C entral P oint H erald F. K. D euel , Vice-President + W m . S. C ru W kll , President K ir s t N a tio n a l B an k i L ancaster & P attison , P ublishers S. A. P attison , E ditor . J. E. L ancaster , B usiness M anager P aid U p C apital , $25,000 S tockholders ’ L iability , $50,000 FAIR DEALING, SAFETY, SECURITY An independent local newspaper We do a conservative banking business. Always safe-guarding our customers’ devoted to the interests of Central interests equally with our own. W e S olicit Y our A ccount . Point and the Rogue River Valley. D irectors : —W. S. Crowell, F. K. Deuel, E. V. Carter, Chas. Strang, Geo. W. Dunn. M. L. ALFORD, C ashier . Subscription price, $1.50 'per year, in advance. M e d fo r d , O re g o n THURSDAY, MAY 3, 190G. small about Central Point, thank you. P u ll T o g eth er. T h e R o g u e R iv e r Leagu e T h a t’s H er Business Soon They Will Marry— , • i T h a t’s Their Business The Minister Will Marry Them— T h a t’s H ks Business When married they will need Shoes, H ats, D ry G oods, Clothing, Dishes, Groceries, Notions and an innumerable assortment of other sundries found in Our mammoth line of general merchandise. T H A T ’S O U R C R A N F 1L L & R O B N E T T Kandy Kitchen Outing Suits A. P. Olllett & Son Fountain Soda and Bottled Goods. A good assortment of Cigars. Every­ thing found in a first-class Confectionery. Canned lunch goods. A fresh supply of bakery goods always on hand. Lunches served at all hours. and Blue Serges . THE SEASON’S NEWEST IN F. H. W eb b MEN S WEARING APPAREL N ew and Second-hand Furniture - - BOUGHT AND SOLD - - Old Reliable Barber Shop ] I also carry a fine lot of Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco and the finest BREAD and PASTRY in the Valley. “ The Toggery” GLENN OWEN, P rop . Main Street Medford’s Fashion Store Sleek Shoves and Handsome Haircuts I Receive Fresh Bread Every Day. -> CENTRAL POINT d-H - H- l- H -d- l-H -lriri-l-l-I-l-H -H ' for the financial, commercial social advancement of the best sectjons_ section o f country on earth. The The Telegram is assured that it voices organization will b e perfected at the sentiment of the rest o f the state the meeting to be held at Grants *n the prophecy that the result of the Pass dune June 9 it is is sure safe to to orKanilation R°KUe river valley development rass, y, and ana it win exceed the most league san- predict that it Will be the great guine expectations o f its projectors, est promotion and exploitation and therein prove an agreeable and gathering ever held in sou th ern vastly profitable venture.-Telegram. Oregon. Every citizen of the j two counties is invited and e x -! C S l 'S i J r S T l S M Home Made Candies Soft Drinks of all Kinds . will land it in the front rank o f Ore- .. and pmKre81livo and w, auh-Producing hold of the tug rope, everybody will join in the long, strong, al­ together pull that will only stop at some distant future time when every latent resource of the Rogue river valley will have been fully developed and there is nothing left to be desired. B U SIN E SS 1 a T h a t’s H is Business F H -H ' 1 h 1» !■ 1 1"H - I-1-H -1-H "1"H-M"1"1"!- 1-H"I"M ., The Young Man Loves the Young Lady— The Young Lady Loves the Young Man— The recently organized devel­ The people of Rogue river valley have joined the procession; they are in step opment league o f the Rogue river with progressive Oregon, and in an or­ valley bids fair to speedily be­ ganized way are to become a factor in come the greatest agent for the the greater development o f the com­ material advancement o f this monwealth. In other words, there is a section o f southern Oregon that Rogue river valley development league, which proposes to do a publicity and has yet been projected. The get- promotion business for the special ben­ together, stay-together, pull-to­ efit of that section and the general ad­ gether spirit that was voiced at vantage o f Oregon. the Ashland meeting last Friday The frequent announcement o f such is just what is needed in every enterprise as this, as it reaches us from ■ _ .. 1 eastern Oregon, from the mountains, section of the country W OSC Cl f rom ¿he upper Willamette valley and izens have an ambition to get i from f rom southern Oregon, is a most satis- well to the front in the line of fying guarantee of the working o f the progress that is sweeping resist- new spirit which practically owes its lessly over this busy, bustling, awakening to the Portland exposition. 1 It is a phenomenon which bears the hustling world. The age in which highest encouragement to every inter­ we are living is fast becoming est in the state. It demonstrates be- one o f centralization, concentra­ j yond cavil that the outreaching of Port­ tion, co-operation, if you please, land, of Salem, o f Pendleton, of Baker and the individual, town or com- City ,,r Me at leMt> that the Ro(fUe river val_ ftlsO Open to every citizen of the \ v y ' considered as a whole, lacks in Valley who wishes to join hands nothing, either in the enterprise o f its with his neighbors in a long, people or the splendid character of its Strong pull and push, altogether, undeveloped material resources that - W h o s e B usiness Is It? MEDFORD, (Old Boswell Stand) J. W . Jacobs & Co. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON I J. C. W ilson apos­ tle, prophet and whatnot, is g e t-! ting more free advertising than all the politicians in Oregon. John Alexander may be a fakir and a Central Point Market E. A. FORD, P rop . frenzied financier in Zion, but he C o n tr a c to r » a n d B u ild e r s is not exactly a fool. He has a faculty for looking after the Carpentry and Joining in all its branches loaves and fishes as well as the Eresh and Cured Meats stocks and bonds. J o h n A l e x a n d e r D o w ie , Manufacturers of all classes of E. C hapman M a r b le a n d G r a n ite C e m e te ry W o rk : W ils o n & C hapm an Estimates Furnished. sometimes been said o f Y our P atronaok Is S olicited Central Point in the past that the place is not even on the map. That’s nothing. There was a time in the past when Chicago was not on the map, but a few enterprising, wide-awake people got together then3 and proceeded J. C A R LT O N Jew eler to put it on the map in big. red letters. Let’s get toget her. neigh­ Permanently located in .IONES’ CASH ; DEALER IN STORK, Central Point. bors, and put Central Point on the map. It will help the looks HARDW A R E . I ARM o f the map and will not hurt Written guarantee on all work for 12 J month». High grade watch repairing i IM P LEM EN TS , E T C , Central Point a bit. a specialty. Designs furnished or will manufa- cure from privato drawing.'-.. Our Granite Quarries, near Central Pqint, are the finest on the Coast. Electric polishing machines in our local factory. Iron fencing. CENTRAL POINT, -OREGON CENTRAL POINT, OR. I t has ■H-l-H-S-H - i- i- l-i-M- i- l- i-i"!"!1 l„l-l-l- l- e n t r a l P o in t M A R Y A. H EE P. J. Hicken H. C P h a r m a c y P rop rietor H. W a t k i n s 1 Pure Fresh Drugs and Medicines CIGARS, TOBACCOS Î & Gold, silver, stool and soft soldoring if done successfully. Orders taken for everything known in the jeweler’ s line. Old gold and silver I Proprietary Medicines. taken in exchange. CONFECTIONERY ± Druggists’ Sundries. Toilet Articles Stationery C e n t r a l P o in t is to have a Books, Etc. ----- — ■ ■ — commercial club. It will be or­ :: ICE CREAM AND SODA " ganized for the purpose o f getting the business men and citizens Pdints and Oils ; : LUNCH GOODS generally together and securing When in the city give me a call. You will find my goods first- concerted action in pulling for the town. The club will act in class and my prices reasonable. unison with the Rogue River Val­ EA G LE POINTJ OREG O N ; ; ; Eagle Point. Oregon ley Development league in pull­ ing for the entire valley, which is the only sane way for any • ■ CENTRAL POINT OREGON Hotel dnd Feed Stable town or community to build it­ •l-l-l-H -H -H -l-H -H - l-l- I-H - H - H-lri-l- self up on a firm and lasting foundation. What is food for the goose is food for the gander PRICES REASONABLE W M . W. P* HOLT Handle Rogue River Valley prop­ and. rather than see the show erty , embracing alfalfa and or­ Physician and Surgeo* DR. PLE A SA N TS stop. Central Point is willing to chard landa. stock ranches, city property, etc., on small commission. List your EAGLE POINT. OREGON C e n t r a l P o i n t O r e g o n be the gander. There's nothing EAGLE POINT OREGON property with ua CENTRAL POINT. OREGON. E. E.SCUDDER t Downing & Emry