Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, May 03, 1906, Image 1

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    C entral point herald
this county find it o f much advantage
to their business. The next meeting of
the association will be held at Ashland
on the last Saturday in May.
The Ashland Meeting
The development league meeting at
Ashland, last Friday, was well attend­
ed. Representatives were present from
Edgle Point Boosters Organize
Grants Pass, Gold Hill, Gold Ray, Cen­
tral Point, Jacksonville, Medford, Eagle
E agle P oint , April 22, ’06.
Point, Ashland and other towns and
Acting on the principle o f “ the bet­
precincts o f the tw o counties and the ter the day, the better the deed,” a
meeting was at once harmonious and goodly number o f Eagle Point citizens
enthusiastic. The gathering was pri­ congregated at the Watkins hall Sun­
day for the purpose o f organizing a
marily a meeting o f the executive com­ development league to act in harmony
mittee, held for the purpose o f adopt­ with the Rogue river valley develop­
ing a constitution and by-laws for the ment league, our townsman, John t :
government o f the new organization, Cook temporarily in the chair. Mr.
: Cook delivered one o f his spell-binding
which is now officially known as the talks o f five or six minutes which fairly
River Valley Development electrified the audience, after which it
League o f Southern Oregon. Dr. C . was “ dead easy” to organize, which
R. Ray presided at the meeting and was done by electing Jay Grover as
president on permanent organization.
Capt. M. F. Eggleston, o f Ashland, J. F. Brown was unanimously chosen
acted as secretary. The constitution as secretary and J. F. Brown, T. E.
and by-laws, as prepared by a sub-com­ Nichols ana Jay Grover were elected
mittee appointed for that purpose, were delegates to meet with the Grants Pass,
Gold Hill, Central Point, Medford and
read by sections, discussed by mem" Jacksonville delegates at Ashland on
bers and, with some slight amend- Friday, April 27.
ments, adopted.
A fter short talks by Geo. Brown, J.
A fter routine business had been dis- H' Carlton Jay Grover and others the
posed of, the chairman called a number
o f gentlemen to the floor for short ad­
dresses and every speaker urged unity
o f action among all sections o f the val­
ley in making known to the world the
wonderful resources and opportunities
o f the valley o f the Rogue. W. C.
Leever, o f this city, made a forceful
address that was full o f vim and hustle
and the spirit o f progress as an egg is
« f meat.
William McMurray, assistant general
passenger agent o f the Harriman lines
in Oregon, and H. E. Lounsbury, dis­
trict freight agent o f the same com­
pany, were present and favored the
w ting with short addresses in which
j pledged the hearty co-operation o f
their company in any movement tend­
ing to build up and develop the Rogue
river valley.
The delegates and other visitors were
royally entertained while in Ashland by
the Commercial club o f that city, a
splendid mid-day dinner being served
to the visitors at the hotel Oregon.
The next meeting o f the league will
be held at Grants Pass, June 9 ,.and ar­
rangements are being made by the cit­
izens o f that city to entertain the great-
est promotion gathering ever got to-
gether in southern Oregon. The valley
o f the Rogue will be heard from plenty
in the near future, and once the new
league gets down to business the ma­
terial advantages, scenic beauties and
general attractions o f this favored sec­
tion will no longer be a sealed book to
the home-seekers o f the world.
Fifteen Years Ago.
meeting adjourned to 8 p. m., Satur-
da April 28.
t v .veryone
was loyal and expressed
themselves as determined to work for
a greater Rogue river valley.
O ne W ho W as T h e r e .
Reai Estate Transfers.
John V. Chandler to Robt L. Hale;
lot 6 blk 1 Davis add to Medford, $205.
Herman M. Standinger to Robt L.
Hale; lot 7 blk 1, Davis add to Medford
Sands W. Bouton to Jefferson Brum-
back, 38 acres in tp. 37 3 W ; 7 .60 acres
in sec 8 tp 37 2 W and one-fourth inter­
est in 10 acres in sec 8 tp37 2 W, $2200.
Wm. Scott et ux to F. F. Billings et
ux, n half s e quarter sec 32 tp 35 2 w.
Mary M. Parker to Big Bend Milling
Co., land in sec 24, 25 2 e, $10.
State o f Oregon to Jas Kershaw, nw
qr ne qr sec 16 tp 37 1 e, $100.
D. C. Irwin et ux to W. Pienning;
lots 2, 3 blk D, R.R. add to Ashland.
E. M. Mclntire et ux to M. E. Sar-
geant; lots 2, 3, 34 blk L R. R. add io
Ashland, $200.
State o f Oregon to W. I. Vawter, w
hall sec 36 tp 33 1 e $400.
State o f Oregon to Big Bend Milling
C o.; e naif sec 36 tp 33 1 e, $400.
Est. o f John OVth to John S Orth:
general pow ej o f attorney,
Ben and Anne Beall to J. C. Wilson
® blk 70 Central Point $25.
U. S. to T. R. Magruder; patent 40
acres sec 3.
Sarah E. Downing to Catherine C.
Gibson; lots 7, 8, blk34, Central Point,
Ben Beall to Esther Sinclair; lot 1 blk
5 Central Point $10.
Catherine C. Gibson to Geo B. Ross,
part o f lot 5 Cooksey add Central Point,
$ 1000 .
Josiah W. Hickle to Geo B. Ross; lot
16 blk 13 Central Point, $180.
J. W. Merritt, trustee, to Booth Lee
lot 2 blk 51 Central Point $10.
Ben and Anne Beall to Booth Lee lots
3, 4 blk 51 Central Point $20.
Geo I). Ross to Warren H. Norcross;
30.46 acres, near Central Point $2800.
Ben Beall to S. A. Pattison and J. E.
Lancaster; lots and blocks in Central
Point $2500.
Through the courtesy o f Mr. I. C.
Robnett, we were shown a copy o f the
first issue o f the Central Point Enter­
prise, the other day, which was issued
e x a c t ly fifteen years before the Cen­
t r a l Point H e r a l d made its appear­
ance. The paper is dated April 23,
1891, and contains many items o f inter­
est to the old settlers who were here at
t h a t time. T h e advertising columns
A Good Show
were not very liberally patronized, j
w h ich may account for the fact that
the span o f life o f the publication was
That favorite, grand old historical
r o t long. The names o f the business drama, “ Uncle Tom s Cabin, ’ which is
men who advertised their wares in the always welcome by all true American
initial number o f the Enterprise were people and endorsed by the pulpit and
as follow s: G. T. Hershberger, J. C. people o f every nationality, will be pre-
Sheridan, J. W . Merritt, F. T. Fraden- sented at the opera house on next Mon-
■burg, A. A. Whiteman, W. B. A. Tem­ day evening by Beeson Bros. ’ Big Dou-
ple, C. C. McClendon, Dr. Jesse Hinkle, ble Uncle Tom ’ s Cabin company, pre-
Rippey & Harvey and Wm. Carey. A sented by a first-class company o f white
colored artists, numbering 25. This
May Day ball is advertised, the floor and
, • .
. __ .
managers named being Lou Hale, Geo.
^' J '
- ^
Bloomer, Chas. Rippey and J. C. Hall crowded and delighted audiences, carry
In the local news columns the following a complete outfit, consisting o f special
scenery, electrical effects, a pack o f
news items appeared:
an.—.-..- ui....ju___ i_ .....
“ L ost — On Tuesday evening, about Siberian bloodhounds, etc.
60 pounds o f bacon. The party will
please return and get the balance. C.
Jeffers was warm enough to fry the
Fire at Medford
bacon when he discovered the loss and
says the thief is not more than 1000
Medford narrowly escaped a disas­
miles from here.
“ Scott Griffin, o f Tolo, sold 20 acres trous fire Tuesday afternoon when
o f land to Mr. Counts, Tolo's section flames were discovered in the big plant
foreman, last week, the consideration o f the Iowa Lumber and Box company.
being $75 per acre.
The fire was making rapid headway
“ About Saturday F. T. Fradenburg when discovered, but some quick work
expects to receive a second deer from on the part o f the fire company soon
the mountains, thus making a pair, and
we expect some day to see numerous extinguished the flames. The loss of
this plant would have been a serious
faw ns scampering about this vicinity.
“ Mr. R. Cox paid us a friendly visit blow to the city as the company’ s pay
Wednesday. He is the great threshing roll is an important asset to the busi­
machine man. He says he threshed ness interests o f the town.
about 90,000 bushels in the valley last
year. ’ ’
Asks for Franchise
BLachmiths Meet
A communication was received yes­
terday by the city officials, from Dr. C.
R. Ray, general manager o f the Con­
dor Water and Power company, asking
for a franchise for constructing and
operating an electric railway line on
tne streets and alleys within the cor-
poaate limits o f (Central Point. The
matter will be taken up at the next
regular council meeting next week.
Things are beginning to go some
in this bailiwick, thank you.
A regular meeting o f the Black­
smiths and Woodworkers Association o f
Jackson county was held in the town
ball in this place last Saturday evening.
Those present were: Jeffers & Peart,
F. A. Hawk and W. E. Price, Central
Point: Messrs. Wilson. Boeck and Hig-
en ho then. Medford; Pat Donegan and
C H. Basey, Jacksonville'. Marion
ífigh, Ira Reeder and Mr. ‘Gale. Ash­
Kapoline will make your marred fur­
land The association is o f a protective
4 26
nature and the merobers'of the craft in niture a s good a s new.
P O I N T . O K K O O X , T H U IÌ8 D .V Y ,
fdble Rockets
Central Point being our nearest town,
; we are glad to note the evidence o f its
growth and prosperity. Until we read
the advertisements in your first issue
we did not know it had so many busi-
| ness establishments. Nothing can do
! as much to advance the interests o f a
town as a live, well patronized news­
paper, and we trust your venture may
live long to Herald forth what Central
Point and the section o f country sur-
rounding has to offer and what they
:3. 190(3.
n o
lives in the Watkins district, spent a mand fo r lumber is so great this season
few days with relatives in Jacksonville that local dealers have trouble getting
this week.
their orders filled promptly at the big
Mrs. A. M. Berry, for many years a mills and have to rely fo r their supply
resident o f Jacksonville, left Tuesday
for a visit with her brother in Muncie, on the smaller plants.
R. C. Hensley, the biggest pork
C. L. Reames left fo r Berkeley W ed­ packer o f the valley, whose home is
nesday to be with his mother liuring
one-half mile east o f town, was a pleas­
this terrible crisis.
ant, caller Saturday. Mr. Hensley is
The Jacksonville baseball team will
cross bats with the Ashland nine on the the socialist candidate for state senator
for this district and he expects to take
grounds o f the former, next Sunday
The Junjor team wju play Gold g g , the stump fo r that party in this county
during the campaign.
on their grounds Sunday.
. a
employed in this school for some time
and have excellent records for profi­
ciency in their profession. Miss Mar­
1 tin comes to us highly recommended.
(Continued on 4th page.)
Pure prepared Paint and Pure Lin­
seed Oil at Leever’ s. Get prices before
C hristian C hurch .
E. A. La Dow, pastor. Preaching
Mrs. Roberts who carried our mail,
Eric Anderson, who has extensive
»? •
i >
. . ! service at 11 a. m. and 8 d . m.
has resigned and Miss Richardson now mining
Blue Ledge
SOCo ety <l?y school, 10 a. m. L a ie s Aid So­
performs that service.
per mine, returned from San Francisco
a socla'
home o f Mrs. San- ciety meets regularly every Wednesday
1 a few days
da. ago. He says he is thank- derson on Tuesday evening, April 24. afternoon at 3 p. m. at the home of
S. M. Nealon went to Ashland Mon­ ful he
is living in Southern Oregon.
There w ere about 40 people present. its members, Choir practice every Fri-
day in the interests o f the coming re­
day night.
union o f the old soldiers, which will be
Judge H. K. Hanna, wno has been in The evening was passed very pleasant­
M ethodist E piscopal .
Grants Pass holding court and getting ly with gam es, music and social inter- |
held at Grants Pass, June 18.
Geo. L. Burbank, pastor. Sunday
. . .
. . .
>n readiness for the Jennings trial, ao- course.
refreshm ents
were school every Sunday at 10 a. m.
There is a project being agilated here joumed court Wednesday and ir. com-
to build a road around the lower Table pany wjth his son Hubert, left Thurs- served. A collection was taken for Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m.
Rock to Gold Ray.
day morning for San Francisco in hope the San Francisco R elief fund, amount- | and every other Sunday at 7:30 p. m.
i >T i / er mee*jnK Thursday evening at
Our citizens should take up the mat- °
a" d ing to about seven dollars.
i .30 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex-
daughter who were living there.
ter o f telephone connection and your
S. S. Aiken, who has been in the ( ended to all. Preaching at Gold Hill
town should assist us as it would derive
H. C. Bowers, o f Ashland,
i ... .,_ ,
, D
t ,______ » , e ,
on alternate Sunday evening
evenings at 7:30
mercantile business at Prospect fo r p m
Sunday achl>^ every § u
much benefit by being in speaking dis­ our midst this week.
Sunday at
tance with us.
many years, was in the city the first o f 1 10 a. m.
the week. Mr. Aiken recently sold his ----------------------------------------- --
The Washburn orchard presents a
Outlaw Smith Killed
store to Mrs. M. Hollenbeck and he was
fine appearance and promises a fine
crop o f fruit.
| here assisting her in selecting a new j M R S .
stock o f goods fo r the store. Central i
— Teacher o f —
The Misses Mae and Margaret Nea­
lon, who are teaching the schools at past week has been running amuck in Point enioys an extensive w h olesa le,
the Meadows and Long Branch sp en t1 Clackamas county, during which time trade with interior merchants, which I P iano arid
Sunday with home folks.
he has killed three men, was brought indicates the importance o f the town as j
The Messrs. Bissell and Hertzler are to bay with bloodhounds near New Era a com mercial center.
Inquire o f Pleasants’ Hotel.
kept pretty busy putting in a crop and Tuesday and killed by Frank Draper,
working on their houses, which, when 0 f Spokane
A t a m eeting o f the school board held
finished, will add much to the appear­
last Friday evening the follow ing
ance of “ Pummy Avenue.” R ustic .
teachers w ere elected fo r the coming
School Report
school year : Prof. A. J. Hanby, prin­
Beagle Briefs
cipal; Miss Carrie Martin, 7th and 8th
Stone and Brick Mason
grades; Mrs. A. J. Hanby, 5th and 6th
Report o f the principal for the year
grades; Miss Elizabeth Gibson, 3rd and
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Houston have ending April 27, 1906:
Well and Flue Work
4th grades ; Miss Stella Purkeypile,
gone over to Jacksonville to visit rela­
tives and friends.
o f holidays, 3; number o f school days, primary. W ith the exception o f Miss BRICK FLUES BUILT
Miss Alberta Stacy, who has been at­ 160; days attendance, 29,050; days ab­ Martin, whose home is in Haraisburg, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED
tending the Central Point school, has sent, 1517; times tardy, 337; number this state, all o f the teachers have been
enrolled on register, boys, 117; girls,
returned home.
The Beagle baseball team played a 116; total, 233; average number o f pu­
pils belonging, 194); average daily at­
very interesting game last Sunday.
tendance, 185; number o f visitors, 100.
Miss M. Van Vellette, who is teach­
A. J. H anby , Principal.
ing the Mountain school, was the guest
o f Mrs. W . L. Jones Sunday.
[E stablished 1888,]
Monroe Gordon,
accompanied bv The Public School the Hope of Our
C a p ita l a n d S u r p lu s . $8o.ooo-
Jesse Richardson, made a business trip
W. I. V A W T E R , P res .
G. R. LIN D LEY, C ashier
to Medford and Jacksonville Tuesday.
B. F. A dkins , V ice -P res .
L. L. J acobs , A sst . C ashier
Mrs. A. D. Houston, who has been
Under one Management fo r nearly Twenty Years.
visiting relatives and friends here, has
returned to her home in Jacksonville.'
Promptness, Courtesy and Conservatism is a part
That our nation becomes strong or
o f our policy. *
George Siaey and son Roy were i, \veak, enduring or transient, pure or
i impure, depends more upon our public
Central Point Monday.
„ .
. . .
schools than upon any other one social
Brisco brothers, accompanied by f orce Destroy our public schools; nay,
their sister, Miss Ella, spent a few days destroy the moral power o f our public i
with their sister, Mrs. John Rodgers.
Behools in child training, leaving, if you
B o m -A p ril 24, to the wife o f Frank I please, all their power to train intellect,
Rodgers, a nine-pound boy.
and the nation would, in a few brief
generations, sink to a level with the
Percy Chatman son o f Walter Chat- most , w ra(|P() people,
man, was seriously injured on the 21st | Then fet us foster education and ex-
by being thrown from a horse. His tol) Kood citizenship. Then the per-
jaw was broken and also dislocated. petuity o f our government is assured.
He was taken to Medford, where he is faore firm becomes her foundation;
being treated by Dr. Cameron. A t last more stately, more grand and more
reports he was somewhat improved.
beautiful stand her walls; ever upward,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flemming were upward towers her spire, until, piercing
the guests o f Mrs. Flemming's parents, the skies, it receives the sunlight o f
heaven and reflects rays which, when
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Sunday.
other lights flicker and cease to bum,
Rumor says “ wedding bells will soon illumine the path o f posterity and guide
ring in our neighborhood.”
the course o f nations yet to rise.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, j'r., o f
Trail, were visiting their cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Richardson, sr., Sunday.
A . M. Lammey
H. Warner
& Son
John Cox, o f Medford, spent three
days in our neighborhood.
Lumber, Doors, Windows,
Building Hardware, Old
Local and Personal
F. M. Am y spent last Saturday in
Grants Pass, where he was called to
look after business matters. He says
W e are having a fine rain, which the Josephine capital is busy and pros­
makes the farmers smile.
p erou s, Vith business good in all lines.
Agate Nuggets
John Cox passed through Agate the
A small blaze started Saturday even- 1
£ £ * rh^ yh<£ stef™ 'saleIn d ^ is offering ■"* at 4 p. m. on the ro o f o f Fred Ham
fjve cents per pound for spaid sows and tin's cottage at Sunnyside.
By the
barrows that will weigh sixty pounds good work done by the Sunnyside fire
or °Y,er\ ^a^ or Poor* to be delivered at department, however, the fire was soon
! * e ralne fane , near e or .
extinguished with small loss,
The Agate Orchard company has put
The Ladies Aid society o f the M. E.
out about 40 acres to fruit trees, which
are leafing out nicely, and also about church will hold a lawn ice cream so­
j wo aCres o f strawberries, which are
cial on the parsonage grounds, next
already in bloom
W e expect to have
Wednesday, May 9. I f the weather is
plenty strawberries and grapes to eat,
providing they don’
t build their fences unfavorable, the social will be held in
too high.
the parsonage.
Agate is improving right along.
J. F. Brown and Jay Grover, promi­
When you are passing out our way
don’ t forget to stop at the Agate post- nent citizens o f Eagle Point, passed
office ana take a look at what will grow through town Friday en route to A sh­
on the desert and also take a drink of land, where they represented the Snowy
some o f the best water you have had in Butte development league at the Rogue
a long time. You will find plenty for
river development meeting.
your horses.
Mr. Harvey Richardson is going to
build a large barn so as to accommo­
date the traveling public. He has al­
ready let the contract to Mr. Gray, of
Ira Grigsby is very busy summer­
fallowing for fall sowing on the old
home place.
Frank Clute, foreman at the Agate
Orchard company’ s ranch, is plowing
and cultivating and livening up the
desert, preparing it for irrigation.
Jacksonville Notes
(Crowded out from last week’ s issue.)
Miss Mollie Scott, o f San Francisco,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mary Peter.
Miss Scott is nearly frantic by not
hearing any news from her relatives in
regard to the terrible catastrophe in
San Francisco.
Hickory Wagon», Buggies and Farm
P O IN T ,
R. A. I T A W K
O erieM l
llla c k a m lth in K
An exciting ball game was played at
work o f all kinds.
Medford Sunday between the Medford
Wood Turning
Scroll Work.
In g i and Scroi
Horseshoeing t and Wagonwork
and Grants Pass teams resulting in a
Cast Iron Brazing
victory for Medford by a score o f 11 to
6. There was a large attendance and
the Medford band helped to entertain
the crowd.
Carpenters are engaged this week re­
pairing and improving the opera house. I
•l-l- l" !11 I 4 ¡- 1- H - I- H - H - H H -H - H - H - F : ;-H -H -l-H d - H - H + l-H -H - l- l- l " » W
The front will be finished and the en­
tire structure will be painted. Central 1
Point is a good show town and the
stage in the local play house is one o f
the largest and best in the county.
J. H. G A Y
Percy Chapman, son o f W. C. Chap­
man. o f Beagle, was thrown from his
horse the other day, the animal becom­
ing frightened at a hog jumping from
a fence com er. His jaw was broken
and he was otherwise seriously injured.
He is under the care o f a physician at
Rough and Dressed Lum!>er, Shingles,
Doors, Windows, Etc.
Yard on track near depot. Estimatea furnished.
I Ait us fig u r. on your lumber hill.
E. L. Cass, who has been with the
Penn surveying crew who have been at
J. H. Gay, the lumberman, received
work on Elliott creek, is in Jackson­
ville this week.
a big shipment o f stock for his yards
Mrs. Eugene Thompson, who now the first o f the week. The eastern de- • I H -H -t-H - H - H - H ' N H 1 I I I I I ! ♦ - H -H -K -H -H -l-l I I I I I I I I I H W