Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, August 02, 1906, Image 1

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    H erald
C entral
Local and Personal
j B. Kincaid, of Medford, spent Tuesday
c with their brother James, o f this city
By-Laws Adopted
Lisk’s Imperial Enameled Ware, war
A stockholders’ meeting o f the Cen­
ranted for 10 years, and also Lisk’ s An- tral Point Creamery association was
! ti Rust, tinware that will not rust. At held last Saturday afternoon, when the
Hon. S. M. Nealon, of Table Rock, 1 Leever’ s hardware store.
rtport of the committee on by-laws
was in town Tuesday.
J. H. Hay, the decorator, was busy was received and, with some minor
John T Ankrom is now employed on I last week repapering and decorating amendments, adopted.
R. C. Hensley, chairman o f the ex­
the S. P. section at Medford.
1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pen­
W. W. Scott and wife are paying rel­ dleton, at “ The Oaks,” near Table ecutive committee, presided at the
meeting, and A. J. Hanby acted as
atives at Grants Pass a visit.
secretary. W. J Freeman, chairman
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, who ha> o f the committee on by-laws, read the
Mrs. D. Grisham, of Sams valley,
been residents of Eagle Point for many report in full, after which it was read
was in the city shopping Friday.
years, left for Alberta, Canada, Sun­ by sections, discussed, amended and
M. M. Moomaw and wife of Eagle
day, where they will make their future adopted.
Point, were in town Monday.
The by-laws provide that the capital
E. Hall and family left yesterday
The new Odd Fellows Lodge in this stock of the corporation shall consist
for their old home in Indiana.
city, *s receiving new members almost o f sixty shares of $100, which shall be
Mrs M. E. Fries went to Sams valley weekly and is fast coming to the front fully paid up when stock is issued, and
yesterday to visit for a few days.
as one of the strong orders of the non-assessable.
The officers ot the association shall
Oscar Blackford, of Willov
“ rings, community.
consist of a board of five directors and
was in town yesterday on business.
John S. Wright and family, of River­ a treasurer, it being provided that the
P. L. Simpkins and family have gone side, California, who have been visiting first director chosen shall be considered
his parents, Mr. and Mrs John Wright, president of the board ; the second
to the mountains for a camping trip.
near town for some time, left for their chosen shall be considered vice-presi­
Theodore Glass and wife, of Beagle,
horn- last Sunday. Mr. Wright holds a dent and the third chosen shall be sec­
were here after supplies last Thursday.
good position with a fruit supply com­ retary.
Mrs. W. H. Beal is visiting her pany in his city as a machinist.
The annual meetings o f stockholders
daughter, Mrs. Fifield, at Wolf creek. !
Mrs. D J. Stedham and daughter, shall be held on the last Saturday in
County Assessor Applegate was in j Miss Bertha, have gone to the Opp July.
town during the week from Jackson­ mine, near Jacksonville, to spend a few
The board is authorized to elect a
weeks with W. T. Stedham, who has manager, a buttermaker and a sales­
man and to fix the compensation of
Mrs. Tinsly and daughter, o f Tolo, employment there.
each, such persons to be under the im­
were shopping with our merchants
Joe Boswell has purchased the
mediate supervision of the board of
vacant lot adjoining the Hotel Pleas­
John Williscroft, o f Trail, was in
The stock o f the corporation shall be
after a load of provisions the first of which will be occupied as a barber transferable on the books only, in case
shop, bath room, etc.
the week.
of a sale of said stock, and it is ex­
Copies of an interesting publication pressly provided that the acquirement
Pure prepared Paint and Pure Lin-
■eed Oil at Leever’s. Get prices before descriptive of the resources of Jackson of additional shares of stock shall not
4-26 { county, which was authorized by the entitle the purchaser to any additional
county court, have been left at this vote at any meeting of the corporation.
M. Marshall, who has been confined office for distribution. Call and get
The board o f directors shall meet
to his room for the past week, is able some and send them to your friends.
monthly, when, after paying all current
to be around again.
City Recorder Boswell and family expenses for the month and adding a
George Given, one of Eagle Point's j and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Downing left sufficient amount to pay a six per cent
most successful farmers, was in after Monday for their mountain farms on annual dividend on the capital stock
aupplies Saturday.
Big Butte to enjoy an outing. The and one-half per cent per pound for all
■C. P. Livingston, representing the judge will bag a few strings of venison butter manufactured during the month
—which shall be placed in a sinking
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., spent Thurs­ as soon as the law permits.
fund for unexpected expenses—the bal­
day night in our city.
The hot wave is broken and since ance shall be apportioned to customers
Mrs J. C. Barnard and daughter, Sunday there is no danger of prevari­ for cream or milk delivered during the
Oneta, spent Tuesday visiting w ith ! cation in recommending Central Point month.
as a pleasant summer resort. The cool­
relatives in this city.
A majority of stockholders shall con­
ing breezes are doing business^ at the stitute a quorum for the transaction of
Mrs. George Ross and children ]
old stand and everybody is happy and busin ;ss.
returned from Woodville Tuesday,
Considerable discussion came up over
where they visited relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Freeman and the section providing for the employ­
J. H. Gay filled several orders for
their children are preparing for a visit ment of a buttermaker, the committee
lumber and building material for Gold
to Mr. Freeman’ s old home at Wood- having recommended that he should be
Hill parties this week.
stock, 111. They go via Portland and a disinterested party, but the provision
F or S ale —A six-room dwelling in Seattle and expect to take the Cana­ was voted down and the directors were
Central Point, in good repair. Barn, dian Pacific east from the latter city. given the privilege of employing a
good water, some fruit. A bargain. They expect to be away between two stockholder for buttermaker, if they
saw fit. It seemed to be the sense of
Inquire at this office.
and three months.
the meeting, however, that the most
Miss Elizabeth Gibson, who has been
The fish began running again Tuesday, important matter in the whole propo­
visiting friends in Portland for a few the last day of the open season, and
sition is to secure a strictly first-class
weeks, returned last Friday.
the boys at Bybee bridge landed about buttermaker at the beginning, in order
Mrs. Wm. N. Wright and children, 50 nice ones that day. The seining sea­ that the product may take its place at
o f Coos county, are making relatives son is now off but they will continue to once in the best markets.
fish for steelheads with hook and line
and friends in this city a visit.
The meeting was harmonious and
for some time to come.
every stockholder present seemed to
A. S. Cusbert, o f Hombrook, Cali­
H. J. Dygert, o f Woodstock, 111.,
fornia, was here a day or two last was a visitor in Central Point during have an abiding faith in the success of
the new enterprise.
week visiting friends and relatives.
the week, having stopped here to visit
J. M. Hurley has began operating his with the family of W. J. Freeman.
Mr. Dvgert is making a tour of the
Across the River
threshing machine already, and Jos. j western
states and was very favorably
Haskins will start his machine soon.
impressed with the general appearance
A prosperous and contented com­
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Downing, of Ash- ; of the Rogue river valley.
land, were in town yesterday on busi­
J. I. Purkeypile, who is camping with munity is that known as the Table Rock
ness and visiting friends and relatives. his family in the mountains in the Big neighborhood, lying between the famous
landmark of that name and the Bybee
W. A. Owen and wife left for Sulphur J Butte country, was surprised the other
morning by being awakened from a fine bridge, which spans Rogue river some
springs on Sardine creek Sunday, where morning nap by a big bear nosing around
six miles east from Central Point. Far­
Mr. Owen hopes to regain his health.
for his breakfast. The bear looked ming, fruitgrowing and dairying are all
Steve and Jim Caldwell, accompanied his trusty rifle and opened fire, the successfully followed and on every hand
by their mother and sister, expect to result being that bear steak was may be seen evidences of fertile soil and
leave in a few days for a summer out­ obtainable for breakfast in that camp. progressive, prosperous people. The soil
ing in the Prospect country.
is a rich loam of volcanic ash or pumice
Many o f the young friends of little
Select a present for your wife or Miss Gladys Holmes helped celebrate character with a sub-stratum of water-
sweetheart from the jewelry stock at that young lady’s 12th birthday anni­ sand and gravel which is only a few
the Central Point Pharmacy. New and versary last Tuesday evening, and a feet below the surface. This furnishes
11-tf right royal time was enjoyed by all. an inexhaustable supply of pure, cold
Many games were played and there water for domestic purposes and also
John S. Brown, o f Kanes creek, who was ice cream and cake and other re­ obviates the necessity o f either so much
furnishes lime for our brick masons, freshments galore. All joined in wish­ surface irrigation or cultivation as is
spent a day in town this week accom­ ing Gladys many returns of the day required in many parts of the country
and hoping they may all be as happy
panied by his wife.
to keep a sufficient amount o f moisture
and free from care.
in the surface soil.
Watches and all kinds of jewelry at
Wheat yields from 40 to 50 bushels
the Central Point Pharmacy. New
stock just received. Call and see intendent of Josephine county, is here per acre and other cereals in proportion.
11-tf i from Grants Pass getting his threshing Heavy yields o f apples o f superior
machine in readiness for the season’s quality and coloring are also grown and
A complete line o f watches has just { run. Mr. Savage has operated a
many new orchards have been set in
been received at the Central Point threshing outfit here for several years
the last year or so.
Pharmacy. Call and examine this stock and this year expects to add an up-to-
date alfalfa huller to his equipment.
While on a recent visit to that
before placing your order.
11-tf j He expects there will be at least 400
neighborhood, at the hospitable home
Oscar O. Kincaid, o f Tonopah, Nev., <
neighborhood of Central Point this sea­ of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pendleton, the
accompanied by his sister, Miss Lizzie son.
writer inspected Spitzenberg trees that
T h is
S pace
will produce 20 or 25 boxes each while
across the road in the fine orchard of R.
C. Washburn there is as fine an apple
prospect as can be found anywhere in
the west.
The social si-'e o f life is not neglected
in that neighborhood and the people of
the community art noted for their
hospitality and social qualities. Inter­
esting Sunday services are held at the
school house by thè Endeavor society
and social gatherings o f the neighbor- j
hood are almost weekly features.
New Settlers Here
A party of homeseekers who arrived
here a few days ago have decided, after
looking over all sections of the valley
pretty thoroughly, to cast their lot
with Central Point and its immediate
vicinity. The party consists of Mrs.
Sarah Lake and her son, James Lake,
and his family, >f Boise, Idaho, and
Mrs. Lake’ s son-in-law, JohnSisty, and
his family, of South Dakota. Monday
morning Mrs. Lake closed a deal with
P. B. Hensley f<fr his fine 40-acre tract
on the Bear creek bottom, just north
of town, the consideration being $5000
cash. The deal was made through the
real estate firm of Downing & Emry,
of this city. Mr. Lake and Mr. Sisty
% ill also buy good places here and are
now looking around for something that
suits them. Mr. Hensley is obliged to
return to Washington for a time to
look after business matters there but
expects to return to the Rogue river
valley to make his hon.e again as soon
as possible.
Creamery Incorporated
The Medford laundry wagon will call
for work in Central Point each Monday
afternoon and Friday morning. Expert
ironers from City Hall French laundry,
San Francisco, employed. First class
work guaranteed.
th e
We will ship you from 1 to
4 7-8 gallons of fine whis­
key or best quality of
Bottled Beer
By Dozen, Case or Barrel
V. E. Snyder & Co.
M edford , O re .
“ The Best on Earth ”
.i-H - i- i- i- H - '- i-H - i-i
m u n i 1 l 't-t-
3 Quickest Modes
of Transmission
Our up-to-date, two-horse, rapid
nox ’em all.
Even Papa Grieve, the sassy free
As far as
rural mail deliveryman, isn’t in it.
practicable, we are delivering goods in the
immediate surrounding country to the tune of
President Roosevelt has, through his
secretary, William Loeb,
sued an­
other positive statement to the effect
that he positively will not be a candidate
for a third term. The statement was
called forth by the letter of a lady in
Peoria, 111., in which she enclosed a
newspaper clipping in which a strong
plea was made to the president to
again be a candidate.
Double Stamped Whiskey
has been a pioneer in this devel­
opment business, having made
the first move in the valley to in­
duce desirable immigrants to re­
move here and to partake of our
advantages and climate. In the
last two years we have located a
large number of the best citizens
to be found in the valley. Cen­
tral Point has attracted many of
The Rogue River Land com­
pany guarantees fair treatment
to its customers. We will in a
short time again send a man east
to extol the merits of this sec­
tion. Give us a credit mark and
boost our way. It is high time
for all sections of this valley to
pull together and quit “ knock-
Articles of incorporation of the Cen­
tral Point Creamery have been pre­
pared and forwarded to the secretary
of state. The capital stock is placed
at $6000, divided into 60 shares of *100
each, i he incorporators are W. C.
Leever, A. J. Hanby and S. A. Patti-
Will Not be a Candidate
Strictly Straight
The Rogue River Laud Co.
Bank Safe Arrives
Part o f the machinery for the new
creamery has arrived and the rest may
be expected at any time. Once the
machinery is all here it will require
but a week or so to place it in position
and the plant will then be ready for
Hop Gold Beer
The object of all development
leagues is to induce immigration
of good citizens from the eastern
states to the Rogue River Valley.
Martin G. Hoge, city attorney of
Medford, was on Saturday sentenced
by Judge Hunt in the United States
court at Portland to four months in
the county jail and a fine of $500 for
complicity in the land frauds at the
time the famous southern Oregon
“ sucker belt” was so successfully
“ worked” a year or so ago. Henry
W. Miller and Frank E. Kincart, who
pleaded guilty to the same charge,
were sentenced at the same time to
one year at hard labor at McNiel’ s
island. Charles Nickell has until Mon
day in which to present an application
for a new trial.
The big Manganese time-lock safe
for the Central Point State bank ar­
rived here yesterday and will be un­
loaded and placed in position imme­
diately. The inside work on the build­
ing will be finished in a few days, so
that we may expect to have the bank
in full operation in the course o f an­
other week.
N O . 15
■l-l- l-K -I- H -H - l-l-H -l-M -! 'H -H -I-M -t1
Medford Man Sentenced
: F3v
Cranfill & R obn ett
Central Point, Oregon.
■ - ------- :