Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, May 31, 1906, Image 1

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31, 1900.
N O .. 6
select a site and secure the same. Mo­ consideration being $150. Mr. Walduff preparatory for the coming fishing sea­
lights. Straw for tents, wood and c o f­
tion carried.
fee will be free to all comrades and
expects to remove to Phoenix.
son. Joe goes after the big Rogue
their families. Tents will also be fur­
Moved and carried to adjourn sub­
Lumber is on the ground for a hand­ j river salmon in dead earnest, when the
ject to a call from the executive com­
nished, but as there are not enough
some new residence to be erected by time comes, and he gets ’ em.
Just to show that the town is de­ to go around, those who can bring
Much satisfaction is expressed here mittee.
Mrs. Gibson on lots recently purchased
Local blacksmiths all shut up shop
cidedly up-to date, Central Point ran a tents are requested to do so.
over the recent announcement to the
by her near the school house.
last Saturday and went to Ashland to
sort o f a continuons performance on
The state encampments o f the de­ effect that the flouring mill at this
Bdnk Contract Let.
attend the meeting o f the Blacksmiths’
M. V. Robson has purchased a fine
the local diamond last Sunday, two partment o f Oregon G. A. R., W. R. place has changed hands and that the
Protective association which met in that
warm games being pulled off during C. and Ladies o f the G. A. R. will be plant will be at once thoroughly over­
T. M. Witten came in from Ashland lot in the north end o f town from the
city Saturday evening. Those attend­
the day.
held on the grounds during encamp- hauled and put in first-class condition yesterday to complete arrangements
ing from here were: W. E. Price, B. F.
In the forenoon the kid n:ne tangled ( ment week. The railroads have grant- for the manufacture o f high grade for rushing work on the new bank. The will erect a dwelling thereon at once.
Peart, G. W. Jeffers and F. A. Hawk.
with the Eagle Point boys and when ed a rate o f one fare for the round trip, flour.
: contract has been awarded to G. W.
Clarence Gunn, o f Medford, was here Mr. Hawk’ s family accompanied him
the smoke o f battle had cleared away
This is an invitation, not alone to the
Several years ago Mr Davis, o f Priddy and it is expected that brick Saturday loading supplies for Klamath
on the trip. The party returned on
and the score was counted it was found “ boys o f ’61,” but the Indian war vet- Medford, acquired a controlling inter- and other material will commence to Falls. Mr. Gunn will probably make
the early train Sunday morning.
to be 9 to 23 in favor o f the C P kids erans, those o f the Spanish-American est in the plant and at once shut it arrive in a few days. The building will Klamath Falls his home in the future.
Young America is sure coming to the war and the confederate survivers are down and locked the doors, and so it be 27jx 40 with 12 inch walls,
Geo. W. Canning, deputy organizer
(Continued on 4th page.)
front in this neck o ’ woods
aiso included.
has remained to the present time. Re-
Articles o f incorporation o f the Cen-
In the afternoon the regular tea m '
cently, however, Mr. Virgin, o f Ash- tral Point State Bank have been filed for the Modern Woodmen o f America,
had it out with the Gold Ray nine and
land, who was jointly interested in the with the secretary o f state the incor- spent several days in town last week
Central Point Produce Market
the visitors showed themselves to be
property with >'r. Davis, closed a deal porators being T. M. Witten, I. C. in the interests o f that popular ordar'
Silver Come* Band
lightning-strikers from the word go
whereby he secured the latter’ s inter- Robnett and W. C. Leever.
Geo. J. Post left yesterday for the
(A s corrected by local merchants.) , est and at once it was announced that
The game was past middle age before
tall timber east from here to look for a
Butter, 2 0 c; eggs, 1 7 c; potatoes, j the plant would be repaired and put in
the home boys had a smell at the score
timber claim. He was accompanied by
Commencement Exercises
O. C. Purkeypile is one o f the busiest
card and when the first half o f the cw t., 90; rhubarb, 4tu5c; cabbage, 2(o operation. It is understood that the
Mr. King, a timber locaterof vedford. mer. in this busy, bustling town these
sixth was played the visitors had piled 3c; chickens, $4.50; spring fries, $3.50. mill will be thoroughly overhauled, | The following program was rendered
Miss Elizabeth Gibson, one o f Cen­ days, for in addition to his regular bus­
up six big, elegant tallies against as
new spouting will be put in and the May 26 by the Jacksonville Highschool:
tral Point’ s most popular teachers, iness he is rustling to organize a band.
complete a line o f goose eggs as were
Woodmen Were Captured
rolls will be sent to the factory and re- Invocation......... Rev. A. J. Armsnrong went to Grants Pass Sunday evening He is meeting with excellent success
ever put on exhibition in Oregon.
dressed and made the same as new.
Moonlight Bells and Song Mixed Chorus where she will spend a week or so and already has 14 o f the necessary
Somehow the weather was too cold
i he operation o f this plant will mean Essay - Richlieu...............Donald Colvig visiting.
“ There was a sound o f revelry by
members secured. He feels certain
and the clouds too dreary for the apple
night,” and on this particular occasion much to the business o f Central Point Impromptu .................... . Hugo Reinhold
that the organization will be perfected.
pickers to get warmed to the game up
Mrs. Mary Ashurst
the indications o f good cheer emanated and with other new enterprises already j
A set o f the finest band instruments
to this point and the home rooters were
from the opera house, the hour being established and projected, it will help Essay “ Educational Progress o f the
made will be secured at a cost o f some­
simply no good They did not root fast
N egro”
..................Emma Wednt make his home here for the summer. thing more than $1000 and will be the
well on to midnight and the date last put the town in the front rank of rap-
enough to keep themselves warm and
Essay “ Maid o f Orleans” ...M ary Peter
Friday night. The Modern Woodmen
perpetual property o f the town. Cen­
any manager who was out to hire root­
Selection “ I Purkani” ..............Bellini for the market during the season.
had met in regular session and were Rogue river valley.
tral Point must have a band and Mr.
ers to boost his team to victory would
Donald L. Colvig.
Joe Boswell went to Grants Pass Purkeypile is doing the necessary work
proceeding with their business in a
have passed up the whole buuch if o f­
Class Address................. P. L. Campbell Saturday to get oars for his new boat, to secure one.
quiet and orderly manner, repairing the
fered for 30. cents for the season.
Selection “ The Horn” .......... A. Fleigier
bucking straps on the goat saddle and
But when the home boys came to bat
Miss Margaret Caldwell.
making other preparations for a class
in the sixth it was different. Sander­
Presentation o f Diplomas by Peter A p­
o f candidates which they expect to put
son wielded the club with blood in his
plegate, Chairman Board Directors.
through their paces at the next meet­
eye and smote the sphere as though
W. H. Harrison Post No. 67, G. A. Benediction.............Rev. Robert Ennis
ing. But, hush! hark ! There is an
his life depended on that particular
alarm at the door. The sentry turned R., together with the Women’ s Relief
smite. Messenger followed and before
pale and the watchman, who had his Corps and citizens generally, observed
you could say “ scat” things were do­ eye glued to the keyhole, turned a back Memorial Day in a fitting manner yes­
ing. Sandy scored and the rooters
somersault and reported, in a stage terday, the exercises being held in the
awoke to the fact that the frost was whisper, “ Our friends, the enemy, are opera house at 10 a. m. and at the cem-
out o f the ground and the season was
Great excitement prevailed etery at 2:30 p. m.
upon us.
Neal Gage, o f Beagle, was in town
on. The kid called “ Dutch” yelled
A t the forenoon service Post Com­
for a few moments but when it was dis­
trading Saturday.
“ k iyi,” tbe creamery man cheered,
covered that the intruders were the mander S. M Nealon conducted the ex­
somebody else joined in the chorus and,
Jack Houston, o f Trail, was d oin g1
members o f the ladies’ auxiliary order ercises and Adjutant J. W. Hicks read
as Messenger cantered gracefully in
and that they were armed with lunch the general orders from headquarters. business in town Friday.
with another tally dangling at his belt,
baskets the excitement subsided and a Appropriate music, comprising chor­
R. C. Hensley is building a large new
everybody was awake and doing busi­
keen hunger became the order o f the uses, quartettes, duets, solos, etc., was barn on his farm east o f town.
ness at the old stand Then to add to
night. Lodge business was speedily rendered by a special choir organized
Miss Alice Hanley, o f Jacksonville, !
the excitement Cornutt pranced around
rushed to a finish and the conquering for the occasion, and the memorial ad­
was here on business Friday.
the diamond with another nice score
heroines led off their willing captives dress was delivered by Rev. Geo. W.
fo r the home team and there was blood
Charles Ulrich, o f Jacksonville, was
to the lower hall, where the baskets Burbank, pastor o f the I irst - ethodist
on the moon for sure. Prom that time were opened and the heart o f every church o f this city, who was himself a here one day last week after supplies.
on everybody played ball and the work
man present was reached by the most wearer o f the blue in the troublous days
J. T. Williams, o f Beagle, was i n ;
was fast enough to please any fan on
direct route. Members present told o f more than 40 years ago. Mr. Bur­ town after a load o f baled hay Friday, j
earth. In the seventh the visitors
the reporter that it is good to be a
packed in one more, making them
J. M. Gay has just received a car­
sentiments and was well received by
Woodman under such circumstances.
es , w e
w il l
t e l l y o u
w h y
o u r
seven, and there they quit. Central
load o f red cedar shingles at his lumber
the large audience present.
Point again g o t in their work to the
store is the best place for you to trade.
In the afternoon a large crowd as­ yard.
Will Send Colonists Here
tune o f three and earned another beau­
sembled at the fcemetery where the
Mrs. A. C. Freel, o f Gold Hill, was |
tiful home run—which they didn’ t get.
BECAUSE we buy our goods in carload lots
ritual service o f the post was observed visiting friends and shopping in this
In the ninth things happened quickly.
Edward Andrews, who is devoting and the graves o f the veterans were city Friday,
and give our customers the benifit of the special
When the dam boys came to bat, Pan­ his time to interesting eastern home-
decorated by their surviving comrades.
Cedar Screen Doors and Hangings, !
key ano Sanderson, our invincible bat­ seekers in the Rogue river valley and
prices and car lot freight rates thus secured.
Last Sunday a union memorial serv­
Screen Windows and Wire at Lee-
tery, made short shift o f the business. who recently brought a party o f 30 or
ice was held in the opera house, the
ver’ s.
4-26 j
BECAUSE our motto is “ Quick Sales and
With nine balls Pankey fanned three 40 heads o f families to the valley from
sermon being delivered on that occasion
men and if that record can be beaten South Dakota, was here Sunday.
John Olwell, the popular real estate
by Rev. Burbank, Rev. La Dow and
ju st let us know about it
It was While here Mr. Andrews made arrange­
Prof. Hanby assisting in the service. hustler o f Medford, was in town Fri­
pretty work and the score was kept at ments with I. F. Williams for hotel ac-
BECAUSE our stock is one of the largest
A choir trained for the occasion ren- day on business.
the old mark for the finish and if the ; commodations and livery service for dered some 8pedal music and the con.
Perry Corum, a student at the Mon­
in the County and we can fill your order when
umpire had seen that fly land as the the next party o f homeseekers which gregation was one o f the largest
that mouth Normal school, is at home for
crowd did it would have been a tie on he will bring here in a short time. Mr. ever assembled in this city.
you want the goods without
the summer vacation.
seven. However, it was a good game Andrews is doing fine work for the val­
subjecting you to vexatious
and one that leaves the question o f su­ ley and it is the efforts o f such boosters
Rev. La Dow has rented a new cot­
Largerat and moat Com plete
premacy still decidedly open.
tage recently erected by Mr. Cochran
as he that makes possible the fulfill­
Both teams have excellent batteries ment o f the expectations o f all pro-
south o f the Williams hotel.
Stock in Jackaon County
and good support and all that the home gressive people who are posted on the
BECAUSE we treat you
Mahlon I’urdin, o f Medford, demo­
boys need is a little more confidence in resources o f the wonderfully fertile
cratic candidate for the office o f county
right and give you your
themselves and a lot more support from valley o f the Rogue,
clerk, was in town Saturday.
The Co-operative Creamery associa­
the bleachers. Pankey shows whirl-
money’s worth every day in the year.
tion met at the city hall, Tuesday,
Mrs. G. W. Jeffers has the thanks o f
wind qualities in the box and Sander­
Will Irrigate Orchard
the II KHALI) office for a fine bouquet o f
May 29, at 3 o ’ clock p. m.
son, behind the mask, is always there
These are a few of the Y Y Y Y you should
P. D, Creager called the meeting to cut flowers from her garden.
with the goods.
F. H. Hopkins, owner o f the big ap­
trade with us.
order and announced that the object o f
Following is the lineup:
Sanderson & Sons, the busy contract­
ple orchard adjoining town, has made
Central Point
Gold Ray arrangements with the Fish Lake the meeting was for the purpose o f ors, are building a neat cottage for
Call and examine our stock and you will
Pankey - - -
- Robley Ditch company for water for irrigation electing an executive committee to rep­ William Kinney, near the school house.
become convinced that our Y Y Y Y are gen-
Sanderson - - - - c -
Sandry purposes on his place. A lateral is now resent the subscribers during the erec­
Joe Boswell and A. G. Pankey have
Ingram - - - 1st b -
Cobum being built from the main ditch east o f tion o f the creamery ar.d for the tran­
taken out fishing licenses and will catch
Ross - - - - 2nd b
Gray Bear creek at the rate o f almost a mile saction o f such other business as may
fish for the market the coming season.
Kelsoe - - - 3rd b -
McManus a day. Mr. Hopkins is confident that
Moved and seconded that M. Marshall
- - - 1 f
Capt. Rawlings and wife,
f Med­
Mansfield with water for irrigation when the dry
- - - - rf -
Parker season comes on he can improve the be elected as temporary chairman. ford, spent Tuesday afternoon visiting
Com utt - - - o f
- Owens size and quality o f his fruit to a ma­ Motion carried.
friends and shopping in our city.
A. J. Hanby was elected as tempor­
- Berkman
Messenger - -
terial degree and thus enhance their
F. M. Amy has recently sold a half
Score—Gold Ray, 7; Central Point, 6. value in the best markets. He is ex­ ary secretary.
Central Point, Oregon.
The following were elected as an ex­ block o f residence property to II. Co­
pending a large amount o f money in
ecutive committee to represent the rum, where the latter will at once erect
improvements this season, which shows
6. A. R. Encampment
subscribers during the erection o f the a residence.
his unbounded faith in the apple busi­
creamery : R. C. Hensley, Tyson Beal,
Dr. Pleasants and A. E. Laport have
ness and the Rogue river valley.
J. M. Upton, M. Marshall and S. K. each purchased two residence lots from
The Fourteenth Annual Soldiers’ and
Sailors’ reunion, which was postponed
F. M. Amy and will build on them dur­
Jackson County to the Front
Moved and seconded that the chair­ ing the coming summer.
from September, 1£05, will convene at
man appoint a committee o f three to
Grants Pass on Monday, June 18, 1906,
Railway traffic was seriously inter­
and continue in camp five days.
At the grand lodge meeting o f the draw up a constitution and by-laws.
fered with last week by an immense
The camp will be located in a beauti­ Independent Order o f Odd Fellows, Motion carried and the following were
landslide which covered the tracks at a
ful, well-shaded grove in the suburbs he>d at Portland last week, W. I. Vaw- appointed: J. M Upton, Tyson Beal
point this side o f Dunsmuir.
ter, o f Medford, was elected grand pa­ and W. J. Freeman.
o f the city, near Rogue river. It will triarch o f the encampment degree and
It was moved and seconded that the
C. A. Walduff has sold lot 8, block
be furnished with water from the city W. A. Carter, o f Gold Hill, was chosen
executive committee be authorized to 69, to Joseph Wilson, o f Agate, the
water works and lighted by electric grand master.
Elour M ill to S ta rt
Sunday’s Ball Games
Memorial Day Observed
Local and Personal
Won’t you tell
me why, Robin ?
Cranfill & Robnett
Th i
P e r m a n e n t ly
\ I E I ) F O H D
t he —
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R esser ^ved
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