Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, March 20, 1919, Image 6

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Brief ReSUlTie MOSt important
Daily NewsJSItems.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Thing Worth Knowing.
Three German steamers captured by j
allied warships for violation of tho j
ormlstico terms havo arrived at Dun-, panics, Railroad Director Hlnes an
kirk, for internment. I n0unced that he was considering glv-
German propaganda in Egypt is , ing tho companies permission to Issue
blamed for recent disturbances nt ( drafts or acceptances on him for
Cairo, which resulted in the deporta-, amounts duo on equipment. Tho ac
tion of a number of political agitators. ! ceptances would bear interest at a
t .1I tr AAA AAA In f r nt
TJrmmnnin wn.Q nnnnnnroil rppontlv hv i
tho treasury department. This ln. reserve board, making this paper elt
creased Roumanians credits to $15, bI r discount." said Mr. Hlnes
' "Mm il rntnp.npnnrnl tnilnv naanrml
000,000 and those for all tho allies to!
$S,S4 1,657,000.
The Ussuri Cossacks, In assembly,
Hae uit-u U1 u .v-v.ubu,lluu U1 "'-'such a way as to protect tho equip
Kolchak Siberian government at Omsk !menl companes nnd thU3-nvoid any
and have come to an agreement wIU j ,ndU8trial disturbanco.
General Seraenoff. according to ad- ( ..ho qUMton of moetlnB obUga.
vices to the state department. ; UoM 0 rallroad corporations for rent-
Men confined at the federal prison 1 al due has not yet been finally deter
at Leavenworth, Kan., for violation of ' mined, but a conclusion is expected to
the espionage act and for military of- j bo reached within a few days."
tenses are receiving clemency from Tho railroad administration has an
the department of Justice and the war nounced that it will need $1S3,681,965
department, it became known Satur- to June 30 to meet amounts duo equip
day. 1 ment companies on account of loco-
r A I t n
Jack Bell of Fairbanks. Alaska, who motives and cars delivered or yet to
enlisted in the United States army at o delivered,
the age of 15 and lays claim to being
probably the youngest soldier In the nDPAM7P Tfl HPPHQP
army during the war, arrived in Se- UnUHlliXL IU UirUOL
attle last week with tho 63d coast! I CApiip flF NATiniUQ
artillery regiment He Is just back I LCMUUC UT IVHIIUNO
from overseas. I
The American government may not Washington, D. C. - Preliminary
accept the 100,000 or more tons of ' Plans for the formation of a national
German shipping in Chilean waters, 1 non-partisan organization designed to
allocated to It by the allied shipping keep tho American people, better In-
commission. Chairman Hurley of the , , . . , ,, ,.
. . , , , ..... , formed as to events at the peace con-
shipping board said recently final ac-
tion would depend upon both the con-rerence and t0 P"se acceptance of
dition of the grant and the ships. the constitution of the league of -na-
' tions as now drawn were mado at a
The former Austrian emperor, f conference Saturday between Senators
Charles, is again seriously ill from a Reed of Missouri, democrat, and Dor
nervous breakdown, according to ad-1 an ot jdaho and polndexter of Wash
vices from Innsbruck. His wife is , inBt0n, republicans, and George Whar
employing every means to leave ton pepPer, a lawyer, of Philadelphia.
Austria tor me mviera mu nas ueen
unable to obtain French passports.
She also is said to be in bad health.
New York police, secret service men
and immigration officials raided a
building on East Fifteenth street early
Saturday morning and arrested 198 I man' senators who have been active
men and two women. Ten patrol I ln opposition to approval of the league
wagons were required to take the pris- i constitution would support the organ
oners to the criminal court's building, j Izatlon.
where they are being questioned. All ' Senator Reed announced that a
are supposed to be radicals. ' statement outlining the purposes of
In what may be his farewell public ! the organization would bo issued with
address before he begins serving a ln a few days' 0ne PurP". t was
10-year sentence imposed by the fed-1 ePlalncd. would bo tho co-ordination
eral court at Cleveland on a charge of of var,ous local bodIe8 that havo beon
violating the esnionate act. EmnA . forn,ed over the countr' in PP"ltlon
V. Debs, socialist leader, upheld the I
bolshevlst rule in Russia and referred
to Lenlne and Trotzky as the "fore-;and
most statesmen of the age."
An unidentified airplane Tuesday ,
dropped a bomb on a crowd standing
fh line in Berlin to buy food. The ex
plosion resulted in 30 casualties among
civilians, Including women and chil
dren. There were 3018 liberty planes on
the western front and ready for serv
ice on the day tho armistice was sign
ed, according to Major R. J. Bates of
Detroit, Mich., who arrived in Wash
ington Tuesday from France.
United States Marshal McCarthy of
New York Tuesday was directed by
Federal Judge Knox to seize $4,000,000
in railroad stocks and bonds held in
trust for tho Munich Reinsurance com
pany of Munich, Bavaria. Tho order
was Issued on the application of the
alien property custodian.
Removal of peanuts from the list of
restricted imports was announced
Tuesday by the war trado board.
Tho Geyniyi government's prelim
inary estimate of the damage from
looting In the Spartacan strike is
placed at 40,000,000 marks.
Irailroads to get money
Needed Funds Assured by Director
General Hlnes.
Washington. D. C. Menus of com
pensating equipment companies for
locomotives, cars and other materials
furnished the. railroad administration
were provided Saturday by a ruling of
the federal reserve board that fedoral
reserve banks might properly redis
count for their member banks drafts
drawn by tho companies on tho director-general
of railroads and acceptable
to him. Such drafts could not have n
maturity of more than 90 days and
would bo redlscounted at tho prevail
ing rates of discount for trado accept
ances. After a conference with representa
tives of tho war finance corporation,
tho reserve board, tho advisory fl-
nnnco committee of tho railroad ad-
ministration and tho equipment com-
t rate yet to be determined.
"In view of tho ruling of tho federal
, r.
' the representatives of equipment com
panies of his beliof that tho way ap
pears open to caro for tho situation in
After tn0 conference it was an
nounced that Henry Watterson, for
mer publisher of the Louisville. Courier-Journal,
would be president of the
organization, with Mr. Pepper as dl-
recting supervisor. It was said that
t0 tne lcasue' Prescnt I,,ans cal1 for
I esiauusnmeni. 01 a speaKers- uureau
tho conductlnB of an extensive
campaign of publicity. Senators said
tVin rtrcfjnff'jtlnn wniilil tin oiinnnrfnd
b y volunta ry contributions.
Suggestions were mado at tho con
ference that representatives bo sent
to Paris while tho peaco negotiations
are In progress but no agreement was
Yukon May Open Early.
Seattle, Wash. Travelers from
Alaska report that all indications point
to an early break-up of ice in tho
Yukon river and that navigation may
open Juno 1. Freight is already mov
ing from Seattle for lower La Barge
via Skagway, where it will bo trans
ferred to river boats and later bo
taken to Iditarod and Fairbanks.
Palestine Influx Curbed.
New York. Restriction of Immigra
tion into Palestine to 50,000 a year
during tho first period of development
of the new Jewish commonwealth set
up under British trusteeship, has been
decided upon by tho inter-allied Zion
ist conference in London, according to
cable advices to tho Zionist organiza
tion of America.
Famine and Dlncnue Itnvngc UoUhcvik
Population Onteril
London.-Stnrvatioti prevails; through
olit bolshovlk Russia and Is killing off
tho population by thousands. DIs
eases duo to under nourishment are
rampant and food Is so senrco In Po
trograd and Moscow that cats sell
readily for $3 each. Tho undertakers
cannot copo with conditions, ns there
Is not enough wood for coffins. Tho
Urltlsh government received these ro-
ports within tho lust week from I!rlt
Uh subjects recently returned from
Their ovldonco Is unanimous that It
means are not found to allovlato tho
food situation the Inhabitants of bol
shovlk Russia may starve to death.
Tho Drltlshors say that tho plight of
Russia is a direct result of tho reign
of anarchy and terror Instituted by
Lcnluo and Trotzky. They dcclaro
that tho Russian problem liaB become
n question of common humanity.
Thousands are ding dally ln Potro-
grad, Moscow. Kiev nnd Odessa. In
Petrogrnd alone tho deaths from fnm
ino threo weoks ago numbered 200
dally. Typhoid, or "hunger typhus,"
Is carrying off young and old ovory
where, and ln Moscow glanders is opl
There Is no fuel for lighting and mil
lions livo in darkness nfter nightfall
Tho troubles of tho Russians are fur
ther aggravated by lack of coal and
wood, which can be obtained only by
tho vory rich or by the favorltos and
parasites of tho bolshevik government.
There Is a great lack of medicines and
Tho bolshevik paper monoy has no
valuo in tho country districts, and tho
peasants rofuso to exchango It for
Warning Sent to Italy.
Washington, D. C Italy has beon
warned by tho American government
that unless she puts an end to delays
In movements of relief supplies to tho
newly-established Jugc-Slavic and Czo
chc-Slavic states, steps will bo taken
to cut off tho flow of American food
stuffs to Italy.
It was stated In an authoritative
quarter that tho Italian government
had caused intolerable conditions by
the blockado she has imposed agnlnst
tho Jugo-Slavic countries and which
operates also against tho Czccho
- The blockade has not beon wholly
effective, but many delays have been
caused, resulting often In holding up
supplies, tho need of which was dos
perate. No reply has yet been mado
by tho Italian government.
Few Shell Shocks Fatal.
New York. Ninety-nine per cont of
all shell shock cases in tho American
army in Franco completely recovered,
according to Dr. Thomas Salmon of
New York, chief medical officer In
charge of such soldiers, who roturncd
on the Leviathan.
"Thero was less Insanity In tho
American army than in any of tho
other allied armies," said Colonel
Poles Seek For Peace.
Posen. Soveral mombers of lho in-tor-allied
mission aro to proceed to
Paris to inform tho peaco conforonco
as to tho exact situation existing be
tween the Poles and Ukrainians in
eastern Gallcia. It is thought probable
that tho mission will proposo oxtromo
ly sovero stepB in order to compel tho
Ukrainians to cease hostilities.
Postal Grants Increase.
San Francisco. Tho headquarters
for the Postal Tolegraph company In
California, Montana, Idaho, Washing
ton, Oregon, Arizona, Utah, Now Mexi
co and Nevada, which aro located hero,
received word Saturday of a 10 per
cent increaso of-employes' wages, ro
troactivo to January 1. About 100 are
affected in San Francisco.
Want Dlockade Raised.
Basle. Tho German national assem
bly at Weimar Monday unanimously
adopted as resolution introduced by
37 women mombors demanding tho
Immediate raising of the hunger block-
ado and repatriation of prisoners of
Extradition for Frodorlck Parks
wantud In California on nu embezzle
mont charge, was granted by Governor
Olcott lust week. It Is alleged Parka
umbozxlod $05 while employed In con
nectlon with the Suusut Magazine
Captain Jamos P. Shaw ot Mllwau
kto Is appointed by tho board ot con
trol ns commandant ot the sold lorn
homo nt Rosoburg to succeed Com
mandant Mnrkeo, whoso resignation
ns head of tho home was received Inst
James F. Stuart addressed a meet
lug ot tho Heppuor commercial club
Inst week in the interest of the Oregon
state chamber of commerce. At tho
close of tho address Morrow county's
total ot membership attendance feoa
woro fully pledged.
Word has boon received by IiIh wife
at Adams, ot tho death of Clark
Maxey, former Umatilla county farm
or. Word thnt ho had been wounded
on September 29 came In a note on
tho back ot ono ot Mr. Maxoy's letters
which was returned from Franco.
A. H. Chndbourno, who for thu past
sixteen years him been In tho con fee
tlouery business at Drain, has sold
out to C. G. Peoblur of Shedd. Mr,
and Mrs. Chndbourno hnvo been active
In lodge circles. Mrs. Chndbourno has
been chairman ot tho Rod Cross since
Its organization.
In communications sent out Inst
week by Socrotary of State Olcott,
mombers of tho committees thnt nru
to proparo and fllo arguments In con
nectlon with tho various moasuros
submitted to tho people at tho special
election ot Juno 3 aru notified ot their
duties In that respect.
Simon A. Slmonsou, Deschutes conn
ty's only representative ln tho ranks
ot tho 65th artillery, retumod to Bund
last week, nfter 15 months In thu
sorvlco. Ho was unwoundod. but his
dlschargo showed that he had scun
action at St. Mlhlcl, the Argonue, I'on
tamouHson and Verdun.
Commcrclnl nnd farming Interests
of DeBchuteH county aro lined up In
support or n nouu ishuu to tho lull
amount ot tho 2 per cent stato limit
as a menus of providing cooperation
with the Btato highway commission In
the construction of tho proposed Tho
Dalles-California highway.
Astoria bank statements published
last week show that tho four banks
and postal savings had deposits at tho
close ot business, March -i, amounting
to an aggregato total ot $0,910,729. 2C.
This represents an Increase of nearly
1130,000 fllnco Decombor 31, 1918,
Trhon doposlts aggregated $6,781,034.08
That John Erasmy ot Bond lins been
nddlng to the variety ot his dally bill
of faro by killing largo numbers of
robins for his Inrdor, was tho com
plaint made In Justlco court by Deputy
Gnme Warden W. O. Hadloy, who
charged Arnsmy with violating the
state law prohibiting tho killing of
song birds.
Tho fall wheat crop In tho cast end
of Washington county Is making ex
collont progress. On tho ranches of
Robert Hockon, A. A. Pike and Gcorgo
Davis fall sown wheat Ib now from
four to eight Inches high. With a
guarantco of $2.26 a bushel for tho
1919 crop Washington county farmers
aro optimistic.
In responso to a call Issuod by tho
North Fork grange for a community
meeting to discuss tho matter of start
Ing a co operative fruit cannery on tho
lowor Sluslaw river, about 150 per
sons assembled last Saturday at tho
North Fork grango hall, a few miles
from Florence, and a great deal of
lntorest was manifested ln tho project.
Tho final details woro consummated
last Wednesday for tho erection of a
40-room apartmont houso nt Astoria
to cost approximately $85,000. The
structuro Is to be of hollow tllo, flvo
stories ln height and tho project Is
to bo a community affair, bolng fi
nanced by tho buslnoss and profession
al men of tho city. Practically all the
material used ln tho construction Is to
bo "Oregon mado."
Many calls from farmers in Des
chutes county for help on tho ranches
in this section are bolng received at
Bond, nnd to aid in meeting tho de
mand for labor of this kind tho county
farm employment bureau Is bolng re
organized under tho direction of R. A,
Ward formerly county agriculturist.
Roturncd Holdlors, sailors and marines
will bo given proforenco over other
applicants, ho states. i
Field Marshal Plans to Use
Volunteer Units.
Woman Delegate nt Wclmnr Assembly
Goes Homo to Organize Wo
men to Fight Furs.
Coblonz. Field Marsha! von Hln
donburg is planning to use volunteer
units in n drlvo ngnluat tho llolshevlkl,
with Llbau as tho baso ot his opera
tions, It is indicated by Information
which hns reached American Intelli
gence offices.
According to tho American experts,
who in tho line of their duty are keep
lug In touch with the progress ot thu
readjustment ot the enemy's forces,
Gorman great headquarters seems to
bo following n policy of secrecy ns re
gards tho eastern front troop question.
This la bollcvod to bo duo to tho fact
thnt the Bolshevikl now have a norma!
military organization and so will be
able to utilize any Information thoy
might obtain concerning their enemy.
Apparently tho German headquarters
ln Kolborg is directing Ub energies
again toward organization on tho Bal
tic front In tho confidence that there
In no longer nny Immediate occasion
for concern over tho Polish front.
Field Mnrshal von Hludonburg Is In
Tho total number of volunteers on
tho eastern front or about to proceed
thero is estimated at nearly 100,000.
Homo of tho old army troops are now
on tho eastern front.
Wulmar, Saturday. Frau Broonncr,
an authoress and publisher and a dele
gate of thu German democratic party
In tho national nssombly, hns left for
home In Koeulgsburg to orgnulzo tho
women ot East Prussia Into a border
111 1 1 i t In. ngalnst the Bolshovlkl.
Frau Brocnnor declares her action
was prompted by reports that a Bol
shevik force a million strong was ad
vancing toward tho German frontlor
nnd hor fenr thnt tho men alono would
be unable to withstand tho Bolshovlk
London. Ono thousand porsons
were killed and wounded in tho fight
lug In Borlln last week, Recording to
nn estimate of the casualties mado by
tho Wolff bureau, tho leading iicwh
agency of Gormany.
Washington, D. C. For tho first
tlmu since the days of tho famous
"clipper" ships, American merchant
craft nre now plying tho sovon seas,
carrying products ot tho Unltod Stntcn
to tho farthest cornors of tho onrth
and bringing homo both essentials and
Tho shipping board announced Mon
day that tho Amorlcan morchant
marlno fleet, built up undor tho spur
of war's necessity, now represented
nearly ono-flfth of tho ontlro sea-going
tonnage of tho world nnd comprised
40 por cont of all ships clearing from
United States ports, as compared with
9.7 por cont hoforo tho war.
Trade routes not trnvorsod by Amor
lcan craft for moro than 50 years onco
moro aro Invaded, with now routes es
tablished to China, Australia, Now
Zealand, Indln, tho Dutch ICasUIndloH,
tho west coast of Africa and ports on
tho Mediterranean. Ships flying tho
HtnrB and strlpoB also aro running rog
ularly to South Amorlca, Groat Britain
and continental Europe as well as to
Canada and Mexico.
Tho fleet now engaged in ovorsoaB
commorco nggrogatos 1,901,239 gross
tons, or this total 315,925 tons aro em
ployed in traiiH I'aclfic trade.
When tho nrmy and navy roturn to
tho shipping board tho 353 ships which
thoy aro operating, tho commercial
fleot under tho Amorlcan flag will bo
Increased by 1,783,581 gross tons with
many hundreds ot thousands of toun
building or under contract. .