Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, June 14, 1906, Image 1

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    C entral point herald
V O L ,.
0JJ Fellows Tonight
P O IN T .
O R EG O N .
T Ill’R SD A Y .
Foots creek, were visiting friend.- here
New Rule fof Rllfdl Mdil KoUteS.
C. S. Durer.berry, superintendent for
On and after July 1, 1906, carriers
A local lodge of Independent Order
S. S. McLendon's saw mill, was in ! when serving rural mail routes are not \
of Odd Fellows will be instituted in j
town yesterday.
j required to open and examine ar.y mail
this city this evening. Grand Master -
The object o f all development
boxes except those to which they have
W. A. Carter, of Gold Hill, will b e 1
Miss Margaret Nealon, o f Sams
leagues is to induce immigration
mail to deliver unless a signal is dis­
| present to conduct the <" remonies and |
Valley, was shopping with our mer- -
o f good citizens from the eastern
played showing that mail has been de­
will be assisted in the work by the de- j
| chants Saturday.
states to the Rogue River Valley.
posited, therefore patrons who place[
gree team from Gold Hill lodge. A j
Mrs. JDrusilla Mee, o f Applegate, mail in their boxes for collection must
| large number of visiting members from j
The Rogue River Lund Co.
Perhaps the largest and most en­
Central Point had a ball game last visited her daughters. Miss Marv Mee display a signal to indicate that they
Medford, Jacksonville and other towns ■
been a pioneer in this devel­
thusiastic crowd o f boosters that ever are expected to be present and the new I
*!“ * brouSht tear8, ^ ‘ be
- a" d »*«• E « "«»
duri"K the week. ! have done so. Patrons whose boxes
opment business, having made
| of the older generation, while it caused
got together in Oregon loaded to the
\ lodge will he launched under most aus­
| Caldwell Bros., sheepmen, recently ,
the first move in the valley to in­
the young bucks and all their friends of
guards the eight coach special train,
sold their clip for 25}c per pound. They - furnish some device which will indicate
picious circumstances. After the work
duce desirable immigrants to re­
j tender years {o jump up and down in will start for the mountains with the j carriers .that mail has been deposited
which left Ashland at 3:30 last Satur-
of instituting the lodge is completed, a
move here and to partake of our
great glee and holler, “ We are the
| ,
daym morning bound for Grants Pass,
— - 1
for collection,
- large class of candidates will be intro­
advantages and climate. In the
. The foregoing is condensation of an
where the Hogue Kiver Valley Devel­ duced ml mitiuted into the order, and stuff.” For some weeks the bald- s“ eiiP m a *ew days.
m l . —
last two years we have located a
headed relics of bygone greatness on! ! nr^.i.
Work is ------------:—
progressing —
on the order issued from the Rual Delivery
opment league held a monster meeting
wm continue
cummuc j .
j ,
. -v
j > v .i j.
- Division U. S. postoffice department
¡' I.. c .i csUd the session will
large number of the best citizens
on that date.
j under date o f Ma; 20, 190l
well into the
to be found in the valley. Cen­
.,, ,
edges of the game and twitted the and the brick work will he commenced!
More than 400 persons, a large num­
morning. Midnight supper will be
tral Point has attracted many of
ber O f whom were ladies boarded the
Kitchen. ' Car.dT | youngsters about their verdancy ip the within the next wee!,
Credinery Under Way
specie! at Ashland. Med °rd Cent.^
initiation .r e requested to ; scicnce of ballology Stones have been
Lisk’s Imperial Enameled Ware, war
The Rogue River Land com­
For- ranted for 10 years, and also Lisk’s An-
Point, Gold Ray. Gold Hill and Wood-
L _ . ___ , rife of “ how we used to do it.
meet at the Kandy Kitchen to await !
Rugt> tjnware that wi„ not rust. At
ville, and when Grants Pass w a s;
t c
. , .
August Miller, superintendent o f ! pany guarantees fair treatment
. „
„ ..
| summons from the lodge room,
construction for the creamery company, i to its customers. We will in a
touch the ground during a game and if Leever>3 h, rdware store.
reached everybody was in fine feather
short time again send a man east
ever the town colors went down In de- .
........o work on the plunt and al-
is pushing
for the work of the day, which was
to extol the merits of this sec­
feat in those good, old halcyon days, | Miss Stella Pleasants, daughter of j reai|y has the water well completed,
simply to boost, boost, boost the best
Rich Gold Deposits
the ex-players have forgotten all about i ^r. an^ Mrs. -I. H. Pleasants, who has Lumker j3 being delivered on the ground , tion. Give us a credit mark and
valley on earth.
I it. They felt aggrieved to think that I been visiting .ends in Kansas for sev -' an(j jt js the intention to have the i boost our way. It is high time
When the train rolled into the sta­
E. H. Strohmeier, who owns some
for all sections o f this valley to
tion at Grants Pass the visiting boost­ valuable mining property on Blackwell j tilings are so different now, and a fter! era- nioiitus, returned Friday evening. . budding ready for the reception o f the
pull together and quit “ knock­
______ J holding a solemn council during which
a social dance will be given at the machinery by the time the latter can
ers were met by the commercial bodies mountain in Willow Springs district,
and cit'zens and escorted through the was .......
Strohmeier ; ros°luti°ns ° f regret were adopted on opera house next Saturday evening, i arrive from the east. Mr. Miller has
in town
gaily decorated streets to the pari:, exhibits sone elegant samples of gold ^be general noaccountness of present Good music will be furnished and a built creameries all over the country
where a stand had been erected, and a j l r o m his property which can hardly be .i_..
lla-v _i
flayers, they
allowed i it to become pleasant evening is assured. All are but thinks he has been in no section
j that will surpass this part of the Rogue
monster outdoor mass meeting was i . urpaSsetl in any mining district in the known that, m the interest o f science, invited.
The ladies b f the Christian church : river valley in the profitable production |
west. His placer ground is also very and to show the youngsters how to do
O. S. Llanchard. of the local com- j rjej, hut shortage of water has prevented the thing proper they would condescend will give on ice cream and strawberry ! of dairy products.
mercial club, called the meeting to him from doing much with it. He has to take the conceit out of the hoys and social at the Christian church Saturday .
order and introduced Captain M. F. deviaed a method of working it, how- artistically decorate the surrounding evening. A cordial invitation is ex­
Egg leston, of Ashland, the efficient ever, with a limited amount of water fences with their cuticle. The chal­
tended to all.
secretary of the Rogue River Valley and contemplates building a reservoir lenge was accepted and at the usual
Mrs. M. L. Dubell and children, of
Development league, who, in the ab­ to conserve the water flow next winter hour the game was on.
Jim Grieve twirled the pigskin sphere Canyonville, who have been visiting
sence of President Ray, presided at and expects to be able to make a good
the meeting. Captain Eggleston, who clean-up the following spring. Such for the Has Beens and the way he sent her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Gil-
has been one of the most tireless work- j properties as that of Mr. Strohmeier in double and twisted curves was a lett, for two weeks, left for their home
ers for the league since the inception show the richness of the mineral dis- caution. Harry Beal wore the mask last Sunday morning.
o f the movement, stated the object of ^ricis surrounding this valley and gives and successfully evaded Jim’s apparent
Miss ¡Nora Beebe, of near Central
the meeting and introduced Prof. B. F.
promise for future profitable de- strenuous efforts to knock his head off Pftnt, was one of the graduating class
Mulkey, president o f the Ashland Nor- ^ velopment along that line.
at the Ashland Normal school, the
balls that came his way—except those graduating exercises of which were I
mal school, who was the principal!
he missed. The basemen and fielders held in that city last Tuesday evening. •
speaker o f the day. As a pleasing j
Working on
chased flies and daisy-cutters to a fare-
speaker, Professor Mulkey has few su
The Medford laundry wagon will call |
ye-wc-11 and things were humming gen­
periors in the state and his effort on
for work in Central Point each Monday [
A force of men commenced work erally, from start to finish.
this occasion was fully up to his usual
The Now Ares were scared to com­ afternoon and Friday morning. Expert
high standard. He spoke for a united making repairs on the (louring mill
ironers from City Hall French laundry.
valley, a jfrogressive people and a glo- Tuesday morning and it is understood mence with. They no doubt felt the
San Francisco, employed. First class
work guaranteed.
7-tf 1
Jidge M. Purdin, o f Medford, fol­ possible speed until the plant is in these renowned gladiators of the past,
According to the proclamation of
lowed Professor Mulkey and added to shape to be put in commission. The j but as the game progressed and they
the boosters’ spirit in an enthusiastic foundation is being made new and the j began to realize that their opponents Governor Chamberlain, today is Flag
address, as did E. D. hriggs and other machinery will be thoroughly over- were not the Jacksonville kids they day, and all citizens who have a flag;
hauled and either replaced with new or gained courage and began to feel bet-
: expected to get it in sight in honor
prominent citizens o f the valley.
es , w e
wiFoL t e f , l y o u w h y o u r
„ A constitution
_ _______ ____ ____
J ____ _ __
and J by-laws,
as rec- Put in first-class condition. The roll» i ter, thank you The Now Ares piled j cf the one hundred and twenty-ninth j
ommended by the sub-committee at wil1 be sent to Portland to be reground up a d&zen or more score8 early in the anniversary of the adoption of the na-
store is the .best place fo r you to trade.
Ashland last month, was adopted and and the entire system of spouting will game and iiefore the Has B ns got a tional emblem by the continental
adjournment taken for dinner.
he rebuilt. It is expected the repairs ,melli but when , change came fee gres.-;.
B E C A U SE w e buy our goods in carload lots
A business meeting of the lesgue will cost, approximately, $1000 when bedheads rolled in four or live all in a
Among the particularly pleasing fea-1
w as held in the opera house at 2:30 p. 1 completed. Mr. W . J. Virgin, of Ash- hunch, and every old man in the val-
, ,
and g iv e our custom ers the benifit o f the special
land, thc owner 0f the plant, was here iey f„ |t a w)rt *o f electric shock that j *««<• <’f ^ development league meet -1
m. when routine business was
p r ic e s and car lot freig h t rates thus secured.
acted and the following officers were j Sunday making arrangements for the j mad„ him chuckle,
work through his local agent at this | Thus it wont t0 the end of the chap- the excellent music furnished by the
elected to serve for the coming year:
B EC AU SE our m otto is ‘ ‘Quick Sales and
Ashland end Medford hands. The fife
ter, but when the clouds rolled by, j
Dr. C. It. Ray, of Medford, presi- j this place, F. M. Amy.
and drum corps from the last named
Small P rofits.”
Maggie, and the Has Beens put on i
„ . , .
dent: II. C. Kinney, o f Grants Pass,
, ..
, 1 city was all right and gave a touch of j
their specs and read the score card,
vice-president; M. F. Eggleston, of
Like a New Pin
B EC AU SE our stock is one o f the largest
I ..
martial air to the occasion that made |
they found that it might have been
. , „ ,
Ashland, secretary; S. A. Pattison, o f ,
, everybody feel like moving lively,
worse. It was only 9 to 21 in favor o f |
in the County and we-can fill you r order when
Central Point, treasurer.
Central Point shines as bright as a I the Now Ares and it might have been
L. J. Cay, of Seattle, was here dur­
Expressions o f regret were heard on
you want the goods without
new pin today as a result o f the recent
ing the week visiting his parents, Mr. ,
¡9 to 22.
all sides because of the enforced ab­
] order of the mayor naming Tuesday as j Thus again is the wisdom o f Dr. Os- ami Mrs. J. M. Gay, and other rela­
su bjectin g you to vexatious
sent- of Dr. Rav, to whose efforts are
a general clean-up day. Citizens gen­ | ler’s theory demonstrated, and the vet- tives. Mr. Gay is engaged in the coal j
L a r f .n l and moat C om plain
largely due the formation of the league.
erally obeyed the i equest, and busii. is | eran who lives only in the contempla- business in thc sound city and handles
Dr. Ray was on his way home from
Stock in Jackaon County
men, women and boys were much in j tion of past victories must give way to most o f ihe high-grade blacksmithing
New York, where he was called a
B EC AU SE w e treat you
evidence during the day wielding hoe, the youngster who does things.
coal that is used on this coast. The |
short time ago on business, but was
rake and broom, and the result was
righ t and giv e you your
unable to reach Grants Pass in time
that before night the town presented a
the output o f the Cumberland coal
for the meeting. A telegram from the
neater appearauce than it had in
m on ey’ s worth every day in the year.
mine, in Maryland, and the product to
doctor was read at the forenoon meet­
months. Weeds were grubbed, trash
. supply this coast is shipped by water
ing bearing greetings and best wishes
T hese are a fe w o f the Y Y Y Y you should
v. a. raked up and the general debris
l from Baltimore, around Cape Horn. ■
and it was the sense of the audience
that naturally collects in streets, al­
I Mr. Gay visited friends in Jacksonville
trade with us.
that no matter where lie is it may be
leys and private property was disposed
Tue»<b v and left for the north last
counted on that he is boosting for the
Call and exam ine our stock and you will
of either by being burned or carted out­
evening. He was formerly a resident j
valley of the Rogue.
side the city limits. Central Point citi­
A. C. Hall was in from Trail jester- | of this place and expressed himself as 1 1
becom e convinced that our Y Y Y Y are gen*
The next mass meeting will be held
zens have shown in this instance that
i highly pleased with the rapid growth
at Ashland during Chautauqua week, they do not lack in civic pride, and the [ day.
the town is making and predicted a
in July. It is probable, however, that | work of Tuesday is only a forecaste of
H. C. Stoddard was up from Gold
i bright future for this section o f the
iproving i
a business meeting of the committee ; what they will do later
Hill yesterday.
1 valley.
will be held prior to that time, the date [ and beautifying their town. Let the I
Dr. Ray returned from New York j
and place for_which will be announced i
I Tuesday evening.
S0UTHLRN OREGON CHAUTAUQUA. Tobe Ramey and Allen Hodges werej
in from Beagle yesterday.
or two good young farm horses j
Central Point, Oregon.
The convention made an assessment Fourteenth Annual Session at Ashland, Ore-
The creamery company has decided at Snowy Butte Orchard,
o f 25 cents per member on ail local i
gon. July 11 -2 0 .
to use electric power in the new plant-
bodies for advertising purposes.
! Fine lectures,
John R, Cook, the irrepressible' schools.
Partial list of speakers: transacted business in this city Tues­ Old Reliable Barber Shop
booster, of Eagle Point, was there in JJ,. hop Moore, Dr. Locke, Captain Jack day.
GLENN OWEN, P r o p .
the flesh, armed with two tin horns. | Crawford, Mrs. Geilow, Miss Belle
Mi-shames Jasper and J. C. Hanna
The convention was merely an incident Kearney, Prof. Baumgardt (science), were in from Beagle shopping yester-;
-Sleek Shaves and
to the noise John R. extracted from and Rosani, the fam- us juggler, Caii- day.
; fomia Quintette club. Fine camping.
hi.- ht-rns.
Handsome lldirtuts
Cedar Screen Doors and Hangings, .
Beautiful scenery. Make your plans to Screen Windows and Wire at Lee-
Tom Pankey, bugoiogiat at the I corns. Write for printed matter,
(Old BosweU Stand)
P26 j
G. F. B illings , Prezident.
Sn- wy Butte orchard, tried hard to |
y r. George Lance and family, of
mi-s the train coming home.
Won’t you tell
me why, Robin ?
Local and Personal
Cranfill & Robnett
T h is
P e r m a n e n t ly
--- B y
e d f o r
th e —
R eserved
O K EfiO N