4:t EAGLE PALLET NEW VOLUME 7, NO. 20 RICHLAND. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, L919 $2.00 A YEAR FREDERICK R WILSON Physician and Surgeon Richland, :-: Oregon Night phono, one long ring all linen. Day 'phono call central ofl'ico. W. E. BAIRD FUNERAL DIRECTOR LICENSED EMHALMER ( UU mi'l Hhiuuiln nt AM Alnny In Slock UIOIILANI). - OltKOON 1'liOiiU! To uliortii, Olio lodu &fe Rog'ers Baker's Popular Hotel hUW MODERN CLEAN Un'lor Direct Supbrvision of The Owner POPULAR PRICES Spucinl Itutt'ii to lV'iiiani'iit OUchIm Irvine Lodge No 86 Knights of Pythias Moot (ivory U'lHlnamtnv Misfit hi tliulr Ciixtlii Hull In lUcliliinil, Orison. Visit ing llrotliorfl liuiili U'ltlroimt. II. K. MASrKHSON, 0.0. l. T1IOIM', K. .f It. A H. ! W. R. USHER j Notary Public $ Conveyancer Ofllro, Scconil nml Wiilniit tftfl. 9 Oll'Hit( C ' 1 1 r i n t i it 1 1 Clmmh Z C. E. THORP Notary Public All kinds of legal blanks on hand Your patronage solicited W. H. STRAYER Attorney at Law Fourth Floor Sommers Building Baker, Oregon C. T. GODWIN ATTORN 15 Y Boininoi' Bldg. Hulur, Orogon America's Saving wves starving people UOODSON L. PATTERSdN If ATT'Y AT LAVV . ,,U.,.S, COMMISSIONER . UAKER - OUKQON FARM BUREAU ' The goncral agricultural meet ing held hero last Thursday even-1 ifirr iimu itfifll oMnndnil rirttl mtiti t Interest manifested. The county program of farm bureau work was taken up and discussed in detail; projects adopted and local leaders selected for each project as follows: Organization (Good Roads) Geo. Moody. Farm Demonstration J. R Lee. Drainage Bert Rogers, Breed Improvement (Beef) L'ovell Cover. Dairy Chester .Mason. Rodent Control V. E. Martin. Two demonstrations will be tried out in determining the value of land plaster on alfalfa laud. In Union county the application bf land plaster increased the yield bf alfalfa one ton per acre. It remains to be seen as to its value in Eagle Valley. There are some two hundred acres of land in this community that can be reclaimed by drain age. Those interested in this project should git in touch with Mr. Rogers. Farmers who luiyo ronsidorable IrMibfe with ground! "squirrels should consult Mr. Martin whu will distribute the poison sent out by the county agent. The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. John Chapman on Friday afternoon. Oregon Is supposed to be "dry" but "prune juice" seems to be quite plentiful around here. Vho proceeds of the basket so cial given by E.V.II.S. on Tues day evening amountvd to $75.85. Elmer Uitch arrived hdmo yes terday after serving Uncle Sam for several months, most of th? time being spent in France. Mrs. Nellie Cropp and baby son arrived Tuesday from Banks for a Visit with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barber and other relatives. Chas. F. Macy was a visitor from Sparta yesterday. Ho had been serving in the Quartermas ter Corps at Camp Lewis and just received his discharge. Thomad II. Moar, son df Mrs. E. C. Bngley of Richland, and Miss Verla Anderson of Duriteo, were married March 25th. The younjy couple will make their home in Portland far the present; Close to $8QQ was received for the property disposed of at the Derrick sale last Saturday. On account of a severe cold Mr. Thorp could not attend and Col. Hrackney had to cry the sale n'one. The Usual church services will be held in Richland next Sunday morning, Rev. J. M. Johnson preaching at eleven o'clock. Miss" HeBsio Quiiuby will lead-tho young peoples meeting in tho evoning at 7:30. E8 MaieiuivO, at the court house in Roscburii, Oregon, on, Satur day, March 2S)th, Anna Barnum, age 52, and C. II. Craig, age 82. Mr. and Mrs. Craig arrived in Richland on Monday's stage and wore" given a rousing chavarl re ception in the' evening; as a mat ter of course the groom "came through" with the treats. Tho bride was formerly a resi dent oi Roseburg but has been in Richland for the past year and has made a host of friends in this community. The groom has been a resident of Eagle Valley since 1874, and with tlfe exception of "Uncle K" Young, is tne oldest settler here. The happy couple have the best wishes of all residents of this community. As a matter of interest to our readers and as a bit of early his tory, we give the story of how Mr. Craig gained the rank of Captain, it being generally sup posed that he gained that rank while serving in the Civil War. In 1878 the Umatilla Indians went on the .war path and the settlers of Ih'is oection being few in number and far from at.y fort became alarmed of the possibility of being attacked and perhaps massacred by the savages. Mr. Craig secured a commission as Captain, organized a company of volunteers, obtained sixty rifles and 1000 rounds Of ammunition, and built a stockade near the the present residence of Mrs. P. A.. Moody. . Later on in the same year the Captuin with his company camped at the mouth of Daly Creek and kept back the redskins while tho crops were being harvested in "the valley. Two Methods Smith went away on his sum mer vacation. He took along plenty of cash, BUT the day he arrived at his destination the light lingered gentry "hfteJ his roll" and he was up against it right Now young Ferris, who has an account at this bank and made the samu trip carried just enough cash to pay for meals and other necessities, BUT be fore leaving he had us send.'a let ter of identifuatioh to a bank in tho place where ho, intended to visit. He was thus enabled to check against his account here for what ho needed who; he needed it. They can "pick" your pocket but tliey can't pick" your bank account. No charge for letters of identification at this bank. ad) Eagle Valley State Bank t-'-t As a result bf U quarrel over range near Home, where both men were running sheep, George Coleman took a shot at Milt Spi roplos last Sunday riirirning, the bullet Inflicting a slight scalp wound Coleman waa arrested on a charge of assault with intent to kill.and taltcn to Baker. Both men nro well known here. Auction Cows; Horses, Tools, Hacks, Furniture & Miscellaneous Articles Monday, April 7th At my rarich above New Bridge Beginning at 1:00 o'clock Good notes will be accented MMMMMMMNNMMM9NtMeffCINNeMSt j New BLACKSMITH SHOP f 1 Opposite Saunders Bro's.' Store," Richland 2 MOW ml?M PHP RTKJWtfQQ S PLOW WORK a. Specialty Lays made for any make of plow and f guaranteed to run right j I All kinns nf Trunk anri I ww . a Wagon Repairing, Horse I Blacksmithing done Fifteen years experience UADDV S MONTY MILLER'S S is now making daily hips to and from Baker Arrive in Richland at 11:45 a. m. Leave at 1:00 p. m. Will call for passengers anywhere in immediate vicinity of Richland and New Bridge. Leave orders with Allan Binheimer at phone office and they will be attended to. Boys Asked to Enlist. The U. S. Department of Labor, Employment Service, have or ganized the United States Boy's Working Reserve, and C. E. Thorp has been appointed enroll ing officer for School district No. 41. At tiie request of Federal State Director, J. W. Brewer, we must register all boys in this district who are, or who will be sixteen years of age on or before July 1, 1919, and who have not yet at tained their 21st birthday. Certificates of Enrollment and Recruit Buttons will be given every boy who enrolls, and no boy will be taken from home to work only b. y consent of his par ents who must sign enrollment card. Any boy who does not want to work will not be enrolled. Marvin Johnson and Merton Chapman are assisting in getting tho boys linad tip, and wo would like td have this district go 100 per cent in tho registration. C. J. Duffoy is in from Baker. Sale; J. C. BOWEN Harriafffi Rnrlv Rnilrlincr o o Shoeing, and General in workmanlike manner f 6 I n Your patronage solicited T'Jli it T TTTTTVi 0 All Issues Bought & Sold We pay market price less , small brokerage. Send us , g your bonds by registered X mailj we mail check to you m m 0 day bonds rfe received. RAND REALTY COMP'NY S Leadlnj; insurance Agency Sommer Bldg., Baker, Or HERE YOU ARE! Pumps, Pints, Valves, Repairs and extra parts of all kinds Firestone Tubes & accessories for enlo. lne vulcanizing also 'Soldering of all kinds neatly and promptly done Shingles, Lumber, Windows,' Doors, etc., carried in stock 0, A. CORSON, Richland,' Orr