L I H-I-H1'!■■{■ G REATEST Correspondence | LIN E O F Still at the Ladies' and Gents' 'I I I FINE SHOES g Beugle Briels J. Richardson went over to Jaekson- Tilic on business Thursday. Monroe Brown was a Jacksonville visitor Wednesday. O ld Stand and Gents’ With Prof. N. I., Narregan closed a very •uccessful term o f school Friday, June 8. In the evening a short program was rendered by the pupils, after which there was a “ I h > x social” given for the purpose of raising fund with which to make some improvements on the school house ami getting an organ. Thomas Wilhite auctioneered the boxes oir and received $31.90. > M t i : * .w tv r. QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, tains, Paints, Oils, and in fact everything most you want. C en tral P o in t . v ttr.k, i f good assortment of GROCERIES, FEED, Wall Paper. Window Glass and Shades, Lace Cur­ L O O K O V E R T H E N E W L I N E J L !S T R E C E IV E D BY L. H c it fie ld h FURNITURE, Wearing Apparel Miss Eleanor Maule, o f Medford, is vLsitmg her aunt, Mr M. II. Gorden, Kn*U91 ♦ i l l 1! ¡"I' M I We buy for cash and sell for cash, and at a very small profit. asam snü . . . Spot Cash and One Price . . JONES’ C A S H To Water the Valley . STORE fable Rockets A canal along the hillsides for 135 •i* T miles, 400 feet above the Rogue River Mias Grace Dickison, o f Grants Pass, Valley, is what the High Line DitchCom- came up to attend Decoration services pany, with headquarters at Portland, and spent u few days with Table Rock hopes to have completed by this time i next year. Milo P. Ward, a well known friends. P r i c e , t h e Horseshoer, Messrs. Wolfer & Morrison report Portlander has been engaged for seven having recently sold strawberry plants y « ™ j" financing the -rheme are has to the amount of «ISO to one purchaser, ««cured amp.e capital hum Imloi.uuol» I to put the ditch through fr< t the head- ■ W illie Davis, the 10-ycar-old son of Katea on upper Rcgu ' . to where it our postmaster, E. H. Davis, fell from w i|| debouch int m e stream at •i—i— r—i—i—i—i—i—i— i— I— i-i— i ■■ i "i -i— i i1 V h + h * :-¡- the barn on their premises Sunday morn- j jjj| j. „ „ <_■ unty. tag and broke his left arm. Dr. I’ ickel “ W e have just bought the power plant w ai called by telephone from Medford at GoW ' have expended 880,000 and set the fractured limb. The little | ¡n tho , , |,asc and improvements,” autre-er is doing well. Mr. Ward said today, “ and we have Mr. C. A. Dickiaon, the Grant« Pass spent ¡*'20,000 more on works at the livery man, passed through here Thurs­ head gates and on the first 20-mile sec­ day with a commercial traveler. Char­ tion of the ditch, which is to be 20 feet lie's friends are always glad to see him wide end ix feet deep, narrowing to 14 on his old stamping ground. feet in width at its terminu.-. ( ontracts for digging the entire ditch will he let A M. Mears, of Portland, has pur­ | this summer, and the cost o f construe- | chased 40 actes o f laud adjoining the tion is to be $920,000. Washburn orchard from D. M. Grish “ The high line ditch will supply w a te r; am. for irrigating, and placer mining to the The Eagle Point Sunday school had a farms and mini s along its route, where picnic Sunday on the river near the water is badly needed at present. Gold bridge and were joined by several fam­ in considerable quantity exists in the ilies here. gravel bed below the line o f the ditch ' ■K-H-iM-r-*-!—!-*I-H -H 1—H —1- A petition for a rural delivery route, and can be obtained by piping from our ------- -------------------------------------------------- t Starting from Central Point, is being canal. U id. this, new orena-ds. alfalfa X «„n o d hv o r residents. | beds and v, getable gardens will be dll- * ligned by n our residents. STKIl'TI.Y FIRST-CLASS O N L Ï WÜITK HKLP EMPLOYED I tivated where now land is too dry in the j .j. Summer season for successful farming. V for Sale “ The land along the hillsides has been | • pronounced solid enough to hold water A fine dairy farm o f 020 acres, 12 : at such great height, and there is no miles from Eugene, Oregon. For par- j f ear 0f leaks or breaks in the hanks ticulars write to .1. W. Moreland, (Vn- The high-line ditch will prove a blessing C en tral Point, O rego n tral Point 8-tf to a large section o f Jackson County, ------------------------1 which has hitherto suffered from lack Rates $1.00 Up. S p e c ia l A t t e n t io n I o f water in the dry months o f Summer Special by the Week A Rich Strike P a id to T r a v e l in g M ÍEN en land early Fall.” —Telegram. W ago n W ork . H O T E L J. H. Adams, who lias had a force of men at work at the Bloomfu Id mine in Sealed Bids Joe liar district, reports today that he has made one of the greatest strikes in j the history of southern Oregon G IVEN t OTICE IS HEREBY : HT A tunnel 146 feet long has been run that I, D. II. Miller, treasurer : Q and where the vein is cut a width i, will, ! » o f Jackson county, Oregon, o f 40 feet is in evidence. The values are 'on or before July 14, l'.kifi, receiv •eceive ■ fj in copper and gold. The sulphides ore i sealed bids for twelve $1000 five (5) > j assays 14 per rent ,. cooper and $211 cold. . ' per cent tMinds issued account School: If The boremteruns42 percent «.renile runs 42 per ceiU copper and j.j.-lrict No. 6, Central Point. Jackson 'Ù $10 20 per ton in gold. Mr. Adams is a Oregon, the liids for bonds to 53 mining man o f large experience and I 1 1 opened •' be " July ly 14, 1 . 1906, at 9 o'clock a. will develop the property on a large m. The bonds Is to he be awarded to the scale.— Moil ford Tribune. highest bidder and each bid to be ac­ companied iiv a certified check in the sum of $YK), to be wholly forfeited if f or Sale successful bidder shall fail to purchase. Six acr s'first-class black bottom For conditions o f bonds address School land one-qu. rter mile from depot. Clerk District No. 6, Central Point, Good 6-roem hon ;e with pantry and Jackson County, Oregon. 1). 11 M ILLE R . both, good barn 40x10 and other neces­ County Treasurer Jackson County. sary buildings One acre in choice 7-dll benring fruit and garden plot, balance o f tract in alfalfa I’ric i. $2000 For terms, etc . enquire of or address. Send the HERALD to your friends. W. S, H a c h i k , Central Point, Or Sanderson & Sons Does any and all kinds of “ SEE?” P LEA S A N TS C ontractors and Builders Plans and Specifications Estimates given on work in all parts of the valley Furnished C en tral Point, Oregon V 4 M M M H H ttE fl0 k ttar£ U '¿ ïttm m u a Ê tÊ M ; s c a s a : ______________________ x Í 1 V î V t RETAIL DEALER IN WOOD D. C. G R IM C ity . D r a y in o - a t id T r a n s f e r All Kinds of Hauling Promptly Done. t V i CENTRAL POINT, OR. •i— I j. T j. r X i Î Ï . m *. t~T ■ ■ I -H -t- W . C. L E E V E R ____________________________________________________________ * X ' \ 'F h e H a r d w a r e m a n Î ± X X J ! D E A LE R IN i— i— i—i— i—î— j— i— i— i— i— i— î— ¡— i— î — H- <~ h -!"!" 1 - i - h - i - 1 "M" í -¡- 1 "¡- 1 " 1 "¡"¡" 1 "H $ N' X PRINTING THAT S to v e s a n d R a n g e s , '1 'i n i t E n a m e l e d W a r e PRINTING PLEASES TH AT PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE PEOPLE WHO PAY . PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND GLASS. GOODS OF A LL KINDS. £ Ï SPORTING x Fishing tackle especially built for the Rogue River I C e n t r a l P o in t, O r e g o n T Á. You Pay for Printing JACKSON COUNTY BANK And [E stablished isss.j We Print for OUR INTEREST Pay O n p i t r il n n t l S u r p l u s - S ~ -r »o < > o W . L VAW TER n t G R. L IN D U T Y , C a s h m r n. F. A d kins . V ice -P res I.. I J acobs , A sst . C> sh ikr I Under one Management for nearly Twenty Years. Promptness. Courtesy nnd Conservatism is a part o f our policy. T I MEDFORD, OREGON. IS TO TO TURN OUT Printing that will please our customers. We are fully equipped to do all classes of Commercial and ¡ J i i W a S ! .EAXdJKXilJaUfAl.. ft * U C S H O i* a m H K 9 B Job Printing and w e respectfully solicit your orders D o w n i n g ct t C m r y in LETTER HEADS H o ril A g e n ts C’< n lrrtl I ’o in t & I Wo now have the exclusive sale cl' some fine alfalfa H RILL HEADS STATEMENTS farms, grain anil fruit lands, stock ranches, unimproved u Freeman ENVELOPES timber lands and gold-liearing quartz ledges, partly devel­ DODGERS oped. Business and residence property at reasonable prices. We respect fully solicit the homesookers’ patronage. Our motto is, "Small Commission and Square Dealing.” Vehicles, VISITING CARDS i 't r x w f t u a t r I; R u r a l D a i r y Fresh, Itirii Milk »rfHÌ to eu* »moi» in any tjuun tity, ib »rninj; or «»venwjc. CREAM. .UTTKR.MILK AND BUTT it DELIVERED. * 'Clcnnlim - and Good Measure." t)ur Mott-’ . T 3 M Call and let us figure with you. We are here to n Quality Considered. CALL AND Help 11s with your printing orders. SEE US Harness. Saddles, fi I CHEAPEST, BAIN WAGONS. BUGGIES. HACKS, SURRIES. ETC. RUNABOUTS IN STEEL and RUBBER TIRES stay and to help you make Centra! Point worth while. PRICES Etc. W e carry a full line of Or anything else that you may need. ± W iley Always the BUSINESS CARDS X & farm Implements, POSTERS J ames E. G r ik v l , X X Holies and Whips. Gasoline Engines. Pump . Bicycles j n J Incubators Central Point Herald W e carry one o f the V T .rges' stocks in Jackson County CENTP vL POINT. OR.