Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, April 03, 1919, Image 8

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E. & W. Chandler
Different Store
Our Millinery Dept.
is receiving new goods every day. We can please you
in shape and tripmiings
New Silk and Voile Dresses
inhe Princess makeright up to the minute
in both style and make-up
Misses' and Girls' Gingham Dresses
the washable kind, in a big assortment of Styles
and colorings and priced light
New Capes and Dolmans
The latest styles for spring wear
In our Mens' Furnishings Department
we. have new shir's in Gotf and Negligee
fn the newest patterns of colorings
New Spring Styles in Gordon Hats
due to arrive soon
Steel Fishing Rods
Bodies Operated 6n Prisoners
Without Anosthotlcs. '
Amplo Proof That There Wai No
Shortage of Medical Suppllci la
Evldenco of Flendlshness'
of Hun Surgeons.
A DrltlMh prisoner tnkon tlcnr St.
Quontlii In March stilt! tlmt till nmiuitrt
tlons In (U'l'tiinny were being done
wllliutit anesthetics, owing tu lllled
shortages of tlictn. A correspondent
"On the Uny tlmt the prince of Wales
entered Ueiuiln untl attoiitletl tho serv
lea of thanksgiving In the eliurcli there
1 lingered licltlml after till the cere
monies were over anil talked with the
Inhabitants. They hat been badly
treated. They were full of the stories
of their legitimate woes. One old num
said to nie: '
M '.M'Meu should see ih'o English doc
tor, lie knows 1
"I saw him. He was n major In
clinrge of a Canadian Held ambulance.
When I found him, In tile lingo build
ing which he had transformed Into a
hospital, he was busy superintending
the treatment of women and pitiful lit
tle children who had been gassed by
the Hoches In dellaueo of nil the laws
of humnnlty. There was one little fcl
low howling with terror. lie did not
wish to remain with the military, lie
had only known the German soldier!
V'Well. then tnkc him away, poor
little chap,' said the major, 'Ilrlng him
back three, times a tiny to be dressed.'
"Then thp major and I talked, of the
successful Canadian nttnek and of the
condition of the town when It had been
tnken. I( was not u pretty story. II
was. In fact, a terrible Indictment
against the lioche.
" They starved the civilians. The
only meat they gave then! In three-i
years was three dead unites. And nil
tho time their own olllcers were living
on the best,-'
"Then there was shortago7'
. " 'Oh. ye.-j, there was a shortngo; but
the German olllcers did Hot feel It.'
"'And their gther supplies? Your
line, fdr Instance medical supplies?'
"The major laughed,
" Come with me,' he snlil, 'and I'll
show you a field medical cart tlmt we
captured Just as they were driving It
off. It Is otlo of the piost wonderful
things I have ever seen.'
"Wc went l(i to the transport i,r''
and here we found something like n
Scotch cart with a eloscd-ln top, bear
ing the Itcd Cross on Its Mdes. The
major let down the back llap untl we
saw n series qf drawers, like nn en
larged dud-Index lllc cabinet. He
pulled one out.
"'Look nt that,' he said. 'There you
have most of the drugs we hove heen
short of for. months mid hnve tlir;m
In profusion. Morphia, chloroform
nnythlng you like. It Is the moat per
fect' thing of Its kind I have over seen.
I'ou coiiltl soil that cart's cargo In Kng
laud for Its weight In gold. It con
tains gome of the most valuable and
rarest synthetic drugs In tho world. It
Is treasure trove. . . . I.Ike u souve
nir? Here, then hero's u case of a
tio7.cn pninls of morphine or chloro
form or nntlpyrln.'
"Tlmt wns In a Held modlcnl cart I
If such n supply of rnro dVugs could
he sent up practically to the front
line, whilt must the Clcrmau lutvis had
In his rear hospitals? What, then, can
be his oxeuse for amputating the limbs
of our wounded prisoner wllhoiil
anesthetics? Can It have been any
thing but wanton cruelty?
"That Held medical Cart Is the evl
denco j" Uostoii Transcript,
, Too Much Arithmetic.
Uncle Mose Llghtfoot tippronelied n
clerk In. the drug toro and Inquired:
"Got tiny three-cent stamps?"
"No," tho clerk replied, "wo'ri) nil
out, of threes."'
"Dot's, too hnd,'' said Unclo Moso.
"cause dl letter might to go out to
night." "Wo have plenty of twos," ,
"Hut dls letter goes out of town."
"And wo hnve plenty of oiles."
"Hut one, won't fuko )."
"fjouldh't you put oil n Iwb hnd a
ono7" . ."
"Huh? '.
"Or Ihrco ones?" ,.(
As llio'oiii darky nirililed. toward
tho door lie scratched his head nnd an
swered :
"Mnybo I could; innybo I could; hut
I ain't got no tloio to bo fool In' roun'
...1,1 nn". "
irIIJJf IU huh
Will Sell the
"Johnson Forty"
Price $4100
$600 down,
balance 7 years time
at 6 per cent
J. L. Soule, W
All members or tho Newt Young
Ditch Co. nro asked to ho at tho
head of ditch at 8 o'clock on Mon
day morning, April 7th, for the
annual ditch cleaning.
J. u Howon, Sec-Treas.
Rat Perils Flyer; High
Altitude Kills Rodent
London. Huts can't Hvo In
high altitudes.
Interesting Indicating n dif
ficulty If not a danger In long
distance flying which will have
to lie guarded ngnliist. Is the
story of nn adventurous rat, told
on their arrival ht Karachi by
MnJ. Gen. Knlmoiid and Ids
party, who nro Hying from
Cairo to Australia by xvuf of
Persia and India.
The rat, uttrnclcd hy the food
supplies, Is believed .to hnve
bonrded nn iilrplaiio nt Chnbiir,
u prevlbus stopping place. Or
earlier. At nil events, It wits
heard gnawlhg nfter lenvln
. Chnhnr, mid at Knarclil il
J gunrd which .protected the nm
l chlno during thd night heard (he
X rut continuing Us nibbling. Th
0 rat. however, could not ho lo
! cnted or caught. After leaving
$ Kurnrhl . Its activities yeiU on,
!! and as It wns thought ft might
V bo gunwl::g Home Important part
$ of tho machine, It was decided
; to Fee If cold would have tiny
effect on Its nctlvltlos.
The innclilni! was accordingly
taken to over 10,000 feet, and
y, this was too much for n rut mil
V tured In tlm balmy wiirnith of
! tho Persian gulf, nnd frozen or
J nuinbed with cold. It could up
pareiitly liold on no longer, find
y. dropiicd off Into space,
$73,000 DAILY
War Department Cuts Ex
panses on Meat Shipments
for the A. E. F.
Tbousnliiis of tons df botioluss heel
wns shipped lo lliu Amuilcnn Kxpo
dltloiisry Foreos In order to cut the
cost of transportation nnd snvo valu
uhlo frellkhl spaco. This In only one
of scoios of wuyn In which tho gov
eminent ollniluntud unnurossnry ex
ponso in tho endeavor to ninko every
dollar raised through the four popular
Liberty Loans no as for as posslblo
Hy shipping nil' meat for tho ovor
ecas trctoN with tho honea cut out at
tho packing houses n Amorlca It has
boon osllmnlcd tlmt n saving of $73,000
dally wns inndo. Tho suggestion to
ship tho incut In this ocononilcnl nlnn
nor was n'lrtdu by an nrmy man after
ho wathdd thousands pf tonn go for
ward by tho old mothod. A enrcass
of hoof contains twenty-llvo pounds of
bonis to ovry hundred poundn of meat
and rcrjulroB twice tho shlpplilg space.
It lu with such unntiswornhlo argil
monts as t)iosa that tho goverrimoht Is
roplylhB td tho charges Hint money
was carolossly spont QuHhg tho war
malting necessary the calling of tho
Victory Loan.
' it is. foolish to lay tdut tnonoy In a
pdrchasb of ropontan-o.
plonoy 'cun bogot nionoy, and its off
iprlng can bogot morn,
Want Column
AdvortlsorifuntB under thla liend
aro printed for fiVo contK per lino
each iiiHurlion.
1 olTer all rhy Krado cowh for
salo; all Rood nillkoi'8. M. H.
Mulvahlll, New Hrldff.-20tf.
Shoi'p For Sale -seventy head,
Bixly 2-yr-old owes (some with'
lamhs, others due to hinih), and
10 yeatihK wolhers. Also two
j?ood work horaurt. .1. W. Putter
son, Uiehland.
T.OS'lwfetwoon TtTchland and
FivoMile district, two brown boar
hides, Suitable reward if left at
Saunders Hro'a. store.
Thirty thoroughbred Shropshire
buck lambs (February) (or sale
itt very, low prices. Call on or
write Uateloy & Slout. Hlchlun J.
Two Hrown Leghorn roosters
(one il prize bird), for sale or will
exchange for bird of same breed.
J. W. Wrljrht, Sparta, Ore.-adl
Our MiiKnefy Dept. is still n
drawino; card. ICaster will sooii
be here and you will want a new
hat; better- come in and Took them
over. Now ones arriving daily,
13. & W. Ohandlcr-rtd
For 3ale110 acre ranch near
New Hr.idKo; 215a. under ditch;
plenty water; fain'm'provqnentaj
Call on or address 1). A. Kinard,
New uridKeJjOrd.--22)
HACdN Hopie cured, 250 lbs.
at Hffc to .10c. ranthus Chandler.
Tho American Young I'eople,
a hiKh'grade monthly magazine
for boys and girls, (price ?2 per
year), and the 10. V. News, both
one year for only $3.
'f lh li ill Mm 'In 1 Wl il T