Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, June 12, 1919, Image 1

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3V .5,
AGLjE pallet new
VOLUME 7, NO. 30
$2.00 A YEAR
Physician and Surgoon
Richland, :-: Oregon
Nihl 'phono, ono lopg ring on
till linos.
Day 'phono call central oflloo.
.krl 1 tM.xmiK ..( All .!
Ai.mj. In Mimik
Phono: Tuo fhott, On Innit
S6e Rogers
Baker's Popular Hotel
Under Dirucl Supervision
of J'lie Owner
ff cinl Kiitt'H to I'f'uiniH'iit liiiinta
Irvine Lodge No. 86
' KrtigfrfSTK" Pytfiias -
.Meat uvury WwliMNMlnv nlidit lit tln-lr
pn(tU I lull In Klrlilwi.l, Orocon. Vinit
IiiK llrutlmm ninlr widioinu.
II. It. MASriCltnON, O.O.
r. I-: Tiioiti', k. ni it. ,t s.
I Notary Public
i Conveyancer
iOMle, Second mill Wnlntit Kin. J
()ixjHlti ChrUtl'iii Cliuirli 2
Pump and Pipe
Repairing Promptly Done
All work guaranteed satisfactory
J'hone mo at Gray Gables Hotel
and I'll come over aid give you
figures on what yo ir job will cost
All Issues Bought & Sold
Wo pay mnrkot prico less $
small brokerage. Send us A
vour bonds by registered 9
mail; we mail chock to you
day bonds arc received.
1.1'UilhiK liiHiirmiru A coney
Sommor Bldg., Baker, Or
Tlic ''Spanish Flu." ,
Since our experience with the
"llu" last spiing we have fre-1
qucritly been imkcd "What h it
lihe?" Wo have never felt
eapablp of giving an adequate
definition, hut after interviewing 1
Bert Bennchoff, R. M. Kirk audi
several other sufferers, we have
concluded that the following lines
di'scribe the "flu" concisely:
When your hack Ib broke and
i your eyes are blurred, and your
shin-bones knock and your tongue
. ia furred, and your tonsils squeak
and your hairnets dry, and you're
, doggone sure you're goin' to die,
I but you're scared you wont and
afraid you will, just crawl into
bed and have your chill and pray
the Lord to aee you through, for
you've got the flu, boy, you've
got the llu.
When your toes curl up and
your nelL goes iiat, anil you re
twice as mean as an old torn cat,
and your life ia one long dismal
curse, and food lames liKeuharo
boiled hoarse; when your od back
aches and your beau's a-buzz anu
nothing at all is just like it was,
with deepest regret wo say to
you yov'vo got the flu, boy,
you've got the llu.
What is it like, this Spanish
flu? Ask us, brother: for wo'v
cun through. JL is by chance
born of despair: it lons vom
L..! ....i'... i- tin
mum lino puns uui your nan , u
thins your blood, .it grinds yout
bones and fills you full of moaiib
and groans. Sometime, perhaps,
you may get well; doctors say 'tiu
flu we say 'tis hell.
Died of Heart Trouble.
W. B. Willoughby, a former
resident of Eagle Valley, passeu
away at Ashland hist Sunday as
a result of heart trouble and will
be buried in Baker, where he hud
made hjs homo for the past few
The deceased is survived by his
wife and one son, A. I). Willough
by of Tacoma. Wash.; also three
sisters, Mrs. E. Taylor and Mrs.
Sarah Fnnshior, both of Baker,
and Mrs, Martha J'adrick of Ida
ho; and several brothers whose
address we did not learn.
Words of Thanks.
Wo wish to than Ic our friends
of Robinetto and Eagle Valley for
their sympathy expressed by let
ter and floral offerings in the last
illness of our husband and father.
Mrs. Bess Helmick,
Master Paul Helmick,
Miss Glendyn Hawthorne.
On Saturday evening a surprise
party was given at the Geo. W.
Jones home in celebration of
Leonard Jones' 20th birthday.
The participants all camo masked
and it is needless to say that they
had a royal good time.
Kodak films developed and
printed, watches cleaned and re
paired. Richland Drug Store.. ad
Coino to Saunders Bi'o'a for
babies' hats and bonnets, ad
Byron Thompson arrived homo
Water System for Richland
Again Under, Way.
The matter of a water system
for Richland is again - being agi
tated and indications are that
something , ill bo done. Mr. Had
representing the Keoler Bros., a
bond buying firm of Portland, and
Louis C. Kelsoy, consulting en
gineer State Board of Health, met
with the town council luesday
evening and the matter was dis
cussed in detail.
Mr. Hall ptated that his firm
would place a bid of par for the
bonds when issued, and were in
readiiii-ss to contract to attend to
all legal work connected with the
matter for two per dent of the
bond issue.
Mr. KclBey gave as his opinion
that the system as planned would
josl in the neighborhood of ?35,
000 when completed.
Contracts were signed with the
above named gentlemen to super
vise the legal and engineering
As the town charter prjvidis
for out $20,000 for a water sys
tem it will be necessary to ho'd a
special election to vote an amend
ment providing for the issuance
of additional bonds in order to
complete the project. This elec
tion uid bo held in the near fu
ture, and previous to that time
Ao will publish stattmecis from
various of our citizens giving
their opinion on the matter.
Former Resident Dies.
Frank Helmick, a former resi
dent of Htchiand, passed away at
Boise on Friday night, June 7th,
as a result of complications fol
lowing an attack of influenza
several months Hgo. The remains
rt'tre buried at Boise on Monday,
a number of friends from hero
and Robinetto being present at
the funeral.
Mr. Helmick was well known
througjjqut this section. For a
number of years he was engaged
in the freighting business and
later was employed by E. & W.
Chandler. About nine years ago
he purchased an interest in and
assumed management of the S.
& F. Forwarding Co. at Kobin
etto and remained there until a
few months ago when he took up
his residence in Boise so as to
obtain medical attention.
The deceased is survived by
his wife and one son, Paul, ageG;
and a stepdaughter, Glendyn
Hawthorne; also a sister, Mrs.
Duncan Fraser, a resident of
Baker, to all of whom the heart
telt sympathy of a hostot friends
is extended.
Franklin W. Helmick was born
at Now Haven, Ind., on Feb. 24.
1871, and came West when but a
small lad, spending the greater
part of his lifo in Eastern Baker
county. A kind and loving hus
band and father, a true friend,
n conscientious business man, his
passing leaves a vacancy that can
novor bo filled.
Tracy Mutthows has purchased
W, 13. Burber'a interest in tho
livery burn
wit ee 6ee eso o eooo ecoec
Opposite Saunders Bro's. Store, Richland
PLOW WORK a Specialty
Lays made for any make of plow and
guaranteed to run right
All kinds of Truck and Carriage Body Building
Wagon Repairing, Horse Shoeing, and General
Blacksmilhing done in workmanlike manner
Fifteen years experience
is now making daily trips to and from Baker
Arrive in Richland at 11:45 a. m. Leave at 1:00 p. m.
Will call for passengers anywhere in immediate vicinity
of Richland and New Bridge. Leave orders with Allan
Binheitner at phone effice ar.d they will be attended to.
Following our policy of treating our patrons with utmost
liberality in every way, we announce the following fares
are now in effect on our stage line:
From Richland to Baksr - $3 To Richland from Baker - f3
" Halfway to Baker - 4 To Halfway from Baker - 4
" Cornucopia to Baker - 5 To Cornucopia from Baker - 5
Orders left at Richland Hotel or at Livery Barn will receive
prompt and careful attention. If in Baker phone 52
Church Dedication.
On next Sunday, June 15th,
the Methodist church will be
dedicated- Rev. H. S. Shangle
ill have charge of the service.
An appropriate program has been
arranged, a feature of which will
be som excellent music.
All the cost of the church, even
to the painting recently complet
ed, has been provided for and
there wil' be no debt to raise.
There will bo u basket dinner
seized at the church after the
dedication. This will give a bet
ter opportunity for those farther
away to attend. The ladies of
the Valley are invited to bring
dinners and invite others to do
The services at Pleasant Ridge
are postponed in order to have a
baptisimal service here in the
afternoon at three o'clock.
All are invited to come to both
morning and evening services.
NOTICE All who contracted
bills at the Richland Drug Store
on or before May 7th must make
settlement on or before June 14,
elso the bills will be placed in
attorney's hands for collection.
ad20-30 Evelyn N. Barber.
Dr. M. D. Fleming, Opto
motrist, will bo at the Richland
Hotoi on Saturday and Sunday,
J uno 21st and 22nd. Call on him
if your oyos need uttontion, ad
Your patronage solicited
Helman & Massey
Will pract ico in all Local, Stato
and Federal Courts and tho
IT. S. Land OflicO.
News Bldg., RICHLAND, ORE,
New Bridge
Every Friday
night after Parker's Movies
Tickets 75c
Good Music and Good Time
Notioo is hereby Riven to tho legal
voters of School District No. 4-1 of
linker county, Stato of Orogon, that
lht Annual School Mooting of said
district will bo held nt tho school
house in Itichlnnd, to begin at tho hour
of 1:30 in tho nftornoon on tho third
foudny of June, being tho 10th day of
Juno, A. D. 1919.
Tho mooting is called for tho pur
pose of electing ono director for two
your term, and ono clerk for ono-yenr
Dated this 15th day of jr.iv, 101:).
Chairman Hoard ot Director.
Attostl C. L TJIOltP,
DUtrltt OJik,