Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, May 01, 1919, Image 4

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Valley News
Straight Truilital, Direct9
t E. Vilify
Entered as second class matter Dec. 12; 1912 at tlio' pb'si cilice at
Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, i79.
Mombor Orogon State
- $2.00 SIX MONTHS -
RICHLAND, ORB.. THURSDAY. MAY1, 1919. Vol. 7, No. 24
"Victory Loan. Forerunner of
Happier State of Society,"
Declares Labor Head.
. The press dispatches the other day
carried a story telling of the return
home ot Samuel Gompers, president of
the American 'Federation of Labor,
from Europe. The dispatch said:
s "When Gompers set foot on Amer
ican soil JiQ broke down, sobbing, 'My
country, my country;' "
It was a sincere display of emotion.
Gomper3 .was feclins beneath his feet
the soil of the country that gave him
asylum the- SOU of a country that
gave him opportunity tp; rise through
his own. unaided Efforts from a humblo
cigar maker to the greatest labor
leader in the world.
Gompers Is behind the Victory Lib
erty Loan. He Is behind it because it
Is for America. Here is what he says
of it:
"Our great republic, the home of
democracy, the land ot the brave and
the free, again find? it necessary to
uppeal to all our people for their loyal
and patriotic support in launching and
carrying to a successful conclusion the
Victory 'Loan Campaign.
"No one familiar with the vast un
"dertaking our nation has just com
pleted with triumph and victory will
tiuestion In any way the need aiyl
necessity of the Victory Loan.
"The Victory Loan is the forerunner
of a happier state of society, a guar
antee of peace and tranquillity of the
world, the hope of a better day and a
brighter light. I heartily Join with my
'fellow-citizens in urging every worker
and every organization of workers to
take part in this splendid effort to
finance our democracy's peace with
the wealth and savings of all our peo
ple. "Invest your savings made safe by
the victory of our arms In tho Victory
' These are the last days of tho Vic
tory Loan the last ouys of the last
Liberty Loan. Yet there are somo
among us who have not seen tho way
bf duty, whono ears have not heard
the call of America.
Herein lies a great opro'tunity lor
women workers in the Lpr.n to search
these out, to make their eyes see, and
to make their ears hear. The 'argu
ment of a sweet, noble woman is un
answerable. Carter Glass, secretary of the treas
ury, says of woman's work In tho
Loan": ' 1 '
' "Having demonstrated 'what thoy
could do in time of war, the women
of America have "been qulctf to un
Uerst4nd that the cessation Of hostil
ities J'dld riot end the obligations in
curred In actual warfare. It 1b with
confidence that tho Governraerlt asks
'every woman of the nation to become
a teacher itf'the Victory Liberty Lour.."
No' man can'rofuso to take his ebaro
of ino Victory Loan, when a real
wonYdn looks him in tho eye and says:
J'Your mpther would wantf you to."
Every little makes a micklc.
your subscrip
tion at once and
not miss a copy
Kilitorml Association
Thero la mora Catarrh In this aoctlon
pf the country than all other diseases
put together, and fur venrs It was sup
posed to bo Incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly Tallinn
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it Incurable. Catarrh la a locat disease,
greatly Influenced by constitutional con
ditions and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Cntarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is a constitutional
remedy. Is talten Internally and nets
thru tho Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
ot the System. One Hundred Dollars re
ward Is offered for any case that Hall's
Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 73c.
Hall's Family I'llls for constipation.
. Gen. Tnskcr II. Iiliss of the Ameri
can peace delegation pinning tho Dis
tinguished Service Medal on General
Pershing at Chuumont heudouurterti,
Marne, Franco.
Despite . His Handicap Man Who
Covers Rural Route in Iowa
Is Efficient.
Rock Rapids, In. Thomas K. Cush
man is Lyoli county's oldest rural mull
carrier oldest, that Is, In years of
service only, for in spirit there is no
younger man anywhere. No matter
what may be the weather or the con
dition 6f the roads, patrons are as
sured of getting their mall.
AH this Is true in spite of the fact
that Cushman Is physically handi
capped to nn extent that would dis
courage mosf persons. As a boy of
14 he sot caught- In the historic bliz
zard of January 12, 1KSS, and was ho
badly frozen that he iuid to submit to
the mriputation of both hands.
But the loss of n hand or two meant
little or nothing io him. In addition to
being a mall carrier he Is a farmer on
a atnall scale.
Tommies getd'up early every morning
to; carry a long mall route, and ho
works until late .every night supplying
customers oh an evening milk route.
In 'spite of Ills' lack of hands he din
do practically everything that the aver
age able-bodied man 'cart do'.
Maine1 Booming Gardens. ' '
Washington. Maine Id; expected to
do bigger thl.ngs than ever this ydnr
In the Way of homo 'food production
nnd the state board of" trade along Willi
local boardft",, Is preparing t6 lT6ost'vlc
Wry gardening, snys a rtfport today
from B. M. Hlandlng, secretary of tho
state board, to tile National War Gar
den commission, They aro planning
meetings' hntl to ertcourago the move
ment in other ways;
i For publicat'on )
Serial No. 01055S. Contest No. 1'.'33
Department ol tlio Interior.
United States mu Oftbo, U Grande,
Ori'KO.i, April 5, 1011).
To EuRono J. Pottljohn of Unities, Ore
gon, Contested!
You nro hereby untitled Unit Joint S.
llimisido, who pivvn Sparta, Oregin, us
Ms post-ollico address, Ud on April 0,
11U, II hi in thl ollico liio duly eorrobop
t'lted application to contest mid secure
the cancellation ol your Ho nut u.ul Kn
trv, Serial No. OIK-V'S. made September
2s, UH. for I ot SW Li NH 1-1. W'u
SH U. Lot 11. SK 1-4 MV I I. K 1'.: SV
1-1, Beetion 5. Township l south, Kntmo
l") cast, Willamette, Meridian, and it a
Brautuds for lits contest ho allotw tliat
said lvtiK"iio J. I'ettijohn abandoned said
land on or about tho HHh ilay ol Decent
bur, 1017, niul since said ditto Ir.is never
boon on said laiul or resided thereon i
that paid tttmn'doiiiiieiit nnd failure 1 re
side thereon has nut been canned by any
survive in tlio nrjuy or navy of tho United
Slates, or the slate militia r by atiy
military or naval service of any char
acter. You arc therefore, further tiotilled
that tho said nlUTUtious will bo taken
as confessed, nnd yrur paid entry will be
canceled without further ritsltt to !..
Iientil, either before tliisollleu or on ni
peal, if you faP lolihi in;tliinollico within
twenty dnf after tho HJl'KTH tmbii
cation of this notice, as shown bolow,
yotir.ancwur, under oath, specifically re
spondun: to theno allepitioimof qoutist,
together with doe proof that you huvtt
served n coj y of vour niihwur on the hnid
coiiti'stiin'. either in person or by reen
tered mail.
You shotili) state in your answer the
mum) of the K)Mt office to which you de
sire future notice." to be sent to von.
(.'. S Dunn, Kelntur.
Nolan ikiff, Hcceiver.
Date of tlrst publiention April IT, 1 1 1 1
' " beeoiid " April 'J I, "
" " third " May I. "
" " fourth- " May S, "
Department of the Interior.
I'. S..Land Oflice at l.nCiraude, Ore-
Ken, April IUtli, HHP.
Notice is herubv jriven that Andrew
It Miller, of Kiehlaml. Ort-uou. It. K.I)
No. I, who, on April Ttli, HHI, oiailu
Homestead Kntrv No. 013073. for 8KM
NW1-I, K1, SW1-1. NWI-1 SKI I, fcic
I'J, Tp U S , K A i; , and on Wot. 1H.
11)15. niail ad. It. iv No. Olfiaoj. for
SHj NKl-4, and K SUM. Auction It),
'lownship 0 South. Ilniiui! II Kant, Nil
lumettu Meridian, has IUm1 notice of in-
tentiju to niuku thre-vear I'roof, to e.
tablieh claim to tho kind abovo ilos
eribed, beforu Worxlxon L. l'littorHon,
l uited Static CoinniiFsloiit.r, at Inn of
lieu, at Haker, Oregon, on the lOlh day
ol June, llll'J.
Claimant naiiHM as itne.-iscs : TIioiiiiib
O. Welch, and Artliur MiIIh, of Rlcli
land, Oreiron ; Claren-o K Iaivu, of
Keating, Oregon, John Widniau, of
linker, Oregon.
C. S. Dunn, llegiiiter.
First puulication M'tv I, lltl'l
Last publicHtion May :'!), 11)11).
Department cil the Interior
U. S. Land Ollico at I.ulirnnde, Ore
sou. April IUtli. 11)111.
I-'OTICK i hereby given that Mattiu
llostwick, of Hiehlond, Orugjn, who, on
November -'.'Ird, l!)ll, mndu ilomesteiid
Kntry, No. 01 1011, for N!8 NWl-l, See.
7. T) !)S , It. II B Nlvl-I, N,'.j SH1-I.
Section I'-', Township 9 South, llitngo l.'i
Kast, Willamette Meridian, haH (lied
notieo of inti ntion to make three-year
I'roof, to eNtabllHli claim to tho land
abovuletenbiid, beforu A.H.Cnmtw.Jr.,
Clerk of County Court, at his ollico, at
linker, enroll, on the Otb oay of June,
Cliimant namo.i as u ittieft.es: Fretl
GeilH, Hoy Chamberlain, G. A. Cham
berlain, and Jugnu Morun, all of Ilicli
land, Oreyon.
C. S. DUNN, Itegistor.
First publication May 1, 101!)
Last publication May 101.1.
.ho tiii'lertjiu'iied Jias been appointed by
tlin County Court itljo Statu of Oregon
for tho County of Ilaker, administrator
of the estate of Steilion V. Laatn, do
ceiipcd. All perfons having clalniH
agninet fiaiil estate aro hereby required
to present the nanle, properly verified as
by law' required, to i aid udminittrator at
Hichland, Oregon, within Nix mouths
from tlii' dat hereof.
Dated this 1st dav of May, 1010.
G. II. Saunders,
Administrator of thc.Hstate of Stephen
V. I.aatn, deccaeoj.
: :
rjaves saiving people
I Studebaker
I We would appreciate
i your patronage
"yotid think hed
have better sense
says Big Erod,
"Tim isn't c.VtravutJunt,
exactly, but itc don't
know whut to buy. Mc
aims to get the biggeut
plug (or his money,
"Me would get real
tobacco satisfaction
with Genuine Gravely
Peyton Brand
Plug pcuclccd in pouch
Department of tint Interior)
(J. S. Land Ollice at La Grande, Ore
Kon. "'eb. Jlth, 1010.
NOTICIC is hereby i;ivon that Georire
I). SimoniH, uliose postofllee addresk is
Hieliland, Orctron. did, on the 2stli dav
of May, Mils, lllu in this ollico Sworn
statement and Application, Jw. 010171,
to purchase, the NIC I-4 NK 1-1, See. 10,
N 1-2 NW 1-1, Sue. 11, and SIC .SWJi.
Section -'.Township 10 South, Itnnell
ICsihI, Willaniiitto MerlJian, and the tim
ber thereon, under the provisions of llie
act of .In tie :t, 1S7K, and acts amendatory,
known as tho "Timber and Stono Lhw,"
nt Hiii'h value us might be fixed by ap
praisement, i'nd that, pursuant to such
application, the laud and tiinb-r there
on have been appra'H.vl, 100.00 j the
timber estimaUu at lTi.OfJO board fe.ot
at l 0!) per M, mid tin! land 175.0;) ;
that said applicant will offer final proof
in support of his applicatfou and sworn
statement on tint -.'Ird day uf May, HUD,
iieioru t buries A.siieitoti. iJnltitd Mates
Commissioner, at Halfway, Oreuon.
Any'perdii'iH at liborty to protest this
purchase before entry, or initiate a con
tett at any tlnio before patent issues, by
filing a corroborated affidavit In this
ollico, allelriK facts Unit would defeat
the entry.
U. a. JJiinii, KcKietcr.
First insertion March 0, 1011),
Lust insertion May 8,101!)
"llulldinjr Til Weit"
Ftabllihrd 1910 For tli. d.vclnp.ntnt of
Wcitprn IndmtrlM, igrlcultur, rnlnlnj, oil, and
icrnlc attraction.. Uf Intere.t to th VVt.trrn
Inv.itor, farmtr and ilrhtMf. Printed on high
Krada rap.r with copprr half-tont illuatratlona.
Year, 12 1 ropy, 20c, Samplr, 10c, S back nunt
Ittt tor 26c. flend now. IK. N.w Wot Maga
tine, 1211 Walk.r Dank nidg., Halt Uk. Cllr.
Utah! !00 Whit. Illdf., U.attlr, Waali.) Hi
Woodward AYt., Uctroit. MUb, Addr: n.ar
at offlc, or jlat. your tubaerlpUoB thrvugb
Ula ixwipapM'.
We have secured the agency
for the above line and have
a number of wagons in stock f
thus saving any delay it yOu
are in need of one.
No better wagons made.
Call and examine them.
and spend less money
for tobucco."
Good tuilc, tmnllor chew,
louder lifo Uivliat iuukctGcn
uino Gruvcly cott loit to chew
than ordinary plug,
Write to ;
Ghnuinr Ghavhly
UANVIt.1.1!. VA.
or booklet en chtwlnt f.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Hnkcr County.
In the Matter of the Kstatu Notice Io
ol Kva L'vok, Deciiised. (Ureditor
tho tinderftluned has been appointed ad
iiiinistrator of tho estato of Mvi Cook,
late of linker County, )reoii, Deceasedt
and Iimh duly iualllind ns s'icli. All per
sons liaviiiK clniiiiH iiKitiust said estatu
are hereby notllied to present the suine,
duly verllled as by law prerieribod. to the
iindersiuned at thoollrees of G. T. God
ttin, Atlornee, Kon.iner llldV., lUkerj
Oregon, witliin six montliH from the
date of this notieo,
Dated this i!7tli dily of March, 1010.
Hurt Cook, !
Administrator of the Kntatu of
Kva Cook, Deceased.
('. T. Godwin, Atty. for Administrator.
Notice to Creditor's.
NOTICIC la hereby; ivun that tho un-f
deralirned by order of tlio County Court
of thoStato of OroKon fonHnkerjCounty
made on the Ifitli day of April, 1010, was
duly appointed the mllninlsfator of tho
estato of CharlcH O. Clark, deroascd.
All perilous liavlnft clitims against said
estato nro hereby notified to present tlio
same properly verified to -mo at Ilicli
land, Oregon, within islx months froni
tlio flret publication of this nollcu.
F L. I'ayant, Adinlnlfltrator.
W. II, Strayer, Attv.
Date bf Ilrst publication April '-'1, 1010.
Date of last publication Mavt-2, 1010.
?Did you borrow this pttpcr Q
Why not Buhaeribo Jor tit f t
Only $2,00 tho whole year