Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, June 26, 1919, Image 1

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VOLUME 7, NO. 32
$2.00 A YEAR
Physician and Surgeon
Richland, ;-: Oregon
Night 'phono, ono long irinj? on
nil lines.
Day 'phono call central olllcc.
( ket ft n it Hliroiiano! All Siici
l'lioiiu: Two oliortH, f)io Ionic
&?e Rog'ers
I3akcr'$ Popular Hotel
Under Dirppf. Supervision
of l'p Qwnor
Hpcclnl Union o lVriimni'iit Guttata
Irvine toidge No. 86
Knigtys flf PytlliaT"
.Mi'i'l ovary Wedncwlny night nt tliolr
CitiUlo Hall In. Itluilnitl, On-Kon. Vilt
Iiik Urotliitrn imulc nuli'ouiu.
II. It. .MASriOHSOif, O.O.
C H. THORP, IC. of It. A K.
Notary Public
" Conveyancer
Onicc, Ht-contl mitl Walnut 3h,
Opposltu Clirlntliiu Church
Pump and Pipe
Repairing Promptly Done
All work guaranteed satisfactory
Phono me nt Gray Gables Hotel
nnd I'll como over aid give you
figures on what your job will cost
J All Issues Bought & Sold J
X VVe pay market price less X
8 small brokerage. Send us
your bonds by registered
9 mail; wo mail check to you
W j.... I I.. .,!. 1
LditilliiK Insurance) Auoncy
Sommor Hldg., Baker, Or
Got Popr Pay.
W. U. Usher eolobrated his 87th
birthday lust Saturday, ImC'ing
been born on June 21, 1832. May
lie livedo enjoy many morehappy
returns of tho day is the 'wish of
his boat of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Usher arrived jn
Eagle Valley in 1878 and paid
$:10D to' John Swisher' for his
squatter's right to the land that
is now the lownsitc of Richland
and the Usher Ranch, this coun
try being ur.Burveyed at thut
time. Jn '70 the survey was
made and Mr. Usher took up the
land as a liomstead. ''
"Undo Bjllie" called at the
News office Saturday and among
othor subjects spoken of was the
exceptionul inducements ofored
the young men of today to enter
U, S. service. ' "During tho war
with Mexico in '40, " said hp, "we
were paifj 57 in Kold a month,
but whpn'we were jn Mexjco our
olficers genprally drew tlp gold
and bought Mexican dollars, with
which they paid us soldiers and
most of that coin was counter
feit. In fact, orjee when I drew
two months pay every one of the
fourteen dollars was counterfeit,
but mude the greasers tajfp 'em
just the same.''
- Wjlliam,Coo)or;wa8 b6riVn tho
state of Kentucky pn .June 16,
1859, and died in Richland, Ore.,
on June 19, 1919.. the funeral be
ing held nt the Methodist phurch
the following Friday, Rev. J. M.
Johnson conducting the services,
and the rpmiijns laid to rest in the
Eagle Vallpy pemetpry.
Ho was married to Martha
Randolph on March g, 1882; nine
children were born to them,- five
of whom have passed to the great
beyond. He made his heme in
Kentucky until seven years ago
when he came to Eagle Valley.
For several years Mr. Coopor had
been practically helpless as a re
sult of paralysis and was seldom
away from his hpme. He was
converted six years ago under
the pastorato.of Rev. A. F. Stem,
and was a Baptist in faith.
The deceased is surviveU by his
wife, three sons and a daughter,
also two sisters and ono brother,
to all of whom the sympathy of
community is extended,
Has Leg Broken.
Herschel Kirby had his )eft leg
broken in u poculiar manner last
Thursday evening. He wits lying
on the ground in tho stack yard
at his father's ranch on Daly
Creek when a sudden giiBt bT
wind blow over a hhy slip that
was standing against tho fence,
tho heavy slip Striking him just
below the hip. Dr. WilBon wus
summoned and after setting the
bones brought the boy down to
tho homo of his sister, Mrs. Fred
Tin dnlrv nails COc for 12-nt.!
... .... - - p
tin cups, 0 for DOc; granite pud-
ding pans, Berlin kettles and
sauce puns, uiso galvanized buck
ets Mild tabu Ht Haley', ad
Death Claims Young Wife.
Thd entire community was
shocked last ThUrsday'aftcrnoon
when tho word came that Mrs.
Ira Bradford had passgd away at
the hospital in Bakeras it was
generally supposed thut she was
recovering nidely from the effects
of the operation undergone sev
eral days previously. Death was
the result of complications which
sot in but u short time before
the end. Her mother Mrs. W.
P. Williams, was on the way to
visit her, belicvipg that she was
convalescing, but before reach
ing Baker death had came.
The remains we're brought back
to Eagle Valley and Interred in
our'beautiful cemetery on Satur
day afternoon, the fpnpral ser
vices beit.g held at the Methodist
church, Rev. J. M, Jpbnson offi
ciating. Edna Ellen Williams was born
in Eagle Valley on Sept. , 1900,
and was u daughter of Mr. and
W. P. Williams. On June 17,
19,17, she was married to I. W.
Bradford, but had always resided
in this community,
By her parting thero is left
motherlpss a little babe but four
months old. She is also survived
by her husband, her parents, and
four brqthers and three sisters.
It is sad indeed when death
comes to one so young 03 Edna,
and the unexpectedness plf her
passing makes it more so. That
the bereaved relatives have the
heartfelt sympathy of the pntire
community was clearly evidenced
by the largo crowd presantatthp
funeral as well as by the numer
ous floral offerings.
Another Soldier Returns.
Gene Gibson returned to the
Valley, Monday, having received
his discharge at Camp Lowjs last
Saturday. Gent! enlisted on June
9, 1917, and was assigned to Batt.
B, Uth Field Artillery, landing
in France on July 2G, 1918. He
was at the front for about three
months and under continuous
shell fire frpm Oct. 25th until
Nov. 11th on the Argonne Meuse.
He had many close calls but came
through unhurt; was struck on
tho. leg by a fragment of high
explosivo shell but not with suffi
cient force to do injury other
than bruise the flesh. He says
the llth F, A. did great work
but sustained a great many cas
ualties. He gives great praise to
the Salvation Army, Rod Cross
and K. of C,
Church Notices.
Study in the prophecies will bo
continued at tho Methodistchurch
next Sunday morning. You are
Preaching at the Sparta school
house at 3:30 p. m.
At tho evening serVicoin Rich
land tho subject will bo: "The
League of Nations and the Gos
pel."! J. M Johnsoni Pastor,
Bargains in men's and boyB
oxford Hi SRUhders Bro'scad
Following the death of Mr.
2 Frank Helmick it becomes necess
$ ary to insist tljat all persons pay
amounts due by
is now making daily trips to and frorrj Baker
Arrive in Richland at U: a. m. Leave, at 1:QQ p. m.
Will call for passengers anywhere in immediate vjqinlty
of Richland and N,ew Brjdgp. Leave ordj?ps with AH)
Binheim.er at phone cfjipp j'p.4 they will be attended to.
Fallowing our policy pf trpatip pur patrons vjth utmost
liberality in eery way, ye 'announce tjie following fares
are now ijr effect on pur stagp line;., ,-'."A
Frorj Rjchland tp Baksr - $81 To Richland, from Baker, - $3
" Half way to Baker - 4 1 To Half vyay f rom Bakep ' r 4
" Gornucopia to Baker - ftjTp Cornupppia from Bakpp -
Orders Ipft at Richland Hqtel oj: at Liyery Barn will receive
prompt and careful attention. If ip a$er phone'52
Cherries BfTB
Tons UDon tons of cherries of
finest quality and flavor. Many
varieties. Now's tho time to buy
for canning. Bring your boxes,
pails or tubs and get them while
they are in delicious prime. Toll
your neighbors, write or phpne
your friends, that if they want
tho best Cherries, honest weight
and fair treatment to go to
Robt. Bettner, Prop.
Formerly the Willoughby ranch
Cherries Cherries
Bids for tho construction of the
"canyon section" of the Baker
Cornucopia post road are being
advertised for and the contract
will be awarded July 8th. This
means that four and a fraction
miles in Powder Canyon east of
tho Valley will bo completed this
Mountain View Studio, Half
way, Ore., I. W. Sample, Prop.
Open on Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday of each week. Enlarg
ing of all kinds. Our work is
guaranteed to please. Before
sending your kodak work away
give us a trial, We will appre
ciate it.-ad28t4
Nice fresh boiled ham just ar
rived and on ice at Haley's. ad
Cob Kirby is at Baker.
July 1st.
JJelman & Massey
Will practice in all Local, Stato
and Federal Courts and the
U. S. Laud Office.
Nows Bldg., RICHLAND, ORE,
New Bridge
Every Friday
night after Parker's Movies
Tickets 75c
Good Music and Good Time
Young Ladies: v
Wo want to extend a special
invitation to tho young ladies of
this community to open an ac
count at this bank. You are cor-
dially invited to come in and have
tho reason explained to you. You
will firid a delightful surprise at
the simplicity of keeping an ac
count and we assure you that tho
business training, savings habit
and financial help thus obtained
will bo invaluable to you, It is
not necessary for you to havo a
largo amount to deposit wo open
an account for any amount, how
ever small. Wo will be pleased
to see you at any time,
ad) Eaqlq Vallkv Statu bank