Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, April 24, 1919, Image 5

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    0065 fH6 SCLF-STOmti
' 3. II. DesehJs at Hatter. '
, Ojra houseMay 2nd "Ikr
Son Sweetheart.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Itowen and
family spent Santer in Bakwr.
Jewelry, s swell line now on
display At Uichland Drug Store.
Auto Cap for ladies and auto
iittt for men at Saunders Bro's.
Mr. W, Q. Saunders return d
home from Hot Lake last Thurn
Ui!y. . .
. !otmat?r Kendall went over
the rural mail route with Carrier
Criig. Tuesday.
New stock of glassware and
queonaware nt Haley 'a will please
you; look them over, ad
Posy Johnson is walking the
.upper end of Dry Gulch Ditch
and Milts Goodwin the lower.
Mr. and Mrs.-W. S, Thorp and
little daughter; of LaGraude,
have been visit inK relatives mid
fi tends In Richland.
GARDEN Seed-Wulln Walla,
bnhfornfa and h'astern, in bulk
and packages; all freh good.
ad E. & W. Cr.andlcr.
Sixty-five persons wore in at
iendance at the MethodistSundsy
School last Sunday morning and
enjoyjW an interesting session,
ttoom lfcr more.
Tho returned soldiers of Eagle
Valley, have organised a base ball
team and have challenged the
."old timer" for Kftmo to be
played hi the near future.
F, W Pflyzant has been ap
pointed admmintrator of the es
tate of Chas. 0. Clarkt deceased.
J aiael Gibbon, It. A. Mnsterson
and Paul Knoblauch -wore the
Mrs. IgtWi Perry was tendored
n farewell reception nt the Qhiis
linn ohureli last Friday afternoon
byjtht Ladies Aid Society of
wljleii she had lontr been a mem
ber. At th conclusion of an
ojiUrtuining social program, ice
eriam and chko were servud.
How. Diphtheria Is Contracted.
. OmiOftoii lioarH tho ixirunalnii, "My
child cuiiRht n iovotu cold wliloli dovob
oped into diphtheria," when tlui truth
was tlmt tho cold had simply loft tho lit
tle onu particularly tmaceptlblo to thu
tfrandurliu dlpthnrin irerm. If your child
linu n cold when diphtherial provhlunt
you nhould titko hint ml of school, nnd
icoop him off tlio struct until fully rccov
iiro.l, in thoro In u hundred tlinen inoro
ilunuor of hi tukln dlpthorhi wIihi ho
hnM a cold. Whoh Clminhorlnlu'a Cotich
Itomody laid von Itnulnkly ctiriui i thu cold
Irtul .'outturn tho dttimw of dlplberla or
uuy other norm dlaeano being eontruclod,
Road tho want ads onjnat page.
' Clan :15c per gallon at Uichland
Drug Store. ad
B. Ashby transacted business
nt Baker Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Martin
woro at tho county scat ovor
I2ato Bennohoff rolnrned Sat
urday from Maker, whore he had
bflon attending high school.
Exceptional values in Millinery
at Haley's. See thorn while tho
assortment is complole.-ad
While visiting horo last week
Chas. Murphy ordorod tho News
to be senUo hisnddrosa at Hunt,,
M. A. Nelson of Cambridge,
Idaho, was in town !l.ltodny in
the in forest of the. Stiudebnker
Mfg. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Frnscr
nnd family camo in Sunday from
Hakor, bringingMiasMary Frnser
with them.
Ida Lilly Flour( hjgh patent.
This flour has proven vory popu
lar and wd ask you to try it.
Raley's, -ad
lias tor Sunday was ideal in
every way and theSnaday School
and church services In the Vhlloy
were largely attended.
Dr. M. D. Fleming; tho oplo
mctriat from Boise, will be at thu
Uichland Iiotl on Saturday and
Sunday, May 3rd and 4th.
From present Indications tho
cemetery Ufrneflt to be held at
the opera hous3 Sfttnt'day bight
will break all records. Don't fail
to be present.
13d IJtuc l.-fi the first of the
wt'Ok for the CJrent Lakes Naval
Station at Chicago after a (if teen
day furlough npent with. homo
folKs and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perry have
gone to Baker where tlujy will
visit for a few wouks and then
go on to Western Oregon and
possibly California.
Misses' and children's wash
drewes The Dandy Lino- can't
be beat for style and materia! and
the price is alwas right.
ad 13. & W. Chandler.
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Crump of
Payette, Idaho, "visited last week
willi Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dens
ley. The two couple have been
friends since childhood but had
not visited together for more than
seventeen years.
Miss Hazel Brunei went to
Bnkor Tuesday to consult a spe
cialist in regard to throat trouble
As she was to havu taken a prom
inent part in "Her Son's Sweet
heart" the enlortainment was
postponed until Friday evening,
May 2nd.
Tt.e Domestic SciencO Class of
K V. High desire to thank tho
public for their liberal pntronnge
at the supper given by them re
cently, and state they now have
sufficient funds to (inish paying
for their piano, They also say
that a number of dishes aiid plates
wore uncalled for and owners can
obtain samu by calling on Mrs.
Ashcruft. '
How I Your Complexion?
A womnn tdiould grow muro beautiful
iih alio grown older nnd filio will with due
rognrd to biUlm, diet and oorcleo,nnd ly
kcuplfiK her liver nnd bowels In good
.....Lin.. it imit urn Ililtfi.nKt n.wl
yellow, vour oyt'H loslm: tholr ltiiitround
- i ' I ...I ....II II....I.
Wllliea UCC01lllll yiiiiuninn, jiuir Hi-nil
flabby, It may bu duo to judlceiillon or
to nJthik'Hleltllver. Ohumburialu'ti Tab
leta correct these dleorderB. nd
Mrs. G, B. Saunders and daugh
ter, Miss Mable, arc visiting in
Delicious ice Cream and soft
drinks of all kinds tforvod at the
Uich'and Drug Stare. nd
From the abundance of bloss
oms on the trees wo will have a
monster fruit crop this season.
A telegram received Monday
from Tracy Matthews annouti i-d
his safe arrival at Now York ( t.v.
Carl Woodcock, who recmtly
received his discharge from ser
vice, ii visiting hora with his
. Mr. Win. BcnnohofY is al Baker
at tho bedsido of her mother;
Mrs. L. M. Denny, who is ser
iously i'l.
Mrs. Ityta Perry was favored
with a surprise party Monday
evening, given by her Sunday
School t'lass.
To date lew Jjiart ono-hnlt of
liagle Val'oy's quota for .the Vic
lory Liberty Loan has been sub
scribed. Wake up.
Saunders Bro'a. have taken the
agency for the StudebakVr line
of farm wagons. Watch for their
announcement next week.
Mr. and Mrs.' W. P. V: alloy
and son, H. 12., left yesteniaj for
Laramie. Wyo., where they ex
pect to locate permanently.
Lee Chamberlain, among the
first Eagle Valley boys to enlist,
recently received his discharge
from the Marines and is working
for Fred Cundiff at Haines.
Irvine Lodgo No. 8,0 is taking
in many new members and munh
interest in the degree work is be
ing manifested by the Knights:
If you are a member and want to
sec some real fun, be sure and
at tend' the meeting next Wednes
day evening.
"Her Sbn'u Sweetheart" will
be given by home talent at the
opora house on Friday evening,
May 2nd, -in celebration 67 the
one hundredth anniersary of
the founding of Odd Fellowship.
Songs and other specialties will
also be on the program.
Hov. J. C. Jones of Milton, will
preach at the Methodist church
in Uichland next Sunday morning
and evening and explain more
iully the Centenary Celebration.
Dr. Jones is an able speaker and
an interesting time is promised
to all who will hear him
Winnio Cdviness has brought
suit for divorce from her husband
J. Ii. Cavinoss, to whom she was
married at LaGrand-. on June 0,
191G. She charges cruel and in
humnn treatment as ground for
seporation and asks the restor
ation of her maiden name, Win;
hie Mulkey.
Sgt. Story Chase, 318th F. A.;
has sent his parents a large col
lection of war relics, a package
con tinning some fierce looking
bayonets nnd knives being re
ceived i his week. Story returned
to tho U. S. a few weeks ago and
was mustered out nt Ft. Htiesellj
Wyomingi on Monday of this
week. Ho is expected home
Within a few dnys.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
Tho Rrcnt benefit derived from tho use
of (.'liHiiilierhiln'a. Coticli ltoluedy lias
been (jralcfullymcknowledt'ed by.nmiiy.
Mm. JionjiimluF. lllukeiiey.Dccatur.llI ,
writeB,'"Chamburlaln,H OoiIkIi Itsmedy
la by far tho best itiulidno for colda and
coukIib wo have ever (l&od iti Otlr family.
1 e,avo"tt to my children when-email-for
croup nnil have taken It myself." d
is How making daily trips to and from Baker
Arrive in Uichland at 11;J5 u. m. Leave at 1:0(J p. m.
Will call for panHcnera anywhere in immediate vicinity
of Uichland and New Bridge. Leave orders with Alian
Binheimer at ph';iic r nice and
Cooper Transportation Co.
Daily Auto Service from Baker to
Cornucopia via Richland
Arrive Richland about noon. Leave at 1:00 : "
Leave i3aker at 9:00 a. m.
Or.ders left at Richland Hotel or at Livery Barn will receive
prompt and careful altention. If in Baker phone 52
Steel FismngKodg
Art Malone is working at the
shearing plant at Flick's Bar.
Now silks, now house dresses
and new apronsj at Saunders
Bro's. ad
The state convention of the
Oregon Sunday School Associ
ation will be held at Baker on
May 20-22.
The farmers in the? vicinity of
Haines have raised a fund of
$15,000 with which to build a
County Clerk Combs on Mon
day granted ir marriage .license
to N. Palanta and Ellen Spirop
olis, both of Home; Ore.
A mass meeting of the farmers
of Sparta district wai held on
Wednesday of last week. Fred
Strang was 'elected bo have charge
of rodent extermination, E. E.
Brown, soil and fruit, and M. A.
Heed, general road work im
provement. Private First ClnbS Kennth Mc
Cormick has arrived at the home
of his mother, Mrs. Matt Welter,
at Sparta. Kenneth served with
Motor Supply Train '111, being a
member' of Motor Truck Co. No.
416. lie was at the front for
some months and Had many close
calls and thrilling experiences.
Councilman W. E. Baird has
Beautified his residence property
by putting an ornamental wire
fence along two .sides of tho lot.
At a recent meeting of tho town
council it was voted to build a
concrete head box and also put
in a pine lino across Mr, Baird's
property, bus allowing him to
mnkb a most beautiful lawn.
o 5 Alt.
they will be attended to.
Meet me at the opera -house
Saturday night. . ,
Walter Bass and Ernest $aun
ders were over froni , Halfwa
last evening.
Mrs. M. J. Simonia has beei'
seriously ill but was reported
some better yesterday.
For Sale Victor fire-proof safe
weight 450 pounds, at a bargain
Inquire of Oscar Kendall. a-i
Uoscoe Gordon is expected to
arrive home today after several
. ,l. . ..,.'11. Tl"l O
tnuuius service wim u licit: ouiu.
Sgt. W. F. Davis, who recent
ly visited Eagle Valley in the in
terest of the Victory Loan, was
married Monday .at Weiser to
Miss Grace Cook o Baker.
Roy Campbell arrived m tho
Valley yesterday, having recent
ly recoivod an honorable dis
charge from service. Roy spent
several months in France.
A Scant Solace.
"1 don't believe tlioy will ever make
Europe bone dry."
"I don't either," rojolnod Cncle HI!)
Bottletop. "But Europe Is n long ways
to travel just for a drlrik."
Pump and Pipe
Repairing Promptly Done ,
All work guaranteed satisfactory
Phone me at GraJ' Gables Hotel:
nhd I'll come over and give you
figures on what your job will cost
... r w