Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, July 05, 1906, Image 1

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    CE . TRAL P
YUL . l.
Local and Personal
103 degrees.
De-light-ful !
an attack of rheumatism, returned here
Miss Florence Houston, at Plea nts
hotd, won the fine toilet case offered
by the Central Point Pharmacy. The
drawing took place last Saturday even-
Yes, quite warm enough, thank you.
The ladi s of the Woman's Relief
orps will hold a lawn social at the
home of Mrs. Beal, Saturday, July 14.
'!'nm Rainey, of Beagle, was in Mon- Proceeds for the benefit of the corps.
dn. ,n I, -11a ·s.
All are cordially invited.
Warr, n l r e; an,l r.,mily were in trom
When you get ready to put up your
Aupk.,a'c f tr 1 .inh.
fruit and realize your want of fruit jars,
l h:u:es G1y and wife spent part of just read Leever's special offer ad. in
Tuesday in iedford.
another column 11.nd avail yourself of
Miss Florence Houston left Saturday this liberal inducement.
for a week's visit to her home up Rogue
The families of L. Hatfield, W. W.
Glasgow, F. E. Merrick and other
Jacob Olsun, of Medford, was here members of the South Dakota colony,
Saturday on business and after sup- held a private picnic in Mrs. Cooksey's
grove yesterday which was most en-
joyable, only for a runaway on the part
Prof. J C. Barnard, of Ashland, was of Mr Merrick's team The -:,c1dental
here trading with our merchants Sat- explosion of a box of fire-crackers
frightened the team and they over-
Mr. Witten, of the Gentral Point turned and wrecked the !Jugp;)·. 1\fr.
State bank, came up from Ashland and Mrs. Merrick were both µtiinfully
though not dangerously injund.
W. II. Peninger is dangerou. ly ill.
Tom Godfrey, of Beagle, was here
The frame work of the new cream-
Monday getting ready for tne Trail ery building is fast approaching com-
Creek celebration.
pletion and it is expected the entire
Mr. Middlebusher, of Trail, was in work will be finished in time for the
Tuesday. He took out a load of goods reception of the machinery, which will
probably arri\ e here about the 20th.
for their store.
G. H. Dunn, formerly of Grants Pass,
Miss Maude Zimmerman,of Portland,
open a saloon at Eagle Point about
visited her friends Misses O'Hara and
August 1. Mr. Dunn recently circu-
Gibson, here last week.
lated a petition in Eagle Point precinct
A nine and one-half pound boy was securing a large majority of voters in
born to Mr. and Mrs. James Grigsby, favor of a saloon and will ask the coun-
of Agate, Wednesday morning.
ty court for a license at its next ses-
Now that the great American bird sion.
has screeched her screech, let's get
Ralph Hahn, representing Wadhams
& Company, the well known wholesale
down to business and "boost."
Ed Welsh and George Walker, both grocers of Portland, was iu town dur-
from Welsh's sawmill, were in town ing the week looking after business for
for a day or two during the week.
his hou se. Mr. Hahn has a high opin-
ion of the Rogue river valley and his
The pink tea given by the Christian firm enjoys a growing trade in this
ladies, Saturday evening, was well at- section of the state.
tended. The proceeds amounted to $10.
W. P . Twomey, of Clealum, W ash-
I . J. Purkeypile and family left Sun-
day for their homestead in the Big ington, arrived here a few days ago to
Butte country, where they will spend locate. On Saturday he closed a deal
with Mrs. Evans for one block in the
the summer.
north end of town, paying 18600 for the
Watches and all kinds of jewelry at same. It is said the price on this prop-
the Central Point Pharmacy. New erty advanced $100 within 24 hours.
stock just received. Call and see
Sanderson & Sons closed a coptract
with M. Marshall, Monday, for the
Attention is called to the ad. of Price,
building of a new residence on his farm
the horse-shoer. Ilanford's Balsam of
near this citr. The building is to be
Myrrh skins them all and cures all
one and a half stories and will cost
about $1600.
Select a present for your wife or
Mrs. M. E. Fries, of this city, has
sweetheart from the jewelry stock at
the Central Point Pharmacy. New and received word from her son, Capt.
11-tf Amos Fries, who resides at Los An-
geles, California, that the infant son
James Matney, a pioneer of this of Capt. and Mrs. Fries, aged six
county, now located in Klamath coun- weeks, died June 26.
ty, came in Friday to visit bis daughter,
The Medford laundry wagon will call
Mrs. E. E. Cmerson .
for work in Central Point each Monday
Miss. S. Smith of Pheonix, a popular
afternoon and Friday morning. Expert
Eagle Point school teacher, passed
ironers from City Hall French laundry,
through here W edns..'.ay on her way io
San Francisco, employed. First class
£'\gle to spend the Fourth.
work guaranteed.
A complete line of watches has just
been received at the Central Point
Pharmacy. Call and examine this stock this section, recently of near Tacoma,
before placing your order.
11-tf returned from the sound country a
short time ago and has decided to cast
LLk' fmperial Enameled Ware, war his lot permanently with the Rogue
ranti'tl or 10 y(:ars, and also Lisk's An- river valley. Mrs. Hanson arrived
ti Hu ,, tin .. rl that will not rust. At Saturday to join her husband and they
Lccvn · hardware store.
5-tf will make their permanent home here.
Charles Brisco, of Trail, took out a
G. J. Post and John Olwell have
big load of provisions for their sawmill bought some 200 acres of second crop
Monday. Charles reports a big run alfalfa and will cut and hull the same
and says they will soon begin to haul. for the seed. The alfalfa seed busi-
Amil Hinneman, of Rock Creek, ness is an experiment in this valley but
Minn., arrived a few days ago to locate it is believed it will prove highly profit-
in this place. Mr. Hinneman is a rel- able. Should the experiment prove
satisfactory this eason Messrs. Olwell
ative of Mrs. Sanderson, of this city.
and Post will engai:e in the same line
Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Ray, of Gold next season on a much more extensive
Rav, drove through town Thursday scale.
evening in their new touring car,
F. W. Settlemeir, of the Woodburn
wh ich was received from th east only
nurs ries, was here last week looking
a few days ago.
after his nursery interests in this val-
The large store building of Cranfill ley. While here he clo ed a deal for
& Robnett has been repainted and the 67-acre tract of land he has been
presents a fine apperance. The work occupying for aome time und r lease as
was done by those arti tic workmen a nursery, buying the me from Mr.
Hay & Learned.
Fancher, of n ar Phoenix. The con-
John Karney, who has mining prop- ideration has not b n mad public but
erty on Willow Springs upon which he it is understood as being a good, round
has b n doing a
ment work for figure.
eome time and, incidentally, nursing an
The ball game at J acksonvill last
< HE< w
>IN T,
unday hetwcen the Grants Pa s nd
Jacksonville teams wa
largely at-
tended, th grand stand and bleachers
being packed to their ..itmost. It
proved a very interesting game, and
the ease with which Grants Pass' left-
handed pitcher fanned them out was
something to be rememberPd. There
was a large delegation of C ntral Point-
ers present. The core was 3 to 2 in
favor of Grants Pass.
After weeks of tedious waiting the
fishermen on the river are at last be-
ginning to make a few small catches,
and fresh salmon is on the Central
Point bill of fare. Pankey & onley
caught 24 fine fish Sunday night and
sold them out quickly here Monday
morning. It has been claimed by the
fishermen along this stretch of the
river that an obstruction in the river at
Grants Pass prevented the fish Uom
coming farther up than that place, but
if such was the casP it must have been
removed a few days ago. There was
not a fish in the river until Sunday, in
the neighborhood of Bybee's bridge,
but they have been shipping tons from
t he Pas$ for several weeks.
Detelopment league Meets
An important meeting of the exe<'u-
tive committee of the Ro~1 e Rn er
Valley Development leagur was hnld
in the town hall in Central Point last
Saturday evening, representatives from
the local organizations of Ashland,
Medford, Eagle Point, Grants Pass and
entral Point being present. President
C R. Ray called the meeting to order
and M. F. Eggleston, secretary of the
league, was also present and kept the
The salary of the secretary was fixed
at $75 per month for the first three
months, during which time a large
amount of work will devolve on that
official in the wa'} of compiling, editing
and having published proper advertis-
ing matter of the Rogue river valley.
Each local organization was asked to
appoint a committee to assist the sec-
retary In gathering data for this work.
Commitlees were also appointed to
wait on the county courts of Jack son
and Josephine counties to enli st their
as~istance in the work of advertising
the valley as a whole. Appropriations
for this purpose will be asked from
each county.
The matter of securing a larger mem-
bership of the organization was dis-
cussed in detail and the president was
empowered to secure one or more so-
licitors for each county to make a
thorough canvass of the towns and
country districts in the interests of the
organization, the solicitors to be
recompensed tor the time and labor ex-
pended in this work by a proper com-
The question of the sale of railroad
lands in the two counties was also
taken up and discussed and a commit-
tee was appointed to prepare a proper
memorial bearing on this question. to
be presented at the next meeting o!
the league.
The next regular meeting of the
league will be held at Ashland during
the Chautauqua assembly and promises
to be one of the greatest mass meet-
ings ever held in southern Oregon.
This Is for Blood
T, Tnr1
0 . 11
The object of all development
leagues is to induce immii'ration
of good citizens from the eastern
states to the Rogue River Valley.
All the families in our community were
invited to the home of fr. and Mrs.
E. . Bissell, June 25, to celebrate hi$
birthday and the 16th anniversary of the
marriage of his sister to Mr. E. Hitzler.
ln response, a large party greeted them
at their pleasant home, enjoying a
delightful evening. After partaking of
refreshments the gathering broke up at
a late hour, wishing those good people
many happy returns of the occasion.
GoLn RAY, Ore., Jnne 2:!, '00.
To TIIE EDITOR: - 1 lake this means
of thanking the pen;.,lc of Jackson and
Josephine counties for the honor con-
ferrej on me in re- lecting me as pres-
tdent of the Rogue River Valley De-
velopment league, and I wish to asr ire
them that I will do everything in my
power lo "boos~" the entire united
The enthusiasm already shown in this
movement by the united efforts of the
commercial clubs, boards of trade, the
people, and the able, untiring Pfforts
of our secretary, Capt. M. F. Eggles-
ton, convinces me that great prosperity
will be brought to the entire valley.
In traveling from the Atlantic to the
Pacific ocean and from Seattle to San
Diego, there is no spot that will com-
pare with the beautiful Rogue river
valley in the richness of soil, perfec-
tion of climate, and manifold unde-
veloped resources.
In the "Promis cl Land of Canaan"
it was the custom of our ancestors to
labor six days a week and rest on the
seventh. In this favored valley it is
only necessary to labor one day, and
rest the balance of the week.
Traveling through the sagebrush des-
erts in eastern Ort;:-on, Idaho, Wyo-
ming, western Nebraska, Colorado,
Nevada. New Mexico and southern
California, where the drifting sands
obliterate roads and bury fences, there
are numerous evidences of the influx
of hundreds of thousands of new set-
(Continued on 4th page.)
Mr. and Mrs. S. M . Nealon visited
with J. A. Houston and family at Long
Branch Thursday.
Mr. Mears had a surveyor laying out
the lines of the property recently pur-
chased by him.
!\fr. Morison was transacting business
at Jacksonville and Medford Monday.
Work on the new road near Agate is
progressing rapidly.
At a recent school election 8. K.
Ada-ns was elected director and Al
Eisinhart clerk.
We are still looking for that school
house fence we voted a tax fo r last, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
The fourth
Although Central Point did not cele-
brate thiJ vear, her people showed
their p<1triotism by going elsewhere to
wave the flag and shoot the festive fire-
cracker. About 200 tickets were sold
at the I cal station for Medford and
Ashlancl, most of the celebrators going
to the latter place for the change. Per-
haps 100 went from here to Rogue
river and spent the day boating, fish-
ing, wading and eating, as guests of
Mesijrs. Boswell, Scott and Gray, at
their fishing camp. It was the same
old-fashioned, gloriou& Fourth that
Uncle Sam's boys and girls have been
celebrating for the past 130 years.
What more need be said?
Tall Timothy
The Central Point Kid Ball Team,
being unable to make a date with any
A fine sample of timothy, grown by
reputabie team of their own size and William Ulrich, of Eagle Point, was
age, hereby challenge any ball team in left at the H ERALD office the other day
Oregon whose members are under 16 by John R. Cook. The sample m as-
years of age, to meet them at any old ures six f et, five inches, and is of ex-
time or place to play a game of nine ccptionally fine q,,ality. This is only
innings or more for the Kid champion- I another demon stration of the fact that
ship of Oregon. We will play for balls, Jackson county leads in all things.
bats, masks, gloves, money, chalk or Heretofore the Waldo hills claimed the
marbles; or, if you are not blood d, we tallest Timothy in the person of the
will play you for fun, just to show you ex-governor, but this bc11ts the record
that Central Point, the Hub of the by an inch or two.
Rogue river valley, is "IT" when it
comes to kid baseball.
We have deposited with the sporting
editor of the Central Point HERALD all
the money we had and most of our
Roy Nichols, n of E. J<'. and Anna
clothes to show that we are all right Nichols, of Table Rock, and P arl
and will "make good" on this proposi- Grisham, da1Jghncr of D. f. and Zena
tion. Acceptance by wire must be pre- , Grisham, of Tab! Rock, were marric.'<l
paid. Positively no "collect" me · ge& July 3 at the horn of th brid '11 par-
ace pted.
ents, Rev. G L. Burbank officiating. I
"BOTCHER" MANN, aptain. Roy is an Oregon boy and was born in
1 Jack10n cou;,ty, about two miles from
Laraent and
store is the: best place for you to tnde.
BECAUSE we buy our goods in carload lot.a
and give our customers the benifit of the special
prices and car lot freight rates thus secured.
BECAUSE our motto is "Quick Sales and
Small Profits."
BECAUSE our stock is one ·of the largest
in the County and we can fill your order when
you want the goods without
subjecting you to vexatious
Stock in Jacl.-.on Cou•ly
BECAUSE we treat you
right and give you YO\ll'
money's worth every day in the year.
These are a few of the Y Y Y Y you should
trade with us.
Call and examine our stock and you will
become convinced that our Y Y Y Y are gen·
Cranfill & Robnett
Central Point, Ote1on.
Won't you tell
me why, Robin'? ·
Bybee Ranches for Sale
From and after this date, T will sell
to the best adv,rntage. and for cash,
all or any portion of those two certain
ranches known as the Bybee River
Ranch, at the Dybec bridge on Rog ue
river, consisting of 1240 acres, and the
Bybee Antelope Ranch, consisti ng of
1560 acres. With the Bybee River
Ranch will be sold that portion of the
crop upon the part purchased. This
ranch 1s partly under irrigation and
more can be put under irrigation.
Address me at Agate, Oregon.
The Rogue River land to.
has been a pioneer in this devel-
opment bu iness, having made
the first move in the valley to in-
duce desirable immigrants to re-
move here and to partake of our
advantages and climate. In the
last two y ars we have located a
large D\1mber of the best citizens
to be found in the valley. Cen-
tral Point has attracted many of
The Rogue River Land com-
pany guarantees fair treatment
to its customers, We wiU in a
short time again eend a mah east
to extol the metitll of this sec-
tion. Give us a credit rriatk and
boost our way. It i.a high time
for all sections of thia valley to
pull together and quit " knock-
By the