Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, April 17, 1919, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
Dispatches from Vienna nnnounco
the arrival thero of d Gorman delega
tion, which has opened negotiations
for tho Incorporation of Austria In
Tho Issuance of" Amerlcan-Phlllp-plno
certificates of indebtedness
amounting to 110,000,000 was author
ized at Manila Friday by Acting Governor-General
Reports that the Blanquet-Fellx Diaz
revolution In Mexico was substantially
financed aro termed as doubtful by
stato department officials, In replying
to direct questions regarding tho situ
ation and tho reports.
Twenty-four men and women Red
Cross workers are scheduled to sail
from Seattle April 22 for service in
Siberia. Tho workers, it was an
nounced, will be stationed In camps
along the trans-Siberian railroad.
The London war office has issued
an urgent appeal for volunteers for
the relief force for north Russia. It
is stated that the men must be trained
soldiers. Tho period of enlistment will
be for a year or for such shorter per
iods as required.
The California senate Thursday
passed, 29 to 3, Senator McDonald's
bill establishing a ten-hour day for
feminine domestic servants. The bill
now goes to the assembly, where a
similar measure was defeated about
ten days, ago by a close vote.
The Arabian king of the Hedjaz,
who aided the allied campaign against
the Turks in Palestine, has just is
sued in Mecca a manifesto claiming
for himself the title of "commander
of the faithful," which has been among
the titles of the sultan of Turkey.
Mexican newspapers reaching Wash
ington last week report a revival of
banditry in the state of Vera Cruz im
mediately south of Tampico and re
cord six serious attacks on trains since
the middle of March. This Is largely
the territory where Felix Diaz, recent
ly reinforced by General Aurellano
Blanquet, is reported to be operating.
Three thousand internal revenue
agents working in specially arranged
zones throughout tho United States
will enforce prohibition after July 1,
according to plans arranged by the
revenue bureau. Nearly 800 inspect
ors will bo trained for the work, to
bo added to the force of 2283 revenue
agents already available for police
Copies of the Corean proclamation
of independence have been addressed
to the governments of tho United
States, Great Drltain, France and Italy
and their premiers and peace delega
tions, the San Francisco branch of tho
Corean national association announced
Saturday. In the accompanying letter
is a plea that Corea's endeavors to
ward Independence bo given all possl
ble favor.
At a meeting of returned soldiers
held in tho exhibition grounds on Sun
day, 10,000 volunteers were enrolled
as an army to fight disloyalty in Aus
Russell Newman, perhaps tho oldest
man in Idaho and said to be tho oldest
Oddfellow In tho United States, is
dead at tho homo of his son in Mid
valo, Mr, Newman had been a rest
dent of Welscr, Idaho, for a number of
years and tip until within two weeks
ago enjoyed good health.
Hulolt Merrttt, of Pasadena, reputed
a 'millionaire, was sentenced Wednes
day by Judge Oscar Trlppet, of (iio
United Btatos district court hero, to
servo flvo months In jail and pay a
fluo ot fGOQO, following his conviction
of boarding Mugar In violation of war
fooi TMlrlcUom Mr, MerrJtt guvo
moIIco ot HJ
Order for Campaign Against Ilolshc-
viki Is Opposed.
Archangel. American troops In
north Russln, by hesitating to comply
with orders to proceed to tho fighting
front, havo impressed official circles
with tho necessity for promptly reliev
ing tho soldiers now In that section.
Tho Washington statement that thoy
would bo relieved at tho earliest pos
sible moment hna been interpreted by
tho men as meaning not later than
Juno 1, which Is tho date thoy bollovo
navigation at Archangel probably will
be open.
While tho company in question
showed hesitancy In returning to tho
ftchtlng front south of Archangel, de
claring that tho war with Germany Is
over and that tho United States Is not
at war with tho bolshovikl, tho sol
diers yielded to appeals mado by tho
officers and obeyed Instructions.
Tho situation aroso when tho com
pany named was prdored back to the
front after a rest period at Archangel.
Tho officers wore Informed that tho
men did not want to go to tho front
again. Thoy asked to havo their argu
ments answered,
Tho men contended that they wore
draft men, selected for tho war with
Germany, which was finished now;
that America was not at war with tho
bolshevik! ; that tho cntlro bolshevik
situation was the subject of much po
litical debato and indecision In tho
United States, and that so far as thoy
were concerned, thoy woro unable to
see why they should bo fighting if
thero was no war.
Tho reclmental commander said per
haps their own lives depended on the
fichtlnc on thlB front, and then mado
his successful appeal, reciting to tho
men traditions of tho American array
This incident was only tho outcrop
ping of what seems to be tho general
feeling among tho American troops,
officers as well as men. Because of
this feeling it is admitted moro or less
cenerally that the troops now hero
probably will be of llttlo use aftor
June 1.
Paris. Geneva, Switzerland, has
been chosen as the seat of tho league
of nations, according to announcement
The league of nations commission
adopted Friday night a new section to
tho covenant specifically providing
that tho Monroe, doctrlno'ls not to be
affected by the provisions of the cove
The Monroe doctrine amendment
was prepared by Edward M. House. It
was expected tho Japaneso amend
ment also would be brought up again
The president's call on Baron Maklno,
head of tho Japanese delegation, had
a bearing on this amendment.
At the meeting of tho commission
on a league of nations, ten sections
of tho covenant were considered and
passed. The Japanese amendment
was not reached and tho actual text
'of tho section exempting tho Monroo
doctrine from tho provisions of tho
covenant of the league of nations Is
not yet available.
American commissioners stated,
however, that tho doctrine was defin
itely named in tho provision guaran
teeing that it will not bo affected by
tho terms In lho covenant.
Tho adoption of tho section exempt
ing tho Monroo doctrine was the only
real exemption mado during tho meet
ing. President Wilson offered tho
amendment and mado a plea for it,
saying that he believed tho doctrlno
was protected under tho terms of the
covenant as they stood, but because
of tho domands for specific exemption
ho felt it Imperative that the amend
ment should be added.
Labor Conditions Better.
Washington, D, C Labor conditions
on the Pacific coast aro considerably
Improved, according to a report of tho
department of labor given out Satur
day, Los Angeles being tho only city
which fulls to show a reduction In tho
unemployed surplus, Figures on Port
land's unemployed drop to C000 and
Heuttlo to 7000 arid ot ttio 8000 un
iwiployod before tho strike at Tucoma
C600 aro back at work, Other cities
on tho coast how very llttlo unew
Forecast of 837,000,000 Bush
els Made by Bureau.
Speculation Rife as to Amount to Ho
Paid Farmers Under Guaran
' tee of $2.33 a Bushel.
Washington, D. C Forecast by tho
department of agrlculturo Tuesday
Uiat tho nation's winter wheat crop
would tbtal 837,000,000 bushels, tho
largest crop ovor grown, aroused lm
modlato speculation as to tho cost to
tha government of such nn enormous
yield. Under tho bill passed by con
gress In tho closing days ot tho Inst
season tho government Is obligated
to pay tho dlttoronco between tho
guaranteed prico ot $2.20 a bushol and
tho world market prico for ever'
bushel not only of winter but of spring
wheat produced.
Tho total valuo of tho wintor wheat
crop on tho basis of an 83.7,000,000
bushel crop forecast would bo $1,891,-
C20.000. Tho spring wheat crop, soon
to bo planted, cannot bo estimated at
this time, but department of ngrlcul
turo officials predicted it would rango
botweon 225,000,000 and 300,000,000
bushols, which would incroaso tho
total valuo of tho nation's wheat crop
to approximately two and n half bil
lion dollars.
Tho part of this two and a half bil
lion dollars that tho .government must
pay to maintain tho guaranteed prico
was a matter upon which officials horo
declined to comment. It was said that
the factors influencing tho world
markot prico, such as production in
Argentina, Australia and other coun
tries and tho European demand, wore
too numerous to' mako any prediction
at this tlrao. Tho department of agrl
culturo has no Information as to esti
mated wheat production In tho -other
wheat-growing countries of tho world
Officials expressed tho belief that
thero would bo a good foreign demand
for American wheat which would tako
care ot tho nation's surplus and whllo
the loss to tho government through its
prico guarantco may mount far Into
tho millions ot dollars, so far as tho
actual wealth of tho country waB con
corned it simply will bo taking monoy
from one pocket and putting It Into
The monoy, it was said, will go Into
tho pockets of tho farmers of tho coun
try and officials bollovo tho forecast
Indicates farmers will bo moro pros
porous and possess greater potential
buying power, than over beforo In the
history of tho country. Tho onormous
sums farmors will recolvo for tholr
wheat, It was said, should find Its way
back quickly into circulation, thus
adding to the general prosperity of tho
Tuesday's forecast also indicated
that America will havo a greater sur
plus than ovor beforo. Tho United
States requires for its own yearly con
sumption about 5.3 bushels of wheat
for each person within it With ap
proximately 110,000,000 peoplo In tho
United States and adding approximate
ly 75,000,000 .bushols of wheat, which
Is necessary for fcodlng purposes, tho
demands of this country this year are
estimated at moro than 050,000,000
With a spring wheat production esti
mated at from 225,000,000 to 300.000,'
000 it would appear that tho surplus
avallablo for export would bo In tho
neighborhood of about 450,000,000
Premier Saves Assailant.
Purls. Prosldont Polncaro has com
muted to 10 years Imprisonment tho
death sontenco Imposed upon Emllo
Cottln, who, In an attempt to OHsassi
nutu Premier Clomoncuaii on Fob
ruury 19 lust, shot and severely wound
ed him,
Tho commutation of sontenco was on
Hie recommendation of M. Clumoncouu
himself, Tho mother of Cottln today
annealed personally to President Poln
curu to ourclso presidential clemency
In her son's cue,
II. 10, Koons, Irrigation export, vol-
crnn ot tho Argonuo and grndunto of
tho O. A. C. In 1915, waB chosen ro-
conlly (iB agricultural ngont for Dos
chutos county, succeeding R. A. Ward,
Coos county loyal legion mombcrH
bulked this week nt tha Couologun
camp when tho Goorgo W. Mooro lum
ber company attempted to lower tho
wages. Twcuty-flvo men ot n total ot
nhout 35 loft their work and sought
other employment when tho company
Issued tho now schedule.
Salem members ot tho Spanish War
veterans, and auxiliary organizations,
aro laying preliminary plans for thu
stato oncampmont of Spanish War vol
orons which will bo held In Salem dur
ing June. Tha uso of tho housa and
sonato chambers haa boon offorud to
tho voternna by Governor Olcott for
tho place of meetings.
Permanent organization of tho Ore
gon land settlement commission will
bo perfected nt n mooting to bo held
nt tho capltol next Tuesday. Govor
nor Olcott announced that all mem
hers ot tho commission, as appointed
by him last wook, havo accoptcd nud
will bo In Salem to attond thu Initial
organization mooting.
' District Forester Cecil of Portland
is asking tho war department for a
fleet of airplanes for uso In patrolling
tho national forests In Oregon, accord'
Ing to word received nt Salem Satur
day. Tho airplanes, if procured, would
bo used only during tho summer
months and would servo thu purposo
ot giving notlco In cuso of forest fires.
Captain Gcorgo Sunday, sou ot
EvangellBt Billy Sunday, who recently
arrived homo from overseas, whero ho
was in tho mechanical department of
tho flying service, has turned farmer.
Tho returned soldlor and his wife will
mnnngo tho farm nt Hood River. Cap
tain Sunday's father nnd mother nro
expected soon to spend tho summer.
Epidemic Influenza which rngod
throughout tho stato during the win
tor mouths caused nn unprecedented
boom in tho sale of llfo Insurance,
nccordlng "(o Harvey WoIIh, stato In
surauce commissioner, who roports
that tho life Insurance huslnoss dono
in tho stato during tho first throe
months of this year' la double that of
the samo three months of 1918.
Of about 30,000 returning soldiers
nnd Hallom who havo filed with tho
United States reclamation sorvicu, dc
pnrtment of tho interior, Inquiries rol
ntivo to tho land settlement program
fixed by tho last Ieglslaturo about 900
nro Oregon men, says a communlca
tlou received by Governor Olcott from
A. P. Davis, director of tho reclama
tion ervlcov
Tho labor condition on Coos Bay
is one that causos soma wonderment,
owing to a lack of men to tako jobs
being offered through tho local gov
ornment employment agency. Agent
W. J. Rust dcclnros Jobs go begging
every day nnd ho is unablo to supply
demands of several local county in
dustrlcs, although $1 Is holng offerod
for unskilled won.
Tho revised wago scale with a niln
I mum ot $3.20 a dny that was adopted
by the Bay Park Lumber company and
tho North Bend Mill & Lumbor com
pauy a short lima ngo has boon ad
vanccd to $3.00. Tho advance is ro
ported to havo resulted from a scar
city of experienced men who woro
willing to nccopt employment In tho
mills and logging camps undor tho ro
vised wago schedule
A largo wnrohouso owned by U. L
Kleiner at Alvadoro, a station on tho
west side branch of tho Southorn Pa
clflc, 13 miles northwest of Eugono,
was destroyed by flro early Wednos
day morning, Tho loss Is estimated
at $0900. Tho building was insured
for $1000. Sixty tons of hay owned by
a Portland man was fully insured
Tho hay was valued at $1000. The
origin of tho flro Is a mystery.
Directors of tho Warm Springs Irrl
gallon district, at a mooting In Vao
Friday afternoon, April 4, voted tb
submit a bond Issue of $000,000 to tho
voters of the district nnd called tho
election for May 7. Kulph Hchiioolock
of Clark, Kuudull & Co., I'ortlund buy
ors of tha first bond Issue, was pros
out at tha meeting conferring with
tho directors In regard to Hie ,pro
posed bonds to complete the Warm
Hprliigs project.
Soviet Rule Is Procllmed at
Announcement at Munich Declares
Landing Dissolved -Day Is
Proclaimed Holiday.
Wurzburg, Bavaria,- A Bovlot repub
lic was proclaimed hero Tuesday. Tho
banks, telephone, telegraph and news
paper offices woro occupied by com
munist troops. A strlko began at 1
o'clock In tho morning. Tho factor
ies and shops, except tho food shops,
woro closed.
Munich. On behalf of tho revolu
tionary control council of Bavaria,
Horr Meklsch addrosscd tho following
official telegram to all tho workmen's
councils: .
"Tho workors of Bavaria havo over-
coma tholr party divisions and united
In a mighty block against all domina
tion nnd exploitation. Thoy have tali-
on over in workers', soldiers' and peas
ants' councils autlro public authority.
"Tho landtag has boon dissolved and
poopla's commissions havo been ap
pointed. Comploto order prevails In
public nffulra and business and tho ad
ministration nro continuing.
"Works will bo controlled by tho
workors' councils, which will control
workers and direct affairs, Jointly with
tho managers. Everything belongs to
to tho community. Independent so
cialization Is tharoforu out of tho ques
tion. It Is tho duty or tho workers',
peasants' and soldlorn' councils every
where to attend to tho protection of
tho soviet republic nnd Its peaceful
development, Thoy will tnko over
local authority and control of thu ad
ministration and are responsible to
tho working people for all actions and
"Today 1b n national holiday. Work
will bo suspended, but the railways,
and food, wator, lighting nnd heating
services will continue."
Flares of Smoke and Flame
to Mark Out Airplane Route
Washington, D. C Flnmo and
smoke flaros dovolopod during tho
war und Improved recently by chemi
cal experts of tho army will bo factors
In thu trans-Atlantic flight to be un
dertaken next month by naval son
plnues, Commandor J. II. Towers, in
charge of preparations for tho flight,
axplalncd that tho flaros would bo In
thu shape of bombs which, upon strik
ing thu wator, would giva oft flnmo
and ninoko, thu ono vlslblo for long
dlstaucos at night and tho other by
dny. Tho flares would remain virtu
ally stationary on tho water, indicat
ing thu anglo ut which tho machines
woro holng driven from a straight lino.
This Is only ono of tho many dotnlls
which officers in chargo ot tho plans
for tho flight havo had to work out.
Numerous experiments with tho
plnues thomsolvos nlso havo been
nocossary, Nona of tho tlirco of tho
N. C. typo thus fnr aro completed for
tho start of tho overseas voyage nnd
officers said that consoquontly thoy
havo not even undortakeu to suleot a
tuututlvu dato for leaving Rockaway
Beach, Long Island, on tho 1200-mllo
flight to tho "Jumplng-off" placo In
Newfoundland. At least ona-stop will
ho mado botwoon thoso two points,
Opposes Low Oregon Freight Rate.
Souttlo, E, J, Forman, trafflo man
ager und C. J, Franco, exccutlvo sec
retary of thu Soattlo port commission,
huve submitted a report doclarlug
thoy bollovo western Washington
should opposo tho efforts of Portland
and Astorlu (o get a lower freight
rata from tho Inland Empire than Is
now In effect from thu sumo district
to Heuttlo, I'ortlund lias asked lho
Interstate commerce commission for
lowor uruln rates from the Inland Em
pire section.