no secret service men •ould give out no information looking. Some victims of the relative to the sale of lands. strange malady indulge in horse­ The matter was discussed at back riding in the moments that some length by the league mem­ they think they are alone out in bers present, the discussion cul­ the country, and in Hoods of tears minating in the introduction of when they are brought into court. the following resolution by E. D. Another strange feature of the Briggs, of Ashland, and its disease is that reputable physi­ unanimous adoption by the ex­ cians diagnose it as mostly “ pos­ ecutive board : sum.” It attacks only persons who W hereas , a large percentage o f the are under indictment for partici­ land» o f Jackson anil Josephine coun­ ties is owned by the Oregon and Cali­ pating in land frauds. For Sale Pasture fo r Cattle Six acres first-class black bottom land one-quarter mile from depot Good 5-room honse with pantry and bath, good barn 40x40 and other neces­ sary buildings One acre in choice bearing fruii and garden plot, balance o f tract in alfalfa Price, *2000 For terms, etc , enquire o f or address, W S E achus , Central Point, Or I have 100 acres o f good pasture, with plenty o f good water and good feed, four miles north o f Central Point, near Tolo. Will rent for cattle only. For price, etc., call on or address 10dl3 J. A. S hields , Tolo, Ore. •:-:-:- h - ;- ;- i - ì - :- h : 1 1 . i - h - h - k - i - h - !T2a i Kitchen Blacksmithing blacks- : Clacks] East Pine Street A. P. G illrit & Son A. H A W K O eneral Central Point B la ck sm ith in < r Repair work o f all kinds. Wood Turning and Scroll Work. Horseshoeing and Wagonwork Cast Iron Brazing CENTRAL POINT, OR. | J. C. W ilson T I Central Point HOTEL IN CONNECTION Livery Stables E. C hapman w ils o n Kandy A W ORD TO THE F A R M E R -W h en you come to Central Point call at the Kandy Kitchen if you should be hungry. You can get a hot cup o f coffee, butter and bread or cake for 10c and a little better for 15c, and a good square meal for 25c. I f you want to take a lunch with you, such as sandwiches, cakes and pies, you can get it for from 10c to 25c. Canned lunch goods always on hand. W e also carry fresh bread and cakes and pies o f all kinds. A W ORD TO THE BOYS AND GIRLS Young and old—Think o f i t ' Ice cream and cake, 10c; milk shake. 5c: ice cream soda, 5c. Home made candies at from 15c to 25c per lb. Shorty Williams, Prop. & C h a p m a n £ C ontractors a n d B uilders T X Special attention to Commercial Men. Carpentry and Joining in all its branches Estimates Furnished. Fast Horses, First-class Rigs, areful. Experienced Drivers. Daily Stage to Eagle Point. J: -H -l- l-l- i'-I--I- I- i- :- l- l- i- l- H - l-'H - H "l- l- l- l-'l-l-H -H -. l-I- I I' :-i"l- l- ;- l- l- I- H - l- H- Ï CENTRAL POINT, OR. • j - i - i - k - k - i - i - k - i - i * J . W . J a c o b s & Co. Manufacturers o f all classes o f Murphy & Downing M a rb le a a i G ranite C em etery W o r k “ Ivy Leaf Saloon” • • • • __________________ Designs furnished or will manufa- cure from private drawings. Our Granite Quarries, near Central Point, are the finest on the Coast. Electric polishing machines in our local factory. Iron fencing. Fine Cold ALBANY BEER on draught or by the bottle, for personai delivery CEN TRAL POINT, OREGON or by express or freight. Central Point trade solicited. i* » • t i t » » ' * C entral P o in t M A R Y A. M EE PRINTING THAT P harmacy Proprietor PRINTING PLEASES THAT PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE PEOPLE WHO PAY Pure Fresh Drugs and Medicines Druggists’ Sundries, Toilet Articles, Stationery Books, Etc. ■— ■ ■ ■: ■ ■ ■ — ~ ’ = You Pay fo r Printing And We Print fo r Pay When in the city give me a call. You will find my goods f i r s t - class and my prices reasonable. T £ fornia railroad companv and much o f said holdings embrace mining lands B r y a n and McClellan are said j- that if prospected and developed would to have met and loved in London £ furnish profitable employment for a large number o f laborers, and embrace and to have formed an alliance £ timber lands that would furnish ma­ which is designed to land the ;£ terial for many commercial lumber nomination for presidency and mills and grazing, farm and fruit lands vice-presidency in their respect­ sufficient to support thousands o f agri ive laps. The statement is made culturists, horticulturists and stock that, with Mac for second place men, and Whereas, for a number o f years last on the ticket, the Nebraskan is past under one pretext or another all the unanimous choice of the such railroad lands have been with­ Cleveland wing of the party, in drawn from sale and neither settlers such a case, of course. McClellan £ nor miners could or can purchase the would i>e the tail o f the ticket, £ same at all, and Whereas, the Rogue River Valley but it is almost equally certain r Development league believe the policy that if such a combination has £ •f said railm id company is detrimental been formed. Mr. Bryan has £ to the interests o f said counties and a c i t h e r » a ■! his opin ion s on £ healthy development o f the same and various nuestions o f state or else X contrary to the provisions and spirit o f it must lie the opinion of the £ the statutes granting lands to said Cleveland wing that it will be a £ »omp»n\ nn.1 in tier'gallon o f the cur.«’ of the tail wagging the dog. ^ I IS TO OUR INTEREST TO TURN OUT Printing that will please our customers. CENTRAL POINT We are OREGON fully equipped to do all classes of Commercial and Job Printing and we respectfully solicit your orders -:-H -H -H -!-l-l-!- l- l- l- i- l-l-l- H - l"l"l"l"l"l' in l-H - l- l-H 1 l l-I-I-l 111 I I 111 1 I IT LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS J. H. CARLTON i H. W a t k i n s ENVELOPES DODGERS X i Ï POSTERS l'| VISITING CARDS DEALER IN £ HARDWARE. FARM IMPLEMENTS, ETC. BUSINESS CARDS CONFECTIONERY j; We are here to stay and to help you make Cer .ral Point worth while. CIG ARS, T O B A C C O S Í & Or anything else that you nay need. Call and let us figure with you. £ £ £ Proprietary Medicines, : : ICE CREAM AND SODA 1 : Paints and Oils : : : : Help us with your printing rders. LUNCH GOODS Î Î Central Point Herald 4-H -4-H - M -I-K - 11 H -H I-i-H ! H H H I I I- EAGEE POINT OREGON ÏM - -H - I -I l-W H - i-i 1 I I H I 14-H -h - Eagle Point. Oregon ' - i - H - i-i- M - H m u m M .H