Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, May 01, 1919, Image 1

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    fit"" '!V
VQLUME 7, NO. 24
$2.00 A YEAR
Physician pnd Surfjoon
Richland, x Oregon
Night 'phono, ono 'ong rinff on
nil lings.
Day 'nQno pall contra! olllco.
(kt mill n!hiui) ol All ilio
llttjrfll Hluck
IMionit: Two flicjrtti, Onti Ioiik
Ufae Rogers
Baker's Popular Hotel
Under Direct Supervision
qf The Owner.
Sp-clnl Itntun to lN'Ttfinnitt Guctn
Irvine Lodge No, 86
KnightsTof PytIiu-53
Meet oypry WmJiiomIiiv nnlt nt tlielr
OiiHtlu Hull In Klcliliiml, Oruou. VUit
liiK Drotln.TH mailt' wuleoiiie.
C. U. THOItP. K. of It. A. K.
$ Notary Public
Ofllcn, Pcconil nml Wnlnut KIh, S
Oppoiiito ClirlHtl'.ui Cluircli
One Investment j
which is in a class by itself I
g is tho Bond of the United ?
States of America our own g
2 country. S
Four and three-fourths
per cent interest on such n 5
bond, which is almost cor- g
tain to sell at a premium
within six months after issu- 2
ance, adds greatly to its
attractions. 2
All things considered, tho
Fifth Liberty Loan is tho
most attractive bond over
issued by any country.
A wA unt,nmlmii flint AHAH
GO.000 of our boys put their
I gold ,in tho golden stnrs of S
tho nnrvinn flni? what arc 9
I you going to do with yours?
I Rand Realty Co.,
I Sommer Bldg., Baker, Oro
Notary Public
domniir Dldg. Uukor, Orogou
Richland Has Heavy Loss by Flames
But One Building Left Standing on Block in Business Section
Entire Town Has Close Call From Destruction
Fire originating from an un
known cause in the Kelly & Arnel
pcol room at about four o'clock
Inst Friday morning, foe a time
threatened the completo destruc
tion of (ich)and'H business (sec
tion and resulted in a Jargp loss
of oroporty beforo controlled.
When discovered tho interior of
the pool room was a mass of
ilnnio and before tho Hrq appara
tus was at work Frank Uorke's
rcsidenco as well as the Corson
buildings were on lire and in an
almost Incredjble Bpaco of time
overy building on tha block will)
the exception of the Fraser pro-,
perty was ukruins. For a time
it lopkpd us though tho Car tor
barber shop and tho drug store
$11 the squlh side qf the street
wou'd go, tjjo former being on
fjre at one time As it was, the
heat broke the lass the post
office, bank, barber shop and
drug store buildings and did con
siderable other damage.
Mystery s,urrofinds the origin
of 'tho fire as tho pool room was
closod nt about 11:30 and no one
had been in the .upstairs rooms
since Ihursdny forenoon.
The .total jdnmagofwimrench
close to $10, QOO which is offset by
$3,450 insurance The following
parties arc the heaviest losers:
Oliver i Corson Meat market
building and fixtures; buildings
occupied by Bradford barbershop,
telephone ofiicc, and by himself
as plumbing and general repair
shop, also all too's and stpek.
$1050 insurance.
Frank Clarke Residence ano!
contents; store building and all
stock and fixtures; pool room
equipment and fixtures; build
ing occupied by Kelly & Arnel
and Ira Bradford.. $1500 insur
Ira Bradford AM household
goods, clothing, and practically
all barber tools and shop equip
ment. '
S. II. Desch A lot of meat,
lard, otc, in the meat market.
Eagle Telephone Co. A Jot of
equipment and supplies.
Lou Jcnninfcs Barn and con
Kelly & Arnel Stock of soit
drinks, cigars, candy, etc.
- Others sustaining loss were
John Fraser, Eagle Valley State
Bank, Oscar Kendall, D. T. Allen.
Richland Drug Store and E. &
W. Chandler.
Just four years ago next Sun
day a fire on tho same block
caused a loss of about $5000 and
only by tho hardest work wns
further damage prevented. Since
that time tho matter of a water
system has been agitated, in fact,
two years ago a special election
was held nnd tho town council
empowered to issue bonds to tho
amount of $20,000 for that pur
poso but owing to conditions ro
suiting from tho war tho mat tor j
was postponed, It is snfo to say
that fho time has come fpr, im
mediate action. If $20,000 is
inswTicient to put in a gravity
system as first planned, let us
have a well, pump and standpipe
- at least soon) sort of protection
against fire.
Oliver Corson managed to save
about $400 worth of auto tires and
tubes he had just received, ilis
loss after deducting insurance
is at least $2000. lie is unde-
cided about rebuJding.
A number of ladies did heroic
work at the fire by helping on the
hand pump, carrying water and
assisting bucket brigades, while
other. served hot coffee to all
who wished to part&ke.
S. H. Desch had killed a beef
Tnursday evening but had left it
at the slaughter house. Before
noon he had upened ash'ip in the
Richland Garage and was dispos?
ing myat to our hungry citizens.
It has not been decided as to
whether the burned sectjon will
be rebuilt this season. Invr-n-gation
is being made and it
possible that concrete buildingb
will be erected when material and
labor are avajlable.' ;
With the roof of the Novvs of
fice on fire in several places and
the front of the houss in which
je editor and family reside
smoking and scorching from the
fiames across the street, it looked
for a lima as though' we would
be "cpmpletey cleaned out."
Allan Binheimer managed to
save ti.e switch -board and beforo
the fire was extinguished had
located in Carter's barber shop
and connected with the long dis
tance wires. On Saturday Mr.
poison had a building tempor
arily located on the Keller lot for
the phone office and A now has
all lines working in good shape,
Cemetery Benefit a Success,
A large crowd attended the box
supper Saturday night and the
receipts amounted to $200.85. In
addition to that sum, several
donations were received from
out 01 town parties, tn is giving
the cemetery association a neat
fund lor currying on the work.
Tho residents of Eagle Valley
and vicinity are to be commended
on the prido they have in the ap
pearance of our little "city of
the dead," also their willingness
and liberality in contributing to
u fund for its upkeep.
The association desires to thank
Col. Brackney for his services,
also all those who helped make
the affair such a success. They
also stato that donations of any
amount will bo uccepted and may
be left at tho bank,
Just arrived hats for nil, also
summer caps lor men and boys,
at Saunders Bro's. ad
Still a fow packages of govern
ment firarden seods left at Nows
office, Come in nnd get one now,
5 -
Z Owing to the advance in the price
ot luxuries, the following prices .
5 will be charged at our fountain 5
' from and after this date:
All Plain Sodas
Ice Cream Sodas r 15c
Orange Special 7 - 30p
Bananas Special - 30c
w Specials with Nuts 35c
2 All Egg Drinks - 25c
Remember we enrrv a full
..- y -
m Uiewing and bmoking l obacco
J Mis. Chas. E. Barber, Owper J
Sheep Shearing!
Have opened a plant on
in Emigrant Gulch, on
Seven machines First class sl)earerSr-home boys
Prices same as last year 25c per head
All bills to be settled when sheep leave corral 5
GEORGE W. BLANK, Proprietor
Opposite Saunders Bro's. Store, Richland
PLOW WORK a Specialty j
Lays made for any make of plow and
guaranteed to run right g
All kinds of Truck and Carriage Body Building I
Wagon Repairing, Horse Shoeing, and General 2
T-n 1 HI - 1 I 1M. 9
DiacKsmuning uone
Fifteen years experience
Have You Signed Up?
Petitions were circulated thru
out the county the first of the
week asKing that the county
court place the matter of the
$500,000 bond issue on the ballot
at the special state election in
June. From all reports an abund
ance of signatures were secured,
To carry on tho good roads pro
gram as mapped out, it is impera
tive that the half million bond is
sue bo carried in Baker county,
for if it is detcated other counties
r 15c g
20c 2
25c 2
Lemonade .- r 15c
Malted Milk : : 20c
AH Specials 30c & 35c
line of Cigars. Cigarettes.
--a , a ,
Sam Shoemaker's ranch
the Pine Valley road 'W
m worKinaniiKe manner
Your patronage solicited
in Oregon are standing- ready to
match the federal dollars which
are offered.
Every resident of this section
who voted last fall should sign
this petition, and, as only a few
more days remain in which to do
so, you should call- at the News
office and do so without delay.
We are assured by a letter f ronT
tho state highway- engineer as
printed in this issue that $20,000
will bo expended in Powder Can
yon just east of Richland this
summer. This means a benefit
to all, so sign up at onca,
Plain Ice Cream
Sundaes - r
Nut Sundaes -