' DOES A MAN WEAK A HAN0DO0 LOOK WHEN OOYINCr A MEW HAT? COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - LOCALS j OOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOOOMir ll:iy hands it re in demand, I2li Stanciu roturilod Saturday from Baker. Hear the Claxtonola at Saun ders Bro's. - ad Miss Bessie Qm'mby spent Sun day with friends at Kobinette. The assoasod valuation of all property in Baker count) is $20, 075,917. Larue assortment of Aladdin Dye Soap just received at Rich land Drug Store.- ad The Richland Auto Co. lias placed a law sign in front of Iheir place of business. Ladies', misses and children's summer union .stats in patterns and prices to plea.se you at Haley's Recent conti ibutors to the cemetery fund wore! Kred Fias.-r $5; W. B. Wright $G; Bert Kogcis $LfiO. John Flynn lias been appointed assistant water master of Divis ion No. 2 and ui.l have charge of the Dry Gulch Ditch. Men's work and dress shirts in many pattcrns,nlso summer union suits that will give you satisfac tion both in prices and service, at Rtdoy's. ad A. N. Fisher has traded his ranch in Pine Valley to J. A. Mallard for the hitter's property on Snake River, including 00 head of cattle and the fei ry. Guy Sharp lias returned home after "doing hi bit" in the navy. He was stationed on the U. S. S. Connecticut and Jiiado soveinl trips to and from France as well as visiting a number of ports on the Atlantic roast. The ju.7. dance held last Friday night was a success in every par ticular. The music was fine and over one hundred dance tickets wore sold. The managers, Llo d Coble, Denver lOids.on and Roy Campbell', state ,that they, were well satisfied wjth tho results, although the receipts were just enough to meet the expenses. Miss Woodio Cover served supper for the crowd add cleared a neat sum for her trouble Booze It Not n Good. Cure. From tliu Anica town I ntulllonct-r When ii inun comsfl to you nil doubled will) i alii und deelareH ho will dioin your pro8onco,imlenn you, profluro him a drink of whiskey, Bond' ldin to n doctor or else givu lilin adosoof'clminborlaln'H I'ollu and Diarrhoea ltuinudy. Tlioro Ih it inlHtnkon notion among n wliolo lot of puoito that hoozo in tliu bust remedy for wk and stomach acho. Joo Evans has a new Chovrolot. Utiy flags at Richland Drug Store, -ad Raker comity is now entirely out of debt. Mrs. ;c M. Dimmiclc visited Monday at Robinette. Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Brooke ar rived Monday from Missouri. Try a Gossan Corset; you can buy them at Saunders Bro's. -ad Mm. 1 A. Moody is attending tho rose show in Portland this week. Saunders Hro's. are sure sell ing a large number of mowers this season. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stickney at Robinette on Satur day, June 7th, a boy. Ladies', misses and children's hose in attractive designs, colors and pi-ices at Raley's. ad Richard Kirby returned Satur day from Portland where he had been having dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Chandler and son, Herman, went to Boise Saturday to attend the funeral of Frank Uelmick. Ked outing shoes, bals and slip pers for men, women and children they take the place of high priced shoes and are just the thing for summer. 10, & W. Chandler.-ud Carl Mafon left Tuesday for LaGrande where ho was joined by his brother Robert and two daughters, who will go with him to Marshfield, Wis., fur a visit with relatives. The olliceand stock room build ing havo been meed ' v. iJar noy lOidson's lumber ard w a lot on Main street where it t. ill be used by Frank Clarke as an ice cream and confectionery store until he can get a new building erected. Mountain View Studio Half way, Ore.; I. W. Sample, Prop. Open on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of each week. Enlarg ing of all kinds. Our work is guaranteed to please. Before sending your kodak wbrk away give us a trial, we will appre ciate it.--ad28t4 Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Elliott re turned Saturday from a visit at Elgin. Joseph and Wallowa Lake, They were accompanied home by Mrs. aarah Tultic of Elgin, wdid will visit here for a time. Mrs. Tattle was luothcr of Corp. Terry Tut tie, who lost his life last year when the transport Tuscania was Sunk by a bun submarine. Corp. Tuttle,s remains were bitried in Scotland. Miss Velnia Craig has accepted tho position as teacher of Rob inette school for next term. At tho recenb graduation exercises of Baker High school Miss Craig was awarded cum laude, arid she also received a lotter from Prof. A. H. Vaughn of the extension department of University of Ore gon, stating that .her paper on VHow to Teach" was excellent and that her suggeiliuiis for "Use of Play in School Room" were exceptionally good. Cut This Out Mill take It With Vou. A man often forgets tho oxnet niimn of tho nrtlclo hu wishes to purchase and ca it last resort takes something ulao in stead. That la nlwnya dlortppointlntf and uiiHatiafactory. The rntfo way ia to cut thla out and take it with yoil. flo ah to make sure of gutting Chamberlain's Tab les.-You-wlH,llmL nothing qulto,eo aat- hfuutory for couetinutiou nud imlltjoation Why not celebrate July 4th in Eagle Valley? Coveralls for men and boys at Saunders Bro's.--ad Several cases of lonsllitls arc reported in the Valley. Miss Muble Saunders is a vis itor at Corvallis this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evans heft Saturday for Portland. Ask tho returned Soldier what he thinks of the Salvation Army work. Bing and Royal Anno cherries are ripe at the Carothcrs' Ranch on Snake River. Annual school meeting of Dis trict M will be held in Richland next Monday afternoon. Fresh stock of chocolates and other candies just received at Richland Drug Store. ad Robcoo E. Tilesbn of Ontario and Miss Reba Sullivan were married in Baker last Thursday. Buy notions, ribbons, buttons, beads, combs and children's hose supporter safety pins at'Raley's. Rev. and -Mrs. J. M. Johnson, accompanied by Mrs. H. J. Has inas, were Baker visitors Mon day. Children's Day vVas fittingly dbserved at the Melliodist church Sunday, an excellent program be ing rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ilateley have returned to Pullman, Wash.; where tlmy will make their per manent home. The members of the Ladies Aid are urged to be present at a meeting at Mrs. Matthews on Friday afternoon to discuss im portant business matters. Signs have been placed an nouncing that the speed limit in Richland is now 15 miles an hour, Marshall Craig has bought a stop watch and expects pick ilp all speeders. Our grocery stock iB complete in all of the essent'ais for hot weather. We can furnish your l arveBt foods at a reasonable price. Tho best coffee in tho valley at 40c the pound. ad E. & W. Chandler. June 22nd to 30th the Salvation Army husie will ask you to con tribute to the Home Sen ice Fund. Those who remember tr.e girl in the hell of the front 'ine trench who served the coffee and dough nuts without a thought to the bun horrors crushing over her head, will not hesitate to contribute to her cause now As yet the soli citing committee for this district has not been appointed but we will give the names as soon as obtainable. Mr. Wlslcr Cured of Imligcstlorii "Homo time in 100!) vh"ii I had an at tack of ImllKeatiou and everything look ed g'ootnv tt me, I received n freo prttn io of Chamberlain's Tablets by mail. 1 ffitvu tht'in n trial and they were such a holp to mo that I bought a packngo and I can truthfully say that I havo not had a nimilar attack since,"- writes Win. H. Wialor, Douglassvillo, Pa Pnintersj TdkC Noticed 3ealo.d bids are deshfed by School District No. 44 ot Eaker qounty, for pointing, the school building in said. district i Bids will bo opened July iGth. i919.i Tho right is, reserved tii reject aijy Or aU bids. , Address .Clerk, District Not 44, Pajntinir Bid( Richland, Ore. Adv80t4 Steel Fishing Sods THE MORTON MFG. ASK YOUR BOY : When the fighting was thickest When the suffeimg was greatest Where was the Salvation Army Lassie? He will a She was sayi And now, back home Jn the byways, and hidden placeswhere misery always lives,' where a mother needs a home, where men, ( women an'd Children are on the downgrade, She's still "RIOHT ON THE JOB." HELP HER TO CARRY ON The Salvation Army June 22 Ben Carter is having a bath tub installed in his barber shop. Dances were held at both Pine and Sparta on Saturday night. Ladies' house dresses, all sizes and colors at Saunders Bro's.-ad Lawrence Evans was owner of the bills advertised in our Want Column last week. Waller Saunders hits been se cured us janitor for the Richland school for next year, The prudent autbist buys his inner tubes and lubricants at the Richland Drug Store. ad Mr and Mrs. Jack Bennett re turned Saturday from Sparta where they had been working at Eidson's saw mill. Mrs, Ira Bradford suffered an attack of appendicitis Tuesday and was taken to Baker yesterday evening by Dr. Wilson. Mn dnd Mrs. d. Ft Herr left Monday for Portland where they will take in the rose festival be fore goihg on to Californiai F6r the Relief of Rheumatic Palnf. When ybli hhvo Btiffciess and aoronrBs of tho inntSeles, nchinn joints and flud it difficult to move without pa in try mass hging thu afleeted pnrta With Chumber Iain's Liniment. (JUvill relievo the pain and hiflko rent ami Bleep possible, CO., BRISTOL, CONN.' right on the job" Home Service Fund to 30 Not Coal Land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of tho Interior U. S. Iand OfliJo at La Grande, Ore.,' .Imio 5, 11)19. Notice is hereby given that Charles E. Simonis, of Kichluud, Oregon, who, on June Ojth, 1910, made Homestead Kntrv. No. 01iiOO7, for N. SK'i, SV4 SEVJ, SK'l SW'Vi, eedtion 25, township 0 south, range 44 cast, Willamette meri dian, has filed notice of intention to make three-yoar, proof, to establish claim to the land above ddscribed, be fore. Charlos J. Sholtou, U. S. Commis sioner, at Halfway, Oreijonj en tho lltU day of August, li)li. Claimant names as witnossoS: Henry (': Derrick, Kd Hitch, James S. Cropp, Floyd Derrick all of Hiehlaud, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, liegister d i Not Coal Land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of ,thd Interior U. S. Laud Officio tit La Graude. Ore., June 5, 1910. Notice ia hereby given tllat ltlchard Kjrby, of RichUuuli Oregon, who, on October 13th, 1915, made Additional' Homestead Kutry No. 014772, for tho SWV4 NKl'm SEVi NWtf -section 5 township 11 south, rango 4Ct east, and ot December 22, 1910, mado . Additional ' Homestead Entry !NTo. 01C7S1, for lots ' 3-4, sectipii 4, township 11 South, rangfc 45 inst, Witlannjfte nlcridtrin,'has filed ' notieo of indention to make thrco-vear jroof, to .establish claim to tho iand above djsorlbod. beoVo A. H. Combs," Jr.. Clcrlf (if tho County 'Court, of Hnker, Oregon, on tho 14th day of Au gust, 1919. l' Claimant haniea rfs' witnesses: Lemuel Smeleer, W. L. Klrby, both of'Durkety Oregon; Walter B. Jones, Orlie J. Howe, both of Hlchlandc Oregon... ,, f,.vtf O. S. DUNN; RoglSte'r ,