Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, July 10, 1919, Image 3

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    Million Drug Addicts in U. S.
Nation Leads World in Illicit " Dope Traffic
Report to Government Shows
Tlio special imicolio committed appointed by former Secretory of the
TroiiHiiry McAiloo to investigate tlio drug trafllo in tlio United Stolen Iiiih
completed its report and presented it to Secretary of the Treasury Glass.
Tim report is of a moot sensational cbaraclor. It shows the United
Statcfl im tlio largest consumer of drugs in the world, with more limn a
million addicts, and more than $(!1,0U(),000 spent annually by drug users
to satisfy the habit.
It also hIiowh a national organization of "dope peddlers," who carry
on a lucrative trndo in drugs smuggled from Canada, Mexico and along
the Atlantic and Pacific coast.
Although the jwuco conference lias already talion action to protect
China from the spread of tlio opium habit, the report shown the United
Status to exceed China and lead thu entire world in tho consumption of
opium. Our annual consumption of opium is so extensive as to be able
to furnish 'All grains of opium yearly to every man, woman and child in
the country.
Tho committee's table for tho per capita consumption by the United
States and foreign countries is a grim story in itself. Tho table follows:
Opium totnl Coiisiimp-
minimi Hon,
coiiHiutiptloii, per capita,
Country I'liptilatloii. IIm. grain.
United Mute 100,000,000 -170.000 ,
. Holland 0.000,000 8.000 11
Franco .' .10.000.000 17.000 11
I'ortupil n.ww.ooo 1!.000 u
Cicrmnny 00.000,000 17.000 li
Italy iCI.OOO.OOO 0.000 ltf
Aimtrlti -10,000,000 .1.000-1.000 VA'Ai
Ninety per cent of tho drugs consumed in this country are used for
other than medicinal purposes, and opium conies in this category, accord
ing to the report.
The trailic is increasing by leaps and bounds. Vractically all of the
larger cities report increase, anil one estimate of tho nation's number of
addicts included in the report is 1,000,000 Hr?ons. The committee's
figure' of 1,000,000 is thereby shown to be conservative. Ono-qunrler of
these 1,000,000 drug users, or ',r0,000, are unemployed. In this respect
a(oi:e tho trailic caused the country an annual loss in wages of more than
It is estimated that 2.17,(155, persons are receiving treatment in an
elTort to loosen the hold drugs have on them. The strides the peril is
taking, though, are shown by tho cotimato that 18,21)0,397 narcotic pre
soriptons were filled in the last year.
One of the most painful features of the report is that depicting the
native-born American as leading in tho consumption of drugs.
Big Jim Vaughn Has Tackled
Pirates Twenty-Eight Times
Won Twenty-Three Games
.Tint Vaughn, tlic Oiilm' big pitcher,
wMiph Unit all other National league
liihs wcii' iin cany fur him its nre the
I'lrnti'H. Tlic went Noutlipaw link
faced the 1'lrati'n 1!8 t lines In IiIh hIx
cunipalKiiH In the senior iimjnr league
circuit anil Ints won 'S of these games.
He Joined the Cubs In the fall of IIMH,
lint did not work In a game iiKitlnst
the Pirates that year.
Jim Vaughn.
In 1011 ho turned the Smoky city
outfit buck live times In six Nlnrls, nml
In 1015 won thren out of four iiKaluxt
tho Pittsburgh crew. In 1010 ho wiih
charged with liming two gnmon to the
rirnlcs, though ho entered both of
these games In the cloning Iniilngx, go
lug to the relief of a team unite, lie
heat them live times In a row In 1017
and live times out of six In HUH, and
ciime out on the loin? end of a meeting
with thu I'lrates In tho opening game
of the picHciit scaaoji.
Haven of the 'i'A victories Vaughn
Iiiih bung up at the expense of thu PI
ralms jiiivn been (dint-outs, and lie ill
IiiwuJ'iIhiiu an iiveramt of only six lilts
pur uiiniiJi
Delve Into New Work if
You Would Make Advance
Kvcryone should have lit hand some
definite line of hard work, of original
research, of advance effort, distinct en
tirely from his routine duties. Only
thus can he grow. If you are Ntudylng
I.atln, read ttomethlng not In the
course. AH over' the country there Is
a cry for men to Mil the chairs of col
leges and universities, and they cannot
he. found. Why? Hecause men are
satlslled to do merely the work of the
day, and do not persist In fresh work,
making liivcstlpitlons, looking Into
the new. William It. Harper.
Weak Excuses.
We break many a promise to our-
selves witn excuses so wciik mat we
rrn i'.". i & ii vAi;iir,-n tui mill v i
would be ashamed to offer then, to an-
Tho poppy blazes In tho sunshlno, tho
grain Melds are ripening Into golden splen
dor, nnd tho butterflies and humming birds
seemed to luxvo withered tlio gorgeous
noss of nnturo's loveliest hues and Im
prisoned them within their folded wings.
Fruit and Nut Sandwiches.
Put through the meat chopper a
quarter of a pound of almonds with
half a pound of chopped tigs with a
cupful of pecan meats, mixing them
while grinding ho that they will be
well blended. Pack tho mixture Into
round baking powder cans, pressing
It In tlrmly. When wanted dip In hot
water to loosen mid cut lit very thin
slices with a sharp knife. Place be
tween rounds of buttered bread.
Potato Sandwiches.
Mush four good-slxed boiled pota
toes, add a leiispoiiufiil of salt, four
tablespooiifuls of thick cream mid the
yolks of four hard-conlccd eggs rubbed
(o 11 paste, a dash of cayenne and two
lablespoonfiils of olive oil f mix well,
nnd when 11 niiiooiIi paste U formed
spread 011 slices of brown bread, (Iiiiv
11I1I1 thu lop wllli (iii'ss or Intuitu
Your poultry IiouhC should bo well
ventilated In siiminer, Hvcry glass
door hIiouIiI he left open night and day
or removed until cold weather. It will
require only n few minutes to do tills
and It will contribute much toward
the comfort ami bent welfare of your
hens, writes I), .1. Lambert, Ithoile Is
land station. During warm weather
It docx not matter which side of the
house Is open. It would bo better If
all sides were out. There Is no dan
Kcr from draft during August and Hci-
Growing chlckB will grow best when
they can rooat where there are clean
perches and only a roof over their
heads. With this slmplo arrangement
there will bo less danger from crowd
ing and mites. Theso mites or spider
llco multiply very rapidly when the
roosts are neglected. You will And
them under the perches and In crucks
and crevices of tho ndjolnlng wood
work. They crawl out of their hiding
places at night and nick their fill of
blood from tho birds on tho roosts.
You enn often detect them by a very
dlsagreenblo odor which they throw
In order to get rid of them, the house
must be opened up to the air, brushed
and cleaned out thoroughly from cell
ing to floor and then sprayed with a
solution of crcsote oil and water nnd
then with whitewash, so as to know
every part of tho house has been cov
ered. If n dirt floor, Ave or sir Inches
of tho top must bo removed to make
a complete Job of housecleanlng.
Those who keep poultry, and neglect
to keep them clean and comfortablo
cannot expect them to be profitable.
Tho river hemmed with llvlnir trees
Wound throuBh Its meadow green;
A low blue lino of mountain showed
The open pines between.
One ahnrp, tall peak nbove them all
Clear Into sunlight sprang;
I miw tho river of my dreamt
Tho mountain that I aangt
No clue of memory led me on
Uut well tho ways I knew;
A feeling of familiar things
With every footstep grow.
Not otherwise abovo Its crag
Could lean tho blasted plno;
Not otherwise tho maple hold
Aloft Its red ensign.
80 up the long nnd shorn foothills
The mountain road should creep:
80, green and low, tho meadow fold
Its rcd-hnlrcd kino asleep.
The river wound as It should wind,
Their nlnco tho mountains took;
The white torn fringes of their clouds
Wore no unwonted look.
Yet ne'er boforo that river's rim
Was pressed by feet of mine.
Never before mine eyes had crossed
That broken mountain line.
A presence, strange nt once nnd known,
Walked with me as my guide;
Tho skirts of some forgotten life
Trailed noiseless at my side.
Wan It a dim remembered drcftm?
Or glimpse through aeons old?
Tho secret which the -mountains kept
Tho river novcr told.
Hut from the vision ero It passed
A tender hopo I drew.
And, pleasant ns a dawn of spring,
Tho thought within mo grew.
That love would tcmpor every change,
And soften nil surprise,
"' -
AM X ''VStoT f Cnrt"
Picnic Sandwiches.
Tako French rolls, cut off tho
top of each nnd then with n spoon
scoop out all the crumb, leaving tho
shell with a small opening at tho top.
Mir together four chopped olives, 0110
pickle, n teaspoonful of capers nnd
ono largo green pepper, chopped line.
Add three tahlespoonfuls of finely
chopped boiled tongue nnd mix with
tho white meat of a chicken chopped
lltir. Moisten with mayonnaise dress
ing and All the roll; replace tho top
and arrange In a sandwich bnskct,
serving nt puce. The lining may bo
added tho last minute so that tho
shells will not become snaked.
Some Summer Sandwiches.
Sandwiches, nre a most popular form
of food which will bo served freely
during tho warm weather. Tho fol
lowing may bo Miggestlvo:
Lettuce and Cucumber Sandwich,
Holler Ihln slices of white bread,
llii'ii cover with a Mice of cucumber
nnd a bit of lei I lice wllli salad dress-lug.
The Flavor Lasts
sSffflTRINR Res' Refreshes, Soothes,
"Ujill7itz Heals Keep your Eyes
I'ZmmPQ&k Strong and Healthy. If
frHinfSfifC Burn, if Sore. Irritated.
IUUR OEaJ Inflamed or Granulated.
use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult
At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book.
Marine EyeBesedy Company.CMcago, U.S.A.
We eat too much meat which
clogs Kidneys, then the
Back hurts.
Most folks forget that tho kidneys,
llko tho bowels, got sluggish and clog
ged and need a flushing occasionally,
elso wo have backache and dull misery
in tho kidney region, severe headaches,
rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid
stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of
bladder disorders.
You simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
fcol an acuo or pain In tho kidnoy re
gion, get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any good drug storo here,
tako a tahlespoonful In a glass of water
boforo breakfast for a fow days and
your kidneys will then act flno. Thl3
famous salts is mado from tho acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined with
Uthla, and is harmless to flush clogged
kidneys and stimulate them to normal
activity. It also neutralizes tho acids
In tho urino so It no longer Irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts Is harmless: inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent Uthla
water drink which everybody should
tnko now and then to keep their kid
noys clean, thus avoiding serious com
plications. A well-known local druggist says ho
soils lots of Jad Salts to folks who
bollovo in overcoming kidney trouble
whllo it is only trouble.
Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin.
On rising and retiring gently smear
tho fuco with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off Ointment lit live minutes
with Cuticura Soap ami hot water. It
Is wonderful sometimes what Cuticura
will do for poor complexions, dandruff.
Itching and red rough hands. Adv.
Tho Fly and tho Flea.
A fly and a flea In a fluo wero Im
prUoiiod, Buld tho fly; "Lot us flee."
sub! llio float "Lot us fly," So tliey
flew through a fluw In tlio fluo,
Yv a 11. c .1
ooiaiers aooine
Skin Troubles
dwith Cuticura
Soap. Ointment, Talcum SSe. each.
When your shoes pinch or your Corns and Bun
ions acne, set Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic
powder to be shaken into shoes and sprinkled in
the foot-bath. Gives instant relief to Tired. Ach
in. Tender Feet. Sample FREE. Address AUen
S. Olmsted. LeRoy. New York.
Dally Thought.
There Is no bettor ballast for keep
ing tho mind steady on its keel and
saving It from all risk of creakiness
than business. Lowell.
What Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound Did
For Ohio Woman.
Portsmouth, Ohio." I suffered from
irregularities, pains in my side and was
so weak at times 1
could hardly get
around to do my
work, and as I had
four in my family
and three boarders
it made it very hard
for me. Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound
was recommended
to me. I took it
and it has restored
my health. It is
certainly tho best
medicine for woman's ailments I over
bow." Mrs. SAltA SllAW, It. No. 1,
Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mrs. Show proved tho merit of this
medicino and wrote this letter in order
thnt other suffering women may find
relief as sho did.
Women who are suffering as sho was
should not drag along from day to day
without giving this famous root and
herb remedy, Lydia E. Plnkham'sVego
tablo Coinound, a trial. For special
udvlco In regard to such ailments write
to Lydia K. i'lnlilmm Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mam. The result of .Its forty yoors
experience Is at your service.
P, N, U,
No, 28, 1919