Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, April 24, 1919, Image 3

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Mnlorlal Makes Handsome Dross
for Llttlo Misses.
Simplicity la a Qood Rule to Follow In
Development of QarmcnU for
Hhirk velvet or n good 7inillly of
velveteen makes u vory hnndmimo drcsi
for u llttlo girl of six to twelve yearn.
Simplicity In n good rule to follow In
the development of nil garments for
children. It In especially Important
when u rlcli, heavy material hiicIi as
velvet, velveteen or velours Ih chosen.
TIio design shown In the, sketch Ik iiii
excellent one. It In so simple tluit tho
average homo drctoumikor can make
Olack Velvet Frock for Small Girl.
her own pattern. Tho dress In ii modi
II IIiikhImii blouse, waist mid skirt l
Ing gathered In simply nt back nntt
sides, whllo tlio front shows a wide liox
plait or panel. Tho drosN buttons at the
left front, ami a narrow belt of kid or
patent leather elves a smart touch to
the frock.
Neck anil sleeves aro finished with
a frill of llnti wldto organdlo or georg
ette. The cap In of velvet, trimmed In
Embellishment Easily Produced, Af
fording Charming Decoration for
Collar, Cuffs or Skirt.
An effective mode of trimming
frockH of organdie or other tdieer cot
ton or linen fabrlcn Ih by means of
what It) known iih doublo work, anil
tliU Is something that can he accom
plished nt homo as well iih by the pro
fessional dressmaker. Tlio effect Is
produced by turning hack tho material
or applying It over tho body of tho
frock In n slmplo design and then
Joining It by n lino of hemstitching of
fancy stitchery and cutting It close
along this line, thus producing tho de
sign in tho doublo thickness of the
material. J
It Is an effectlvo way to finish col
lars and cuffs, and u charming skirt
trimming can be produced by turning
up tho hem In n Wall of Troy or other
design and stitching It back along that
New Garment That Extends In Skirt
or Apron Section Over Skirt a
Decided Advantage.
No ono needs to bo told tho woman
of fashion does not consider a separate
skirt and blouse a suitable modo of
dress for evening. In fact, usunlly to
speak of a sepniato waist as suitable
for evening wear Is enough to Indlcnto
one's Ignorance of matters of fashion.
Hut tjm f',;t remains Dint a lot of
women do depend on Just this sort of
dress combination for most If not all
of their evening wcur, It Ihih decided
ndvanliiRCH In tho wny of economy.
Moreover, It Ih posslhlo by wenrlng a
light, nttriiftlvvo blouso with a mora
substantial nUIrt to hnvo tho advan
tage that oil" always doeH In wearing
something Unlit nd Huffy nnd freshly
cleaned, whereim It would bo qullo Im
possible from Iho point of view of ex
pense always In have n freshly cleaned
and Huffy ovenlng kowii,
Tho now hlmiNcH, Unit extend In a
skirt or iiprnn wdlou mer tho nklrl
nro It derided mlviintlitfo When it comes
riirough the
Looking Glass
llavo you over seen n chicken lly?
ur a waddling duck look longingly In
to the sky and try
her wings?
Try us they
may, they rauiint
reach tho clouds,
They cannot do
what every saucy
sparrow and ev
ery black crow
can do,
All of whTch
goes to prove
that If you are a
chicken don't try
to bo n sparrow.
And If you aro a
duck, don't try to
bo it crow. A
chicken c it n n o i
even bo n duck.
Tho chicken has
this fact brought forcibly to mind
every time It tries to swm.
It In good to have ambitions, but
nature has Imposed, certain limitations
on every human being. You cannot
hnvo Mary Jones' nose, no matter how
much you despise your own button of
a nose. You console yourself with tho
fact that Mary Jones could not have
your, beautiful curls and your Kweet
disposition If she angled after them
for a century.
It Ih waste of time for it woman to
long to bo a sparrow If she Is a duck,
Let her make the most of her duck
like (Utilltles, and she will beat the
sparrow anyway.
Ho as ambitious on you can be. Am
bition Is the axle grease that makes
the world go round. Hut misdirected
ambition Is like pride It "goeth be
fore it fall." It tills the world with
grumpy, discontented fools, who do not
realize how welt, off they are.
Re Wln NMipr Union J a
This Is a dainty afternoon frock of
gray chiffon with chenille striped satin
of same shadowed as banding.
to evening wear. l'or they give to tho
separate skirt and waist tho appear
ance or nt least tho advantage of a
oue-pleco frock. Tlteso blouses aro
best when chosen In color to go with
tho skirt with which they aro to bo
worn. Tho lightness can bo contributed
by u fresh, lllmy collar or neck frill.
For Instance, If you have a skirt of
dark green, get it blouso to wear with
It of georgette or georgette and taffetn
of tho same-color. It may bo trimmed
with embroidery of some harmonizing
or contrasting color or with beads.
These blouses that extend, below the
wnlstllno aro usually loosely helled In
with iMinrrow belt. Homo of them aro
belted 'in only at tho sides, tho back
and front being left free In n Hooting
Not blouses In white or cream al
ways aro effectlvo when worn In tho
oveulng and even when worn with n
dark skirt they nro attractive. I'crhap
they nro n little mum siillnhlo for eve
ning when combined with a light cloth
or wllk slilrl,
A finished poet Is niio who gels ill.
coiiniKi'd and goes In work,
Tongue-Active Members Should
Bo Put io Work.
Labor-Saving Devices and Cheerful Co
operation Will Give House New
Lease on Life in Homes.
(Prepared by Oregon Agricultural College)
Spring houscclcanlng, by means of
modorn labor-Having devices and co
operation of tho wholo family, may
bring much hotter living conditions
without undue fatigue, fuss and fric
tion, declares Miss Emma 8. Wold,
Instructor In houso administration. It
takes careful planning and a willing
and cheerful spirit to transform this
so called menial task into a labor of
love, and Miss Wold suggests tho
plana and procedures as follows:
"Tho vory thought of spring houso
cleaning to tho nvcrago housekeeper
not to mention tho rest of tho family
whoso, participation Is often limited to
voluble criticism of tho 'terribly upset'
houso Is n bugbear. On tlio other
hnud somo ultra modern theorists
would rolcgato nnnual denning to tho
dark ages, along with its former con
comitants heavy tacked down car
pets, feather beds, and stuffy parlors.
"Tho modern liomomaker of today,
though equipped with labor saving de
vices nnd responslblo for only a mod
erate sized house, finds It both neces
sary nnd dcslrnblo when spring days
luro Into tho sunshine to refresh and
refurbish her habitation. This despite
tho fact that sho may have been far
from neglectful during tho fall and
winter mouths.
"What then nro her weapons, and
what Is tho sanest method of proce
dure wherohy worth while results may
bo accomplished without tho cyclonic
disturbance and utter weariness which
so often characterize the conventional
"In tho first placo thcro seems to be
a great temptation to do two or thrco
dnys' work in ono. Slnco tho scarcity
of labor, or monoy, often makes hired
help unobtainable oven for special oc
casions, it Is doubly important that all
tasks bo .bo planned as to avoid over
work. Tho old idea that tho numerous
nnd often arduous duties of houso-
clcanlng can and must bo accomplish
ed with whirlwind speed, Is stuff nnd
nonsense! In most instances n room
n day is all that should bo nttomptcd.
"Tho main tasks can easily bo clas
sified window cleaning ono day, spo
clal laundering nnd dry cleaning an
other, nnd tho out of door airing and
sunning of everything from furs and
heavy clothing to draperies and rugs,
a third. 'Hotter faded carpets than
faded lives I'
"A vacuum cleaner is almost Indis
pensable. Rent if you do not own ono.
Ono thrifty woman paid for hers In
two seasons by renting it nt 25 conts
a half day. If you can't got a cleanor
tnko special caro to avoid dust
"Duslless swooping and dusting aro
within tho roach of all. Damp saw
dust or tea leaves, or finely torn mols
tened nowspapors used with a slightly
damp broom will freshen a fudod rug,
whllo a bit of cheoso cloth wrung out
of korosono nnd hot water, and loft to
dry is Us good n dustor as can bo pur
chased. Cedar oil is oxcollont- for
"Uvory momber of tho family should
coopornto in tho cleaning nnd ronovnt-
lug that gives tho houso a now lonso
on llfo. No woman should nttompt to
novo heavy rugs nnd furntturo with
out help. Tho preparation of meals
nnd tlio caro of llttlo chlldron might
well bo shifted to nuothor's hands
whllo this extra work is taxing her
tlmo and strength."
Fertilizers Tried on Berry Plants.
Tests in tho uso of commercial fer
tilizers for cauo fruits hnvo boon mndo
on two plots of rospborry plants bo
longing to Oron Strntton, of Browns-
vlllo, under tho direction of Prof, 0,
I. Low I s, horticulturist nt tho state
college. Nltrato of soda was applied
to mio lot and ammonium sulfato to
another. Hxnct records of production
on thoso plots will bo intido by Mr,
Hlrattou nt picking tlmo, and compar
ed with yields from llko plots un
treated. Thoso trials Interest a largo
number of grower,
The Premier Municipal flond House
MOKIUS DUILDINC, 309-311 Stark St.
Government and PORTLAND, ORE. Established Over
Municipal Bonds Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-Five Year
The Flavor Lasts !
the best
buy for
Sealed Tteht-KePt Rlfiht
of benef icial
More Than Figure of Speech.
Now Jersey reports tho scientific
discovery that insanity is sometimes i
traccablo to unsound teeth. "Going
crazy with tho toothache" may turn
out to bo moro than a flguro of speech
nftor all. Norfolk Virginian-Pilot.
Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough nnd itching with hot
baths of Cutlcura Soap nnd touches of
Cntlcurn Ointment; Also make uso
now nnd then of that exquisitely scent
ed dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum,
ono of the Indispensable Cutlcura
Toilet Trio. Adv.
The Only Way.
"I understand you began llfo as a
newsboy?" said a friond to a "captain
of industry." "No," replied tho inll
llonalro; "somo ono has been making
a fool of you. I began llfo as an Infant"
Hurrah ! How's This
Cincinnati authority says corns
dry up and lift out
with fingers.
Ouch 1 ? I 7 1 ! This kind of rough
talk will bo hoard loss hero in town if
pooplo troubled with corns will follow
tho slmplo ndvlco of this Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a fow drops
of a drug called froozono whon applied
to a tondor, aching corn or hardened
callous stops soronoss at onco, and
soon tho corn or callous drios up aud
lifts right off without pain.
Ho says frooiono dries immodiatoiy
and novor lnflamos or ovou irritates
tho surrounding skin. A small bottlo
of froozono will cost vory llttlo at any
drug storo, but will positively romovo
overy hard or soft corn or callous
from one's root. Millions or Atnonca's
women will wolcomo this nnuounco
moot slnco tho Inauguration of the
IiIkIi hools. If your druggist doesn't
hnvo froozono toll him to ordor a small
bottlo for you. Adv.
f, N. U.
No, 17, 1919
Told by Mrs. Lynch From
Own Experience.
Providence, R. I. "I was all run
down in health, was nervous, had head
aches, my back:
ached all the time.
I was tired and had
no ambition for any
thing. I had taken
a number of medi
cines which did mo
no good. Ono day
I read about Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and
what ithad done for
women, so I tried
it. My nervousness
and backache and
leadaches disappeared. ' I gained in
veight and feel lino, so I can honestly
recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound to any woman who ia
suffering as I was." Mrs. Adeline B.
Lynch, 100 Plain St, Providence, R.I.
Backache and nervousness aro symp
toms or nature's warnings, which in
dicate a functional disturbanco or an
inhealthy condition which often devcl
i ps into a moro serious ailment
Women in this condition ohould not
continue to drag along without help, but
f rofit by Mrs. Lynch s experience, end
ry this famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
poundand for special advice write to
Lydia E, Pinkham Med. Co. , Lynn. Mo
Nope, They Won't Do.
Said tho facotlous follor: "Young
marrlod pooplo 'aro fond of calling
each othor pot names, but who over
heard 'em uso lido and Tabby!"
Uncle Eben.
"Do truth ain't alius easy to git at,"
said Undo Ebon, "A man ktit somo
times say sumpln' In half u mlnulo dat
ho can't oxpUIn in five years,"