L VOLUME 7, NO. 29 RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1919 $2.00 A YEAR BAGtIjE VALLEY NE'W'B FREDERICK R, WILSOP Physician and Surgoon Richland, Oregon Night 'phono, ono long ring on tilt linos. Day 'phono pall conical office. I W. E. BAIRD FUNISKAL DIRFXTOR S MCI5NSED ISMUALMER CitVeli ami HIiiiiinU n( All !' AUr In Htixtk ItlOfll.ANI). OltKUON S Phonos 'I'MUkhurtH, Ono (unit &e Rog'ers linker's Popular Hold Nl3.V MODERN CLIiAN Under Direct Supervision of I'ho Owner POPULAR PRICES Sr.ticinl Ilnti'd to IV'innut'iit (ilit'tn Irvine Lodge No. 86 Knights fPyjhias Meet uvory Wwlnccilay flight nt tliolr Uimtlit Hull In Itlclilnml, Ori'Kon. Vlall iiiK llrollmrii ntmh uli'oiiut. II. It. MAHNWSOtf, 0.0. 0. H. TIIOKP. IC.nl It. &. K. I W. R. USHER g Notary Public j I Conveyancer Olllco, Fucond nml Walnut Htn, X Oppoulle C'hriutlun Clmir.li Plumbing Pump and Pipe Installing Repairing Promptly Done All work guaranteed satisfactory Phono me at Gray Gables Hotel and I'll come over aid give you figures on what your job will cost WALTER BASS, Halfway All Issues Bought & Sold X We pay markot price loss small brokerage. Send us !lJ your bonds by registered 9 mail; we mail check to you W day bonds are received. 5 RAND REALTY COMP'NY I.uniltng Iuaiirmicti Agoney Sommer Uldg., Baker, Or LIBERTY BONDS! . i EVERVK CARRIED Tho result of Tuesday's special election proved that the voters of Eagle Valley stood solidly for good roads. Tho $f00,OOQ bond issue carried in thin proemet by a ratio of 5 to 1. The market roads lax bill and the six per cent county indebtedness for perma nent roads were also approved. The seven other measures voted on received a majority against. Tin county as a whole support ed vory measure stiongly except the lieutenant governor amend ment. While full returns are not yet in, it is conceded that each and every measure on the ballot was approved by the voters through put tl;e atnto. As Usual. Decoration Day whs fittingly observed in Eagle Valley. A short program was rendered at the opera house, He v. Johnson delivering an impressive and ap propriate address, 'f lit line of march was then formed with a squad of twenty-one returned soldiers and tho G. A. 11. in the lead, followedjjy ujprocession of more than alnilein length of citizens in aulos and other ve hicles, and moved to the ceme tery whero every grave was strewod with flowers. The stago was beautifully dec orated, the Eag.e Valley service lag forming a background in front of which were seated the old soldiers, master of ceremon ies and chorus. Wm. It. Usher. veteran of the Mexican War, was given the seal qf honor in the center of the stage and it was hard to realize that the old gentle man had fought to save for our Union a territory which included a portion of ono of the greatest of all states Oregon. Church Notices, Tho Children's Day program will take tho hour for the preach ing service next Sunday morning following Sunday School. Preaching at New Bridge at 3:30 in the afternoon. Evening services in Richland beginning at 7:30, preaching at 8. Direct imnort tons. Jannn. hlnok and green Oolonir. in Shnstn nml Golden Gate grades, in the cele brated Folger & Co. line at Ha ley's. These teas are a pleasuro to sell as weJJ as to sip. adv NOTICE-AM who contracted bills at the Richland Drug Store on or before Mny 7th must make settlement on or before June 14, elso tho bills will bo placed in attorney's hands for collection. acizu-uu Evelyn N. Barber. Nomination and election of officers at tho IC. P. lodgo next Wednesday night, also work in second degree. All Knights nro requested to bo present. FIRE CAUSES LOSS Last Thursday afternoon about two o'clock, fire was discovered between tho waljs 'if the Mrs. Nora Moody residence south of Richland and word telephoned to various neighbors soon brought a 'ciowd to tho scene but in spit of all that could be dune the build j'ing.was soon a -mass of ruins. A part qf the contents of the lower roofi.s were saved. Mrs. Moody cat Hod 2,000 in surance on tho building and con tents, which sum is equal to only about two-thirds of the total loss sustained. Had jt not been for tho abundance of water available duo to tho overflow of Little Eagle the loss would have been greater as the adjacent buildings could not have been saved. Mrs. Edmond Hall with her two'dny-old baby were taken to. tho residence of Dan Jones and suffered little if any as the result of exposure incident to oe ing moved. Mr; and Mrs. Hall lost practically everything they possessed in the way of clothing. Ray. P. Taylor. Co. K. 306th Inf., 77th Div., wllo recently re turned to the Valley having re ceived his discharge from service on May 22nd, paid us an inter esting visit Monday. Ray went into service on June 25, 1918; landed in France on August 24th, and "went over the top" for the fust time on Thurs day, Sept. 20tli, when the great drive to wipe out the huns from 0gonnc Woods-was started by tho Ail-American Army. Hp was at the front fighting conlin uously for twenty-one days and then given fourteen days rest (?) then sent back to the battle line where ho remained until the armistice was signed, Rav escaped without a scratch although his comrades fol all around him by the score. The fighting was done over territory which tho British, French and other nines considered .imnreg nable as the Germans had held it since the war started and had trenches, machine gun nests and ail manner of fortifications in every available spot. Ray said tho carnage was something in describable. It will be remombered that Ray was reported missing in action at ono time. He cannot account for this unless it was when he was carryiug up ammunition to a ma chine gun outfit who were In a tight place and the men detailed as carriers had either been killed or wounded! When asked if lie could narrate his closo calls, ho said that while they were probably many ho was so busy at the timo thoy came that ho gave them little thought. In reply to our compliment on his physical appearance (he tips tho beam at 101 pounds). Ray said New BLACKSMITH SHOP I Opposite Saunders NOW OPEN in , u PLOW WORK a Specialty Lays made for any make of plow and 8 guaranteed to run right I All kinds of Truck and Carriage Body Building , Wagon Repairing, Horse Shoeing, and General g Blacksmithing done in workmanlike manner 9 I Fifteen years experience Your patronage solicited I HARRY MULLIKIN vS? TV IT jT. TV V a-W V- e AUTO STAGE is now making daily trips to and from Baker Arrive in Richland at 11:45 a. m. Lqave at 1:00 p. m. Will call for passencers anj where in immediate vicinity of Richland and New Bridge. Leave orders with Allan Binheimer at phone office ad they will be attended to. Cooper Transportation . Co, Daily Auto Service from Baker to Cornucopia via Richland Arrive Richland about noon. Leave at 1:00 Leave Baker at 9:00 a. m. Orders left at Richland Hotel or at Livery Barn will receive prompt and careful attention. If in Baker phone 52 ve should have seen him at the time the firing stopped on Nov. Uth, as he was anything but fat and handspme at that time. Wears a Wound Stripe. ' Claude R. Decker, Co. H, 110th Inf., 28th Div., reached home last Friday noon, just in time to join the other boys in khaki in the Decoration Day eersmonies. Re was in service but eleven months but had enough of war to last him the rest of his life. In sneukt ing of his experiences Claude sui9: "General Sherman defined war in his time as hell, but he'd probably have said something stronger had he been in the re cent mixup." Claude went into service on June26th, 1918, and exactly three months later Sept. 2Gth v.eut over the top" for the first time. Ho was in the battle of Orgonne Woods practically from start to finish. He was wounded on Oct. ! 8th, a, piece of shell striking him. on the leg, but was back in the fight ngam on Nov. 2nd and kept right on the job until the armis tice was signed. Claude says that hoandQuincy Fjynn wore in tho same company but last time he seen him was just as thoy reached the enemy's barb wire entanglements in the battle on Sept, 20th, Bro's. Store, Richland FOR BUSINESS or ar w - . A s 5 Helman & Massey LAWYERS Will practice hi njl Local, Statn and Federal Courts and tho U. S. Land Office. News Bldg., RICHLAND, ORE, New Bridge Every Friday night after Parker's Movies Tickets 75c Good Music and Good Time ED BLANK, Mgr. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notico is liorcby given to tho local voters of School JJistrict No. -14 of linker county, State of Oregon, that Hie Annual School Arnfi district will bo hold nt tho school lionso in Ilichland, to begin nt tho hour of 1:30 in tho nftornoon on tho third Monday of Juuo, bolnc tho 10th day of .lime, A. D. 1010. Tho meeting is callod -for tho pur jioso of olecting ono director for two year term, nnd ono clork for ono-yc-nr torin. Dated this 15th dsv of May, 1019. 0. M. MOODY, Chairman Board ot Directors Atlesli 0. K. TnORP. District Clark, Dance! z r 1