central point herald CENTRAL V O L, 1. Diamond Dust P O I N T . O R K Ü O N . T H U R S D A Y . J U N E 21. 1900. I dering an invoice of supplies for her store from the wholesale department of Cranfill & Robnett. NO. 9 A special school meeting has been called for July 14 at which time a vote will be taken on the question of extei.d- A fíne game of ball was played last , ing the grades taught in the Central Sunday at Jacksonville by the Grants P. J. Hicken, the jeweler, is on the > Point public school to the twelfth grade. Pass and Jacksonville teams. It took sick list the last day or two. This meeting was made necessary by The object of all development 10 innings to decide the game, which Hon. John M. Pattison, democratic the fact that a sufficient notice of vot- leagues is to induce immigration resulted in a score of 1 to 2 in favor of governor of Ohio, died at his home in 1 ing on this question was not given of good citizens from the eastern Grants Pass Both teams were in fíne Cincinnati Monday afternoon, aged 59 _____ before the recent anual school meeting. states to the Rogue River Valley. feather and the work was fast from A vote was taken Tuesday which carried ! years, of Bright’s disease, start to finish. The Rogue River Land Co. A number of Central Point fans went T. M, Jones, P. J. Hicken, W. E' The annual school meeting was held almost two to one in favor of the Central Point Lodge No. 193, I. O. has been a pioneer in this devel­ improvment. over tp see the game, and Gold Hill, O. F., was instituted in the opera Price and S. A. Pattison visited the ;n the school house Monday afternoon, opment business, having made Medford, Grants Pass and other towns house last Thursday evening by Grand Medford Odd Fellows lodge Monday when the election of school officers and Work on the elegant new residence the first move in the valley to in­ of the valley were also well represent­ Master W. A. Carter, of Gold Hill, evening. j other business was attended to. Chair- of F. H. Hopkins, at the Snowy Butte duce desirable immigrants to re­ ed in the grand stand. Jack True is now at work with h is ; rtlBri Corum, of the board of directors, orchard, adjoining town, is progressing assisted by a number of prominent move here and to partake of our The JSagle Point team came down lodge members of Gold Hill, Medford road grading gang near W. H. Penin-1 presided, and Clerk J. W. Jacobs kept rapidly. Besides building the best res­ advantages and climate. In the Sunday to take the conceit out of the and Jacksonville. Thr following gen­ | ger’s place. Mr. True is doing some ■ t^lu records. idence in Jackson county, Mr. Hopkins last two years we have located a Central Point kids some more and this tlemen filled the grand lodge chairs, by great work. An effort was made to restrict the will demolish the old barn and other large number of the best citizens I ri* ht of voting to persons whose names outbuildin(f3 on hu place and replace time they succeeded to the tune of 9 appointment, during the iitstitution of to be found in the valley. Cen­ John S. Wright and family, of River­ appeared on the tax roll of 1905 but all of them with modern structures. to 10. The game was fast and furious the new lodge and the subsequent in­ tral Point has attracted many of and both these teams are likely to be stallation earemonies by which the new­ side, California, are here visiting Mr. after some discussion on the ruling of When finished, Mr. Hopkins will have 1 them. the chairman to that effect a motion Wright’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John candidates for tne American league in ly elected lodge officers were inducted one of the most complete and best ap- i The Rogue River Land com­ was made that all persons who would pointed country places in the state. I Wright, north of town, a year pr two. into their respective offices: G. V. pany guarantees fair treatment make oath that their names so ap- The social given by the ladies of th e . . , , , , , . Steckel, grand warden; J. A. Harvey, The passenger department of th e ! to its customers. We will in a Christian church last Saturday evening P^red should be allowed the right of grand secretary; E. J. T. Smith, grand Southern Pacific company is sending i short time again send a man east M id fo rd Will Celebrate success, The amount franch‘8e' Th‘s motion was amended ou£ every week a comprehensive re-1 to extc! the merits of this sec­ marshal; S. J. Day, grand conductor; was a decided success. netted for the church debt fund was aud the amendment accepted that all port of the progress being made in the Charles Basey, past grand master. tion. Give us a credit mark and persons that would swear that they The members of the Medford Fire The following names constitute the {7.15. bbost our way. It Is high time paid taxes, whether their names ap- work of rebuilding San Francisco. The Department have taken hold of the charter members of the new lodge: Lee for all sections of this vaUey to Misses Mary and Grace Downing, of peared on the assessment roll or not, ! reports cover a wide range of interest- matter of celebrating July Fourth in Watkins, C. S. Emry, W. S, Hoagland, Ashland, are visiting the family of should be allowed to cast a ballot, and intf data regarding the progress of re- pull together and quit "knock­ that city and already arrangements are O. G. Williams, 0 . S. Lammey, J. H. their uncle, J. H. Downing, and other this was in turn amended to permit j habilitating the ruined city and the | ing.” ___________ __ well under way to make the occasion a Pleasants, S. A. Pattison, A P. Gil­ friends in this city. anyone who would make an affidavit; Par*- taken in that work by the railroad red letter day in this valley. There Mrs. A. J. Hanby, Mrs. Eli Jones that he was a property owner and ex-| people themselves, will be a grand parade, races of all lette and I. B. McDonald. The officers of the new lodge, elected and Mrs. C. B. Rostel went to Grants pected to pay taxes this year should be : j E Watt and family> of Medford, '' kinds, a fine ball game —Medford vs. Grants Pass—the finest display of fire­ and installed Thursday evening, were Pass yesterday to visit the soldiers’ given a shot at the ballot box. The ! and Will Watt, of Pittsburg, Pa., visi- j amended motion carried and everybody ted with L. Hatfield aud family Thurs- works ever seen in the valley, and a as follows: Lee Watkins, noble grand; reunion now encamped there. ' voted without further question. ^ay *ast- grand ball at night. The management C. S. Emry, vice grand; S. A. Patti­ Fred Wichman, the Grants Pass feed ! W. A. Owen and R. C. Hensley were extends a cordial invitation to the peo­ son, recording secretary; J. H. Pleas­ stable man, was here Saturday looking 1 placed in nomination for director, the j ple of Central Point and vicinity to join ants, financial secretary; I. B McDon­ after hay. Mr. Wichman used to live latter being elected by a ballot of 28 1 with their town on that occasion in a ald, treasurer. Robert E. Nealon, James E. Greig, here and he noted great improvements. to 24. fitting observance of this, the natal P. S. Hicken, W. E Price, J. F. Hay, The Medford fire laddies have taken J. W. Jacobs being the only nominee day of American Independence. Clyde Applegate, Henry N. Holtan. J. hold of the Fourth of July celebration for clerk, on motion the rules were sus­ A warm welcome awaits you. W. Vincent, Geo. W. Clark, Tilden M. for that city and will celebrate the day pended and the chairman was directed By order of the committee. Patton, A. J. Hanby and T. M. Jones in old fashioned style. A big time is to cast the ballot of the meeting for J. J. P a b k e r , Secretary. were initiated into the order during the expected. him. evening. The question of moving the old The ladies of the Christian church The degree team from Gold Hill Important Meeting school building to the south side of the will give a pink tea Saturday evening, lodge was present and conducted the June 30. A general invitation is ex­ school grounds, to make room for the A meeting of much importance to work of initiation and conferring de - 1 tended the ladies of the town. The new building, carried by a unanimous the development of Central Point and grees This team is one of the very vote. the Rogue river valley will be held in best drilled bodies of lodge workers in | proceeds are for the benefit of the The question of extending the grades the town hall this evening at 8 o’clock, southern Oregon and the members of j church. taught to the twelfth grade was car­ the purpose being to perfect the or­ Central Point lodge were highly pleased j Miss Bertha Bennett, of San Fran­ ried by a vote of 30 to 18, but after ganization of the Central Point De­ with the courtesy of their visiting j cisco, who has been sojourning at Ash­ the vote was taken it was discovered velopment club, the temporary organi­ brothers in assisting to launch the new land since the earthquake, was here that the notices of voting on such ques­ zation of which was made some time lodge under such favorable auspices. Saturday visiting Miss Julia Olsson. tion had not been posted for a sufficient length of time, and a new date will be ago. Matters of much importance to More than 100 visiting members of J Miss Bennett left Sunday for Klamath fixed and a special election called next the material welfare of the community the order were present from surround­ Falls. month for that purpose. require prompt action on this matter ing towns to take part in the work of Mrs. Thomas Wright returned from at this time. Every business man and the evening, among them being Past Veterans’ Reunion citizen who is interested in promoting Grand Master Silas Day, of Jackson­ Grants Pass Saturday accompanied by e s , w e w il l t e l l y o u w h y o u r the interest« of Central Point is earnest­ ville, who is one of the oldest Odd Fel­ her sister, Mrs. Mary Ames. Mrs. The reunion of the G. A. R. veterans ly requested to be present this evening. lows in the state. Judge Day was Ames intends visiting with Mrs. Wright store is the best piz?.e for you to trade. S. A P a t t is o n , W. C. L e e v e r , grand master of Oregon in 1869, when at her Willow springs home for some in session at Grants Pass this week is being attended by a large number of Temp’ry Sec’ty Temp’ry Chairman the Oregon jurisdiction included the time. BECAUSE we buy our goods in carload lota A. S. Bliton, who publishes a news­ Central Point citizens. Among those territory now embraced in the states and give our customers the benifit of the special of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and paper about four miles south of Cen- j who went down Sunday evening and Telegraph Office to visit the small number of lodges then tral Point, was in the city last Thurs­ Monday morning were the following: prices and car lot freight rates thus secured. day evening attending the instituting j Mrs. M. E. Fries, Mrs. Marie Purkey- I Central Point is no longer a side­ scattered over that sparsely settled ceremonies of the new Odd Fellows pile, Mr. and Mrs. Applegate, of Jack­ . BECAUSE our motto is “Quick Sales and track on the journey of life For years country required constant traveling for lodge. sonville, Mr. and Mrs. William Beal, the town has been hampered by a lack almost the entire year. Small Profits.” Mrs. C. W. Jeffers, Hon. S. M. Nea­ Midnight supper was served to all Ed Andrews left last night for Man­ of faith in its future possibilities on lon and daughter, of Table Rock, J. M. Odd Fellows at Gillette’s restaurant BECAUSE our stock is one of the largest kato, Minnesota, and other points in the part of the outside world, as well Vermillion and Joe Pankey. Prof. A. as among some of its inhabitants, but and it was well along in the early the middle west, where he will gather J. Hanby, who has been training a in the County and we can fill your order when things are changing and among the morning hours when the work was con­ together a carload of homeseekers and drill team composed of 16 young ladies, cluded and the last of the visitors de­ will take the team to the Pass Friday conduct them to the green fields of you want the goods without many who are beginning to look on morning to take part in the program southern Oregon.—Medford Tribuue. Central Point through up-to-date parted for their homes. on that day. The team is well drilled subjecting you to vexatious glasses is the Westsm Union Tele­ The Medford laundry wagon will cal* and will reflect credit on themselves, Largerst and most Complot* their trainer and their town. graph company. A wire was cut into delays. for work in Central Point each Monday Stock in Jocluon County* the local depot building Tuesday and P. afternoon and Friday morning. Expert BECAUSE we treat you F. Kuper, the S. P. agent, is in charge ironers from City Hall French laundry, A New Firm of the new telegraph offie. It’s worth San Francisco, employed. First class right and give you your mentioning to the Central Point public, work guaranteed. 7-tf J. H. Fitzgerald, of the Rogue River that now, when they wish to send a money’s worth every day in the year. Send the H e r a d d to your friends. Mr. Post, of nearTolo, who came here Electrical Csnstruction company, of telegram to any part of the world, they last summer from the Boise valley, in These are a few of the Y Y Y Y you should Medford, was in town Saturday getting Thomas Bedford, of Medford, was in do not need to disturb the slumbers of Idaho, will make an experiment in the acquainted and looking after business the "hello” girls in Ashland, Medford, Saturday after supplies. trade with us. growing of alfalfa seed this season. for his company. Mr. Fitzgerald was Grants Pass, Roseburg, or any other T. M. Witten came down from Ash­ This will be practically a new industry for many years engaged in the same . Call and examine our stock and you will small town of the valley. All you have for this valley, and Mr. Post believes line of business in San Francisco, but land Monday evening. to do is to hand in your message at the become convinced that our Y Y Y Y are gen* that it will prove very profitable. the earthquake and fire destroyed every The G. A. R. encampment is in ses­ depot and Kuper will do the rest. If dollar’s worth of property he possessed Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Jarvis, of Grants anybody asks you, just tell them that sion at Grants Pass this week. uine. and he was obliged to seek a new lo­ Central Point is the coming commer­ Mr. Williams, of Jacksonville, was Pass, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. cation and begin life anew. He came S. A. Pattison, of this city, Sunday. cial, industrial, political, social, educa­ here buying supplies yesterday. During the afternoon they drove to direct to the Rogue river valley and tional and railroad center of the famed J. S. Grigsby, postmaster at Agate, Jacksonville to see the ball game be­ deciding to cast his lot with the people valley of the Rogue; and if they smile was in town on business yesterday. tween the Jacksonville and Grants Pass of this section he engaged in business advise them that "this is no dream." in Medford with F. W. Hudson, and Mrs. Prock was in from Welsh’s saw­ teams. the new firm is already enjoying a good mill yesterday buying supplies. Mrs. A. Noah," of Eureka, Cal., is ! Central Point, Oregon. Hermann Case Postponed patronage. Their advertisement ap­ Cedar Screen Doors and Hangings, here visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. pears in this issue of the H e r a l d . T. J. Kelso. Mrs. Noah had some earth-, The cases agrinst Binger Herman for Screen Windows and Wire at Lee­ quake experience at Eureka in April 4-26 alleged unlawful sets while commis­ ver’«. which makes her enjoy a visit in the sioner of the general land office, at Contractor Priddy commenced the Rogue river valley which is outside the Old Reliable Barber Shop Washington, D. C., will not be heard brick work on the new bank building "quake" belt. C.LENN OWEN, P rop . until some time next fall. The cases Monday morning. Mr. Porter, of Medford, who is in­ against Hermann for complicity in the Lisk’s Imperial Enameled Ware, war terested in extensive timber interests Sleek Shaves and Oregon land frauds were expected to ranted for 10 years, and also Lisk’s A n-1 in the sugar pine belt, was in town come up at Portland next month, but Handsome Haircuts ti Rust, tinware that will not rust. At Monday. Mr. Porter is agent for eastern it is now said Hermann will stand on Leever’s hardware store. 5-tf parties who own 24,000 acres of timber his privilege as a member of congress (Old Boswell Stand) Mrs. Middlebusher, the Trail mer­ land near Prospect, the selling of to remain in Washington while congress CENTRAL POINT, OREGON chant, was here during the week or- which is in his hands. 1 . 0 . 0 . F. ORGANIZE SCHOOL MEETING Y Y W on ’t you tell me why, Robin? J Y Local and Personal Cranfill & Robnett Y Y w TThis S p a ce . IOW A P e r m a n e n t ly = B y LUMBER th e & R eserved - BOX COMPANY ■4 » MEDFORD OREGON -4 L