Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, April 24, 1919, Image 8

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    E. & W. Chandler
Tg Different Store
' Our "Dandy-Line"
of Children's and Misses' Wash Dresses are equal to any
line on the market and the prices are right
Our Men's Furnishing Dept.
is well stocked with spring goods. Shirtsnegligee and
golf. A new line of Ties, priced from 50c to $1
Ladies' and Misses' Skirts
in Silk and Serges. A variety of styles and colorings
Our Grocery Dept.
is stocked with fresh clean goods
Our Coffees are the best we can obtain
Fresh Cookies and Crackers always in stock
IS SJSSij? "' Want Column
Tim KiM'lIrm of llin nnlim Mint
jiicnscii tiiu explore most wih tlio Advertisements uiulot thin head
throno room. Six column unnnortoO tiro printed Tor live cunts per line
Its roof, tlio bout preserved IiiivIiik UIlCll insertion.
bnso of limestone with n horizontal
lull Mho faience. Tlio lower part of 'l0 l10 ert A,ot0' lllW?HsWl
tlio column hml n row of HcpnlH In I Washer at Utility's.
relief Kpriiib'inK tmm n broml hum) of itlr sails wet ion and nre guar
Kohl. lletweon tlio tips of tlio nopals ..,.,.! t ,
wcro Iiu-k'o lotos tlowcra Inlaid l.ftt- arl!oocnn ?n( l v wn."0(l.
Found - ehi'd's locket and chain
Interesting Relics Coming to the unearthed
ICllo irodi. henrlim vimiM of wntur In Will lit News OfllCU
tlio I'lmmnli, iukI glided relief Ukuios
nf Mttiittimlnti wi't-it itt-niMtititnt f'iw
turo's of v nmsslvo doorway Unit was IJl'Ug Slofi nd
li'jy nrhnir trickle nt Hkh'a.H
United States.
Seeds for Your Garden
in packages and in bulk, both Coas? and Eastern
It is Not jedicine, Not Surgery,
Not Osteopathy or Naturpathy
It is a scientific method of ad
justing the cau-e of disease with
out drugs or instruments, based on tne school grounds of school
Expedition Under the Auspices of the
Pennsylvania University Muteum
Hm Been HiQhly Successful
in Its Explorations.
Despite liuiidlcnpi caused by tio
war, the ivniitiylvuiilu University inu
soum biu. acquired iniiny relics lin
ear t lied nt .Memphis by Its 1-yptlnu
expedition. A vessel will bo char
tered to ii an-port tho relies.
The o.idiilon (United on Its trip
In Mnrcli. lit3. and continued explor
ation uni.i last June, when tho dhort
ago of lai'nr and tho hlli prices of
materials due to tho war, caused u
cessation in tho work.
A repri'M'iitatlve of the ltotinianlan
Koveruiiitiit laid obtained tho conces
sion of tli' hole bite, Inn the war In
tervened and tlio Egyptian expedi
tion, offend the university party tho
choice of any portion. An area near
tho colossi of IttiinrKes II was neleet-
ed, because of the discoveries made In
that regi ai by an HiMpeetor of an-
thiultles i'r lower U;;ypt. Ilo hud ro
veulutl wli.it was apparently the room
of a I'haiaolj's palace.
I5jccavains by tho parly from tho
university museum proved the build
lug to be the royal residence of .Me-
iienptah, Uu ruled from IITJA I!. 0. to
1215 IS. 0. The explorers found three
layers of earth, representing the an
cleat locution of a many civilizations.
A inrgu ItoiiKin city hml occupied tho
pn a correct knowledge of anat
omy, and especially the nervous
system. The Chiropractic jdea is
that the cause of disease is in the
' person afflicted, and the adjust
jnent in correcting the wrong
that is producing it. The function
of everv oriran in the hndv is enn-
.trolled by mental impulses from
the brain, which it transmits
through the nerves. Any im
pingement of t!-.ese nervps inter
fering with the transmission of
mental impulses results in an ab
normal function called disease.
This interference is produced by
subluxated verterbrae pressing
upon nerves as they pass out from
the spinal cord. The trained
Adjuster is able to locate the
point of obstruction or interfer
" unce, and by means of adjusting
the suhluxated vertebrae corrects!
- the cause, and normal conditions, j
Ihe X-r;iy shows just what
vertebrae of the spine are in
volved. We remove the cau3e
of disease and nature cures.
Chiropractors and Nerve Special
. ists. Phone Col. Office K. of P.
Bldg., Baker. (Aav.)
Union High School District No. 2,
Baker county, Oregon.
Hichland, April LI, 1919.
Will receive bids for 10 to 20
ricks of lG-inch wood cut from sUo "r ii" '', underneath
ereen oine celiverod riokod tin 1 u " "mv "'i
r! . ueinelu rlCKetI UP belnnglng jo tho period eMImntcd to
have boon IS-TJ-SO IS. 0., and the lowest
Inyer raven toil ruins of the pniace of
Menenptah at u total dl.ilunec of from
hlxtcen to eighteen feel below the sur
face lcvl.
The lmlaco, which had lioen i.aliarm
ed by the natives, nnimreiitly had
l-en a uiflnnlUcent structure, l.lmo-
Mono was tho material used for the
columns tint! fanning"), while tho outer
unlls wore of sun-dried Uriel:. The
enstern wing of the ptilnce, which wns
Hlnlmrato colored hIiicco pnvonieuti,
walls and small pyrus cohimiii
red, yellow, and blue lieliiK' the colors
of the principal patterns "formed some
of the striking Interior roller features
Of the royal residence.
Kor Sale- Snnitnry Couch, good
us now. Mrs. C. u. Steolmnn.-2i)
' Kord Au to Trunk, on ton, worm
tlrivo; LOIS modid, jirncticuily now
ins been run vm Hum lOQUtniliM;
will sell nt n bnrgnln, nrt etui-,
bnlnnce bankable note. If InU'r.
Carina for Drltlsh Soldier.
For the lirltlsh otneors and men
who aro to ho kept In the licit! until lusted, Cilll at Nows ollk'O.
pence net;otlaloiis nre concluded the
government Is plaunlnc nn ediicatlomil
service cori to jjlvo them qnlcit nntl
Inlcnslvo special trnlnhiR to lit them
for civilian employment. Courses of
instruction will cover Industrial and
commercial organization, luinldn. In
surance and nccouniltn;. A eorrospon
Wash hoiU'is, bonnls and Iih
kets, nt Saunders Hro's. d
Ppn't put or having your ch
looked nfter. Visit Dr. looming
nt tho Richland Hotel on Sntur-
ilenco bureau will form part of the (lfy and auildny, Ahty o mid 1.-11(1
scheme. nlthoiiKh most of tho work of I - - - .
ItiHiriietloii will be done by a stuff of ipori8meil, call til M i:V8 OIll 0
lecturers. nild L'Ot n conv of tho nuw iraino
t " - - ,i
Warninn: Trespassers Beware. Uu,u:.
I hercbv forhid treflimaslnir for bALb-lwo good brood
tiny purpose whatsoever on the maros- c,,l(-,l -J-yr-old; one well
lands commonly known ns the l)''ol?. other hrolto to lead. Whl
I-Vnsor Ranch ' Anv noninn lrU(l '"l C0W8. ball Oil I'JU
or persons violating thia order Stnnclu.
will be prosecuted as by law pro
district No. 41, Baker countv.
Ore. Bids to be opened on or
before June 1st. 1919. The board
reserves the right to reject and
and all bids.
By order of the Poard 'of Di
rectors. J. B. Perry, Chairman.
W. G. Saunders, Clerk.
For Salu-About five tons al
falfa hay at $17 per ton, measur-
od now. J. W. Patterson, Hichland,
1 offer all my grade cows for
sate; all good milkers. M. II.
For Snk Two ton hay at $18
per ton, also about 400 p-nitMH of
notntoM. Phono or call tin C ('.
tin- tirst to bo excavated, contained every itiosoay evoning.
maxiifucmitly. decorated anartmentsi ,i .Inhnsnn Pimfne
Statement of the ownership, man
agement, circulation, etc., of
Eagle Va ley News,
iid by tin- A' t ni vt.g i.i vi, m'i.
NAMK of i n.mic.v. AUbitJwa
J'uMUher, c.h. Thorp, Jticblttua, ore.
Killtar, C. h. I'jiorp ftliiilanil, Ongun
MitlKine K inur. . K. Ihwn, IllouUlid, Orj.
, JIUjllii Ukimif-r., M.A. Tbur, liicblanil, Ore
laiJtr, V-.. T J p . liiclilHiiil, (ire.
.KiipHn wiaUijuiiiti , luortKMKtwa, una obr
muiir nuiuoi, nam m i ir com or marvei
. fjfjtul (luiouiii ol iiult, uhimkm or (Hliur
jtccarlllti; Sum.
M. A. Tnoni',
Hwprn aiiil tuUcriUUIwfuuiiMilliU hi dy
of April, ,lli,
i U, K. Thorp. S'ulury J'utlloorOroiJ
(Ujcoioululon tiiplin Ja, null, mi,
Pray or meeting at the Motho
dist church in Hichland on Wed- Muivaltill, Now Uridge. 20tf
nesday eve. and in the Saints
church at New Bridge on Thurs
day eve. at 8:00 o'clock.
Sunday Services:
Sunday Schemi in both nlnpnsiil
10 a. m. Hacks, huggiOM, wngons and
Preaching in Hichland at 11 a. harness for sale. Call at Cooucr'a
i a.nn .. .... .
m. nun o.uu p. m. . Uarn. Halfway, -ad
rreachintr at New Uvulae nt
3 o'clock p. m on second and A Rnrtfaill In Alnf
iourth Sundays of each month. '
Kuworth League at 7:00 n. m. iwi ' .Maxwell o-passnger tour-
t.hoir practice in Hichland at ing car, two weed chains, extra
tiros, looU, otc. In god Hha)t4,
Invito thorough inspection. Price
zr.in i i r r.M. n. t.i i
120 acres alfalfa land
at $50 per acre
80a new seeding alfalfa
25a blue grass (good iHnd)
More land could bo put in hay
as it under nood ditch with ample
supply of water.
$7000 will buy farm, comploto
equipment of farm implements
and work hoito.
Good terms; immediaU poss
ession given.
Address, OWN Kit, in care of
C. E. Thorp, Hichland, Oregon.
MsilalH iniido from raptured
German cannon will bo awnrdod
by the Treasury Dnjinrdiiont to
volnntoor worliers who talto
part In tho Victory Liberty Loan
drlvo for f 5,000,000.000 which
will ulart April 21.
IumoiIImiiI nn l)io fnoo of I ho
medal will bo llio nniiio of tlfo
worker and (ho Hurvico fof
which tlio inpdiil wan awarded.
ft In cnllcd tho Victory Loan bo-
tuiiHO tho inouoy It will urlim In wun
Kpenl to forcojddory ovor (Jnriuunri