EAGLE VALLEY NEWS VOLUME 7, NO. 22 FREDERICK R. WILSOIf Physician and Surgoon Richland, :-: Oregon . i, Night 'phono, one long ring on rill lines. Day 'phono cnll central office. r W. E. BAIRD LICENSED EMBALMER Cn.keu nml Hliiouilnof Alt lite A1R7 lu Vluck ItlOIII.ANI). Oltl'.OON I'lionu: Two nhorts, Oiin Ion &fe Rog'ers Baker's Popular Hotel NEW JVfODERN CLEAN UnUcr Direct Supervision of The Owner POPULAR PRICES Special Itutoa to IVriimiU'iit QucaU Irvine Lodge No. 86 Knights of Pythias jflnut fivciry Wixliitjiilnv Ik11 nt Hictr L'autlo Hall Id liiclilitnil, Ori-on. Visit ing DrotlitirH mnilo wuleonio, 11. It. MA81'HItSOW, O.O. 0. K.TilOlU', K. of U.AK. W. R. USHER f Notary Public Conveyancer J Olllco, Second nml Walnut 8(8. 2 OfiAoltq CIirlHtiau Church 2 All Issues Bought & Sold Wo pay market price Ies9 small brokerage, Send us" your bonds by registered V njnil?, Ve mail check to you day bonds aro received. i r j a 1 1 r nrn rw nniininii " KHnU KHALI T UUMf fl T Lending Insurance' Auoncy Sommor Bldg., Baker, Or Horse Raisers, Attention. t have purchased the grade Stallion, JOLLY, jjfretl by. tho pure bred Pcrchoron "Boisjoly" No. 27604 (4-1004). Hp-is an ex ceptionally fino nniYnal, dapple grey; In color, and will stand at Richland on Mondays and nt my placo in Dry Gulch district pn Tuosdnys, Wednesdays and Thursdays, Terms; $10 to in suro'colt; $2 afc time of service. ml H. P. Lumbcrl, MBIT BONDS K : ra i CEMETERY BENEFIT , A gonuino old fashioned box social will bo given at the Rich land opera houso on Saturday evening, April 2(fth, under the auspices of Eaglo Valley Ceme tery Association. All ladies are requested to bring or send in boxes with supper for two. Our little cemetery is tho beat kept of any in Eastern Oregon but at present there are no' funds In the treasury to pay the sexton hence the argent need of every citizen in this community to help out this cause. Decoration Day is near and wo must have our "city of the dead" In the best of shapo for that occasion, therefore lei every family plan on being represented nt tho opera house on April 2Gth if you can't come Bend a check. $20.00 Bills at lc. If you could buy $20.00 bills for a copper cent the opportunity would mean nothing to you if you didn't have the cent. Having the ready cash and the judgment to use it at the opportune time is the sure road to wealth. But re member that it takes both the judgment and the cash to make a winning team. Judgment with out cashes helpless. jCJash with out judgment la soon scattered. Start a bank account Begin to lay aside tin one important thing cash. As you accumulate it judgment will come with it. Then when opportunity knocks you are safe in opening the door. We in vite you to open an account with us today. ad) Eagle Valley State Bank Two More New Autoists. Among the lecent purchasers of automobiles in Eagle Valley aro Sam Brown and Lloyd Chan dler who returned to Kiclilnnd from Baker with their cars last Friday, W. C. Nay, Chevrolet distributor in Baker, and H. W; Trueblood, factory representative of the Chevrolet Motor Cd. of California, accompanied the new owners.to the Valley to look over the territory and render and ser vice necessary to thb new Chev rolet drivers. Tho trip was made over tho routo without trduble; however, piloted by. Brown and Chandler, the mighty , little "Chevrolet 490" taking thorough roads and grades with ease and dispatch. .-7 7TT-, Tho back page of this issue con sists of an advertisement for the Victory .Lldnn, contributed by Morris Brothers, Inc., of Port land. Every daily and weekly nowspapor in Orogon will Rrint the same advertisement this week at aft.exponsu to tho firm above mentioned of about $5,000. Irvine Lodgo No. 80, K. of P.; will entertain all returned sailors and soldiers at. a1 "smoker" to bo held in tho lodgo rooms tins' evening. A big turn out Is ex pected. - Buy fishing tackle nt Saunders Bro'a. ad RICHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1919 THE VICTORY LOAN The Victory Loan meetings held in Eagle Valley Sunday afternoon anil ovening'wero fairly well at tended. M. J. D. Stevens of Portland made a sjrpng argument on why we should purchase bonds to the jimit of our resources. He was followed by Gunner Se,tgeant W. F. Davis, who gavo a brief account of his experiences. Sgt. Da is is a member of 43rd Co.. 5th Marines, and was anions the first American troops to, land in France, and was twice wounded besides being gassed. 'the Victory Liberty Loan drive will start next Monday, April 21, and Eagle Valley will be asked to subscribe for $22,000 Worth of the bonds. The soljcitirfg Committee will be the same as in the last bond drivo. But little enthusiasm is being manifested in this community as regards this loan, the citizens as a rule laboring under the delusion that the war is over as far as we are concerned. But it isn't and will not be until the treaty of peace has been signeduntil the Victory Liberty Loan has been oversubscribed. Back From Alaska; -Pvt A. Roberts it the "5.4th Inf., returned to the valley Mon day, having received honorable discharge from service, Roberts was among the first to enlist from this section, joining in May, '17. Ho was stationed at Vancouver a few weeks,, then sent to Fort Seward( Alaska, and a while later movtd 600 miles further north to Ft. Liscdmb, where he remained until a few weeks ago. He says that he has seen enough of the "far north" where the mercury goes to 52 degrees below zero in winter time, and that Eagle Val ley sure looks like Eden to him. Gill Wright asks to liave the News sent to Susanville, Calif. as his parents will locate there next week, and writes: "Fish and game are plentiful there. 1 am told that trout weighing three and foiir pounds como right -out on the bank after yoUr bait can ducks and geese are so thick that it is shady nearly all yearrduqd.','. Mrs. Mary E. Crosby and three childron arrived Tuesday from BakerJ Montana, and will, spend the fummer visiting relative's in Eaglo.and Pine valleys; P. T. Wyattnvas severely hurt by a fall from n horse yesterday evening. Further particulars unobtainable at this writing. Dr. Mi D. Fleming, dptome trist, will be at tho Richland Ho tel on Saturday and Sunday, May 3rd afid 4th. Chas. Jilurphyls from Hunting' ton for a short visit. Arc You Happy? ' To lq happy you muni ho uoll. ( you aro (rcqtiuntl. t mil) Id with conbtlpu lion nnil ImliKOttion you cannot uo alto uutliur happy. Talto rlinuiburlaln'w Tab lojij lo.corrjTf. tlii'so dUorilttri. Thoy nre prompt anil uffvctuul, cmy and plimiaut 10 IrtKO. HUV fill Fountain Opening Suhdaij April 20th Delicious Ice Cream and Refreshing Drinks Served in Up-to-the-Minute Style RICHLAND DRUG STORE ! New BLACKSMITH SHOP I Opposite Saunders NOW OPEN PLOW WORK a Specialty jj Lays maae tor any guaranteed to run right All kinds of Tructand Carriage Body Building Wagon Repairing, Horse Shoeing, and General Blacksmithing done in workmanlike manner Fifteen years experience HARRY THITXTK What you are going to do during the Hot Weather? COOL OFF Take a spin in the Chevrolet 'Tour-Ninety Comfort HPfiP CfliJiVVlf" contains many -features now in -use 1 11C V-alCVlUlCl ,on cars mnging' in price from $1200 to $7,700: Valve-in-Head Motor, Harrison . Honey .Comb Radiator, Zenith Carburetor, Warner Gearset, and many others; Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Call arid let us show jroii NAY AUTO CO: ; Cor, Main and Center Phone 292 BaRei OrCgOU Steel FisMngRofis TUE HORTON MFG. CO., BRISTOL,,. CON' $2.00 A YEAR Bro's. Store, Richland j FOR BUSINESS i mawe ot plow ana Your patronage solicited MULLIKIN. f Economy Ptitoer $857.50 J