I — ----------- - Humor <md Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITH i .---------------------------------------------------------- - C op y right. Uu4, by Dunc&n U . Smith. PERT PARAGRAPHS. The only Rood thing about advtos ts lb it it put.i tho giver la such good bt>- tcor that be usually trill stand far • . toui.li. The dealer In green goods Is on th* lookout for green customers to match them. Never lend your umbrella; it is a fo o d thing to have bandy when it rains. Pure prepared Paint and Puye Lin Made Ilia Own JaiL Among tbe early Comstockers, the seed Oil at Leever’ s. Get prices before 4-26 makers o f Virginia City, Nev., were painting, some o f tbe toughest specimens of hu manity loose In the world in those days, and perhaps the most primitive one in the lot was "lied Mike." The fellow appeared to be equipped only with brute lustlucts, but there was human Intelligence o f a sort In the back c f bis bead, and he gave an exhibition of prudential forethought that would huve been creditable to a w i^ r man. "R ed Mike" wus employed-as brick layer In the building o f a Jail, which was one o f Virginia City’s flrst anl most Imperative needs, and be thought fully omitted the mortar and laid a number o f bricks dry and loose at sev eral places In the wall. In the natural order of things "Red Mike” committed a serious offense and was thrown into Jail to await trial, for even in the early days the Comstock usually tried a man before hanging him. The next morning the jail was empty. “ Red Mike" had made a hole In the wall by taking out some o f his own handiwork, and when he went out he took all the other prisoners with him. Cautious. "D o you think It is right ta kirn a girl you are not engaged to.” “ It may be rlgbt, but it isn’t safe. She is liable to land you before you gat away.’’ Stood the Test. He loved her. W ho could doubt U? He proved It sure enough. He listened to her poems And said they were great stuff. PERT PARAGRAPHS. A tactful man will always refrain from making any comments on Mon day’ s dinner. What Johnnie can’t understand is why the flrst month of vacation Is so much shorter than the last month cf school. Italy and the E vil Eye. ¡ Getting Even. “ She is going to sue him for breach o f promise." "B ut he has no money. What doe* She expect to get?” "Revenge. She intends to have his letters read In court-’’ Wants Were Modest **I came to ask you for your daugh ter.” “ But she Is the only one I have.” “ Well, I don’ t want but one. I hops you don’t take me for a bigamist.” M . La m m e y A Fixed State. “ Can marriage be successful on $10 • week?” “ Bure thing. A man could never save •nough to start divorce proceedings.” How He Won Her. She was a sweet girl graduate; The choicest of the brood. He was almost a savage. Uncultured, raw and crude. He didn't know beyond the Alps That Italy lay fair; He d1dn’ t know that at the top Were zones o f room to spare; But he owned thirteen sections And paid bills In advance. Bo when he said, "Please marry me,” She thought she'd take a chanoe. Deserve the Treatment, "Mosquitoes are very bad about the place this year.” " I f they are so bad, why don't yon ha vs them sent to a reform school?" Would Be His Choice. “ More people die from overeating than from starvation." “ Bat think how much pleasanter a ■sath it la!” A Double Loss. “ W hy did he marry her?” “ Jenks bet him be couldn't.” •That waa where he lost out twice;” Veil Named. The little coin Is fickle And simply will not stay; It's called the nimble nickel Because It gets sway. The Modern V sy . “ Thom who dance most pay the fid A Carton. Freak of Llfthtnluit* The old adage that “ lightning never strikes twice in the same place” has often been disproved. Here is an In stance in point: In the summer of 1884 the farmhouse of Henry Axtell, in Chemung county, N. Y., was struck by lightning three times in one day. First it split the chimney from top to bottom, ruined stove and pipe and bored sever al large holes In the floor. An hour later a “ bolt” struck tbe same house and tore a milk bench, upon which sev eral cans o f milk were setting, all to pieces. The same evening a third flash entered the roof and tore the legs from a bedstead. I lls E stim ate. “ H ow far do you travel in crossing the ocean from Liverpool to New York?" asked tbe Instructor at tbe night school. "F our thousand miles.” "Oh, no. Think ngain.” "That's right," persisted the shaggy haired pupil. "I know tbe book says 8,000 miles, an' that’ s what It is In a straight line, but f m countin’ 1 . the ups an’ downs. Tv* been acrost.” — Chicago Tribune. Ills T ra de. "A nd you say you have a trade?” asked tbe kind lady at the door. "Y es’ m.” said the tramp, " I ’m a work er in precious metals and stones.” "Indeed! And can’ t you get anything to do?” "N o’m, de perlice and de Jewelers are all on to me.” (Jird to It. Tommy was visiting a neighbor's. At dinner the hostess apologized to him because the table linen was soiled a. his plate. "Oh. that’s nothing,” be assured her promptly. "Ours is worse’n that at borne.’’—Brooklyn Life. *TnJaaa they dance to beat tbe band " W hy, Indeed t A Pose» *T make It a point to ballar* Joal half what I bear.” , ■'’W h ich h a lf?” He—Why does a woman alway- tfilnk she ought to wear a smaller sboc than she can? She—Why does a mat always think he ought to wear a large? hat than he can?—Yonkers Statesman. Democratic County Ticket State Senator - Representatives L. L. Mulit, o f Ashland J C. L. Reames, o f Jacksonville I T. J. O ’ Hara, o f Central Point Frank E. Bybee, o f Jacksonville M. Purdin, o f Medford - - R. B. Dow, o f Medford Oris Crawford, o f Jacksonville - - H. H. Taylor, o f Roxy - Sheriff Clerk - Recorder - Treasurer Commissioner A t W OODVILLE, at Hall, at 8 p. m ., Saturday, May 19. GOOD SPEAK ERS present and everybody invited. P U T IO R M 01 R POLITICAL CARDS C . H EN S LEY. (Under this head, announcements o f Socialist Candidate for State Senator for candidates o f all parties, for election at Jackson County the general June election, will be en tered at reasonable rates.) F irst — Believing in the principles of International Socialism, I hold that la bor produces all the wealth o f the L. L. M U L IT , world and is therefore entitled to all o f Ashland, the wealth o f the world. Democratic, Nominee fo r S econd — That our present system o f government, wherein our represents-1 STATE SENATOR tives have the power during their term \ For Jackson County o f office to enact such laws as they J I f elected, wdl vote to repeal “ Gun see fit, results in class legislation, License L a w .” thereby favoring the classes instead o f the masses and creating a favored class ! who are rapidly absorbing the wealth F R A N K E. B Y B E E , o f the nation; and realizing that so o f Jacksonville, long as we continue to live under pri- ! vate ownership system that this state Democratic Nominee for o f affairs will always exist, therefore, SH E R IFF OF JACKSON COUNTY if elected, I pledge m yself to work for No. 24, Official Ballot the overthrow o f this present private ownership system and inaugurate in its stead the co-operative commonwealth wherein the natural resources shall be ORIS C R A W F O R D the common inheritance o f all the peo- o f Jacksonville pie, and wherein every worker shall D e m o c r a t ic N o m in e e f o r have an equal voice in the administra tion o f the affairs o f the government. | COUNTY TRE A SU R E R T hird — In regard to electing United I State Senator by a direct vote o f the people, I will say that as Socialists we have no interest in the matter, as we j H E N R Y D. K U B L I, do not believe in a delegated system o f o f Applegate government, and hold that so long as R epublican C andidate F or you give the law-making power into the hands o f any set o f men, that it REPRESEN TATIVE does not matter by or through what j means they get this power, the fact re maining that during their term o f office j they are masters o f the situation, and C H A R L E S V. G A L L O W A Y , so long as they have this law-making : o f Yamhill County power in their hands they will sell it to j the highest bidder. R. C. H ensley . J — Minneapolis. Journal- P R O F E S S IO N A L I >14. Central Qnalnt Cure» of Old. For epilepsy wear a ring made from a coffin ring and take seven drops of blood from tbe tall of a eat. These remedies are equally efficacious either separately or in conjunction. For toothache carry In the pocket the tooth o f a soldier killed in battle or eat mouse nibbled bread or trim your nails on a Friday. To cure warts, rub a po tato and give tbe potato to a pig, or rub them with a piece of chalk, then put It In a little bag and throw it across cross roads. Holding the affected fin ger In the ear o f a cat for half an hour was reckoned an excellent remedy for a felon. - - - No rumination ’ 07) - John >1. Ge<irin, o f Mult. -¡Charles V. <5allqway, o f Yamhill E. C h am berlin , o f Multnomah P, H. Sroat, o f Marion - - J. D. Matlock, o f Lane - T. G. Hailey, o f Umatilla - - - No nomination - J. Scott Taylor, o f Klamath Robert A. Miller, o f Multnomah - - - - N o nomination A t WIMER SCHOOL HOUSE, 2 p. m., Saturday, May 19. A . It is safest, when that molar Takes the center o f the stages Plunging one In darkest dolor. Causing one to wildly rage, j To sidestep and quiet keep TUI the tooth Is put to sleep. U. S. Senator (to fill vacancy) U. S. Senator (term b e g ’ng March 4, Representative in Congress, 1st Dist. Governor . . . . Geo. Secretary o f State - State .Treasurer . . . . Supreme Judge . . . . Superintendent o f Public Instruction State Printer . . . . ¡Attorney General . . . . Commissioner pf Labor Public Speaking It is hard for us to realize the deadly significance to an Italian o f the sug doubtless want a plank In the political gestion that one may have the evil eye. platforms knocking “ R ” out o f the al Nearness lends enchantment to the I was walking one day with a young phabet. aenseo when fried chicken and peaclt American girl to whom I had been un folding some o f the tragedies I have pie are under contemplation. A woman selects her second husband known connected with the supersti with a great deal more decision and An eye opener is a Joke the point of tion. She took it all lightly and jo y dispatch than she did Iter first. ously, after the manner o f her kind, wtiich a blind man can see. and later, during our walk, when a The shallower the man Is the deeper When you have strained your rela saucy, tormenting beggar pursued us, he pretends to ue. tions with your sweetheart apply a she made the sign o f the corn! as I had described It to her, shaking the hand poultioe o f bonbons and violets. 1 A girl always marvels at the celerity slightly, with the first and the fourth with which the masculine halo disap Stone and Brick Mason Many a woman has won a husband finger extended. Then the beggar be pears after marriage. came convulsed with anger and seemed by becoming the tall to his kite. Well and Flue Work almost beside herself, shrieking out Sometimes when a woman lays down such a torrent of abuse that we were The mostsuo- the law she takes up the rolling pin. glad to jum p into a cab and fly from BRICK FLUES BUILT cessful get rich the wrath to come. The poor creature quick scheme SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Some women are never happy nnleoa was not to be blamed; she knew that Is this: Be CENTRAL POINT, OR. they are unhappy. once the shadow of suspicion falls it born the son means sAWal excommunication, banish o f a trust mag ment outside the pale of whatever so nate. ciety one belongs to.—Century. N O W SPADES ARE TRUMPS. Many a wom- Wliintler's Fine Airs. ■a is darker Mortimer Menpes, the artist, in his tban she is book on Whistler, says: "Sometimes painted. we visited a dealer who owed him Nothing makes a man quite so mad money, and Whistler would receive a as to discover that a slot machine it check. Once the check was not handed out of repair after he has put his mon- to him In what he thought a sufficient ly dignified manner, and he said to the ay in i t dealer: ‘This is careless o f you. You push this check toward me, and you Toothache. do not realize what a privilege it is to L ife Is hardly worth IfTthff When one has an aching tuuth. be able to hand it to the master. You Who can gentle and forgiving should offer It ou a rich old English Be In such a case? In truth. salver and in a kingly w ay.’ Once a Candor makes me here declare Then I’m cross as any bear. dealer borrowed a gorgeously embossed sliver salver for the occasion, and when I am hating all creation the master arrived for his check—he When my tooth Is beating time; When it aches like all tarnation, was very punctual—presented it on tbe I am fit for any crime; salver with a carefully worded and Still It takes a lot o f grit elegant little speech that he had taken To step up and part with it. some pains to rehearse. The master When I try the pain to cover, was pleased. ’This,’ said he, 'is as it Playing that there Is no ache. should be.’ ” H alf a dozen mishaps hover Round me to advantage take; To beset me as I grin, Keeping all the>.swear words In. Democratic State Ticket Point P L E A SA N T S C en tru l P o in t, O r e g o n W M . W . I3 . H O L T , M . I» , P h y M ic lu n a n d One of the Coming Centers of the EAGLE Famous Rogue River Valley POINT, ! S u rgeon OREGON MRS. MARY ASHURST — Teacher o f — B U S IN E S S A N D R E SID E N C E LOTS have placed on the market and at very reasonable prices. again P i a n o o riti been O ryan Inquire o f Pleasants’ Hotel. Now is the time to buy lots and we here give a few reasons why this property is a good and safe investment: F irst —Central Point has never been boomed, therefore it has no inflated values, which insures excellent opportunities for business openings and investments. S econd — It is the most sightly and centrally located town in D emocratic N ominee F or REPRESEN TATIVE IN CONGRESS Eli Jones----- the Rogue river valley. D EALER IN T hird — It is the main outlet for the large belt o f sugar pine Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings, Notions forests at the head o f this valley. F ourth — It has more good land tributary and is surrounded by a more thickly populated country than any town in the valley. Intensive farming, on small tracts, is the rule. and Millinery. F ifth — The town will this summer erect one o f the finest school buildings in Southern Oregon. established here. We Meet and Heat Medford.price«. to you. A bank will also soon be Call and get acquainted and let u* prove it CE N T R A L POINT, OREGON S ixth — The mining industry, right at [our doors, is fast be coming an important factor. S eventh — The town has the best and cheapest electric light and power system in Oregon. All Kinds of Repair Work Promptly Done E ighth —We understand that parties are now figuring on building an electric railway from this point to skirt the entire valley. Satisfactio U E N T R A I Jeffers & Peart Central Point is bound to grow and by buying now you are sure to double your money within twelve months. For prices, terms and other information, call on or address N in t h — G e n e r a l B la c k sm ith « & W o o d w o r k e r » HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Lancaster & Pattison, CENTRAL POINT, OR. HERALD OFFICE We i treat you and your horses right •i-H - H- H -l-i-H -i—1