Have You Seen Them? II * f ij Correspondence ji 1 ;| .»| |fM-HH rl. I H l-M-t-l- l-i-H - H-fr : Beagle Briefs Well, you had better get in line, for all the up-to-date people are trading with JONES'., Mr. and Mrs. Watt Beebe, of Agate, were visiting at the borne of Mr. »nil Mr». W. L. Jones Sunday. Look at his prices: t X 7 E HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE OF THE MOST Y * fashionable and complete stocks of T hum an Brown and son went to Med­ ford Mon 4W.. 3 Cans Corn G e n ts , C lo th in g and Furnishings ever carried by any firm in the county.. They are of the best makes; are cut to fit and we are selling them at a small profit. Call and see them. We will take pleasure in showing them, whether you buy or not. • Glass Bros, haye commenced haying. They wift cut about l i t acres of hay this year.. ; : 25c : : : 25c to $2.00. : : : 50c You save money by . . . Spot Cash and One Price . . . JONES’ C A S H L. H A T F IE L D STORE Sanderson & Sons Central Point : : am : Oregon Estimates ’g iven on work in all parts of the valley P lans on alternate Sunday evenings at 7:30 ^■|- H - l- H - l-l-l-l"l-l-I--l- M- l- l- H -H - H - l"l--l- l- H - l- l- H- l-l":- H - l- l- l- l- l- l- l- l- l- i- l i p. m. Si Sunday school every Sunday at ' p. ■l- l- H -l-H - l- H - l- l- H -i-l- i-H- l- l- l- l- l- I- H-l-:—:-!-l- l- l- l- H - H - !- H - !"l.-l- l- H- !- l- 10 a. m. srÿsi -r^ rvF iF ice 11 a. Ä m. - j and i Ä rv ,y school, - V at S a 8 r p. * m. Sun- 10 a. m. Ladies Aid So- t Jay a n d Builders 1 and The reasons why you should contract with us to build your house are— Our work is executed with neatness and dispatch and completed in a work­ manlike manner. y George Stacy is going to Brisco Bros. ’ S»w mill Tuesday, wJlere he will cotn- ipence logging.. S p e c if ic a t io n s F u r n is h e d -------- O--------- and CENTRAL POINTia-i-i?’ -:- OREGON :: Hay 8c Learned ~ wa,li ara tern *° p ece®' oicty meets reguU.rly every Wednesday W asherw om an—Yes, m um, bu t wben iS terooon at 3 p. m. at the home of a thing la to m In tw o o r m ore pieces, ^» member». Choir practice every Fri mum, 1 only charge fo r them as on« RETAIL P a in t in g , D e c o r u lin g a n d P a p e r - H a n g in g In A ll I t s B r a n c h e s . piece, mum. DEALER IN Ko doubt we ought to love our work. 6ut sometimes It seems about In tbe ume category with loving our ene- tales —Puck. C E N T R A L P O IN T , O R . JOD D. C. G R IM M c t h o d is t E p is c o p a l . L. Burbank, pastor. Sunday School «v e ry Sunday at 10 a. m. Praachlng every Sunday at 11 a. m. «Jid every other Sunday at..7;3<> p. m. P rayer meeting Thursday overling *t 7:30 p, m. , A invitation ex­ A cordial Â Â Ï is áfñ tended to all. Preaching at Gold Hill : : Our Goods are not shop worn and out of date, but are new and fashionable.. Martin brothers gave a nice dance in their new house last Friday night which proved a grand success. The qiusic was furnished by the Joason and Gage orchestra. There were about 25 numbers sold. Gao. : : $1.00 to $2.50 S H O E S • The "Antioch Reds” and "Beagle Grays” played a . ery interestir. ' game of ball Sunday. The score was 67 to 49 in favor of the Reds. C h ristian C h urc h . : : In fact, everything is cheap. paying cash. He sells for cash. We have also received a fine line of Ladies’ and Gents’ W illi*». Eh*is took a ;trip to Trail one day. Last Week. : : Ladies’ Shirt Waists : Men’s Overalls Mnk.-L.T.. WiUwjOM. who has been on the sick list, is somewhat improved at this writing. CHURCHES. : Ladies’ Skirts Will Jones went to Medford Monday, where he is employed by the Fish Lake Mitch company. La Dow, paator. Did You Ever? C it y . D r a y i n o - a n d T r a n s f e r X All K inds of Hauling Promptly Done. •i-H-:-;- i- i- i- i- i- i-i- i-:-i- i-i-i- i-i- i- i-H - i- !--i- :- i- H - i-i"i- :- i- H - i- i-H -;- i-i-i- i- K"i -j ■l- ¡- l- l- ¡- H - H - l- l- M- I- H- ¡- H - H - l- l- M- ¡--¡-l- I-M- i-l"l- M- H - l- H"l"I"l"l"l-l- H -l Prwjud.cw squint, when It look, and Bes when It talks.—Abrantes CENTRAL POINT, OR. ± t - l- H - H -l-l- l- l- H-l- H - l- l- l- I"l- l- l"H - H - l-:- l"l--l -l- i- l"l- H - :- i- H- H "H --H-l-H- !- JACKSON C O U N TY BANK :: ONLY WHITE HELP EMPLOYED STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS [E stablished 1888,] C ap ital an d Surplus* sfeso-ooo- G. R . LINDLEY, C a s h ie r L. L. Jxccaa, A s s t . C a s h ie r W-. 1. VAWTJER, P r e s . 9. r . A akinsî .V k v -P res . HOTEL PLEASANTS : J Under on» Management for nearly Twenty Years. Promptness, Courtesy and Conservatism is a part of our potipy. W . C. L E E V B R Central Point, Oregon ” Rates—$1.00 Up. •• Special by the Week MEDFORD. OREGON. •1- H - H H I I M I 1 C ! !■ H l-M- H - l- l- l*l- l- l- l- H-!-l-;-l-;-l-:-l-H "H -l"H -H -l-H 4 . T h e H a r d w a r e m a n !! S p e c ia l A t t e n t io n - P a id t o T r a v e l in g M en DEALER IN ; ; P. W. HUDSON J. H. KITZC.ERALD •• Í Rogue River Electrical Stoves and R a n g e s , T in & E n am eled W a re Construction Company PRINTING THAT PRINTING PLEASES THAT PLEASES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Constructing, Contracting and General Repairing. — Phone 831 :í: C Street, Opposite Postoflice PARTICULAR PEOPLE PEOPLE WHO PAY Shelf and Heavy Hardware PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND GLASS. GOODS OF ALL KINDS. SPORTING £ Fishing tackle especially built for the Rogue River MEDFORD, OREGON . I. H H I H- t H I JrH - l- l- l-l-l-1-l- l- l-iyl- H -l»l>M- l*l>l-:-l- l- H-l-l-!-i- l- l- H- H- l.t C en tra l P oint, O regon ^ H . H - l- l-l- l- i-h.h.r id -ld' i -hl-l-l-i-H -l-j-H H-l-l-l-l.-l' I-l-l' l-l't .i-h HH-l-l-H -h D o w n in g ¿t E m r y You Pay fo r Printing 1 te a l K u ta te A tcentx C o n tro l P o in t * We now have the exclusive sale of some fine alfalfa And fttms, grain and fruit lands, stock ranches, unimproved We Print for Pay tirebanlands and gold-bearing quartz ledges, partly devel­ oped! Business and residence property at reasonable prices. We respectfully solicit the homeseekers’ patronage. Our motto is. ‘ ‘SmallCommission and Square Dealing.” ■ f H -l-H - H I H I H- l-H I 1 H -I 'H - H - I 1-1 I I' M- l- l-M -l-H- HH -H-H H -M -H -l ' Rural Dairy J a m e s E. G r ie v e , prop . "Cleanliness and Good Measure,” Our Motto. rtesh, Rich Milk delivered ... to customers in any quan­ tity, morning or evening. HOTEL I T IS TO OUR INTEREST TO TURN OUT Printing that will please our customers. HOTEL NASH CO., PROPS. We are fully equipped to do all classes of Commercial and I DINING ROOM UNSURPASSED. REFURNISHED THROUGHOUT i OREGON M EDFORD. Job Printing and we respectfully solicit your orders in LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS Freeman STATEMENTS DODGERS W iley Farm Implements, POSTERS .H »h i - h - i - i - k - m -:-:- i - k - h - i - m * ■ i - i - m - m - h - k - k - i - 1- 1 1 1 1 1 h Vehicles, VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS - i - h - p • ; We carry a full line of Price, fhe Horseshoer, We are here to CALL AND SEE US Harness. Saddles. Robes and Wl ips, Gasoline Engines. Pumps. Bicycles and incubators Central Point Herald ; We carry one o f the largest stocks ir J CENTRAL POINT. >:-:-x - i-i-;-i-;-:-HK-K -H -i-H -i-i-H - »**••»• Quality Considered. Help us with your printing orders. any and all kinds of “ S E E ?” CHEAPEST, BAIN WAGONS. BUGGIES. HACKS, SUTIRIES. ETC. • RUNABOUTS IN STEEL and RUBBER TIRES stay and to help you make Central Point worth while. PRICES Etc. Always the Or anything else that you may need. Call and let us figure with you. W agon W ork . & ENVELOPES- : I ♦ »»!■ » PPHH‘-H 'l'k-l-l-l- l-K -H -:-K I -1-1 ■l-l - HM-i-H- H- i-H -H ' 1 1-1-1- 1-H- |\ jcs NASH T h e H o m e o f C om m er­ cial an d M in in g M e n CREAM, BUTTERMILK AND BUTTER BMHVERED. *m Eine Sample Rooms E u r o p e a n P la n aekson County R. ; 11 ; h 1111111 m 1 1 1 m -* ;