Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, July 19, 1906, Image 1

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    C entral
Local and Personal
would take the same interest in keep­
ing up their property Central Point
would soon be the prettiest town in
H erald
N O. 13
POINT. OH EG O N . T IIU IÌ9 P A Y . J U L Y 19. 1906.
D30SterS dI
Judge Wm. S. Crowell, o f Medford,
Dr. Sweet, of Medford, was in town
was in town Monday on business con­
nected with the school house bond is­
Charles Gay went down to Gold Ray sue, of which his bank was the pur­
yesterday afternoon.
Notices are posted for a special school
Miss Fay Pleasants left for Ashland
meeting to be held July 28.
Saturday for a week’s visit during
Had the runaway train not gone in the
ditch at Clawson it would have dashed
! into the south bound passenger, which I
was just leaving Ashland, and the loss j
o f life would have been appalling.
| The north bound passenger was de-1
I layed about five hours by the wreck
and many from Central Point who had
[ been attending the Chautauqua meet- I
ing at Ashland were delayed in reach-1
ing home.
Tuesday was a red letter day in the
Rogue river valley, and especially at
Ashland, for the valley boosters gath-
ered on that day and put in many strong
licks for the material advancement of
the famed valley of the Rogue A spe­
cial train of nine coaches /as run from
About thirty people went from this the meetings of the Chautauqua. She Grants Pass to Ashland for the occa­
Murdered Her Brother
will be the guest of Mrs. Mary Ashurst sion and before the destination was
place to Ashland Tuesday.
reached every coach was loaded to the
while there.
George Mitchell, who shot and killed
Portland is threatened with a big
guards. About 500 people took advan­ Holy Roller Creffield in defense of his
strike of the street car men.
Mrs. J. H. Pleasants and her daugh­ tage of the excursion to visit the Chau­
sister’s honor and who was last week
Miss Mary Mee and little neice, Sarah ter, Mrs. Effie Brown and her two tauqua citv, and the ideal weather acquitted of the crime, was in turn
Bebb, spent the day at Ashland Tues­
made the day one o f pleasure and keen shot and killed by his sister, Esther
Friday to spend a week or two during enjoyment.
Mitchell, as he was about to board the
the heated term.
When the train reached Ashland the train at Seattle last Friday to return
Mrs. S. A. Pattison went to Ashland
The concrete work on the basement visitors were met by the Ashland com­ to Portland. Esther is the sister for
Friday to spend a day or two visiting
of the new school building has been mercial club and the band and escorted whose sake the boy killed beast Cref­
the Chautauqua.
completed and work on the building to the club headquarters, where they field, and is only 19 years old. She is
Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, former res­
was temporarily suspended on account were welcomed by the mayor and other a religious fanatic and declares that
idents here, now o f Gold Hill, were in
of the failure o f lumber to arrive on prominent citizens, the business meet- sjje ¡s perfectly sane and accountable
town Monday.
ing then i being adjourned
i . to
. . n 7 o ’clock
11 for jjer actions. Maud Hurt Creffield, j
p. m. At 2 p. m. a great crowd gath­
The H erald office was closed last
The Medford laundry wagon will call ered in the auditorium, where President widow of the holy roller apostle, ad-1
Tuesday and all hands went to Ash­
for work in Central Point each Monday G. F. Billings, of the Chautauqua as­ mits having conspired with the Mitchell
land to help boost.
afternoon and Friday morning. Expert sociation, presided and where the day’s girl to kill her brother, and both women
are held on a charge o f first degree
Mrs. L. Hatfield went to Ashland ironers from City Hall French laundry,
program was carried out Colonel E. murder.
Thursday to spend a few days at the San Francisco, employed. First class
Hofer, o f Salem, was introduced and
Chautauqua meetings.
work guaranteed.
made the principal booster’s address of
.The new dwelling being erected by
the day. Col Hofer is president of
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hawk and fam­
J. W. Clark in the south part of town
the Willamette Valley Development
ily spent a pleasant day Sunday last at
is nearing completion.
league and he has given much thought
(Dedicated to Bill, Joe and Jim.)
the Boswell-Gray fishing camp. They
Mrs. Davely, of San Francisco, was caught no fish, but then raspberry and study to the needs of Oregon. His 05., it’s pleasant on the river on a
here yesterday looking for an opening short-cake is poor bait Try something address was mainly along the line of
sultry summer day, when the tem­
the resources and products of the state
for a millinery store.
perature is boiling and the town is
else next time and send the short-cake
as they are related to the transporta­
none too gay; there to wade out on
J. H. Downing and family and Mrs. to the hungry printer.
tion question, and he clearly showed
the riifle, or fish from some shady
Joe Boswell are in the mountains this
Miss Florence Houston left for Jack­ that too great a percentage of the
nook; oh, it’s pleasant on the river—
week on a camping trip.
sonville Monday evening to attend value of our products are taken by the
when the steelheads take the hook.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. school at that place for a short time transportation people for their service
it’s pleasant on the river when
Wilson, who fell and fractured a thigh Miss Flor. nee has made many warm
some time ago, is able to walk again. friends during her short residence here, Col. Hofer spoke for nearly an hour I meal time draweth nigh; when the
and it is the sincere hope of all that and his address was listened to with I beans and bread and spuds and fish
Merritt Elliott, who has been on the
are piled up mountain high on the
she may return and again reside among attention. President P. L. Campbell,
sick list for some time, under the care
us upon the completion of her studies. of the State University, followed in an | table at the fish camp; oh, it surely,
of Dr. Pleasants, is able to be around
interesting address touching on the ma- ( surely is very pleasant on the river
Bert Angel, Tude Ross, Dane San­ terial and educational needs of Oregon. | when the cook is doing biz.
Watches and all kinds of jewelry at derson and John Hanna went to Following Mr. Campbell, Dr. C. R. Oh, it’ s pleasant on the river when the
the Central Point Pharmacy. New Ashland Sunday last on a “ hunting” Ray, of Gold Ray; W. A. Carter, of j evening shadows come and the smoke
stock just received. Call and see trip. They are rather reticent as to Gold Hill; John dw ell, of Medford, and
from a dozen good old pipes put the
11-tf the success of the expedition, but it is others, spoke briefly, and Capt. Jack
mosquitoes on the bum ; when the
reported they captured several “ dears”
yarns are spun ’ bout fish and deer
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hawk, who have without having fired a shot. They Crawford, the poet scout, who is one
and b e a r-a hundred or more; oh, it’s
been spending the past month in the were very gentle (not the boys, but of the chief attractions at the Chau­
mountains, returned to town Tuesday the “ dears” ) and seemed to enjoy be­ tauqua meeting, was called on and res - 1 Ipleasant on the river—when the liar
ponded in his own inimitable manner.
has the floor.
ing “ chased” into ice cream parlors,
At 7 p. m the executive board of the |
it’ s pleasant on the river at the
Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, o f Rogue through bathing ponds and into skating
development league met in the rooms
first gray streak of morn, when the
river, were among the large number rinks. Both hunters and hunted are
of the commercial club in business ses­
trout are biting lively and you’re
from this vicinity who visited Ashland looking forward with pleasant antici­
sion, where considerable routine busi­
glad that you are born; but when
pation to the next meet.
ness was disposed of.
it’s time to go back to town to the
Select a present for your wife or
At 8 o ’clock the big auditorium was
heat and the workand—well, there’ s
(Continued on 4th page. )
sweetheart from the jewelry stock at
again packed to hear Capt. Jack Craw­
no use mincing about it, that’s lit­
the Central Point Pharmacy. New and
ford, who discoursed for two hours in
tle short of h-----.
his happiest vein. His lectures consist
Artesian Water
principally of original poems, stories of
Miss Stella Pleasants went up to Cole-
Land Fraud Gases
the plains, etc., through which run |
skin springs Sunday to join her mother
and sister, who are enjoying an outing
artesian project near Talent, whereby morals.
The first o f the land fraud cases
at that place.
M. L. Pettett secured a strong flowing
A fine game of ball was played be be tried at the present term of U.
Lisk’s Imperial Enameled Ware, war well, others are willing to take a tween the Grants Pass and Ashland | eourt in Portland was called Monday,
ranted for 10 years, and also Lisk’s An­ chance and it is well within the range nines, the former winning by a score of The case is against Charles Nickell,
ti Rust, tinware that will not rust. At of possibilities that by this method will 5 to 6. At the end of the 7th inning Henry W. Miller, Frank E. Kincart
Leever’ s hardware store.
the question of irrigation in this valley the score card showed a tie of 5 to 5, and Martin W. Hoge, all of Medford, ;
and from that time until the first half and the charge is conspiracy to defraud j
A complete line o f watches has just be solved.
E. K. Anderson, whose farm adjoins of the 14th inning not a score was tal-1 the government. Hoge claimed to be
been received at the Central Point
Pharmacy. Call and examine this stock that of Mr. Pettett, has already let a lied. Finally, in the 14th, the Grants sick at his home in Medford and it was
before placing your order.
11-tf contract for an 800-foot well on his Pass rolled in a good scqre and the necessary to issue a bench warrant for j
place, and the drill is now in place and game was theirs.
J. H. Fitzgerald, of the Rogue River ready for the work.
Prof. Oscar L. Smith, the aeronaut, 1
Electrical company, o f Medford, was
L. B. Warner, who conducts a poul­ made a successful balloon ascension and j
For Sale or Rent
in town yesterday looking after busi­ try farm one mile west of Medford,
parachute jump at the conclusion of the
ness for his firm.
will also put down a well as soon as he ball game, ascending over 1000 feet be­
o o d b u s in e s s l o t o n p in e
A. Caley and F. L Simkins, and their can get the drill to his place, and no fore cutting loose and making his
Street, 33x140, with two good bus­
families, spent last Saturday on Rouge doubt if these are fortunate in striking hazardous leap to the earth.
iness houses thereon. Will sell out­
river, near Bybee’ s bridge, trying to strong flows many others will try the
The citizens of Ashland are royal en­
same plan. Water is what this valley tertainers and if any visitor to their right or lease one or both buildings at
dodge a little of the hot wave.
needs and all methods of securing it, city last Tuesday failed to enjoy the reasonable price. For price, terms, 1
Dr. A. B. Sweet, ot Medford, will whether by electric pumps, ditches, or
etc., call on or address
day it was certainly not the fault of
hold office hours at Central Point Sun­ artesian wells, should be welcomed by
W. A. O wen ,
the hosts or hostesses. The train
Central Point, Ore.
day and Wednesday of each week. He every citizen.
pulled out at II p. m. for home, every- j
may locate here permanently.
body bearing with them pleasant recol- j
lections o f the day.
Mrs. Olaf Olsson and child, o f Rose-
School Bonds Sold
burg, who has been visiting her hus­
band’s parents here during the past
Fourteenth Annual Session at Ashland. Ore-
Bids for the purchase o f $12,000 five
Went in Ditch
week, returned home Sunday.
per cent bonds, issued by Central Point
don, July 1 1 -2 0 .
Miss Kittie Houck, daughter of v rs. School District No. 6, were opened
A heavy freight train ran away last
Minnick, who has been visiting here last Saturday morning, the bid of the Saturday on the north slope of the Sis-
Fine lectures, concerts,
for the past month, left several days First National Bank of Medford being klyous, beyond Ashland, piling up in a schools. Partial list of speakers: j
ago for her home at Sacramento, Cal. accepted, it being the highest and best heap in the ditch at Clawson station. Bishop Moore, Dr. Locke, Captain Jack
bid. The issue brought a premium of As a result, Bob Steiger, engineer, Crawford, Mrs. Geilow, Miss Belle
George Merritt, son of J. W. Merritt $242.50, showing that the district
and C. D. Lockerman, brakeman, are Kearney, Prof. Iiaumgardt (science), I
of this city, a graduate of the State stands high in the opinion of financiers.
dead, and Sam Wylie, another brake- an,i Rosani, the famous juggler, Cab­
University at Eugene, class of '06, Four bids were submitted for the pur­
man, terribly injured.
fomia Quintette club. Fine camping,
reached home Sunday to spend his va­ chase, as follow s: W. H. Leeds, of
Two young tramps, who were steal- Beautiful scenery. Make your plans to
Ashland, par W. H. Leeds, o f Ash­ ing a ride, were stripped of every come. Write for printed matter.
Prof. A. J. Hanby has improved hi land. $115 premium; Morris Bros., of stitch o£ their clothing, but were un­
G. F. B illings , President.
home place on the north side very Portland, $241.50 premium; First Na­ injured. The injured trainmen were
P rof . T. A. H ayes , Secretary.
much lately with repairs, new paint, tional Bank of Medford, $242.50 pre­ hurried to a Portland hospital by spe­
Send the H erald to your friends.
new fence, etc. If all our citizens mium.
cial train, the engineer dying en route.
•1- l-H - H -H - i- H - l-h-l-l-l-l- H - H - H -I-H
Hop Gold Bear
The object of all development
leagues is to induce immigration
of good citizens from the eastern
states to the Rogue River Valley.
Strictly Straight
The Rogue River Land Co.
Double Stumped Whiskey
has been a pioneer in this devel­
opment business, having made
the first move in the valley to in­
duce desirable immigrants to re­
move here and to partake of our
advantages and climate. In the
last two years we have located a
large number of the best citizens
to be found in the valley. Cen­
tral Point has attracted many of
The ’ Rogue River Land com­
pany guarantees fair treatment
to its customers. We will in a
short time again send a man east
to extol the merits of this sec­
tion. Give us a credit mark and
boost our way. It is high time
for all sections o f this valley to
pull together and quit “ knock­
We will ship you from 1 to
4 7-8 gallons of fine whis­
key or best quality of
Bottled Beer
By Dozen, Case or Barrel
V. E . Snyder & Co.
M edford , O re .
“ The Best on Earth ”
■fr-H-H-l-H -I !■ I 1 14 1 1"H"1 I 1 I' l-l-t-
3 Quickest Modes
o f Transmission
Our up-to-date, two-horse, rapid
nox ’ em all.
T h is
P e rm a n e n tly
t he
Even Papa Grieve, the sassy free
A s far as
rural mail deliveryman, isn’ t in it.
delivering goods in the
immediate surrounding country to the tune of
Cranfill & Robnett
Central Point, Oregon.
R eserved