Y'lEWS UJLi VOLUME 7, NO. 33 RICHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 3, L919 $2.00 A YEAR i.rvw -T1j ri ls&& rr"Jtl r i FREDERICK R. WILSOf' Physician and Surgeon Richland, Oregon Night 'phono, one long ring on all linos. Day 'phono call central office. W. E. BAlRD FUNERAL DIRECTOR LICENSED IvMBALMER (.!. cl. Ui.niu1 nl All 1UH .Unit" 111 Mlwk ltlCUMNI), OltlitiON I'Imuio: Tio nhorU, One long &fje Rogers Baker's Popular Hotel (StfW MODERN CLEAN Under Direct Super-v"'"-. of The Ownor POPUlLAR PftlCES 8ficinl Ua'ti to lVnimiu'iit OnuatH Irvine Lodge No. 86 Alcot vi!ry Wcdnewlnv nlylit nt llii-lr (IbkIIb Hull in Itlolilnii.l, Ori'cnii. Vlnit ii.K I'rotlii TH iniuh ttionui. II. It. MASriiltSON', 0.0. 0. K TllOltl'. K. f It. AH. W. R. USHER j Notary Public Conveyancer 9 Olllco, Second unit Walnut Stj. $ OppOfllto ClirlHti'.ui CIiiiicIi g Pump and Pipe Installing Repairing Promptly Done All work guaranteed satisfactory ' Phone me at Gray Guides Hotel and I'll come over aod give you figures on what your job will cobI WALTER BASS, Halfway g All Issuos Bought & Sold H We pay market price less W small brokerage. Send us your bonds by registered mail; we mail check to you M day bonds are received, 5 RAND REALTY COMP'NY cl 1 .cud I iiu liiNiiriiiu'i'Aui iicv G fP Crimrtl.il. UMl- lllltni. Hi Bill MB Clad lo Get Back. Corp. Clato Mnkin of Unit. A, 1 1 til F. A$ Oth Dlv icturnod to Eagle Valley Tuesday after morp than two years absonre. He en listed on June 13, 1917, an1 has levelled over- a let of country slrco that date, having crossed the United States from coast lo coast and from Mexico to Canada besides visiting Englund, Trance and Germany, "t Clae wan in action from Oct. 2G to Ncv. 11, and had a number of close calls, the narrowest es cape from death being on Nov. Oth at Beaufort when a big shell from the enemy's gun tore out the 3oit of his punts and under garments, scorching a neat Wna on tho skin. Other than the ex posure tluif) made necessary and the discomfort, of being unable to sit down for a faw days, Gate suffered very iittlo and did not report for medical attention, ap a consequence his wound stripe is worn elsewhere than on the arm. Two men of his outfit were mar ttiivVwounded by the shell. w tite left France on June 3, landed in Nev York on the 10th; left Camp Morritt on the 25th reaching Camp Lewis on the 29th, got his honorable,, discharge and was back in Richland on July 1st. He says Eagle Valley w the best place he hnsscniiq.nll hia wan derings ainTtnat he is glad to be home again. Following is the program for the five days' entertainment, and it is expected that a large crowd from here will attend; First DayOpening entertain ment by Gertrude Willoy Concert Party., Cruyon lecture by James U. Barclay. Admission 535c. Evening at 8 o'clock -Gertrude Willoy Concert Party. Clay mod elimr and cartooning by James 11. Barclay. Admission 50c. Second Day -Christine Alexan der Harp Co. Thirty-minute lec ture by Mike Walsh. Admission 35c. Evening Harp, violin, and voice program by Christino Alex ander Harp Co. Lecture "The Fru Is of War" by Mike Walsh. Admission 75c. Third Day Saint Cecelia Sing ing Orchestra. Admission 50c. Evening Rollicking full even ing concert by Saint Cecelia Sing ing Orchestra. Admission 75c. Fourth Day Preludo by the Scotts. Inspirational lecture by W. II, Nation. Admission 35c. Evening-- Sketches and imper sonations by the Scocts. Com munity study, "Where Do You Live?" by W. II. Nation. Ad mission 50c. Fifth Day Veterans' ' Day Speech of recognition for veter ans by local spinier. "A.E'F." songs and yarns from tho trench es by the Fighting Doughbojs. Admission 50c, men in uniform frco, 10 veiling Victory Celebration by the Fighting DougiiboyH, Ad miuulon 75c, CHAUTAUQUA 10 OUR PATRONS On account of faij:ng health we expect to kavc about July 15th for an extended vacation. Since our sdige with the influenza last January we have, pufferod' con tinuously and sevaifd physicians have advised that we get out of the olILe for somefrnonths. Our plans are to jo via auto to Southern California, then to Iowa and from thee baiSk to Oregon, camping out in the. open uir at every stop. At this time wfi are unable to state just what will be done in regard to the News, but we are in communication ,Vf ith several parlies and hope to make satis factory .arrangements for its con tinuance during our absence. In out next issue wu will make fur- thor announcement, Salvation Army Drive Is On. J. M. Chase received word Monday tc take charge of the Salvation Army drive in Eagle Valley and immediately started the ball rolling. The quota for this district is only 5350 so there is no doubt about our going over. The splendid work done by the Salvation Army for. cur soldiers during the war, and especially at the front, is well known, to all and no one should hesitate to give at this time as every dollar se cured in Oregon w ill be spent to alleviate suffering and help tho needy in this state. Church Notices. Preaching services in tho Meth odist church Sunday morning and evening at the regular hours. Preaching at Pleasant Ridge school house Sunday afternoon at 3;30 o'clock. Owing to the fa.it that our committee on evangelism could not get a camp ground centrally located, and to the likelihood of blustery evenings, we have de cided to hold the revival meet ings in the church at Richland commencing July 20th. J. M. Johnson, Pastor. May We Help You? For tho benefit of those who have not been usiiiR this bank for the purpose, we call attention to the fact that we are prepared to make collections for you. We are glad to accommodate our custom ers and others by collecting notes coupons ana sundry bills. With our excellent facilities wo are able to lender capable service. Ad are cordially invited to enlist our services and everything entrust ed lo us will have prompt and competent attention, ud) E ag us Valluy State Bank Ladies, 'save your high priced eggs by using Sa-Van-Eg in bak ing pies, cakes and puddings. One box is equal to threo dozen eggs. Only 25c per box. Buy at Haley's. ud Comu in and suo our ginghams and percales, Suunders Bro'fl.-ud A.. ft 1 tfJira Fresh Supply just received at;? THE RICHLAND DRUG STORE 3 I Public Sale 9 Beginning promptly at 1:30 pf m. On Main Street, RICHLAND Saturday, July 12th S HOUSEHOLD GO0&S Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Sanitary Couch, "Stoves; China Closet, Library Table, Rockers, Skirt Box, Sectional Book Case, Phonograph, Kitchen Range, Chairs, Rugs, Pictures, Glassware, Lamps, Dishes, About 70 Books, Kitchen Utensils, Numerous Miscellaneous Articles S m m Q Q m 2 Col. Brackey, Auctioneer, MONTY MILLER'S AUTO STAGE I s c is now making daily trips to and from Baker . Arrive in Richland at 11:45 a. m. LeaVo at 1:00 p. m. Will call for passengers anywhere in immediate vicinity of Richland and New Bridge. Leave orders with Allan Binheimer at phone office and they will be attended to. AUTO RATES REDUCED Following our policy of treating our patrons with utmost liberality in every way, we announce the following fares are now in effect on our stage line: From Richland to Bakar - $8 1 To Richland from Baker - $3 " Halfway to Baker - 4 1 To Halfway from Baker - 4 " Cornucopia to Baker - 5 . To Cornucopia from Baker - , 5 Orders left at Richland Hotel or at Livery Barn will receive prompt and careful attention-. If in Baker phone 52 COOPER TRANSPORTATION CO, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jonos went to Bauer today. Numerous picnics and fishing .trips uro scheduled for tomorrow. Much interest is being mani fested locally In the Willard Dumpsey fight scheduled for to. morrow ufternooii, KOCO.PATES i) m$a. & ,,!.;!;l'i S s i S m Pvt. Thorp, Assistant 9 m Just received- Ladios, misses and child's canvas M .r. Jane's, also men's, boy's an . youth's canvas tennis shoos at reasonable prices at Haley's. nd Perry Cole Is visiting rolativos and friends in Idaho, Watch out for fire tomorrow,