Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, April 03, 1919, Image 4

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    fiagle Valley News
Straight Truthful, Direct
C. E. Thorp
Entered as second class matter
Richland Qregqn, under
Momjer Qrogqn State
one; yeah - -three
federal Public Health Service to
Continue Its War Against
.Women of the Country Urged to Get
Behind Movement and Aid Public
Health Nurses Increase Num
ber If Possible.
Washington. "The United States
public health service wns the rear-guard
of our armies In the war against Ger
many. It took over the fight against
the enemy's most useful ally, disease.
It won Its share of the war,' nnd sent
an army Jo Franco fit to fight.
' Burgeon General Rupert Bine nnd
ifhe officers under hi in have signed no
armistice, admit no peace. They are
keeping up the fight to make men fit.
Public proclamation that the war
.against disease Is still on recently was
given In an appeal to the 115,000 min
isters of the country to devote their
sermons to the necessity for keeping
our communities as healthful as our
camps were.
The appeal of the surgeon general
was read from pulpits all over the
country, and concludes:
"It Is the social responsibility of tho
communities, of which the churches of
every denomination are a part, to con
tinue the work carried on In time of
war in order that the world may be
safe not only for democracy but for
Created as War Measure.
Particular emphasis Is given by the
United States public health service In
opening this campaign to the work of
, the newly organized department of
public health nursing, which, created
as a war measure, has proved so valu
able that, according to announcements,
t will bo continued and Increased.
The xvomen of the nation are appeal
ed to, In n special communication frwn
(he surgeon general sent through the
churches, to aid the work of the pub
lic health nurses, and to do everything
possible to Increase their number.
A noteworthy tribute wns paid to
the, nurses by the surgeon general In
the following statement;
"For the first time In Its history the
United States public health service
during tho recent war organized n de
partment of public health nursing.
The work which these nurses perform
ed wns of Inestimable value. It Is not
too much to sny that without their aid
our success In keeping down sickness
Jn the extra-cantonment zones and in
making the venereal disease rate In
our army lower than that of any other
itnny In modern times could not have
been achieved.
"In continuing bur general campaign
for health, and this special fisht
against venereal disease, we depend
upon the continued assistance of pub
lic health nurses.
Ask Support of Women.
"Behind these public health nurses
we 'hope to have the sympathetic un
derstanding and Mipport of nil tho
women of tho country. Wo bcllevo
that we will have this when what tho
nurse accomplished for her community
Is known,
Wo depend upon tho women of Uhj
iuttfea pot only tor understanding and
Qoc 12, 1913 at the post ojlico nt
act of March J.879.
ftditorml Aoointion
FUR 15
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Ik Cured
by local appiu-atlons. cannot teach
llio ilisvasitl pardon of th nr There 13
Only on way to cure catarrhal aUatn. ss,
ana tt-tt Is tr a constitutional rvrueU).
Catar. nI Uolnrii li caustd by an In
(lamid i-ondlik'S of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tub. Whim th! tube Is
Imtatnrd you hav a rumbling- sound or lm
rvrf.ct luarlns, anil whn It It entirely
clojrtl, bvarncsts Is the result. Unlets tho
lunammntton can b rtjucil and this tube
rtstertd to lit normal condition, hrarlnc
tIII be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which Is
an Intlamed condition of the mucous sur
face v Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru
the blood on tho mucous 'surfaces of the
We will elve One Hundred Dollars for
sny ca; of Catarrhal Doatness that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir
culars free. All Drueclsts. 75c.
r. 3. CHENEY A CO . Toledo. O.
support lut wo depend upop them tp
encourage young women to take up
the profession of the public health
nurse, we depend upon them also to
Insist tlmt hospitnls provide training
for nurses In public hcnlth service. In
cluding work In venereal diseases.
"In backing the public health nurse,
the women of the nntlon wll he buck-
j Ing one of the most vital forces In
the struggle against the forcos of dis
ease which threaten the health, the
safety, the very life of our children,
which Is the life of our nation."
Tho natlonnl organization for pub
lic health nursing Is putting forth
every effort to provide the Increased
numbers of public health nurses called
for In this extended program of the J
public health service, The organiza
tion, of which Miss Ella Phillips Crnn
dall Is executive secretary, with olllces
at 150 Fifth uvcnuo, New York, wilt
advise and co-operate In every way
with communities which wish to fol
low out tho suggestions of the health
service for extended public health
nursing work.
' Comprised From 4 to 5 Per Cent of
Total Personnel of American
New York The number of Jews In
' the military and naval service during
the war wns between IC',000 nnd 200,
000, or from -1 to 5 per cent of the
total personnel of the American forces
at the time the armistice wns signed,
according to "The War Itecord of
American Jews," Issued by the Ameri
can Jewish committee.
It was pointed out that the Jews
compose about .'I per cent of the total
population, so that the proportion of
Jews In the service was about B0 per
cent greater than the proportion of
Jews In the total population.
Complete casualty records have not
' been obtained, but the committee es
timates that 2,000 .Tows were killed
In action nnd that their casuajtlgs
totaled 10,000.
When a man gets a thousand dol
lar! saved up thcro are always oppor
tunities for a good invostnicnt. It Is
hard to place much less than that.
That Is why wealthy men who are solf
made ndviso young men to begin
early and save tho first thousand.
Until wo went to war, In order to
get a thousand dollars together one
had to go to the bank and put a llttlo
away each month or each week or
tuck part of his salary away In an
old sock. It was troublesome to go
I to tho bank and tho sock was too
I Now, however, thoro Is on easy way
to got that first thousand. The an
swer Is War Savings Stamps. In them
tho government of tho United States,
backing those- stamps with a guaran
tee of four per cent Interest com-
Sounded quarterly opens the way,
rut can begin with "two bits."
. .
Indefinite Extension of Time-
Granted by Secretary Glass
on Earlier Loans.
Tho privilege of converting Lioorty
Louri bonds of the 11 rat and second
Ibbiiqs Into bonds of tho later Issues
bcarliiB n higher rate of Interest which
expired November 0, IDI8, has been
reopened by tho socretnry of tho ttcna
ury for uu IndoilnltA period, which may
bo ended at such date as may be fixed
by tho secretary on six mouths' public
notice. Tins conversion privilege
applies to I per com bonds of the first
and second issues Into tVt per cent
Tho convurslon may bo mndo by stir
rendering tho bonds nor- hold to the
Fedural deserve Itnuk at San Fran
clsto, accompanied by a "roquust for
conversion." on nn application blank
which will bo mailed from tho Fcdornl
Itoserve Dank.
Not Cool Land
Department of the Interior.
V. S. IjiiuI Oilltfu ut I-iUrnndu, Ore
gon, MMC.ii Hth, 11)10.
Notice In hortibv eiven Unit Gruff J
Stull. o( Darken! Oregon, ho, on April
, iwm, matiu iiomeritcaii hnlry, no.
OI30HS, for N t SE4. .sKljSWlj nn.l
SV4 SEJ$, Section 32, Township II
South. Uarmu -ll l iiht. Willamette Men-
dinii.lmi tilt il noticeof intention to iiiiike
lliieo-yenr Proof, to e.tnb Mi clulm ti
tho land above tlen-ribotl. before W L,
Patterson, United States CouimleslMier,
at linker, Oregon, on tiiu (ith day of
AlilV, iiuu.
Claimant names as wltner-ees: Will
iu:n Ilohiia. of Weatlurhv. Oreuon: Al
exaiuler Smith, of Wcutherhy, Oregon ;
.nerill I., ternov, of W.-altit-r ty , Urn
Kon; Oscar Illndnian, of Durkee, Oreuon
C. S. DUNN, Itcgistor.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. I.and Office at LaGr'nndo, Ore
gon. March' lStli. HUD.
notice Is hereby given that Otto A.
irluiuk, ut Utirkco. Urnjon, who, on .May
.1th, 191C'. nnnlH II. li. No. HIW3. for S$
SW 11. li NV 1-1, Sef.l'T.iiiKlon Dec
7th, 1015, mndu Additional llomrbtead
Entry, No. 01-1001. for HE 1-1 SE 1-1, Sire.
21. SW l-l S I-l. .Sec. 2-2, NW t-l N W
1-4. Sec. 27. and NE l- l NE I-l. Section
28, nil in Township 10 hou'.li, Hung.) -18
East, Willuineito Meridian, Iiii.m tiled
notice of Intention to make tliree-yenr
Proof, to eHtnblish claim to the laud
above described, before i.H. Combo, Jr.,
county I'lt-rK, at iiis-'otiico nt linker.
Oregon, on the 0th day of .May, lPlt).
Claimant names as witncttHos: V. T.
Hale. W. It. Hickerioh. F. C. Oxninn,
and Otto Schiick, all of Durkce, Ofgon.
C. 8, Dunn, Itegister.
Department pf the Interior.
U. S. I-iikI Oillco nt La(irainli), Ore
gon, Man-h l.ltli, lOlii.
Notice is hereby given that Joeph E
Stone, of llu-hlnnd, Oregon, who, on
March 12th, l!tl5, made lioinetHeatJ En
try. No 014:177, lor S l-.'SW l-I.SW l-l
SE1-I, i-cc.., Tp. 10 S., and Lot ii,
See. 4, Tp 11 S., It. -15 E , pud Jan. 51,
1010. nmdi) Ail. II. E. 01-11)32, for SE l-l
NW I I, N 1-2 SW 1 I, KW 1"! HE 1-1.
See. il.'i, Tim iihhip 10 South, Itiiiign 15
EaHt, WiilaniHttu .Meridian, ban tiled
notice of intention to make three-year
Proof, to est.mliijh claim to tlio laud
above di't-crlbed, Peforo Woodnon L.
Patterson, I nitetl States Commissioner,
at his ofiicc at liakcr, Oregon, on the
7th da; of Muv. 101U.
Claimant names as wltncBtos: ICIiui-r
K. IJurgan, Thomas WillliiniHon. James
Love, and Orla Howell, all of Itiehliiud,
C. S. Dunn, Itegieter.
Firet publir.itlon March 27, 191!).
Lant pip liciition April 24, 1010.
In the County Court of the Stale
of Orefion for Baker County.
In the Matter of the Estate ) Notice to
ol Eva Cook, Dccnm-d. ) Creditors
the tiudereigiied has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Evh Cook,
late of liakor County, Oregon, Decciiccd,
nnd bus duly riualifletl as such. All per
tons having claims against said catuto
are hereby notified to present the same,
duly verified us by law prescribed, to tho
undersigned at the offices of O. T. God
win, Attorney, Bornincr Illd'g-. Hiker,
Oregon, within six' months from the
date of this notice.
Datud this 27th day of March, 1010.
Bert Cook,
Administrator of the Estate of
Eyu Cook. Dcceahcd.
0. T. G o-l win, Atty. (or Administrator.
WWMIIWfflfflMCtlHUHl jPyp
I We can supply anything you may
need in the line of Field and Garden
s Seeds, and in anv quantity.
? We guarantee
to be of first grade.
Come get our prices on Alfalfa,
I Timothy, Clover, Oats, Wheat, Barley I
or any other seeds you need. We 8
1 will save you money on them.
jj You should place your order for all
seeds early while all stocks are com-1
1 Plete. $
7 i
won re
enough to know
M Figure tho rcnl
tobacco satisfaction
you ; t out of u
Binnll chew of genu
ine lolv.aco mid the
way it lusttj and
good old Gravely
lias got your or
Peyton Brand
Plitg packzd in pouch
Sale of Estray.
Nfitli'it a Iinri)iv ffi'mi flint tn nrnnrAm
unco with an order of ilatt .March LMIth,
init y i-rii uk uiarko, .iiiHtlrn or tin
nHfH In titul fl Iiitttit V'tiltm Tllutrfnl
No. 1, Maker county, Oregon, I will on
lln. till ilnv nf A i.rll llllll nt tli,. Iintm,
nf W. E. Martin in wnlcl county, at the
lour oi i -on r, .ii. oi cam nay, sen in
ixiblic outcry the following dtmcrib-id
Htniy animal, to-wlt:
llri, lltn' linru.t iilrtttr lliri.. .iltt
wltli black inano and tail and star in
forehead and branded with Ton loft
Terms of tide: CiihIi In liaiid.
Bert S, Rogers, Constnblo.
NOTICE Is hereby ulven that by an
order duly made and entered in tin1
County Court of thu ntato of Oregon lor
linker ounty, of iinte tun utti day oi
February. A.D. 1010, in the Matter of the
Fstateof Henry CooiMir.latc of said coun
ty and state, Deceastd, (J. II, Saunders
was appointed administrator nf said es
tate ami lie has qualified aB such admin
istrator. All nerrons Imvlnit valid claims
attnliiHt . aid estate are hereby required
to preHt-nt the satno to sain muniiiiHtr.i
tor at his place of butiuoHf) in Itichlaud,
Oreuon. with proper vouchers, within
six months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 2dtli day of February, A .
D., 10111.
G. B. Saunders.
Administrator of tits Estate of Henry
(!oonnr. Dttcc&Hed.
j, .11. Messlck,
Attorney mr Aiiuunisiraior.
Date of first publication March 20, lull).
iMtuoi inst piioiieaiioii April i, iuit).
?DId you borrow this nnper Q
Whv not aubBcribo tor it r
Only ?2,00 tho whole year
all seed sold by us
dinary plug backed
oft' the map."
Good tatte, smaller ctttw,
longer life it what msktsticn
tilnoOravelycoitlm to chew
tlinn ordinary pliij.
Writ it:
DAN VI 1. 1. II, VA,
Department of the Interior,
U, 8. Laud Ollliu nt La Grande, Oro
KOii. i eli. 21th, Itllll.
NOTICE is hereby tflveu that George
D SIiiioiiIh, uhoho iHistolllro address Is
Iticlilaud, Oregon, did, on the 2Hth day
of .May, HUH, tilo in tliis olllcu Sworn
Htateiiifiit nnd Apiillcatton, No, 010171,
to purchase the NE l-l NE 1-i, See. 10,
N 1-2 NW LI, See. 11, nnd KEtf SW'M,
Sect lor. 2. Tottiiclilp 10 .South, Jtnttt -1 1
EaKt, Wiilumntte Meridian, ami tho tint
her thereon, under the provisions of tho
act of June II, lh7H, and acts amendatory,
known as the "Timber and Stone Law,''
at Giich value as uilttht he'tlxed by ap
praisement, i' ml that, purHUaut to such
ittiplieatlon, tiiu land and tlinli-r there
on have been uppra't-xl, $100.(10: the
timber iMtlmatrd nt 225,000 Jioani feet
at 00 pur M, ami thu land JI7.1.00!
that raid applicant will offer 11 mil proof
in support of IiIh application and nworn
statement on the 2.'lnl ilny of May, 11)10,
before Cliarles A.hhelton, United States
CoinuiiH.iinucr, nt Halfway, Oregon.
Any person Is at llbnrty tn protest this
purchase before entry, or initiate it con
tent nt any time before patent Issulm, by
filing a corroborated nllidarit in this
oillco, aliening facta that would defeat
tho entry.
O. S. Dunn i ltcKlstcr.
First Insertion March 0. 1010.
Lust Insertion May H, 1011)
Hulldlnc Tli. Wtil"
Ritalli.linl igjO-I-'or ths iltlnp,nrnt of
Wr.l.rn Imlmtrlni, avrleulturs, mlntnir, ol!. and
rrnlc Uri.-tloin, Of lntcr.it tn tin Wlrn
lnrlor, farmr and fslitarar. 1'rlnUd on liliih
sratla psirr with cupnrr titlMono Illustrations.
Yuar, 12 ! fopjf, 2 Or, Bsmpls, I Or. I tack nun
tr tut 78c. H.nd Sow. 'Ih JJ.w Wot Vnua
ilnv. 1211 Walli.r (link Illdtf., K.lt Uks fWr,
Utah! 1004 Whit. Illdir, H.attlr, Waili.i 780
Wixxlwsrd A., n.u-olt, Wen. Addris- nrsr
Mt utile; or (ilio your suUtrlptlea tlitougb
UU n.wisstxr,