\ O ne E x c e p tio n . It used to be told oi General Logan, trbo was a member of congress at the »king out of the war, that when i saw there was really going to be a tight he seized a musket, slipped out of Washington and walked all the way to Bull Bun, where he arrived just In time to have a hand in the fray. H e wore a dress coat, but he stood his ground as long us any one. The rout was complete, and the next morn­ ing, a good deal out of breath, he was back at the cnpitol, telling some of his fellow congressmen what be had seen. "Who gave you this account of the fight '/" asked a member from northern New York as he joined the group. “ Why, I was there myself,” said Lo­ gan. The New Yorker was mystified. Ap­ parently he had not heard the news. "You .were there!" he exclaimed. “ Are the cars running?” “ No," said Logan; "the cars ain’t running, but every other thing In the state of Virginia is, as near us I could make ou t” An A n e c d o t e o f H a n d e l. On one occasion Handel was caught In a shower of rain and being unpro­ vided with an umbrella was obliged to seek shelter in a blacksmith’s forge. Either Handel was in a silent mood nr else the blacksmith Bhowed no con­ versational symptoms, for in a little while the latter began hammering away at his anvil, accompanying his work with a song. He little thought tlie use Ills visitor was making of him mnl ms anvil, for it is said that Han­ del was listening all the time to the strokes of the hammering on the anvil, which, by producing two harmonic sounds, aciurdlhg in time and tune with the tune the man sang, formed a bass accompaniment. Handel, on reaching home, remembered the air and the hummer accompaniment. He wrote down both, and so we owe to a shower of rain the composition known as "The Harmonious Blacksmith.” W l i o n l i e K i l l e d 111.** F i r s t M a n . T ' killing of a brother man. even lit battle. Is a painful thing to remember. A .‘■■Idler of the war thus vividly Ue- bci -1 ids first evperience; “ My first man 1 saw but twenty sec onds, but I shall remember 1dm for ever. I was standing by my gun when a Confederate infantry soldier rushed up. I whipped out my revolver and took him through the breast. He toss­ ed up his arms, gave me the strangest look in the world and . .. tonvard upon his face. He had blue eyes, brown curling hair, a dark mustache and a handsome face. I thought the Instant I fired that I should have loved that man i f 1 had known him. I tell you war Is te.. !e business.” —Youth's Companion. ■ A F am ous Q u arry. The entire mass of the Monte Sagro, 6,000 feet high, which dominates Car­ rara, is solid marble. One of the most famous quarries is in the valley of the Polraccio. from this were extracted In Homan times the 1,700 tons of mar­ ble that served for the construction of Trajan's column at Hon e. Here Do­ natello got the block which ho carved Into his St. George, and Michael Ange­ lo the one for his Moses. From here al­ so came the huge block mentioned In the memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, Which served for the colossal Neptune of Ammanati la the middle of the foun­ tain of the Piazza della SIgnorla at Florence. A W a t e r V o lc a n o . T h e i r H a t r e d o f 1 'u K lu n tl. Pure prepared Paint and Pure Lin­ Ferdinand de l.esscps used to tell John Denison Cbninplln told an amus­ seed Oil at Leever’ s. Get prices before tow a Frenchman came to his aid when ing story of Matthew Arnold and Sir painting. 4-26 he was struggling against Palmerston’s Edwin Arnold. “ Some years ago,” he opposition to the Suez canal. The man, said, "when walking with Matthew who was a total stranger, walked Into Arnold on the banks of the little river U. S. Senator (to fill vacancy) - - - No nomination It Must Be. his office one day and drew out of his Test, near Hornsey abbey, conversation They jay that all the world'« a stag», U. S. Senator (term beg’ng March 4, ’07) - John M. Gearin, o f Mult. pocket a wallet stuffed with bank notes. turned on Sir Edwin Arnold and “The And ft'a a fact Representative in Congress, 1st Dist. - Charles V. Galloway, o f Yamhill “ Monsieur,” said he, “ I beg the privi­ All - iris, regardless of their age. Light o f Asia,' published four or five Governor . . . . Geo. E. Chamberlain, of Multnomah Think they can act. lege of being allowed to subscribe to­ years previously. It is not necessary - P. H. Sroat, o f Marion Secretary of State - ward tbe railway of the island of Swe­ to enter into Mr. Arnold's opinion of No Proof There, den.” “ Hut, monsieur,” said Lesseps, - - J. D. Matlock, o f Lane State Treasurer - the po< m. During the conversation 1 "D o you think the good die young?* “ it Is not a railroad; it’s a canal. It’s Supreme J udge . . . . T. G. Hailey, o f Umatilla took occasion to ask him if he were " I doubt It. You look healthy.” not un island, but an isthmus. It is related to Sir Edwin. He paused s Superintendent o f Public Instruction - - - No nomination not in Sweden, but at Suez.” “ I don’t moment, us if shocked at the sugges­ State Printer . . . . - J. Scott Taylor, o f Klamath care wlmt it is or where it is,” said the PERT PARAGRAPHS. tion. and then said: 'No, we are not of Attorney General - Robert A. Miller, of Multnomah capitalist, “ so long as it worries Eng­ km. Indeed, 1 doubt if be bad any Commissioner of Labor No nomination Many a woman cottid make a fortnn« land. l*ut in? down, I say.” rigli to the name of Arnold. I have Hut Lesseps hud little reason to make been told that he Is o f Jewish descent’ If she had the face to do It. fun of this episode if the picture hia A few weeks later I happened to meet owu son draws of him be true. liecom­ Sir Edwin at a dinner in Loudon and, ing incensed at some attack made on prompted by, I hope, a not unpardon­ him in the British parliament and be­ able curiosity, propounded u similar ing inadequately provided with means query to him. ‘No,’ he replied quickly, to express his rage, his mind suddenly Democratic County Ticket with what seemed n shade of asperity reverted to his linen collar, which was In his tone, ‘I am not related to Mat­ of English make, lie tore it from his thew Arnold. We are of wholly differ­ - - L. L. Mulit, o f Ashland State Senator neck, dashed it upon the floor and ent families.’ Then, his face breaking l C. L. Reames, of Jacksonville daueed on it, all for hatred of the Is­ into bis peculiar smile, he added. Representatives - I T. J. O’Hara, of Central Point land It came from. ‘Matthew Arnold is an Intellectual Frank E. Bybee, of Jacksonville Sheriff dyspeptic. His brain docs not digest M. Purdin, o f Medford Clerk - f l o a t e d I iy P a p j i P t i , properly.’ ” - - R. B. Dow, o f Medford Recorder - Toward tbe close of the reign of " M n a r l f s t i " It t v e r , Elizabeth, when tlie Spaniards were Oris Crawford, o f Jacksonville Treasurer frequently hovering about the south­ Maxwell Sommerville of the Univer­ H. H. Taylor, of Roxy Commissioner west coast o f England, a party from sity of Pennsylvania spent ueurly for­ A man may smile and be a villain ty years of his life in oriental travel but he cannot hold his job as one ou their ships landed iu the neighborhood of where Falmouth stands today, with und study. the stage if he does. the Intention of burning the borough ol Professor Sommerville used some­ times to narrate the strange error that A man feels complimented to bo Penryu. It chanced, however, that thai was once made by a French explorer called a “ sly Cog,” but Just try "de­ same evening some strollers hud set R . C . H EN S LEY . up in Penryu market place a repre­ P L A T F O m he hail known. This explorer had made ceitful puppy” ou him once. sentation by puppets of certain Inci­ a journey to Kalrwan and had drawn a map of the country he passed through. Gray hair la seldom caused by in dents in the life of Samson, including his victory over the Philistines. The singular thing about this map wai telleetual effort. (Under this head, announcements of At the poirt of Samson's onset upon Socialist CanJiddte for State Senator for candidates o f all parties, for election at that the name “ Maarlfsb” appeared so the general June election, will be en­ Jackson County many times on it. A river would he One peculiarity about money Is that these with the Jawbone of the uss the tered at reasonable rates.) the Maarlfsh river; a mountain would It takes so much longer to earn It than strollers beat drums and sounded trum­ F irst — Believing in the principles of pets indicative of an alarm, and til« be Mount Maarifsh; a village, a lake, It does to spend it. Spaniards, who were at that moment International Socialism, I hold that la­ a valley, each would be called Maar­ All fruits and vezretables taste so about to rush tlie town, believing it to bor produces all the wealth of the L, L. MULIT, lfsh. When Professor Sommerville saw Strongly of money these days that H be full of soldiers, bolted for their world and is therefore entitled to all o f Ashland, boats. the wealth o f the world. really takes away one s appetite. this map he laughed. Democratic Nominee for This probably occurred In 1595, when j S econd - That our present system of “ Don't you know,” he said to the there was a Spanish squadron ou the government, wherein our representa­ traveler, “ what ‘maarlfsh’ means in STATE SE N ATO R ) const, which lauded troops and burned tives have the power during their term Arabic?” For Jackson County Penzance. “ No.” said tbe other. “ What does it of office to enact such laws as they I f elected, will vote to repeal ‘ ‘Gun mean?” License Law .” see fit, results in class legislation, ; S p o r t o n t lie K a f u e It lv e r . “ It means ‘Don't know.’ ” A trader in Ivory und rubber writes thereby favoring the classes instead of ! as follows of sport ou tbe Ivaftie river, the masses and creating a favored class , A J e a lo u s A p e , in Africa: "Every morning at daybreak who are rapidly absorbing the wealth Sir Harry Johnston, tbe English ex­ F R A N K E. RYBEE, we got up and scanned tbe plains with of the nation; and realizing that so plorer, once traveled on a ship with a of Jacksonville, our glasses for game. Often our boys long as we continue to live under pri­ pet ape. It was a great favorite with called us first to sny that a herd of wa­ Democratic Nominee for vate ownership system that this state all the passengers until there came ter buck or hartbecst was grazing in aboard at Madeira n lady with an in­ S H E R IFF OF JACKSON COUNTY of affairs will always exist, therefore, alglit, especially If the cump was out fant. The latter received a good deal if elected, I pledge myself to work for A baby does not see why any one No. 24, Official Ballot of attention and tbe ape In conse­ else should want to sleep when It Is of meat. The river was full of fish- the overthrow of this present private barbel, bream, pike nnd tiger fish. The quence became neglected nnd jealous. not sleepy. bream were by far tho best eating, but ownership system and inaugurate in its Sir Harry Jolinstou followed it on deck tbe tiger fish and big barbel gave the! stead the co-operative commonwealth one day just in time to prevent a trag­ Some women never celebrate their ORIS CRAWFORD edy. Tbe child bad been left unguard­ birthday until they can Invite their best sport. Spoon bait, with strong wherein the natural resources shall be pike tackle and a Btlff bamboo rod, the common inheritance o f all the peo­ ed for a moment In Its cradle. Tbe ape grandchildren. o f Jacksonville was all that was required, nnd, trolling ple, and wherein every worker shall had made for it, pulled It from the behind n dugout paddled by natives, D emocratic N ominee for have an equal voice in the administra­ cradle and was In the act of throwing T h e O n ly W a y . we could soon make a bag. The tiger tion of the affairs o f the government. It overboard when tbe traveler pounced CO U NTY TREASU RER "W hy is Mrs. Scrappley always sit­ fish fight gamely and, breaking water upon It. Says Sir Harry. “ It would ting down on her husband?” T h ir d — In regard to electing United repeatedly, very often succeed In shak­ certainly have hurled it into the sea "Because ’ hat’s the only way she can ing tbe book from tbelr mouths. Bar­ State Senator by a direct vote o f the had not my arrival caused the guilty get him to support her.” —Clevclunu bel run up to eighty pounds weight, people, I will say that as Socialists we ape to drop the child on the deck and riain Dealer. nnd n heavy one can tow a canoe along have no interest in the matter, as we H E N R Y D. KUBLI, scramble away.” The ape was relegat­ do not believe in a delegated system of the surface at some speed.” ed to a strong iron cage for tho rest of of Applegate I never wonder to see men wirkaS, . government, and hold that so long as that voyage. R e p u b l ic a n C a n d id a t e F o r but I often wonder to see them not A P e n it e n t R e n t P a y e r . you give the law-making power into ashamed.—S w 1ft. Michael Davltt 111 his "Fall of Feu-j the hands o f any set o f men, that it M e d ic a l T . e o f X V lil« k r - REPRESENTATIVE dalism In Ireland" gives the following does not matter by or through what Whisky as an alternative to wine ns a sample of tho letters that used to may undoubtedly bo employed medici­ means they get this power, the fact re­ reach the Land league offices in the nally with advantage In certain eases, maining that during their term of office good old days:'"Ballinrobe, Mayo, Jan. both for men and for women. But this they are masters of the situation, and CHARLES V. G ALLOW AY, 8, 1881. To the Honorable Land Lngue Is very different from the constant —Glntlemln, In u moment of wakeness so long as they have this law-making recommendation which Is suggested, as o f Yamhill County G F O . ROW N I pade me rlut. I did not no tiler was power in their hands they will sell it to if, Indeed, doctors regard whisky as a a law nglnst It or 1 wud not do It. the the highest bidder. sort of panacea'for every disease un­ & SONS R. C. H k n s i . e y . people pass by me dure as If the smul der the sun, and take a perfect delight pox was In the hous, I heer ye do be in urging its consumption npou their givln pardons to min tlint do rong, patients. As a matter of fact, there PROFESSIONAL nnd If ye will Bind me n pardon to put never was a time when medical men 111 the windy for every one to rede It I were more slow to prescribe tbe use of will never komlt the crime again. MIs- alcohol In any form tbun they are In 1414. P L E A S A N T S ther Scrub Nnly will give me a Karac- the present day, nor a time when so many refrained from advising Its uss thur If ye write to lilm at I ’.al." C e n tr ili P o in t , O re g o n General at all.—Hospital. K o L o v e L o s t B e t w e e n t h e A r n o ld s . or One o f the greatest natural curiosi­ ties in Central America is the Volcan de Aqua or water volcano, which Is situated in Guatemala, about twenty- five miles southwest o f the capital. Its apex is 14,450 feet above the level of the sea, and cultivated fields and for­ est trees extend almost to its summit It occasionally vents forth torrents of Q u e e r N e st o f t b e T o n t o b a n e . pure cold water. On one occasion an The oddest of all birds’ nests Is the "eruption” of this kind inundated the one built by tbe tontobane, a Routh A f­ northern valley and destroyed a whole rican songster. It is built of cotton village situated on the side o f the and always upon tbe tree producing peak. the material. In constructing the dom­ icile the female works Inside and the T h e W a y H e T at It. male outside, where he builds a senti­ A t a school examination at New­ nel box for bis own special use. lie castle-under-Lyme, Knglund, a boy was sits in the box and keeps watch or told to write an essay on the pleasures sings nearly all the time, and when of reading. He wrote: "I'eople read for danger comes in the form of a hawk many reasons. Sometimes they read or a snake he warns the family, but for humor, and then they read such never enters the main nest. books as ‘Don Quixote.’ A t other times they read for amusement, and N o t N'esylected. then they read the Bible.” “ The art of letter writing Is sadly Took I t M ild ly . “ Yes, old Bizziboy gave a reception out to his place on the hills and then turned the hose on the first detach­ ment to arrive.” “ He did! What did they sny to that?” “ They called It unconventional hos­ pitality. You know, he's too rich to quarrel with."—Cleveland Plain Deal- I I I . M a la d y . Tess—She's a professional nnrse, I believe. Jess—Not at all. What gave yon that Idea? Tess—She remarked that she sat up last night with a sick man. Jess—Lovesick; that was all. It Wes that fiance of hers.—Philadelphia Press. __________________ A Stronor W o r d . Dr. Blunt We must wake her, be­ tau I want to ask her if she has Obeyed my orders. The Patient's Hus­ b a n d — Er—ab—doctor, It might be as well to—ab—put that question In a somewhat different form. M a rk B lir ir e r . Y ._ D o you think Ike ever lies about the fish he catches?—C.—No. I don't, but I think be lies about the fish be toesn't catch.—Stray Stories. Being asked the name of the world*» >reate«t composer, a »mart inlverilty young man said "Chioaotonn/’ Democratic State Ticket neglected nowadays,” said the man of literary taste. “ That remark,” said his more prac­ tical friend, “ shows that you haven’t a son at college who Is applying him­ self to showing you why his allowance ought to be increased.” —Washington Star. Nothing? I f N o t O r i g i n a l . n rlfln re . l a Best Quality o f Goods. Lowest Prices. Highest Prices Paid for Farm Products. P osts and S hakes for S a le E AG LE POINT, OR. aw nL A . M . Lam m ey Stone and Brick Mason Well and flue Work Mrs. Smith—Have you named your twin girls, Lucy? Lucy—Yessum; we'» done name’em "Flops’m” an’ “ Jeps'm.” Powerful pooty names. Dave, my ol' BRICK FLUES BUILT man, be done got dom names outen de SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C E N T R A L POINT, OR. Tiv-Ji colyum.—Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. J n m p ln u K orea. Some Idea of the delights of traveling In Korea Is given by tbe following de­ scription by a traveler of the “ bridges” In that country; A first class bridge In Korea Is simply un assortment ol planks nailed together. These are scarce. A second class bridge Is a series of Isolated stones, from one to another of which the visitor may Jump. A third class bridge, much the com­ monest variety, Is Invisible. Its position being indicated by a couple of posts, one on each side of the river. They mean that you may safely wade a ross, as tho water will—probably—not go much above your chest! Merchandise a t a C o n r ln . fn n . Bragg—About a month ago I fell Into . h - h - h - h - h - i - h i - h - i 'i-H1: i m m a nice job as assistant manager, and the manager told me If I made good F. H . W E B B I he’d raise my salary. Newltt—Is that £ New and Second-hand Furniture £ so? What are you doing now?—Cath­ Bought and Sold 4* olic Standard. A w ake. ■ . * ■ ; W M . W . P . H O L T , M . D. I ’ h y s le in n u n d S u r g e o n EAGLE POINT, OREGON MRS. MARY ASHURST — Teacher o f — P ia n o iir id O r ija n D emocratic N ominee F or REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Inquire of Pleasants’ Hotel. C a n n o n o f 1812. Cannon were small, measured by modem standard. In 1812, but the Ohio world was quiet, and tbe pioneers had keen senses. There is much evidence that tbe guns of Perry's squadron were heard by settlers living at least thirty- five miles east of Cleveland, or nearly 100 mile» In an air line from the scene of the famous tight which gave the control of the lake* above Niagara falls to the Americans and did much to save the northwest for the United States. A ll I l a v e T r o a M r a . “ Everybody worries about money.” “ Oh, I don’t know. Home men are so rich” — “ That’ s Jnot I t Poor men worry be­ cause they can't get money, and the rich man worries for fear that It will get away from him.” — Philadelphia Ledger. l a P la in F.n«1l«h. W id e Passerby—I thought yon were blind? Mendicant—Well, boss, times I* so hard and competition is so great that- even a blind man has to keep hi« eye« open nowadays If he wants to do any hazi­ • > I also carry a fine kit o f Confec- tionery, Cigars and Tobacco and ness at all. receive the finest Bread and Pas- A dog wlthont a tall must feel as + try in the valley every day. though he were In the deaf and duiak ” M ain S t . - - - - C entral P oint aUss.--Plano (I1L) News. POLITICAL CARDS Doctor—X found the patient to be suffering from abrasion of tbe cuticle, tumefaction, ecchymosla and extrava­ sation In tho integument and cellular tissue about the left orbit—Judge— Yog mean he had a black eye? Doe- tor— Yea. Just plain, ordinary stubbornness often masquerades as strength of char­ acter.—Atchison Globe. G . S. M O O R E DEALER in C iga rs, Tobaccos, Confectioneries and Soft Drinks ICE CREAM PARLORS IN CONNECTION Post Office Building : : : Central Point, Oregon ■ -M -I-H -H - Ml Kinds Repair Work Promptly Done of Satisfactie CINTRAI Jeffers & Peart General Blacksmiths & W o o d w o rk ers HORSESHOEING A S P E C IA L T Y We treat you and your horses r ig h t