.-a 4 8 4 a-K-H- 444-+©®4++4gue River Valley. In California they have to go from 50 to several huri.lr.-i to t in depth and pay $64 per *ea»>n par ho»— power. In the 1; T Van— in tha moot of cases you get water from lt> to 50 feel depth and you only pay $.in it Power for the irrigating season. Not in a minute—B ut it can be done . You and we can do it—pulling together. Our business is helping Your business. Our prosperity depends on Your prosperity. You can get along without Us, but you can get M ore M oney W ith U s . How can this be done ? Here’s the point—fill in the figures yourself. We come to you with a proposition to furnish you ample water for irrigation, where you want it and when you want it ; cheaper and more convenient than a ditch or steam or gasoline engine. WE DO IT WITH THE ELECTRIC PUMP. 444444444444+4+44+ 444444-M-4444444444 H-M-l I II I I II » Ì .¡.-x-x-x-x-x What is the Advantage of Irrigating With Electric Pumps ? Now, Where is the hitch ? [tlOW get together with your neighbors und form a par­ ty line and thus divide up the expense Among yourselves for Electric Power, Electric Light and Telephones. Now here is where we SHINE. FIRST-The price is cheaper; the average cost per acre for the season with an Electric Pump is $1.25 per acre for water. SECOND— You pay No B onus . THIRD—You do not have to mortgage your land forever. FOURTH—You do not convert your land into a swamp as with a ditch; you thus avoid Malaria, Mosquitoes and all the attendant evils. FIFTH-You can get your water when you want it and where you want IT; you do not have to wait your turn and quarrel with your neighbors. SIXTH-You do not have to enter into any contract for any stated period; if pump irrigation does not suit you, you can quit; the only guarantee ^hat you give is that you will |«y your propor tion of the cost of the line and THIS MONEY YOU GET back in power or light; in other words you simply guarantee your good faith . SEVENTH ¥ou can use Electric Power to Saw Wood. Grind Feed. Chum Butter. Separate Cream, do the Washing and Ironing, Cooking and Heating; keep yourself cool in summer with Electric Fans; it drives away the flies, purifies the air, runs the Sewing Machine ami numerous other uses of which not the least is to have your wife and family rise up and bless you for the com­ fort and ease thus afforded. EIGHTH-You can use the Electric Hot Water Bottle or Pad, one of the greatest and most beneficial discoveries of the twentieth century; affords dry and continuous hint, warms the bed; prevents cold feet; is of the greatest benefit for pain. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pneumonia. Bron­ chitis, Coughs, Colds, Cmsumption, Croup. Whooping Cough and pain in any |>art of the Imdy NINTH-You can use Electric Light; as the Sun (which is concentrated Electricity) dispels the fog. dampness, disease, and Gives Life Itself to all the Human Race and the Animal and Vege­ table Kingdoms, so the Electric Light at night performs the same Life-Giving Functions in a milder form. r TENTH - The Electric Light is the cheapest known light, if you value your time. > ..Ur .ifet y and your health worth anything; it does not vitiate the air like Oil or Gas Lamps; there i- no ..dor; there is absolute safety; your insurance is lessened; it is convenient-simply pn-s the button Perhaps you think it would cost too much money—more than you can afford NOW SEE HERE— It will cost you Two Cents to find out. W rite us today and state your wants ; you will be surprised to see how little it costs; we will take pleasure in answering all inquiries ami send our agents to you promptly. •r-HH-x -^F-!-!-:-:-i-i-;-!-:-r-:-;-!-!-x-;-H--;-i-;-:-i-!-!-x -x-:H-x-:-^;-x-x--!-x-FX-x-x-x-;-x-XH-:-:--!-xx-x-{-x-:-i-!-H-x-i-:--i-.:-;---v--;-u--.-.„..;; IRRIGATION CENTRAL POINT, ORE., March 20, 1906. CONDOR WATER & POWER CO., TOLO, OREGON. G E N T L E M E N :—I th o u g h t it m ight be of some interest to you to give *ome kind of a statem ent as to w hat I th o u g h t of your Centrifugal Pump, operated by Electric Motor, purcbaedC from you last May. How it works and how It suit* me : The Electric Motor I use 1» a tire-borse-power belted direct to a three tnch Centrifugal Pump. T h is pump will give from 300 toM0 gallons per minute, depending on the lift. A 3 hoMe-power motor, however, would run this pump and give th e same am ount of water. On one part of my place I had to force water 480 feet on a grade of 12 to 13 feet; 20 feet from well, through a 4-inch pipe. I got from 350 to 4o0 gallons per minute. This elevation I speak of is above the pump. I could pump M0 gallons per m inute from my well, day and nig h t all seaeori up to Nov. 1. T his was the last pumping I did In order to wet the ground so I could dig my trees. My well is 10 feet deep, six feet wide and 12 feet long, with no tunnels. I estimate t h a t I can Irrigate 120 acres of ground with my pump. Now, as to th a working of the electric pump and motor, neither have given me a n y I could s ta r t the motor running rn Monday morning and It would be running .Saturday night, if some one would not call aroend and stop It. Now, Altogether ! PuN I ^ •%»» ’ Toddy ! AB the ihm» ! for Everything flettrtu i ♦ ■ 4 SUBSTATIONS : MEDFORD. JACKSONVILLE CENTRA LPOINT, GOLD RAY GOLD HILL, WOODV1LLL GRANTS PASS. |M t , , ,_.^.-.-M- ^ - - - - t - m ^ i -:- i -;- x - h - i - x - h - h - w My motor ran the sr*. n th o ugh with nly one oiling, b u t I oiled th e pump every morning when I started the motor, which I* all there la to look after. I t gave tin- leant — l i i f any Machinery I <>»er used. Now, as to what I arcirrnpllsh. d with w a te r -1 more than tr ebled T he YIELD of corn AND I DOUBLED TH E A PPl.g , „ o r . 1 had no alfalfa to ea te r and was not prepared to get water to our garden, b u t I raised a due crop of beete on ground th a t, without water, would not have grown anything. As to Sweet Corn, auk J. W. Merritt. I t was THK LARGEST CORN I EVER SAW , AND I HAVE RAISED CORN TV IOWA AND ON TH E MISSOURI RIVER BOTTOM. I am going to grow Home more th is year. Call arid see It. I used water on my xetdlloff* for nursery stock and I am well pleased with th e results. I grew 150,(Mid seedling, that, without water, I could not have grown, and as a result have 125,000 pears budded and grafted and 25,000 apples to say no th in g of th e benelit In oth e r ways. T h -• Electric Pump U the thing. Yoa can have the water where you w ant It and when you w a n t It, w hich 1» th e essen­ tial thing. My children could »tart and stop the motor and oil th e pumn. I consider th a t there is no more danger In a motor th a n machinery with cog wheels, and not as much for children. Inclose, will say that I am well pleased with the motor and pomp, and well pleased with the way you people have treated me. Hoping you succe*«, I am very truly yours, J. S. BARNETT. YOURS TRULY FOR MORE WATER, MORE POWER AND MORE LIGHT, + 84- 8+444 «>444+® •H-4iX-*4»H-484 8 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 l-W-K«/«4444*44448 4 8 4 8+4+4®++++*J 4+44*44448 4 8 4 8-X-W-4 4 4 4 .,.4 4 + 4 * 4 4 4 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 + 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 I*