If I ' 3r VOLUMF 7, NO. 31 RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1919 $2.00 A YEAR FREDERICK R. WILSOf'' Physician and Surgeon Richland, :-: Oregon Night 'phono, ono long ring on all linos. Day 'phono ohII central office. W. E. BAIRD FUNERAL DIRECTOR LICENSED EMMALMER Ckel and KhiooiUol All "lM Alr Ih tilni'k HIOIII.ANI), - OKKdON Pliotm: Twoitliorl", On Ionic txmem &ye Rogers Baker's Popular Hotel NKW MODERN CLEAN Under Direct Supervision of Tho Ownor POPULAR PRICES Irvine Lodge N0.-86 Knights ofyt'hias Muet itvury M'mliiMtluy iiIkIiI nt tliulr Cttclli! IIhIIIii KIoIiIiiihI, Orcicnti, Vlnlt I11K Hriitlmrw mwli uuttoiiiti. II. U. .MASTHKaON, U.O. ( H T1I0UP, lv. "f It. A H. I W. R. USHER I I Notary Public I Conveyancer $ Olllei, Fcconil Mini Wnlnut BIh. J Opponitt-C'liriHll'.iii Chiucli Plumbing Pump and Pipe Installing Repairing Promptly Done All work guaranteed satisfactory Phono mo at Gray Gables Hotel and I'll como over nod give you figures on what your job will cost WALTER BASS, Halfway Issues Bought & Sold rife Wo pay market price less $ t& small brokerage. Sond us your bonds by registered 1 mnil ; we mail check lo you day bonds aro received. RAND REALTY COMP'NY I,mnlliiK liiHiiriuuio Ayoncy Sommer Bldg., Baker, Or CHURCH DEDICATED I Last Sunday was a time of much rejoicing nt tho Methodist church, the occasion being the dedication of the edifice. This church is now entirely out of debt, a fact din lo tho efforts of the pastor, Uov. .1. M. Johnson, and the board of trustees: John; Kroner, D. T. Allen, 0. H. Saub-j dent, V. E. Sumrners and E. 15. 1 liolman, as well a? to the loyally of l a mcmberahip in general. A large audience was present at e ich of tho services, Che pro grama of which are given below: MOBXINU SICIIVJCIC, 11:00a.m. Voluntary. lljbnn No.2: "Come Thou Al mighflk' King." Aii (Jem by Choir. Old Testament lesson, Gloria I'ntri.-', .t( from New Testament. Noticrsand offering. Jlymn No. 40: "Coronation." Sermon, Hev. II, S.ShangIu,I).D. Dedication. llyimi No. 67: "I Love Thy Kingdom lml." Unxulugy ti ml Benediction. Dipnoi- nt tho church. AI'TlSltNOON SI5HVIC. 8:00 r. m. .Hiuni) iewfiihtr: I'rnyor. Solo, Mtibl Snundor. Sermon. Unptisnml Service, Jlyiiui No. 170: "Most Be the Tie That. Hinds." lii'limliotion. HVBNJNG SKUVIClfi, S:00 v. i. Voluntary. Hymn No. 10: "Day is Dying in tho West." ' I'rnyor. Anthem by Choir. Horipttiro Lesson. Offering and notiuod. Solo, Mias Lidn SnundorH, ' Sormou. Hymn No. 177: "God Ho With Von Till Wo Moot Again." ISuiii'diutioii. We Don't Tell. "It's funny," snys Sum Wise acre, "I was in the bank the other dny and thought I'd find out how much old Skinum had on deposit but do you think they would tell mo? No sir, thoy wouldn't. Po litely informed mo that it was against their rules to give any information about anybody's ac count." That's right, It is the policy of this bank to fihold in strict confidence every transac tion of whatever nature. Wo want sll of our customers to have confidence in us and wo strive to earn this confidence by not talk ing about matters entrusted to us. ad) IDaglk Valley Statu Bank It will pay you, if you are a lover of good coffees, to try our lines: Crescent brand, Golden Gate, Folger's brands, Mt, Hood brand, also Harrington Hall Sol ublo Coffee, something special, at Uuley'B, nd . PIED THIS MORNING William Cooper died this morn ing at about 3:30 o'clock, aged ! GO years and 3 duys. Tito funeral will bo held tomorrow afternoon. ! The deceafod is survived by his wife, three sons, Fred, W. H. and Maurice, and one daughter, Mrs. Imogene Cooper. An obituary will be published in our next issue. DM !I0H AGAIN Sgt. W. E. Strang who.onlisted in the 'aviation service in 1917, has received Ins honorable dis chargu and arrived hMonday at tlte home of his parents nt Sparta where lie will visit for some time. "13d"" was in Frnnco for more than a year, serving in tho 612nd Aero Squadron, 3rd A. I. E., as a mechanician, and although he failed to son any fighting lie wit nessed many thrilling accidents, several of which resulted fatally to the occupants of the machines 11c was up on several flights and says lie enjoys flying very n.ueh. The Sergeant is as fat and plump as a "brownie," an evidence that nnny life agreed with him. Corporal Clarence Bradford, Co. M, 14th Inf., came in Satur ktyfo'r a visit with his" mother, Mrs. Rosa Bennett, and other relatives and friends. Ciarence had benn stationed at Can.p Grant, 111., for several montas past but received his discharge at Camp Lewis. He will go from hero lo Portland where his wife awaits him and thty will make their future home in that city. Ccrp. Clarence W. McCormick who served in the 7th Aviation Instruction Detachment, 33rd Aero Squadron, recer.t'y received his discharge from service and arrived Monday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Matt Welter, near Sparta. Sgt. G. E. Brooks returned to the Valley yesterday. Since his discharge from service he had been working with Federal Emi gration Department on a patrol boat off tho coast of Mexico until a few weeks ago when he joined a U. S. geological survey parly and will go to Alaska within a few weeks. Other than being a little hotter looking, he is the some old happy Everett. All Should Join. Having been appointed chair man of tho Boy Scout movement in this section, I wish to know how many want to see this work organized here. Will tho par ents, teachers, and others who desire to seo the work started, kindly let mo know of your wish? Also, will tho boys in tho Val ley between tho ages of 12 and 18 years who want to join a Boy Scout Local, please give me their names? I wish to make definite ar rangements about this work by next tiunday evening. J. M. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman and son, Mcrton, spent Sunday in Pino Vulley. yourohoicoof all leading makes of talcum and complexion pow ders nt Richland DrugStore.-ud New BLACKSMITH SHOP Opposite Saunders Bro's. Store, Richland NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS PLOW WORK a Specialty Lays matfe for any make of plow and guaranteed to run right All kinds of Truck and Carriage Body Building Wagon Repairing, Horse Shoeing, and General Blacksmithing done Fifteen years experience I HARRY I MONTY MILLER'S I is now making daily trips to and from Baker g Arrive in Richland dt 1115 a. rn. Leave at 1:00 p. m. $ Will call for passengers anyw.here in immediate vicinity of Richland and New Bridge. Leave orders with Allan ogj Binheimer at phone office and they will be attended to. a rrn RATES Following our policy of treating our patrons with utmost, liberality in every way, we announce the following fares are now in effect on our stage line; From Richland to Baker - $3 j To Richland from Baker - flf " Halfway to Baker - 4 To Halfway from Baker - 4 " Cornucopia to Baker - 5, To Cornucopia from Baker - j Orders left at Richland Hotel or at Livery Barn will receive prompt and careful attention. If in Baker phone 52 COOPER TRANSPORTATION CO. Church Notices. Good choruses and special music will be u pleasing part of the ser vices at the Methodist church next Sunday, both morning and evening. The subject for discussion will be: "Are the Prophecies of Scripture Being Fulfilled in the World Events of Today?" Preaching at New Bridge in the afternoon at 3;30 o'clock. All who are interested in a Sunday School picnic are invited to be present in the Sunday schools, and on time, so that ar rangements can be made to suit both schools, J. M. Johnson, Pastor. Tent Meetings. Beginning tomorrow (Friday) evening and continuing indefi nitely, tho local Nazareno church will hold n series of revival meet ings in Richland. Rev. W. P. Jay of Texas will be the evangel ist. Mr. and Mrs. Jay and fam ily aro all musicians, and first class music and old fashioned gospel singing will bo featured at each meeting. Everybody is in vited to attend. Correspondence stationery in a variety of styles at Richland Drug Store. ad Leave your orders for cherries, Royal Amies and Bings. nd Lem Morris, 4) 8 in workmanlike manner Your patronage solicited MULLIKIN a m u REDUCED Helman & Massey LAWYERS Will practico in all Local, Stnto and Federal Courts and tho U. S. Land Office. News Bldg., RICHLAND, ORE, Dance! New Bridge Every Friday night after Parker's Movies Tickets 75c Good Music and Good-Time ED BLANK, Mgr. Mountain View Studio, Half way, Ore., I. W. Sample, Prop. Open on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of each week. Enlarg ing of all kinds. Our work is guaranteed to please. Before sending your kodak work away give us a trial, we will appre ciate it. ad28t4 Chewing tobacco is n specialty with us, buy here. A complete line of cigars, cigarettes nnd smoking tobacco nlso carried, Richland Drug Storo, nd "wis