Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, April 03, 1919, Image 3

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    t v
Official Estimate Mndo Public at Washington Based on Data In
Hands of Federal Rcsorvo Board, Secretary of tho Treas
ury and Bulletins of Swiss Society of Banks.
Exeluulvo nt expenditures by Uclghui), Portugal, Itoumtinfn, Austria
Ifnngnry mid Uulgnrln, llio (olnl cost of tlio Kuropcnn war wns fixed nt
$170,000,000,000 in nn offlclnl callnmlo mndo public nt Washington and
bused on diitn in tho hands of tho federal resorvo board, tho sccrolnry of
tho trenrury nnd the bulletins of tho Swiss Socfcly of Dunks. Tho table
was compiled on estimated expenditures to Jnminry 31, 1019.
Total expenditures of tho nllios and tho United States wcro fixed
nt $119,081,000,000, cxcIimIyo of tho lonna themselves, which totaled
The individual expenditures of tho nations wcro given ns follows:
Great Jlriloln, $37,100,000,000; Franco, $27,000,000,000; United
States, $18,181,099,000; Italy, $10,000,000,000; Serbia, $8,000,000,000;
Japan and Greece, $1,000,000,000.
Tho loans made by theso powers nnd included in tho individual
expenditures, although not added to tho total ns a ecparato item, wcro ns
Great Uritain, $8,500,000,000; France, $2,000,000,000; United
States, $7,875,000,000.
Tho totul expenditures of Germany woro given ns $30,000,000,000,
and of Turkey $$.'3,000,000,000, making nn aggregate of $59,500,000,000
for theso two members of tho Germanic alliance.
War Boosted
Our Wealth
America' Orenteit Danger Now
li Pride, a Writer Say
Unclu Sam linn liccomo tho world'fl
greatest captain of Industry. Hero
nro tho figures, according to n writer
In Oumtm News:
Wo Imvo 0 per cent of tliu world's
Wo own 7 per cent of tlio world'
Hut wo produce 70 per cent of tho
world's copper.
Wo product) CO per cent of tlio
world's olt.
Wo raise 00 per cent of nil cotton
Wo prodtico 33 per cent of the
world's silver.
Wo initio -10 per vent of Iron ores
nnd 20 per cent of tho world's gold.
Wo innnufacturo 85 per cent of nil
motorcars manufactured, nud operate
10 per cent of the world's railroads.
Wo Brow 23 per cent of tho world's
llcforo tho war England was, on tho
surface, tho richest nntion In tho
world. At that tlmo tho United States
owed $1,000,000,000 to Kurope.
Now Kuropo owes tho United Slates
In two years wo shall liavo passed
IJnglnnd ns a shlphulldcr.
All wo have to do to go to tho wall
Is to becomo a Junker nation, with no
other than umtcrlnl ambitious. Ho
whom tho pods would destroy they
first mnko mad.
Hut let's not do that. Lot's ho sen
sible and decent nnd thankful thnt wo
nro so fortunately situated. And let's
try to make tho best uso of our com
bined wealth so that everybody will bo
prosperous nnd educated and comfort
ublo nnd bnppy.
Telescope In California
Is Largest in tho World
Another largest thins of Its kind In
tho world, tho great telcscopo that
has been 12 years In tho making, has
been set up at tho top of Mount Wll
' son In California. Its mirror required
n glass disk 100 Inches lu diameter,
33 Inches thick nnd -1V6 tons In weight.
Tim iinnin Unit nrotocts It nnd tho ma
chinery thnt ennbles It to follow tho.
Htm tlnmnndod tho building of n now
road nnd tho construction of n spo
clnl kind of motortruck to got them
up tho mountain. Although this lntcst
nstronomlcnl nppnratus weighs 400
tons, It moves without vibration or
sound by linger prcssuro on n button.
Hut wbnt would perhaps oven mora
nstonUh, for Instance, tho ancient
Chnldeons Is that It will do Its work
clilclly by taking photographs. Chris
tian Scleneo Monitor,
A high Intellect Is n gift from
Ood a puro heart his dwelling
place. HuHkln.
ri'l.m-nlli.lltlllNri In 011(1 Of t II 0
priceless qualities of character 4
(i m1 iini1r. T
Hvery mini Is n volumo If ; ;
you know how to rend him. ; ;
nickeiiH, . .
Custom Is tho plaguo of wlso ;
men nud the moi pt joom. x
Novalis. ,, .. X
t .it i.ini uiio would inovn tho X
world Unit wovo lilmsolf, Hoe.
Muscular Effort Is Cause
of Nearsightedness, Notes
an Authority on Subject
It Is generally ngreed thnt myopia,
or nearsightedness, Is nn acquired de
fect resulting from tho elongation of
tho eyeball, but Its causation has not
yet been determined, tho evidence for
tlio assumption that near work pro
duces near sight being unsatisfactory.
Dr. Kldrldgo Green, writing In tho Lon
don Lancet, ad vn rices tho theory that
tlio primary nnd essential cnuso Is nn
obstruction of tho outflow of tho
lymph. Tho obstruction may bo pro
duced by severe muscular effort, c. g.,
by lifting heavy weights, when n feel
ing of tension Is nlwnys felt In tho
eyes, which appear, In cxtrcmo cases,
to bo starting from tho head. This
Is moro especially tho causo of pro
gressive myopia among warehouse
boys, porters and others whoso work
Involves excessive effort, while with
thoso engaged In sedentary occupa
tions tho form of exerclso tnken may
bo responsible, e. g., wrestling, rowing,
digging, nnd also coughing. Thus
when signs of commencing myopia ap
pear nnythlng likely to Increase the
Intraocular tension should bo avoided.
Thcro Is no need to avoid reading.
Smallest Bird Is American;
400 Spcoles of Hummers;
Only In Western Hemisphere
Tho smallest nnd most brilliantly col
ored of all feathered creatures aro the
humming birds, nnd of tho 400 species
none Is to bo found elsowlicro thnn In
this western hemisphere, notes a writ
er In tho Arkansas Oazctto.
Tho largest of theso birds aro no
more than eight nnd n half Inches nnd
(ho smallest about two and three
eighths In length. Of these tho larg
est aro never seen fnr north nnd tho
smallest rarely. Tho ruby-throated
humming bird, cnllcd by Audubon "n
glittering fragment of tho rainbow,"
breeds from tho fnr southern stntcs
as fur north as Labrador and winters
from southern Florida to Central
America, remaining with us from May
to October. Its length Is nbout thrco
and one-quarter Inches. Tho upper
plumago Is metallic' green, tho mnlo
hnvlng a ruby red gorget, a white col
lar on tho throat nnd n deeply forked
tnll of brownish violet. Tho female
Is of plnlner colorings. Tho eggs, nev
er moro thnn two, nro white and about
as largo as peas.
It is n popular mlstnko that hum
ming birds feed only on tho honey In
flowers. They really for tho most part
feed on Insects, gathered with their
barbed nnd sticky tongues from flow
ers nnd leaves. They are, notwith
standing their dlmlnutlvo size, very
pugnacious and will nttnek birds much
larger than themselves, so that the
English sparrow, with till his vaunted
courage, daro not Intrude on tliclr
The Premier Municipal Bond House
MORRIS BUILDINC, 309-311 Stark St.
Covcmmcnt and PORTLAND, ORE. Eitabllshcd Over
Municipal Bond Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-Five Year
Comfort Baby
Bp 25a. Olatmaat 23 ani Wa.
Keeping Cut Flowers.
Most kinds of cut flowers will keep
for n long tlmo If they nro completely
Immersed In water. Placo tho blossoms
In bowls of water every nlgbt, and
take, them out and rcarrango them In
tho morning. Tho flowers will often
appear as fresh as If they had been
nowly gathered. Popular Mechanics
To wild, free trooper of the skies
Thnt ride In wealed rank tho blue
And unmarked rond of Parndlse.
Who else but Ood had tutored you
That wind beset and tempest form,
To buffet you with mlfihty sledRe,
Yo still sweep onward through the storm
With that unbroken wedge?
Thrill mo again, yo serried host.
With that shrill challenge which denes
Tho strength of whatsoever pott
la set to guard tho bending skies
Against such rangers as yo aro
That daro with swift and rhythmic
Tho night unllghted of n star
To guldo Ood's feathered things.
Yo aro tho Joy of being wild, "
Tho sign and symbol of a blest
Estate so sweet and undcMed
It breathes Its spirit undlstresoed
Adown the heights to which have soared
Blnce Eden was our deepest sighs
Thrill me ngnln. ye clamant hords.
With your wind-ringing cries.
Clark McAdarai.
A Poor Cooky Maker.
"So she had to let her cook go?"
"Very. Sho mndo cookies so bad
that even tho children wouldn't help
themselves to them."
Why, of Course Not
"Sir," sho rlc
kletl, In a volco
that would mnko
nn icicle, seem
llko u superheat
ed mustard pins
tor, "I hnvo novcr
met you."
"Well, I know
It," tho fresh guy
with tho withered
mustache bubbled
blithely. "If yOu
had do you sup
pose I'd bo going
to nil this troublo
to get acquaint-
Why He Likes Home.
"Thcro's no plnco like home."
"That's right. Thero If you want to
dip your toast Into your coffeo you
enn without cuuslng any uiuluo com
ment." Little John's Wish.
John's mother objects to quarreling
and fighting among her children. Ono
day somo ono described it friend's
houso as having such heavy partition
walls thnt nolso In ono room could not
bo heard lu an adjoining room, John
said, "I wish our houso was llko that;
then when mamma Is In tho sitting
room and us kids In tho dining room
got n scrap started, wo could light In
pence." .
No Limit.
Old Codger I often kissed you when
you were a baby,
MUs Jltito -I couldn't help myself
Old Cwlger I couldnuil did,
Item for His Bookkeeper.
"Mr. Jlbwny Is careful to glvo Mrs.
Jlbway credit for her part In his suc
cessful business career."
"Ulghly commendable."
"I don't know whether It Is or not.
IIo merely gives her credit for $0,000
sho had In the bank when ho married
Not Up to Expectations,
Jnno has often envied her small
playrunto who lias n baby brother and
sho frequently expressed n wish for a
wco brother, too. When her wlRh
cumo truo sho wns happily excited un
til sho had seen him. Auntlo noticed
her disappointment and nsked Jnne
If sho wns proud of tho now baby.
Wistfully tho child answered: "i
guess I Is, but I think ho Is a slzo or
so too small."
The Great Indoor and Outdoor Sport
uriggs do you
think that money
Is tho root of all
Krlggs I don't
know nbout tho
ovll pnrt, but most
of us hnvo to root
for It.
A Fresh Fish.
"Is thnt n now beau your daughter
has been entertaining lately?" asked
"Oh, no," answered Scrubbing "Just
an old ono who lias retained his orlg
tnnl freshness."
Hardly an Ideal Citizen,
Thcro Is a story told of nn ancient
dandy . In London who, taking, one
sunny afternoon, his accustomed stroll
down lloud street, mot an acquaint
unco hurrying lu tho direction of West
minster. "Whither away so Mat this
hot day?" murmured tho dandy, "To
tho houso of commons," cried hU
strenuous friend, liruihleif psst htm.
"Wlmtl" suit! (ho dandy, with a yawn,
"does that go on jump
Get the Habit of
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
Saya wo can't look or feel right
with the system full
of poisons.
Millions of folks bathe internally
now Instead of loading their system
with drugs. "What's an insldo bath?"
you say. Well, it is guaranteed to per
form miracles If you could believe
theso hot water enthusiasts.
Thcro aro vast numbers of men and
women who, Immediately upon arising
In tho morning, drink a glass of real
hot water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone Dhospbato In It This is a very
oxcollent health measure. It is in
tended to flush tho stomach, liver, kid-
noys and tho thirty feet of intestines
of tho provlous day's waste, sour bllo
and indigestible material left over In
tho body which if not eliminated cvory
day, becomo food for tho millions of
bacteria which infest the bowels, the
quick result is poisons and toxins
which aro then absorbed into the blood
causing headache, bilious attacks, foul
breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou
blo, kidney misery, sleeplessness, Im
pure blood and all sorts of aumonts.
Peoplo who feel good ono day and
badly tho next but who simply can
not get feeling right aro urged to
obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate at the drug store. This
will cost very llttlo but is sufficient
to mako anyono a real crank on tho
subject of internal sanitation.
Aim at tho 8iin. You may not
reach it, but your arrow will fly far
higher than It you aim at an object
on a level with yourself. J. Hawes.
Allen's Foot-Kmc. the antiseptic 'powder. It
prevent Ushtneu and bllsterinr. Keliercs Corns,
bunion, and Swollen. SweaUng. AeMnir Feet.
Glreareat and comfort. Accept no substitute.
Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted. L
Koy, rt. x.
Father Ate It
Tho proprietor of a Cleveland meat
market sold a nickel's worth of dog
meat to a small boy, and was told tho
noxt day by tho boy that tho meat was
not good, and that his father couldn't
eat It Tho butcher Is now wondering
who eats tho meat ho sells for dogs.
Eat less meat, also take glass of
baits before eating
Uric acid In meat oxcltes tho kid
neys, they becomo overworked! got
sluggish, ache, and feel llko lumps of
lead. Tho urlno becomes cloudy; the
bladder is irritated, and you may bo
obliged to seek relief two or thrco
times during tho night When the
kidneys clog you must help them flush
off tho body's urinous wasto or you'll
bo a real sick person shortly. At first
you feel a dull misery in the kidney
region, you suffer from backache, sick
headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour.
tonguo coated and you feel rheumatio
twinges when tho weather is bad.
Hat less meat drink lots of water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jd Salts; take a tablespoon
ful in a glass of water before breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys will
then act fine. This famous salts is
mado from tho acid of grapes and lem
on Juice, combined with Htbla, and has
been used for generations to clean
clogged kidneys and stimulate them
to normal activity, also to neutralize
tho acids In urine, so it no longer is a
source of irritation, thus ending blad
der weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
llthla-water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep tho
kidneys clean and active. Druggists
here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to
folks who believe in overcoming kid
ney troublo while it is only trouble.
Singleness of Purpose.
"It may sound strange," said the
boardlng-houso bachelor, "but a lot of
men aro convinced that the easie3t
way to win the battle of life Is to
fight it single-handed."
Cutlcura for Pimply Faces.
To remove pimples and blackheads
smear them with Cutlcura Ointment.
Wash off In five minutes with Cutl
cura Soap and hot water. Once clear
keep your skin clear by using them for
dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to in
clude Cutlcura Talcum. Adv.
Capable of Anything.
Almost everything has been laid to
diseased teeth except murder; and
ono never can tell what might be the
outcomo of Jumping toothache. St
Louis Globe-Democrat
MOST MONEY sell NRO (Energy)
LAUNDRY TABLETS: the first laundry
tablets made without parafflne: washes
all clothes spotlessly clean ABSOLUTELY
"WITHOUT RUBBING; hundreds of suc
cessful agents handle NRO products ex
clusively because they seU fastest and
repeat oftenest the biggest money
makers the easiest sellers; secure agency
by writing today for particulars and
samples to U. 8. SALES CORPORATION,
BIS Market St, San Francisco.
minutes by new, simple process. Does not injure
cloth. Complete details free. Krafft. box 895,
San Franctajo. Calif.
Darkens Beautifully and Re
stores Its Natural Color and
Lustre at Once.
Common garden sago brewed Into a
heavy too, with sulphur and alcohol
ndded, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and lux
uriant Mixing tho Sago Tea and Sul
phur roclpo at home, though, is
troublosomo. An easier way Is to get
Uo roady-to-uso preparation improved
by tho addition of other ingredients,
a largo bottlo, at llttlo cost, at drug
stores, known as "Wyeth's Sago and
Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a
lot of muss.
Whllo gray, fadod hair is not sinful,
wp all doslro to retain our youthful
nppoarauco and attractlvonoss. By
darkening your hair with Wycth'a
Sago and Sulphur Compound, no ono
can toll, bocauso it does It so natural
ly, so ovonly. You Just dampon a
spongo or soft bruBh with It and draw
this through your hair, taking ono
small strand at n tlmo; by morning
all gray hairs havo disappeared. Aftor
another application or two your hair
becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft
and luxuriant nnd you appear yours
youugor. Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur
Compound Is a delightful toilet requi
site, it Is not intended for tho euro,
inlUKfttloi? or prevention of dUcaio,
Mrs. Courtney Tells How She
Was Cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Oskaloosa, Iowa. "For years I was
Bimply in misery from a weakness and
awiui pains an u
nothing seemed to
do mo any good. A
friend advised mo
to take Lydia .
Pinkham's Vcge
table Compound. I
did so anil got re
lief right away. I
can certainly re
commend this valu
able medicino to
other women who
suffer, for it has
dona such eood
work for mo and I know it will help
others if they will glvo it a fair trial."
-uMrs. Lizzie CouttTNEY, 103 8th Ave.,
West Oskaloosa, Iowa.
Why will women drag along from day
to day, year In and year out. sulToring
such misery ns did Mrs, Courtney, when
such letters as this nro continually being
published. Kvery woman who suffers
from displacements, Irregularities, In
flammation, ulceration, backache, ner
vousness, or who is passing through tho
Chango of Llfo should glvo this famous
root and herb remedy, I.ydla h. Vim
liotn's Vcgulablo Comjiound, u trial. For
special odvlco write Lydia li. t'lnliliam
Medicino Co., Lynn, Mass. 'Hi rwLUlt
of lis) lougtfxperivHco l Btyoursorvhw,