Copyright by Frank A. Muniey Co, THE HONORABLE MR. BAYNES MEETS THE NOW DOMES TICATED MERIEM AND FALLS IN LOVE WITH HER Synopsis. A scientific expedition off the African coast rescues a human derelict, Alexis Paulvltch. He brings nboard an ape. Intelligent and friendly, nnd reaches London. Jack, son of Lord Groystoke. "10 original Tarzan. has inherited a love of wild life and steals from homo to see the npe, now n drawing canl in a music hall. The npo makes friends with him and refuses to leave Jack despite his trainer, rnraan appears and is Joyfully recognized by the npe, for Tarzan hnd been king of his tribe. Tarzan agrees to buy Akut, the npe. nnd send him back to Africa. Jack and Akut become great friends. I'nulvltch Is killed when he attempts murder. A thief tries to !:lll Jack, but is killed by Akut. They lice together to the Jungle and take up life. Jack rescues an Arabian girl and takes her Into the forest. He Is wounded and Merlem Is stolen. Tho bad Swedes buy her from Kovudoo, the black. Mnlblhn kills Jenssen fighting for the girl. Bwann comes to the rescue nnd tukes her to his wife. Jack vainly seeks her in the wilds. CHAPTER XI Continued. 13 ' Merlem 'was nil expectancy. What would these strangers be like? Would they be ns nice to her as had Bwana and My Dear, or would they be like the other white folk she had known cruel and relentless? My Dear nssured her that they all were .gentlefolk und that she would find them kind, consid erate and honorable. At last the visftors arrived. There were three men and two women the wives of the two older men. The youngest member of the party was Hon. Morison Baynes, a young man of considerable wenlth, who, having exhausted all the possibilities for pleas ure offered by the capitals of Europe, had gladly seized upon this opportu nity to turn to another continent for excitement and adventure. Nature had favored him with a splen did physique and a handsome face and also with sufficient good Judgment to appreciate that, while lie might enjoy the contemplation of his superiority to the masses, there was little likelihood of the masses being equally entranced by the same cause. And so he easily maintained the reputation of being a most democratic and likable fellow, and, Indeed, he was likable. Just a shade of his egotism was occasionally apparent never sufficient to become a burden to his associates. And this, briefly, was the non. Mori son Baynes of luxurious European civ ilization. What would he the Hon. Morison Baynes of central Africa It were difficult to guess. Merlem at first was shy and reserved In the presence of strangers. Her benefactors had seen fit to ignore men tion of her strange past, and so she passed ns their ward, whose anteced ents, not having been mentioned, were not to bo Inquired Into. The guests found iter sweet nnd unassuming, Iuughlng, vivacious and a never-ex-hausted storehouse of quaint and In teresting Jungle lore. The Hon. Morison Baynes found Merlem a most beautiful and charm ing companion. He was delighted with her from the first, particularly so, it is possible, because he' had not thought to find companionship of this sort upon tho African estnte of his London friends. They were together a great deal, as they were the only un married couple In the little company. Merlem, entirely unaccustomed to the companionship of such as Baynes, was fascinated by him. His tales of the great, gay cities with which he was fa miliar filled her with udinirutlon and with wonder. If the Hon. Morison nl wuys shone to advantage In these nar ratives, Merlem saw In that fact but a natural consequence to his presence upon the scene of his story. Wher ever Morison might be ho must bo a hero. So thought tho girl. With the aetuui presence nnd com panionship of the young Englishman the Image of Koruk became legs real. Where boforo It hud been an actuality to her, she now realized that Koruk wiih but u memory. To that memory iihu still was loyal. But what weight link a memory In tho presence of u fun diluting reality? Anil prudently who found tho features nt Komlc slowly involving and merg li7tiliilo tlioKu of another, and (lie fig. ur of " liiniH'ii, Imlf-hiilci'il 'i'anniin mini ywnM a liliulfl'Clolliud mid Hliir Jr HhkIIkIiiiiii" nutrlilo ii hunting pony. TImi nun. ilmUun Miiyno wiih U 4Ujg Willi MurlW UWi Hi" vera (Kin r one evening after the others hud re tired. Earlier they had been playing tennis, n gmo in which the Hon. Morison shone to advantage, as, In truth, he did In most all manly sports. He wns telling her stories of Loudon nnd 1'nris, of balls and banquets, of the wonderful women und their won derful gowns, of the pleasures and pastimes of the rich and powerful. Merlem was entranced. His tales were like fairy stories to this little Jungle maid. The Hon. Morison loom ed Inrge and wonderful und magnifi cent In her mind's eye. He fascinated her, and when he drew closer to her after a short silence nnd took her hnnd she thrilled as one might thrill beneath the touch of u deity a thrill of exalta tion not unmixed with fear. He bent his Hps close to her enr. "Merlem I" he whispered. "My little Merloni I May I hope to have the right to call you 'my little Merlem?' " The girl turned wide eyes upward to his face, but It was In shadow. She trembled, bufshe did not draw uwny. The man put an arm about her und drew her closer. "I love you !" he whispered. She did not reply. She did not know what to sny. She knew nothing of love. She had never given It n thought. "Merlem!" He Whispered. "My Little Merlem!" But she did know that It was very nice to he loved, whatever it meant. It wns nice to have people kind to one. She had known so little of kind ness or affection. "Tell me," he said, "that you return my love." His lips came steadily closer to hers. They had almost touched when a vision of Koruk sprung like a miracle before her eyes. She saw Korak's fucc closo to hers, sho felt his Hps against her Hps, and then for the first time she guessed what lovo meant. She drew uwuy gently. "I am not sure," she said, "that I lovo you. Let uh wult. There Is plen ty of time. I urn too young to marry yet, und I am not sure that I should bo happy In London or Purls. They rather frighten mo." Sho was not sure that she loved him I That came rather In the nature of a shock to the Hon. Morlson'H van ity. It seemed Incredible that this lit. tie barbarian should hiivo any doubt whutover uh to tho iluMlrublllly of tho Hon. Morison UtiynoH. IIo glunced down lit Die girl's pro file. It wuh bullied In tho silvery light of Hid grout tropic moon. HIiu wuh moNt alluring, Murium roue. Tho vlhlun of Koruk wuh Htlll Iwforo hur, "(Jooij iilulit," h!iu Milil. "II In utmost loo bmiullful U luiiv4.H HIiu wined hur hand in n lomprehonslvo gosturo which took In the starry heavens, tho great moon, tho broad, silvered plain nnd tho dense shadows In tho distance that marked tho Jungle. "Oh, how I love It I" "You would love London more," ho said earnestly. "And London would lovo you. You would bo n famous benuty in any capital of Kurope. You would have the world at your feet, Merlem." "Good night," she' repeated, and left him CHAPTER XII. A Night Ride. Merlem nnd Bwann were sitting on tho veranda together tho following day when u hor.-oinnn appeared In tho distance riding across the plain toward the bungalow. Bwana shaded his eyes with his hand and gazed out toward the oncoming rider. Ho was puzzled. Strangers were few In central Africa. Even the blacks for n distance of many miles In every direction were well known to htm. No white man came within n hundred miles that word of his com ing did not reach Bwann long before the stranger. His every move wns re ported to the big Bwana Just what animals he killed and how many of each species, how he killed them, too, for Bwann would not permit the use of prusslc acid or strychnine, and how Ito treated his "boys." But here was evidently one who hnd slipped Into the country unheralded. Bwann could not Imagine who tho ap proaching horseman might he. After tho manner of frontier hospi tality the globe round, he met the new comer nt the gate, welcoming him even before he had dismounted. He saw a tall, well-knit man of thirty or more, blond of hair and smooth-shaven. There was a tantalizing familiarity about him that convinced Bwana that lie should be able to call the visitor by name, yet he was unable to do so. Bwana was wondering how n lone white man could have made his way through the savage, unhospltable miles that lay toward the south. As though guessing what must be passing through the other's mind, the strnuger vouch safed an explanation. "I came down from tho north to do n little trading and hunting," ho said, j "and got way off the beaten track. My head man, who wns tho only member ' of the safari who had ever before been j In tho country, took sick nnd died. We ; could find no natives to guide us, and so I simply swung back straight north. We have been living on tho fruits of our guns for over a month. "Didn't have an Idea there wns a white man within a thousand miles of us when wo camped last night by n water hole at the edge of tho plain. Tills morulns: I started out to hunt and saw the smoke from your chimney, ho I I sent my fcun hearer back to camp with the good news and rode straight over here myself. Of course I've heard j of you everybody who comes Into cen-1 WHY COAT WAS UNBUTTONED Private, Unable U Speak English, Gives Explanation After His Second Reprimand. A prlvntc of foreign extraction re cently appeared at reveille with ids overcoat unbuttoned, contrary to reg ulations, relates a cantonment corre spondent. The colonel, who happened to be on tho scene, noticed this dis crepancy; he called tho man out of the ranks, took him to his office and delivered a stern lecturo on the neces sity of military exactitude. During the admonition the prlvntc maintained a dignified silence. When the colonel hnd finished, he pointed to tho floor. The man went out. Tho following morning he appeared at reveille with his cont again unbut toned. When the formality wns con cluded, the cnptnln culled him to one side. . "Didn't the colonel tell you to keep your coat buttoned?" ho demanded. The private regarded him blankly. "I say, didn't tho (.ulonel tell you to keep your cont buttoned?" The mnn looked nt the officer with a puzzled expression. "Mo no splk English," lie nfllrmcd mildly. Fearless Japanese Official. Of all the eccentric characters In Japan, one of tho most famous and distinguished Is probably Viscount Dr. InaJIro TnJIrl, president of tho Im perial board of audit. Ho flatters no body, not excepting himself, says a correspondent, and Ih fenred by all who ure not sincere. Tho Into I'rlnco KntHiira was once scolded by hlin, und not long ago Huron KIiIIiuhiiwii waxed hot in anger fit n public meeting uh ho rose to refute tho clmrgoH of eoiiiiuor clul corruption which Viscount TuJIrl hud miido ngaliiHt Jnpnn'H buslneHH world (it large. IIo Ih outspeken when ho thlnkH tho occiimIoii deiiinndH out spokunnoHH. FonrloHsnoHH of public opinion or rldlciilo Ih ilruiinitlnilly ex oiiipllfled In tho very Hlinpht und unpro. toiilloiiH llfo that ho Ih leading. I f Ih food Im of (ho hliuploHt viirlitiy. IIo dully eiirrliM to llui ofllru u lieuto box IHUd wllli 1 1 i'o und hoiiiu plelilml plum, trntl ilmlliu tho lino! 'w '' '"M aviir htuub In U Hpiirlun lu'iuli. tntl Africa doH and I'd ho mighty Kind of permission to rest up nnd hunt around hero for 11 couple of weeks." "Certainly," replied Bwana. "Malto yourself nt home." They hud reached the verundn now, and Hwnna wuh Introducing tho stran ger to Merlem nnd My Dear, who hiul Just comu from tiio huugalow'ii Interi or. "Thin Is Mr. Hanson," ho said, using tho name tho man had given him. "IIo Is a trader who has lost his way In tho Jungle to tho south." My Dear nnd Merlem bowed their acknowledgments of the Introduction. Tho man seemed rather III at case In their presence. III!) host attributed thlM to tho Tact tlmt his guest wiih unaccuss turned to the society of cultured wo men, und so found a pretext to extri cate him quickly from IiIh seemingly unpleasant position and lead him nway to his study and tho brandy and soda, which were evidently much less em barrassing to Mr. Hanson. When the two had left them Merlem turned toward My Dear. "It Is odd," sho said, "but I could almost swenr that I had known Mr. Hanson In the past. It Is odd, but quite Impossible," and sho gave tho matter no further thought. Tor Hired' weeks Hanson had re mained. During this time ho said that his boys were resting and gaining strength after their terrible ordeals In tho tiutracked Jungles to tho south, but ho hnd not boon as Idle as he appeared to have been. He divided his small following Into two parts, Intrusting tho leadership of each to men whom he believed lie could trust. Ono party he moved very slowly northward along tho trail that connects with tho great caravan routes entering tho Sahara from thu south. The other he ordered straight westward with or ders to halt and go Into permanent camp Just beyond the great river which marks the natural boundary of thu country that the big Bwnna rightfully considers almost his own. To his host he explained that ho was moving his safari slowly toward tho northr-ho sold nothing of tho party moving westward. Then onu day ho announced that half his Iiojh hail de serted, for a hunting party from the bungnlow hnd come ncross ids north erly camp, and he fearejl that they might have noticed the reduced num bers of his following. And thus matters stood when ono hot night Merlem, unable to sleep, rose and wandered out Into the garden. Tho Hon. Morison hud been urging his suit onco mora hut evening, and tho girl's mind wns In such n turmoil that she had been unable to steep. Hanson, the itranger, shows unusual Interest In Merlem and watches closely the movements of the girl and her new lover. (TO in: CONTINUED.) Then Head for Statehouie. Major 1. Dale, who has a smokers' establishment In Ohio street, says tho Indianapolis News, tins a relic of the Civil war Hint Is causing the soldiers of today considerable worry. Major Dale's father. Colonel Dale, wns tho commander of the Fourth Missouri cnvnlry during the Civil wnr. Among thu relics left by tho col onel wuh n poster announcing- u me-t-lug of soldiers nt tho statehouso In Jefferson City. Mo. This poster Is now tho property of tho son here. "Several days ago," snys thu owner of tho poster, "I put tho relic In the window of my store, thinking It would Interest passcrsby. The poster calls for a meeting of soldiers at tho Ntatehousu at 8 o'clock. I guess I'll huvo to take It down us tiio soldiers In town from Ft. Harrison read the thing nnd then bond for tho stiitehouse. They don't observe It closely or they'll discover tlmt It Is dated 1805 and that tho state house mentioned wuh In Jefferson City, Mo." Will Not Visit "Meat Houses." In Tokyo, says Good Health, u ccr tain class of Jupaneso are adopting tho practlco of outing meat, as they have acquired the habit of using to bacco und drinking whisky, through their desire to linltnto tho westerners. Some have an iden that by llesh-eat-lug they may ho ublo to Increnso their slzo and vigor. It Ih noticeable, however, that tho JapnnoHO women rcfuso to eat meat and will not visit tho restaurants where ment Is Hcrved, which uro known uh "meut houses." Tho Jupaneso wom en regard It Improper to visit such places. Kills Microbes. Largo quantities of hydrochloride of soda are now being used In thu laun dry of a certain hospital for destroy ing uilcro-orgiiiilHiiiH und removing HtaliiH, without appreciably Injuring tho fabrics, This solfitlo Ih prepared by thu electrolyslH of u I per cent solu tion of common suit und wider. Question of Rights. I'eoplo generally iiiiilerNland Hint their liglilH mid ill llio point whom llm oilier fellow's liegliu Mit Um Irpiihhi coiiii'H In iliiUtnitlnlnif lliu locutlcu of Unit point, Euiiinn,'u. (Prepared by OrcBon Agricultural Collo) Oregon huttor mnkorH making huttor that will go Into storage at hoiuo slago of Its way to tho coiiMiimur find that It pay to glvo special attention to making storage butter, hIiico not all butter Iiiim hooping qualities even under Ideal Hlorngo conditions, sny V. I). C'luippoll. assistant professor of dairy nmnufucturo. IIo nxplnlmi how It Is done an follows: Tho two fundamental factors of keeping quality are quality of cream and quality of workmanship. Nearly till cream Im received In sour condi tion, because Oregon creamery men are not always ullvo to thu need for cream Improvement. When tho man ngor Ih after volume rather than qua)' Ity tho butter maker cannot,widl bo blamed for tho poor quality of oream received. Only by proper handling can butter with fnlrly good keeping qualities bo miulo from sour or second grade cream. ('hurtling temperaturo Is doubtless thu most Important factor uf good butter. At this season of tho year It should bu kept at such point n to allow control not only of molHturo but likewise tho body of thu finished pro duct. Overworked huttor doo not keep well, and Is likely to bo greasy or sticky. Not enough worked, It will likely ho porous and leaky. Thu body should bo firm after thu butter milk lias been drained. Tho firmer It Ih tho more working It will stand without be coming greasy or sticky. It should not bo so firm uh to become tallowy bo foro moisture Ih added. If so firm that It Ih difficult to Incorporate moisture the butter tuny ho worked about ton or twelve revolutions In thu wash water, the water drained off, salt added and then worked to a ffrm, waxy body. It does not pay to ruin tho hotly of the butter to Incorporate another per cent of molHturo.' It does pay to put in tho amount necessary to tho best product'. Each pound of moisture means CI cents, but If Incorporated at tho expeuso of u sticky product It means n discount of ono per cent or more. If butter Is leaky it may bo Incor porated with the right amount, of molH turo, unit added wot In a trench, and tliii huttor worked to n firm, waxy body. Water enough Is added to tho salt merely to dampen, not soak It. This helpH dissolve tho milt without so, much working ns to damage the huttor texture. Storage butter should bo only lightly salted. Mold must bo prevented, with pres ent prlcoH of materials, labor and but ter fat. Mold growth causes Hovornl pounds' Iohh to each cube and builds a mighty hnd reputation for tho brand. Since all Oregon butter Ih pasteurized mold troubles como from Htorngo con ditions where tho cubes, wrappers nnd cubo HuurH nro kept Tho Htorngo quarters should ho light and dry. Paraffining will protect tho cubes and prevent tho woody taste often proHont In Htorngo butter, and tho cubo liners may ho boiled in n three per cent Halt solution. High humidity In the re frigerator Ih a source of mold, und u good cont of whitewash will do won ders to provont mold. Oregon City. After eight yeura of Idleness tho machinery at tho old lum ber mill In tho northern part of tho city, near GreenpolnL Hturtod Into motion last week, and railroad ties are now being mnnufnctiired by thu Jack son Lumber company, Salem. Full Investigation of alleged paving Irregularities on the part of tho Bhiko-Compton Co. of McMiun villo In connection with tho Siiloin Aurora unit of tho 1'aclflc highway wiih Hturtod laHt weok by Highway Engineer Niiiiu. Salem. Bon W. Olcott will not ro sign uh secretary of stato. It Ih now practically iiHHurod that iiu will retain this office, along with tho office of governor, until his term of secretary of Htnto oxplroH noxt year. AHtorla. Tho old ClatHop mill re Hiimed oporatloiiH Haiurduy morning nfter a shut-down of several months and will engage In tho cutting of fir. Thu plant will employ about 180 men. Oregon City, W. I'. Iluwloy, who donated to tho city his historic homo of I)r, John McLoiighllu, founder of Oregon City, wuh elected to honorary uiemborHhli In tho MoLoughllii Mem orial IIHHIKlllltloil nt tho iiiiniial moot liiK Monday, Tho homo Iiiih boon re stored mid Ih lodiitod In n nightly Hpot In u (illy park block overlooking llm Wlllitinullo rlvur.