A Ministerial View At a recent editorial convention, a minister made the following to a s t: •To aave the editor from starvation, take his paper and pay for it prompt!''. To Save him from bankruptcy, adver­ tise in his paper liberally. To save from despair, give him every item of news you know. To save him from profanity, write your correspondence plainly on one side o f the sheet and aend it in as early as possible. Because he is willing to give churches and other worthy causes free advertising, don’ t aspect him to work continually for his health. His space is stock in trade and he must live as well as preachers, se­ cret orders and other organizations. Did You Ever? Stylish Outing Suits Well, you had better g et in line, fo r all the up-to-date people are trading with JONES. Look at his prices: For Men and Youths 3 Cans Corn : Ladies’ Skirts niniiinmn Who Aim to be ..... : Newspapers as a rule donate more free Good : : : : : : Ladies’ Shirt W aists : M en’s Overalls space, do more for the community in which they live, than should be ex­ pected, and yet some are not satisfied- are always ready to kick and find fault. To save him from mistakes, bury him. Dead people are the only ones that never make mistakes.” : Dressers : : -¿5c $1.00 to $2.50 : : 25c to $2.00 : In fact, everyth in g is cheap. payin g cash. H e sells fo r cash. : : 50c Y ou save m oney b y . . . Spot Cash and One Price . . . JO N ES’ C A S H W e have also received a fine line o f Ladies’ and Gents STORE SHOES Fruit Land Brings Top Notch Price Our Goods are not shop worn and out o f date, but are new and fashionable. G. A. Hoover has purchased ten acres of the George; Morse pear orchard, two miles west o f Plteonix, for a consider­ ation o f $6250, or 1626 perjacre. rJ his is the highest price eve* paid for fruit land in Jackson couhty. The deal was made through E. P. Hughes.—Med­ ford Tribune L. Sanderson & Sons H A T F I E L D Central Point : : : Oregon P l a n s S p ecificatio n s F u r n ish ed and -------- O--------- C E N T R A L PO IN T for Sale C hristian C hurch . E. A. La Dow, pastor. Preaching service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun­ day school, 10 a. m. Ladies Aid So­ ciety meets regularly every Wednesday afternoon at 3 p. m. at the home o f ita members. Choir practice every Fri­ day night. M ethodist E piscopal . Geo. L. Burbank, pastor. Sunday oehool every Sunday at 10 a. m. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and every other Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Pmyer meeting Thursday evening at 730 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex­ tended to all. Preaching at Gold Hill i Alternate Sunday evenings at 7:30 m. Sunday school every Sunday at 0 a. m. and Builders ¿ The reasons why you should 'contract with us to build your house are— Our work is executed with neatness and dispatch and completed in a work­ manlike manner. C H UR C H ES . JACK SO N : Six acres ’ first-class black bottom land one-quarter mile from depot 1 Good 5-room honse with pantry and bath, good barn 40x40 and other neces­ sary buildings. One acre in choice | bearing fruit and garden plot, balance o f tract in alfalfa. Price, $2000 For terms, etc , enquire o f or address, W. S E achus , Central Point, Or. i OREGON -:-:- i - h - h - h - h :-!-- m - h - i - h - i - h - h - ;- •¡■■ h - h - i - i - i - i - i - i - h - i - i - i - h - i - h - h - h - t : H a y & Learned I Í retail dealer in wood P a in tin g , D e c o r a tin g a n d P a p e r - H a n g in g In A ll it a B r a n c h e » . E ). C . G R I M C ity . D r a y l n g a n d T r a n s f e r CEN TRAL P O IN T , O R , Watch T , D. Ross For wild oats hay. He has lots o f it for sale and his price is right. 9-dl2 COUNTY C E N T R A L POIN T, OR. BANK [E stablished 1888,] C a p it a l a n d S u r p lu s , f r o . o o o - W. I. VAWTER, P res . B. F. A dkins , V ice -P res . HOTEL PLEASANTS 0. R. LINDLEY, C ashier L. L. J acobs , A sst . C ashier Under one Management fo r nearly Twenty Years. Promptness, Courtesy and Conservatism is a part o f our policy. ■* - w ii • ¥ Rates—$1.00 Up. Special by the Week MEDFORD, OREGON. . FRUIT JARS Central Point, Oregon ___________________________________________ A large consignm ent (three different styles) o f the best know n Jars S pecial A ttention P aid to T raveling M en i n i i-i- i"i-i"i-H -i-H -i-i-i-i-H -i-:-i":-K H -H -H -;-;-:-:-;-:--:--H -i-i-:-!-H -!.j. Just Received ■•H - H - l- I- l-M - l- l- l- M- l- l- H - M - I- l-H F. W. HUDSON J. H. FITZGERALD J S P E C IA L O F F E R IN G —For each six dozen lot sold to one purchaser w e will giv e one dozen o f the fam ous Schram :: Jars FREE. Rogue River Electrical Construction Company A ll kinds and sizes o f Caps and R ubbers on hand. PRINTING THAT ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Constructing, Contracting and General Repairing. — Phone 831 C Street, Opposite Postoffice - :- PRINTING PLEASES THAT PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE PEOPLE WHO PAY MEDFORD, OREGON $ -:- W . C. L E E V E R f T h e H ardw arem an f C e n t r a l P o in t , O r e g o n D o w n in g 61 E m r y Hen.1 E n ta te A g e n t s ■H - l- H - H - t"l- H -¡- l- H - l"I- l- I- l- l- l- I- l- H ' 4..¡..|..i..|..|..|..|..|..|- |- H - |-l"I- l-H - I- l- l- l- H ; You Pay for Printing C e n t r a l 1 ’ oint. farms, grain and fru it lands, stock ranches, unimproved And We Print for Pay 1 timber lands and gold-bearing quartz ledges, partly devel­ oped. Business and residence property at reasonable prices. W e respectfully solicit the hom eseekers’ patronage. Our m otto is, “ Small Commission and Square D ealin g.” HOTEL T IS TO OU R IN TE R E S T TO TURN Printing that will please our customers. OUT HOTEL NASH CO., PROPS. W e are DINING ROOM UNSURPASSED. fu lly equipped to do all classes o f Commercial and ; Rural Dairy LETTER \ STATEM EN TS tity, morning or evening. E N VE LO PES BUTTERM ILK B U TTE R DODGERS AND D E L IV E R E D . POSTERS ; ■ 1 H I I I 1-1 H H-l H - l- H- l- H - H-l-H-frH-HH-I- H-H -H -I- l-M- l- H-l-H-l-H-!- V ISITIN G C ARDS BUSINESS I I I I I 1 I I 1 « • , . • ■H -H - l- l-l- l- t-l- l-M -1 M M I’ M -H - M - • ; J , t C AR D S Or anything else that you may need. Call and let us figure with you. W e are here to stay and to help you make Central Point worth Price, the Horseshoer, while. “ SEE?” Freeman & Wiley Farm Implements, Vehicles, Etc. I We carry a full line of i B A IN W AGON S. BUGGIES. R A C K S, SURRIES, ETC. < If R U N ABO U TS IN STEE L and RU BB E R TIRES . PRICES Always the CHEAPEST, Quality . Consiaerea. CALL AND Help us with your printing orders. SEE US Harness. Saddles. Robes and Whips, Gasoline Engines. Pumps, Bicycles and Incubators Does any and all kinds o f Wagon Work. OREGON I I 1-H - H - l- l I 1 I I l 'I-H - H-W - l-H - H - l- l- l- H -H ' H EAD S B ILL H EAD S Fresh, Rich Milk delivered C RE AM . iH O U T^j REFURNISHED THROUGHOUT in [ te customers in any quan­ ; M EDFORD. Job Printing and w e respectfully solicit your orders J ames E. G rieve , prop . “ Cleanliness and Good Measure,” Our Motto. NASH T he H om e o f C om m er­ c ia l a n d M in in g M e n I i F i n e S a m p l e R o i o o m m ^ j E u r o p e a n P la n W e now have the exclusive sale o f some fine alfalfa Central Point Herald T We carry one o f the largest stocks in Jackson County C E N T R A L POIN T, OR. » > H F hH -H -l- K H -hl-H -H - H -H - 1- l-H -I H -H -r ¡-K-1-H-I-H- H- H- H- H - a n •K : 111-: i ; i-i-i 11111-H-H t i n n i i i - h - h - h - h - h h i n u m i ,.