Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, July 10, 1919, Image 5

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    T&M!5,TO HUP Cm
pa p ti KjLjiifcy' I
Attend the sale Suturda).
Johnio Colo U now working at
11 lli 11 08.
If it's luinkor you want, see
Kidaoit. ad
Several ease of mumj nre re
IWted in this community.
Miss Churljery Downs has been
running the phono office the imsl
Rev. and Mrs. .J. M. Johnson
went to LaUrande Monday, re
turning Tuesday.
Ladies' shoes in field mouse,
gray and mahogany just in at
Saunders Bro's, nd
Joe May whs down from Sparta
Tuesday and says that district is
hit terribly hurt! by the drought.
Remember the second install
ment on the Victory Loan Bonds
should bo paid on or before Sat
urday, July 12tl.
The Womans Homo Missionary
. Society will ment at the home of
" Mir. John I'. Jones on Thursday
afternoon, July 17th.
,). M. Chase informs us that the
Salvation Army drive Is .still cn
and will be until Eagle Valley
goes over the top. See him and
donate to the good cause.
Keep in mind the fact that we
always have a stock of chewing
tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, pi'es,
smoking tobacco, etc. Make this
Htoro your headquarters when in
town. Richland Drug Store. -ad
Frank Clarke hss at last gpt in
hs equipment and will soon be
ready to serve the public wijh
ice cream, soft drinks, lunch
goods, teas, coffeef, cigars, etc.
lie plans to be open Saturday and
invites all who attend the public
sale to step across the street and
meet him in lvis new locution..
Soldiers' Swear Wordt.
Pcupltc tin' chnplulliH. the moil tie
vi'loK'il l!iu Imljlt of Nwi'Hilnxi hoMI'th
ulwiiys hove. War rr(jul'n I'liiplinllc
(xiiruMlmi. U ili'ti'.VK ilcxllilllty of
cxproiMlminiHl "ilmim" inul "hi'll" ilo
Hcciii tlii fulli'Mt dfHcrlptloii of a hoI-
lllnr'H 0(H'llllltlOU.
"It' mi Innocent Itlml of mwomHiik,
ilioiiKli," wild it ilmidiiln. "It iIoch not
rcnlly IdnNpliumi', nnd the men will full
out or tho Imlilt when llioy return
Imine. Tliey don't do It In n elinplulu'n
lucMincu unli'HH llioy nro under lire,
when elmpliiluH nro too busy to attend
to Midi dotnllH."
'I'liey did not nwenr when they were
lu I he proHeuco of women nnd leant
of all In tliu lumpKnlH where Ihey were
iiilnlHtered o liy IIioho linrd wnrkhiK,
pracllcal, nohlo army niirm'H who mile
milled to dlNclplluo iih sharp iih that
of tlunieu, and where they learned
to iiplreelujbyoiimnliQou .ut Ita bont.
J .7 I' ll.
MctiBrH. Allan Ulnhcimor and
Fred Saunders visited at Wciacr
last week,
Men's and hoys' coveralls,
overallu, and Hhirlu ut Saunders
Miss I'Jtlu-l Chandler lofl Mop
day for an extondod visit nt Cove
ami La Grande.
Rom, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Koopinan of Now Bridge, on Sun
day, July 6th, a girl.
Mrs, V. H. Mulkey received
severe injuries last Thursday by
falling from a cherry tree.
Bring your family to the sale
Saturday and cull at the Richland
Drug Store for a delicious sundae,
plain ice cream or soft drink. -ad
The Halfway Chautauqua was
attended by a large number from
here and all ' to whom we have
spoken roi orled the entertain
ment excellent. i
Otis Shoemaker had tin arm
broken by falling off a horse Sat
urday, lie was taken to Half
way where Dr. Sanders set the
ftacturod bones.
In case of (ire and you are go
ing to bake, use Ida Lilly flour.
It is never oxcellod and if you try
it once you will be convinced.
Buy at Ralcy's, ad
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Carothera
passed through hero Monday en
roll to to Estncada, Ore., where
they will reside this summer and
possibly make their permanent
Mrs. T. II. Henderson and two
grandchildren, Oliver and La
verne Mansfield, are here from
Freowator, Ore., and visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
B. Saunders.
Dried Fruits We have a splen
did line and prices are right.
Raisins, loganberries, peaches,
prunes, apples and apricots.
1 hose goods will advance soon,
buy new at Haley's and save
money.--ad ,
Remember the gospel services
in the brown tent each evening
this week at 8:30. Children's
meeting at U o'clock Wednesday
afternoon. On Sunday: S.S. at
10 a. m.; preaching at 11a. m,
3 p. m. and 8:130 p. m.
A surprise parly was given
Bernice Thorp on Tuesday after
noon in celebration of her llth
birthday anniversary. The affair
was planned by Goneyieve Rnley
and was much enjoye'd by all the
children present, Lemonade, ice
cream, cake nnd cookies were
Rev. Rambo, who recently re
signed the pastorate of the Chris
tian church nt Baker, is expected
to arrive here with his wife to
morrow for a five weeks visit
with Eagle Valley friends. Rov.
Rambo will proach at the Rhh
land Christian church next Sun
day, both morning and evening.
Everyone is invited to attend both
New Bridge
Every Friday
night after Parker's Movies
. Tickets 75c
Good Music and Good Time
Tons upon tons of cherries of
finest quality and fiavor, Many
varieties. Now's the time to buy
for canning. Bring your boxes,
pails or tubs and get thern while
the are in delicious prune. Tell
your neighbors, write or phone
your friends, that if they want
the best.Cherries, honest weight
and fair treatment to go to
Robl. Buttner, Prop.
Formerly the Willoughuy ranch
Cherries Cherries
Attend the sale Saturday.
M. A. Bennott has purchased
a Nash auto.
A forest fire s raging in the
Sparta district.
Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup at
Richland Drug Store. ad
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. F. Thompson
have returned from Missouri.
The government thermometer
registered 10G degrees yesterday.
Soaps. Laundry, toilet and
complexion soaps to please you at
The Boy Scouts will meet again
Saturday eveningat the city hall
at 8:00 o'clock.
Mrs. John B. Perry and chil
dren attended the Chautauqua at
Baker this ween.
The phone girls' strike at Ba
ker has caused no end. of inconr
venience in this section.
Ladies' purses and bags (the
new kind), also fancy bead neck
laces, at Saunders Bro's. ad
Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Wixom
are in from Wapato, Wash., for
a visit with relatives and( friends.
Mr. Wixom is suffering from the
effects of the flu.
Just received a new line of
white skirts, nlso women's pump3
in kid and patent leather, and'the
price is right.
ad E. & W. Chandler.
Frank Murray, who saw ser
vice in France and Germany in
U. S. Artillery, visited the past
week at the home of his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
John Conrad and wife of Keat
ing were here yesterday. John
was at the front for some time
and i3 now unable to do hard
work as tho result of being gass
ed be the hun.
Mr. W. A. Hack of Medical
Springs' was a visitor in Eagle
Valley this week. He made a
grevious error by calling at the
News office for he got held up for
$1.25, but he came through and
forgave us with a smile.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dimmick
nnd Miss Bessie Quimby spent
the Fourth at the Carothers ranch
on Snake River whore a sort of
family reunion was hold. A large
crowd of relatives and friends
wore present and tho day very
much enjoyed. Eating water
melons nnd cantaloupes was a
feature of tho program.
Church Notices.
Sunday School at the usual
The subject for the sermon will
bo "Overcoming Difficulties in
Revival Work." We need you at
this service.
3. M, Johnson, Pastor.
mL When you'ra hoi and thirstysay
In At any pUce where soft beverage are sold. ffflg
Wjll Uottlcn ami Distributor, PORTLAND, ORECOH lujf
(Continued from first page)
These two organizations came to
know more and more of each
other, and after consultation by
delegates from one body to the
other, a basis of union was pre
pared and unanimously adopted
by both bodies. The first union
assembly was held in Chicago,
October, 1007, where it was
agreed that the name of the
united body should tie "The Pen
tecostal Church of theNazarene.'
In 1884 tho first organization
of the "Church of Christ" was
effected by Rev. R. L. Harris in
Milton, Tenn., with fourteen
In Texas in 1888, the first de
nomination known as the "Holi
ness Church" was organized by
Rev. Thomas and Dennis Rogers.
In 1900 the first "Independent
Church of Christ" was organized
by Rev. C. B. Jernigan in Vanal
styne, Texas, of which the writer
had the privilege of being a char
ter member, being in the vicinity
where he was raised. In 1903
there wore twenty-three of these
At Rising Star, Texas, in 1904,
the Independent Holiness Church
and the Church of Christ united
in one body, called the "Holiness
Church of Christ."
At the General Assembly of
the Pentecostal Church of the
Nazarene, at Pilot Point, Texas,
Oct. 8, 1908. this church was in
corporated into the general body.
It was the writer's privilege to be
there and share witfi hundreds of
others, the happy feeljng similar
to that on the occasion when a
wedding took place. Oh, what a
spirit of union and fellowship!
In the year 1898, Rev. J. O.
McClurkin and a few others call
ed a convention at Nashville,
Tenn., and formed an association
known as the "Pentecostal Al
liance," which name afterward
was "Pentecostaf Mission."
In Nashville, Nov. 3, 1915, with
her home and foreign mission
work, the Pentecostal Mission
was united with the Pentecostal
Church of the Nazarene. .
Thus you see, the Nazarene
Movement is not a branch, or
split from some denomination,
brought about by carnal division,
but she is a union of many holi
ness bodies into one great church
duly incorporated under the name
of the Pentecostal Church of the
Nazarene. She has her large pub
lishing plant, located at Kansas
City, Mo., and her schools, col
leges, academies and uni vet sides
as follows:
Arkansas Nazarene Seminary,
Vilonia, Ark., N. W. Sanford,
Ss? Barber Shop
Ira Bradford, Mgr.
North 3ide of Main Street, oppo.-.
site E, V. State Bank, Richland
Everything new, neat
clean and up-to-date
Bath Parlor in Connection s
Your patronage solicited
Helman & Massey
Will practice in all Local, Sjtatq
nnd Federal Courts and tho
U. S. "Land Office.
Neya Bldg., RICHLAND, ORE.
Central Nazarene College, Ham--lin,
Texas, E. G. Cornish. Pres.
Eastern Nazarene College,
North Scituate, R. I., F. J.
Shields, Pres.
Missouri Holiness College, Oar-,
ence, Mo., H. M. Chambers, Pres..
Nazarene Bible School and Ac
ademy, Hutchinson, Kan., R. E. .
Dunham, Pres.
North a est Nazarene College.
Nampa, Ida., H. O. Wiley, Pres.
Oklahoma Holiness Cqllege.
Bethany, Onla., C. B. Wjdmeyer,
Olivet University, Olivet, 111.,
J. E. L. Moore, Pres.
Fasedena University, Pasadena,
Calif.. O. A. Henricks, Pres.
Penial College, Penial, Texas,
N. W. Sanford, Pros,
Trevecca College, Nashville,
Tenn., S. B. White, Pres.
For further information, attend
the revival meeting under the
brown tent in Richland, Oregon.
W. P. JAY, Evangelist.
Why Not Mail It? v
A farmer recently meeting his
neighbor asked: "Where are you
going?" "Well," .vas his reply,
"I've been owing a little bill to
oid man B, 12 miles east of here,
for some time and I thought I
would drive over and pay it."
"Why go over?" was the re
sponse, why don't you mail him a
check? I keep a little account at
the' bank and whenever I owe
anyone at a distance I simply
mail him a check thus saving time
and trouble." Can you afford to
work yourself and team half a
day to accomplish What Uncle
Sam will do for two cents?
ad) EaglIj Valley State Ban iv
$25.00 CASH REWARD will bo
paid for evidence leading to the
arrest and conviction of. the party
who gave poison to my dog on or
about June 3rd. Art Malone.-ad