E. & W. Chandler Tli Different Store Ladies' Oxfords in the newest styles White,' Black, and the Dark Brown shades Full line of Tennis Shoes and Slippers for men, boys, women, misses and children O , for Men, Women. Misses and Children flOoIcl y in silk, silk lisle and cotton-several colors Little Ladies' and Gents' Lrf Wash Dresses an J Suits styles T orltoc' fVvuv-i11c for Gardening. Outing LOGICS OVcIcillb and all out-door woik Just what you want Mens' Dress Shoes in button and lace, English and American models Tan and Dark Brown Shades Not Coal Land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior 1". S. Land Ofiicy at La' Grande, Ore., ,'uneo, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Clarence .' . Thjmpon, of Bauer, Oregon, who, on l-ril 3ii; 1915, mmlc Homestead Kntry . 01151, for S',s NW'j, SWVt see ' .a 14; X'j SWli hoetion 23, township " vnith, range 43 east, Willamette meri .ii. m, has filed notice of inteution to in.-' o tbre.- year proof, to establish Aa.m to the land above described, be fore WooOiuu L. Patterson, V. S. Com ui i -siouer, at li.iiier, Oregon, on the 15th .I.... - of August. 1919. Claimant names m witnesses: Thomas !'. Weleb, of Kkhland, Oregon; John Wtfitz, of Uaker, Oregon; Oeorgu L. hamberlin, of Keattiiig, Oregon; Gro wer C. Studer, of fiaker, Oregon. C. J?. DL'SS, Hogister Not Coal Land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior U. S. I-and Office at La Grande, Ore., June 5, 1919. Notice is hereby given that .Tohn K. Weltz, of Haker, Oregon, who, on Feb ruary lsth, 1910, inside Homestead Lu trv No. 015352, for NWy, SV-i JfRVi, SWi NK'-i section 23; EVj jKV4, 'K' section II, township 9 outb, range 4'i ea.st, Willamette meri dian, hus filed notice of intention to jnak three-year proof, to establish tnm to the land above described, be fore Woodvn L. Patterson, U. S. Com missioner, at Bal:er, Oregon, on the loth (lay of August, 1919. Claimant names :ig witnesses: Clnr pnoe A. Thompson, of Baiter, Oregon; Thomas O. Welch, of Kichlnnd, Ore gon; George L. hamberHu, of Keating, Oregon; Kjieuecr ('. Hali, of Keating, Pregon. C. S. PUNN, Uogistcr Xot Coal La nil NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior V. S. Land Offico at La Grande, Ore., ;iuuo S, 1919. iNotic- ih lieroby given that Waldo 11. Vaughn, of Haker, Oregon, who, on Fob. nmry 1Mb, 1910, made Homestead Kn try No. r,r,B()t for N'j NW,, NMi XKi vet inn 20; W'Vj SW'i, 8B' HW',, SWVi HL'i section 23, towiuhiji 9 south, range 13 cast, Willamotto meri dian, has filed notice of intention to makrt three yoar jiroof, to establish claim to the land above described, bo fore Woodson L. Patterson, IJ, H. Com tuisiioner, nt Maker, Oregon, on the 1 5th clay of August, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Thou. O. Welch, Thou, Joffordu, both of Hide land, Oregon; Clnronco Thompson, of linker, Oregon; Logan Goodman, of Jbsrkoe, Oregon, C, 8. DUNN, Register Not 'oal Land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior I", ,s. Land Office at La Urnmle, Ore., lime ", 119. Notic i$ hereby given that Conrad Lang, Jr., of Dur'tce, Oregon, who, on Jul v 13th, 19l". made Homestead Kn try' No. nl.'.'.tt.i, for N'K"i SK1',, NWVi .SE'i. SW'S SK"i, SK'.i SsWli, soction 25, township 11 south, ran go 41 oast, Willamette meridiau, has tiled notico of intention t. make three-year proof, to establish rl'tini to the land above de scribed, b! n. Woodson L. Ptttterson, L t. Coni'ii' -loner, at Haker, Oregon, on the 12t! diy of Auguvt, 1919. . (human: nimes ut witnesses: Hiduuy Crisp, Oseir lliudmau, Walter Nelson, George M'.ron. all of Durkee, Oregon. . s. Dt'XN, Register Not Coal Land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ( Publisher) Department of the Interior U, S, Laud Oft ice at La Grande, Ore., June 5, 1919. Notice is h r-by given that I'r'-d Franklin M. t. r-ou, of Kichiaud, Ore gon, wlio, oi, December 27th, 1915, made Homestead Kntry o. 01. 170, for HK'i HKVt sect.. mi 17; nr. NK'i, xi., H.;i,(( N3 SW', -..etion 2H; SE"', HK'i see tion 19, to-Aushii in south, rungc Id east, Willani' tte meridian, has filed a., tico of int. ntion to make three year proof, to t,ihlisli claim to the land above de-'i'lied, before Woodson L. Patterson, I'. S. Commiscioner, at P.a ker, Oregon, on the 11th day of An gust, 1019. Claimant name as witnesses; L'. H. ifasterson. V. I-:, l'atley, Floyd Stout, C. A. Wallaee, all of Itichland, Oregon. C. H. DI'N.V, Hogister o Did You Ever? Did you ever stop to think that your wife might fret sick? That there'd be a hired jrirl in the kit chen? That t'nere'd be doctor's bills to pay? That the rant mitrht come due? That you might, have to meet the last installment on your home? That you might break a leg? That taxes are cer tain as death? That all these things require ready money? That such events have befallen others? That they may happen to you? Moral: Prepare for it, by pinching out a little now he fore it happens. There is noth ing so handy as a bank account when you are in trouble. Start now, ad) Baqlb Valley Statu Bank ffltS OF FLIGHT ACROSS ANDE Chilean Airman Writes story of Great South American Air Feat. SET HIMSELF DIFFICULT TASK Thero Are Mountain Chnlns Hloher Than Andes, but None So Hard to Cro-H by Flying Latin Anier. Ica Cncourao Aviators. Wnshln ..in. Lntln America rapidly la prodin .ii- notable nvlntor.. livery encouniire i nt to Hying Ih given by mimei-oii- prlvnte clulm Unit look upon nvlntlon n n sport nml the solution of dlfhVn't problems of tho trnnsportn Hon or in il. p:i.s.nngers nnd lneiTlmn IKe. Pr. ntly only a few mllex of itlrllne s , into two Important towns between w ' t !t niiumunlcntlon except by wire I- n mutter of lyn, If tioi woeK-s. 'i n Is due to mountainous toMgnrv!i, luck of mil ways nnd the roucli nml winding character of the few ro.. and trails. Tliciohindlcnpt seem only to Htlinulnte the young '"itb An o im to greater fentH In the nir nml ! i:ovcrnmentt to overcome tbem by i.ihlisblug regulut ervlce ns u tn.-i". r of liuslneM. Together these f..i - lire working u develop ment of ml.it ion in South America. Flight Acros Andes. The .ii iiruinrs of the recent lllgbt across tl.e Andes of Lieut. DnRoberto Ooiloy f chile. lino come to the Pnn American I nlon for publication In Its next bull. As the ocean lulvenliire will be the greatest sHralshtawny lllRht over nit. :..pted, bo was the accom plishment of the youuK L'hllenn unny olllcor Hi- breahlng of the world's rec ord for In U'ht in crossing mountain rnnpe8. There it re higher mountnln chnlns than the Andes, bpt none, It N held, so l:i'i"tilt to cross by Hylin. To pass over the highest penks bus huc been the ambition of Chilean nml Argentinian aviators. The daring en gineer, fleoritc Newberry of Argeiitlnn, win (he first to bu killed nt the foot of one df them In nn attempt to accom plish the font. Another Argentinian engineer, Senor MusoIiip, alxo wn killed. Lieutenant Zatil next got with in n few miles of the divide nnd wiik forced to come to earth. Pliioron. tin populnr Chilean flyer, fulled In turn. Hrndlcy and Zuloiin, two ureonniit of ArKeutlnu, n year uco cn.sed the A inles In n balloon nnd Luis ('. f.'nn delnrln crowed the southern ridge nt n height of 2,000 meters from Zapaln to C'uneo still Inter hi un airplane. Oodoy'fi fllRht wiih mndo from Knn tifiKo to Mcndoza. a distance of 210 kilometers In one hour nnd twenty eight minutes itt n height of I7,:i'K) feet. Mo lined n mnnoplnim with n 110 horsepower Le Ithone motor. No uc count of bin victorious nclilereinent can excel the description he plves of It himself In u rontrlbtttlou to the Hulletln, In which he says: "At last I was to pet n hlrdVcyo view of the peul.'H upon which I had so often timed from tho track of my ulr doine. The Hrlstol mounted Into apace for u time. I had not yet looked down ward. I had to watch my altimeter, my compiiHS, the regular throbs of the oil engine and the revolutions of the motor. I had to cluint;e the cnilnirl.u tton continually and regulate the Le Rhone; nnd then, when my nltlineler hud passed the 17,000 feet, I looked downward. In Unknown World. "I was In nn unknown world. Tho mountain range Blood out wonderfully clenr; everywhere were canyons, Im mense blnck-moutlied vulleys, gentle foothills nnd Icy slopes. A' the left Tiipungnto rose near me to i.iy own height, or perhaps higher, like un enor mous skyscraper, n magnificent yet graceful tower rearing Itself toward heaven. On one side It had n long, grndual, almost horizontal slope, like u pnlin of tho bund, white nnd frozen, but hospitable, Inviting mo to alight arid linger. Hut tho Impression wns lleetlng. Tho Bristol told mo I was going 180 or 100 kilometers an hour, hence tho scenery altered rapidly. A moment later I crossed the frontier. My country wiih behind me; before mo lay tho Bister nutlon and triumph my Blight but longed-for victory. "At that moment tho motor missed and nearly stopped. I guessed what wuh tho inattcrvTho uutomutlc englno was not working nnd the gasoline cculOtt't tcasli Uift- rtit.r-.J worked nn lnntant and tfio englno nnd rotary started up again before tho change had affected the apparatus. 1 had to land. Ho I lessepcd tho supply of gtu slightly nnd began to descend slowly. The needle, which had reached u maximum of 17,:i00 feet, gradually lowered. Then the bilttle began, which lasted perhiuw three or four minutes. The plane seemed to ie cnuy. That morning there had been a windstorm on the Argentinian side. Perhaps that was the result of tho cyclone. Then calm again. And thero In tho dlstnuce among the far-away foothills. Inslgnllkant when contrasted with the huge bulks I had Just left, rose the outline of tho Meudora, b0' yond the great plain, covered by n hottvy veil of clouds." Cot His Oont. Taylorvllle. III. Karl rsulpllt Is nn undertaker. He owned n valuable mounted goat's bend. Homebody got his goat. "My budluens Is going to pick up suddenly," predicts ICnrl. "SAVE 100.000 BABIES" Mis. Inn J. N. Perkins, us chief the rhllil conservation section of th coiiio II of national defence dlreetv tb nethltles of women's commlttee:i al over the country In the cnmpiii?u t "Save lOO.tMio babies." The "Chh drcn's Year." set aside for this well, has been lengthened to July 1, 11)11). RUTGERS DROPS GREEK RULE- Study of Dead Language No Longr. Required for Bachelor of Arta Degree. New York. fine of the lust siron, holds of tin.1 cliisslcul tradition In cdo e.itlon fell whin the trustees of Ku. ger college nt New P.rimswlck. N. J ih elded to ubolMi the leqiilieliient firei-k for the bachelor of arts degr. A strong light was ninde by th seloniiUc school fucllon t'i have .!! Latin and flreek required of enn !' ihile-i for the A. It. This fulled, 1 hereafter only one year of Latin ;i bo required. liutgers Is oii(. of the strongest pr. pnnints of the classics. It was llr elghlh college founded In this count r; and wns formerly connected with tl" Heformed Dutch church. Por the In r hal.f century It lias been tho state col lego of New Jersey, The trustees gave permission for i $200,000 memorial building to tie Itutgers men who were killed In tin war. Had Old Dank Account. Hurlliiglon, la. James llryant, sc. only-live years old, arrested hcn on i charge of horse theft, suddenly n "ailed whllo In Jail that 0 years agi. he deposited $1,000 In a Burlington bank. An olllcor accompanied llryant to tho bunk, nnd, sum enough, he found his account Intact with interest accumulated. llryant says he Is af dieted with lapses of memory and says hu does not recall stenllng Am horse, which was taken from a Musca tine stable. Dr. M. D. Fleming will bo al th'i Richland Hotel on Saturda.v and Sunday, Juno 21st and 22nd. Heo him If your eyea need atten tion of any kind, Want Column Atlvortlspinonta under Ihirt head nro printed for )vo cents per hnq each insertion. ' ' For Private Sale-Library table, totkeiy, bed ateada, inattreHSOH, eo' sprinH, coal heaters, wash ing maehine, lawn mower. Har den tools, etc. Input e of Frank Tlurke at Mradford Hotel pro perly. wl20 'M Found CJauntlet jriove. Own r may have same by callinir at 'lu olHce and paying for ad . For Sale or will trade fi r milch ows team of draft mares. Call ii F. Is, Payzant. Fountl A cuff button at the .. V. hull. Owner will c'l ,,t lews olllco and obtain sn I TOMATO PLANTS (Impt'iiul) n' 8h1 at $1.25 per 100. a'l nn II. Woods. I'icliland. ;.dL'p i LOST -pair of none y a .un. indcr will plenBe leave at N- w i Mice and jret rewurd. i For Sale- 22 younjr ewis ami 1 1 ' i in ha. J. II. lOvans. , LOOK! On account of .- i i in , :dne8 iti my family I n'Tcr I .lfalf and fruit ranch fo sale. )no-htilf mile above Nw Hndu'. 'or particulars call on rj. ! vr --i I ioht Hcttner. New Hi i.' iAv j all nt this ollice. .' For Sale OeLnval S-1 m at.-r , n'o. 15, new last year. Pi it e 575. t. C. Mack. - ad ' Hacks, buKicies, whkoms and , harness for sale. Call at Cooper'a iarn, Halfway, - ad For Sale Charter Oak steel miKC, U'od condition. Inquire, . it Newg ofTico. Cat He For Sale. 1 15 2 yi-eli steers, )1 yearling sleei-s, 100 2 r old boilers, 15G yearling heiferu, GO cows, If you mean business cal! on nt vrite Kditor News, Iticblan t. Or. Fifty-four acred alfalfa land , indernn.. ndjoininfrditfh 'n "Dry !uleh;" deep tidi soil and m vcd-ly-einht t hares water i i the Diy Gulch Ditch Company; situated about two miles from Richland on principal trave'ed highway and do",e to if not adjoining Hal'er Cornucopia Post Road now under construction. Adjoining lund is estimated to produce five tons of alfalfa to the aero per year. ! At this date, May 27, this land is unimproved. Arrangements I are beinu made to fence and put 1 it into alfalfa and n wheat nurs ' inir crop. If buyer prefers to do this work himself he should phono i the owner at once. In case buy er makes his own improvements 1 no payment need be made on tho principal for threes or more years as preferred. Or equally liberal terms (after paying for improve ments) may be arranged when land is fenced nnd in crop. For particulars communicate with th'i owner, Lcroy II.Tihbnls, Tibbals Piano House Kr Ranch