Local and Personal GET Fashionable The “ Uncle fp m ’ s Cabin” show Mon­ day night was a, plumb fright. That’s all. L. Miss Gale Lajighl»n will speak here tomorrow night at Christian church on j woman suffrage. LATEST W. C. Hawley, republican candidate for congress, wiil speak at the city hall, May 18, at 2 p. m. HATFIELD S T Y L E S; NOBBISH P A T T E R N S and L O W E ST PRICES W E A R IN G A P P A R E L Orders taken for “ T A IL O R M A D E S U IT S.” in C E N T R A L POINT, OR. GEN TLEM EN ’S W . C- L E E V E R T h e H a r d w a r e m a n ;; PLATIORM Of If:. C. HENSLEY. •H-l- M- l- l—1- 1—M- H - 1- I- 1"H—l- l- l- I- M-l- l- H-WTi-H-H-W-HH -l- H - H - l- l- H-l-l-I- f J. W. Gilmore and family l$ft l»gt Sat­ urday for Strawn, Texas, where they, will visit relatives for a few months. L ost A Waterman -fauntain pen on,. road between Central Point and Bear creek bridge. Retur-»,to IJ eixald officg. Reward. Socialist Candidate for State Senator for All Kinds o f Repair Work Jackson County Promptly Done R irsit —Believing in tho principles of International Socialism, I hold that la­ bor produces all. the. wealth of the world and is therefore entitled to all the wealth of the world. S econd —That our present system of J. M. Potter, former editor of the government, wherein our representa- Medford Daily Tribune, has accepted a tives haye the power during their term position as cashier o f a new .banking of office to enact such ,aw8 as they institution in Seattle- see fit, results in class legislation, : Jacob Stone ajid family, of Talent, have located here and -for thfi present • •, are occupying the Emi«yv r*#ulqnce. They have rented the Nicholson plart All Kinds of Hauling Promptly Done. C E N T R A L POINT, OREGON Dr. W. P. Holt and E. R. ju d d er, well known citizens of Eaglq Point, were in the city Tuesday. ( Mrs. Hester Hartzell, of Medford, came in on Saturday evening’s train and spent Sunday in Central Point the guest of Mrs. S j B. Holmes. Furnishings D . C. G R I M •• C ity . D r a y ii r r r a n d T r a n s f e r OF Hon. S. M. SJealon, of Tftble Rock, went to Grapty Pass? Monday, return­ ing Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Palm, of Med­ ford, were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O’Hara Sunday. RETAIL YOUR DEALER IN WOOD Mrs. Ella Arnold, o f Medford, spent Sunday with her sfctsr, Mrs, Geo. Fox. thereby favoring the classes instead of the masses and creating a favored class who are rapidly absorbing the wealth of the nation; and realizing that so long as we continue to. live under pri­ vate ownership system that this state . , , . of affairs will always exist, therefore, . , _ J * . , ; *f elected I pledge myself to work for DEALER IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Satisfactio CENTRAL Jeffers & Peart S to ves an d R a n g e s , T i n & E n a m e le d W a r e G e n e ra l B lacksm iths & W o o d w o r k e r s HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY W e treat you and your horses right P A IN TS, OILS, V A R N ISH E S A N D GLASS. GOODS OF A L L K IN D S. SPORTING •• Fishing tackle especially built for the Rogue River Is Y Horse Lame ? our C e n tr a l P o in t, O r e g o n for a year and will move there shortly. 1 1“-ov*V‘t r<>w ° 1 lli’. .pre8en I)nva (i ownership system and inaugurate in its Rev. and Mrs. Burbank returned stead the co-operative commonwealth Saturday evening from Grants Pass, wherein the. natural resources shall be where they attended an interesting and the common inheritance of all the peo- «uccessful meeting of the Epworth pje, and wherein every worker shall League association o f that district. have an equal voice in the administra- Steve Caldwell, o f the firm of Cald-1 ti(»n .of the affairs of the government, well Bros., sheepmen, was in town for T h i r d — In regard to electing United a few days during the week. He re- State Senator by a direct vote of the ports the sheep doing well and a big PeoPle- 1 wi" that as Socialists we •K -H -K -H -H -M -K -H -H - percentage of lambs raised during the have no interest in the matter, as we season ! d° believe in a delegated system of government, and hold that so long as The fraternal order of Modern Wood- j you g jve the law.-making power into njen o f America donated $100,000 to the hands of any set of nen> that it ■0e San Francisco rebel - fund. No : does not. matter by or through what other Order approached this amount in means they get this power, the factre- rellef for the ea^thqu^ke and firq suf- mainjng that during their term o f office I*rer3- they are masters of the situation, and Miss Dorothy Day, one of Jackson-j so long as they have this law-making ville’s able teaqhers, Sundayed with i power in their hands they will sell it to Miss Elizabeth Gibson. We, under- the highest bidder. R. C. H ensley . -• ■■ stand Miss Day has refused several good positions for the, coming year, since her mamma nqeds her at. home. School boards are used tq such excuses and, when they are made, they can faintly hear Wedding Bells. “ I’M IT ! ” E u r o p e a n E la n W . E. Price E in e S a m p le HOTEL R oom s NASH The H om e o f C om m or e ia l a n d M in in " M e n HOTEL NASH CO., PROPS. DINING ROOM UNSURPASSED. REFURNISHED THROUGHOUT M EDFORD. OREGON 233D N a s li L iv e ry S tab le POLITICAL CARDS L lm h ir s t’ & S lade, P ro p rieto rs (Under this head, announcements of The Medford correspondent of the „ , I candidates of all parties, for election at Portland Journal writes an excellent the general June election, will be en- letter for last Sunday’s issue of that ! tered at reasonable rates.) paper on real estate transactions and fruit prospects in the Rogue river val­ ley. Such articles are just what is L. L. M U LIT, needed in spreading the good news and of Ashland, the glad tidings to all the people con­ Democratic Nominee for cerning this, the best country on earth. STATE SENATOR A high class musieal and literary en­ For Jackson County I; tertainment will he given in the opera I c i l y W illiam s, P rop. house in this city Saturday evening by the students and faculty of the Ash- F R A N K g B Y B E E Fast Horses. First-class Rigs, Careful. Experienced Drivers. laarl high school. Admission, 15c. Re- " , Dally Stage to Eagle Point. HBrved luatai 25c. The proceeds will, o f Jacksonville-, be used 'for improving the apparatus j Democratic Nominee for Special attention to Commercial Men. in the sahool Ijtmratory. Seats now! SHERIFF OF JACKSON COUNTY •M- I- M- l- l- l-H-l-H- l- !- l- H - l- l-l-!"l"l"!-H - l- l- l"I- l- l- l- l- I- H - l"l- H - l- l- !"l- l-l"l- !- «n sate’ atil'Mntfiili&'Rc.bnett's Store. No. 24, Official Ballot FINE STOCK. GOOD RIGS. v . r * ” l U f . L M » , a i » ij . aE. H W . Centra! Point Livery JACKSON. C O U N TY BANK . Stables Jones’ Cash Store T . M . J O N E S . Proprietor D e a l e r in — Furniture, Carpets, Dry Goods,, W in d ow -H -i-H - t- H- l- i- H - l- l- l- I'-l- l- l- I- l- l' I- I"H ' ¡"¡-H -l- I- H - I-l-i-l-l"I-l- l- !- l- l"I- l- I-H-P Freeman & Wiley Vehicles, Salt and Heath & Milligan Paints. PRICES Etc. Always the We carry a full line of D o Y o u Need CHEAPEST. B A IN W A G O N S . BUGGIES. H AC K S. SURRIES. ETC. R U N A B O U TS IN ST E E L and RUBBER TIRES F O R O r e g o n I ) FREE D E L IV E R Y —Shippers o f Chickens, E ggs and Produce Quality Harness. Saddles. Robes and Whips. Gasoline tnqines. Pumps. Bicycles and Incubators We carry one of the largest stocks in Jackson County T l i e i r G o o d » a r e F lr H t -e la s H E D S P O T C A S H and O N E P R IC E ^ Sanderson & Sons Cmtn5T m *i- SEE US î See W e e k s & B a k e r Î M — Considered. CALL AND FURNITURE or CARPETS ? Paper, Exclusive agents fdr Virgin’s Best Flour and Leslie’ s Sterelized Farm Implements. MEDFORD, OREGON. ; ; -H - H H - l-k l 'I- H - f- H - l- M -H - H - l' l-l- l- I -H - l- l-H -l- l- H -t-i- H - H - K -H -i- H - l-x W a ll Groceries, Paints, Oils & Feed. | E stablished 1888, ) C a p ita l a n ti S u r p lu s , ijs o .o o o . W. I. VAWTER, P res . G. R. LINDLEY, C ashier B. F. A dkins , V ice -P res . L. L. J acobs , A sst . C ashier Under on* Management, for nearly Twenty Years. Prompt ness..-Courtesy and Conservatism is a part, of our policy. Glass, - Plans and Specifications Estimates given on work in all parts of the valley Furnished C E N T R A I, POINT. OR. C entral P oint, O r e g o n -H -H -H -H -H -H - -H- K - i- H - H I I l-H - Eli Jones DEALER INC Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings, Notions and M illinery. Meet and Beat Medford prices. i ^ y ’ U. J Call and get acquainted and let ua prove it ; CENTRAL POINT. OREGON • ■ STRICTLY in C entral P o in t O r e g o n Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectioneries and Soft Drinks ICE CREAM PARLORS IN CONNECTION Post Office Building ; : ONLY WHITE HELP EMPLOYED • • HOTEL PLEASANTS G. S. M O O R E DEALER f ir s t - c l a s s ; Central Point, Oregon Rates—$1.00 Up. Special by the Week S pecial A ttention P ah » to T raveling M en