RUN AND G-ET MR SMITMl DO VOVNG MEN COMMIT MATRIMONV? , LOCALS 1 1moooooooooM000000001wJ'' Only two more months of school. f Come in and trot yotir 1919 angler's license. Silas MclJowell is tl biisinesi visitor at the county seal. liny lamb nipples at Richland firug Store. --ud The town council Of Richland are spendind $500 in ,'tavelmg thestteots. , Sassafras,Barlnpw'B Ihe time to use it, buy it at Richland Drug Store. iid Lojter Holcomh returned last week from the soldiers liomo al Uosoburg! Mrs. (Jortrudo turner, n for pier teacher in Pleasant Kidgo district! died recently at I'oteau, Okla. Preserve your meat in proper manner; use Wright's Condensed Smoke. For sale at Richland Drugstore. ad Furmnn Davis and Roy Camp bell arrived in New York from France last week. They arc ex pected home soon. , Rolla Long( who was recently mustered out of Bntt. D. 2nd F. A., is visiting in Portland but will soon return to Eaglo Vnlloy. Pruning Tools, hand and lover pruning shears, three kinds of saws. Now Is the time to use them. ID. & W. LUiandleK ad i Mr. und Mrs, John Flyrin.'John Bennehoff, und Wright Allen were among others from Eagle yulley visiting Bukor the past wedi. , A party given al Hid school house Friday evening by the teachers and students .of E. V. High was greatly enjoyed Uy those present, t Joe ftiay was ri visitor from Sparta Tuesday. Ho said there was about a foot of "the beauti ful" in his neighboihood, which means crops this year. , PERCH ERON STALLION for pale black, five-year-old, will bj priced cheap. Come and see him at J. R. Lee ranch in Dry G-ulch. H. A. Jacobs, owner. ndlG-7p, I Stray horse has been in 'tny field more thon eight weeks. Bny with black mane and tail, wkito Spot in forehead weight about i200; uround threo yca,m,iold. Branded J on the loft shoulder Owner may have same by paying (cod .bill (ond for advertising. W.' E, Martin, New Bridge. nd Almon Motley of Halfway was a business caller last Friduy. Middy lies in assorted colors at Saunders Dro'S. ad ' Barnoy E id Sou la transacting business in Biiker this week, I Ladies' silk hobo to match youf shoes at baundcrtf Bro's. ad Mrs. R. C. Mack loft Saturday for n visit with relatives" at Hunt ington. Mrs. Delia Buird and Mfs. Nel lie Clements of LaGrande, are visiting at New Bridge. Put one of the new Day Phono graphs) tho Claxtonola, in your home. See them at Saunders Bro's. ad Pvt. Elmer E. Simonis, Co. L. 322 Inf., has landed from France and is confined in tho hospitol at New York. Art Malonc is moving to the Grandma Shelton place in Dry Gulch, having purchased name some months ago. New spring goods coming every day. A new line of childrens d esses, and kiddies play suits just received. E. & W. Chandler. ad After several weeks vacation caused by therecentepidemic the Sunnyside school rerpend Mon day with Miss Ruby Gentry in charge. For Said 10 shoats, weight fiom.GO to GO lbs; also three young brood sows, two will far row soon. Will sell at a bargain R. Guyer. ad Lost A motley faced red year ing steer branded spring calipers A on left hb. For reward see ' or address. Mrs. Winnie L. Byrne, Richland, Ore.-ad-lt-lS MAMMOTH JACK, "Broad way," will stand the season of 1919 at our rrinch 12 miles west of Richland. Feo reasonable. H. II. & II. A. Jacobs. adl9p Eber Eldred is how sailing on tho U. S. S. Alabama. Friends desiring to write Should address him on the above named vessel in care of postmaster, New York City. For Sale Two 2-yr-old Jersey heifers, will be fresh soon. Alqp have a 3 1-2 inch Joh'n Depje troft clad mountain wagon fp.trjide for. lighter wagon. John W.' Patter son. ad2t t t hi4 (, (, The Ladies Aid-of jjtiift.Christ an church will mpeat Mrs. C.M, Dimmick's tomorrow, XFridajf), afternoon at, two. p'clocki- Ml members and those jnterested in the work arq.urgfld to be present. W.' E.IIplmcs moved his garage equipment to tho new building opposite Saunders Bro's. store this-.wxiek. J. P. Jones and Har ry Herr have formed a partner ship, and will conduct a garage nt tho jQnes building. Walt Cundiff and Cowan Govor brought in three head of cattle from Red Mountain about ten days ago. The animals were in fttir condition, proving tho winter had not been severe even in the mountains, Tdken tJpTr-S'tray horse, black,, i)o brand( white spot in forehead; 3 yr-old, wt about 1300; also stool gray marc branded J on left shoulder; 2-yr-old, yt about (fOO. Taken up February 13th. Owner or owners may, have same by pay ing for feed bill und advertise mont . John C. Wellinghani. Sparta, Ore. ad2t Renew your subscription. Onions at Saunders Bro's. ad II. J, Husklns has riiovol to the 'Saunders ninth oast Uf Richland. Walter Wilson; .a resident of tile Sparta district, transacted businiiss in Richland yesterday. A. J. Kelly Upd 3. E. Arnel bae leaned tho pool room fron. Frank Clnrk finil todk charge Inst Saturday. For Sale Nine shoats, weight around 100 lbs. ciich, and one good brood sow; all in thrifty con dition. Mrs. Julia Tolly, Rich land, nd The American Young People, u high-grade 'monthly magazine for boys and girls, (price $2 per year), and the h. V. News, both one year for only $3. The Sunday School Lesson for Sunday Mch. 9th is Conditions of Suscessful Leadership. Lesson Materia) Josh. 1:1-9 and Ps. 1 10: 9-19, Jo3l .l:9 is the Golden Text, Mr. Parker, who will open up the movies again next week, in forms us that he has contracted for a far better and higher class of film's for the doming year than) any ever ueiore snown in the Panhandle We predict an in creased patronage. Howard Jacobs madu this of fice a pieitsant call Tuesday. He stated that he had in 180 acres of fall wheat which was now cov ered with a deep blanket of snow and that from all indications the crop in the Five Mile district would be a record breaker this year. Friends of the News who have occasion to publish legal adver tisements in settlement of estates or other probuto matters or in cases in the district court will do thia paper a favor by directing their attorney or the county of ficial having such matters in charge to have such publication made In The Eagle valley News. Senator W. jtl Strayer of Bak er has th,e best jecbrd in the state senate so.fcas voting on contro verted- measures is.,, .concerned. On 1(55 roll calls.of the senate,' qn which .r,9 a, .vfsiqn,. of vote,,, missed only, ihree. Nb;,onq,fyho knoufs Jiio? ,w,ould nc fcuso hiupdpdginotO(jniss any cine. of4thp4hree roll calls. Or egon voicr. : . I ... . riavfe Installed X lay Equip- , ment Wo h'rive Installed the very latest X-Kfly equipment. ChiropritcUcCi is a procrossive science. Dlseliso has a definite cnuse infljdo tljo hody, (not out. side'. Unless that cause is1 lo cated and removed no curd ".will he made. The cause ,o.f djscase is an abnormal condition -of the spine, which .is producing pres sure on the nerves, that pass .be tween the ver.tobrne of the spine. This prevents, nature (tho. brain) from controlling the .parlS' in volved and disease develops. With tho X-Ray w& locate tho abnor mal condltions.of.fJie spine, vyliich s convincing proof that the cause ias boon located. Why treat the effects? Have your spine, adjust ed anjd removo.tho cau3o of dis ease and1 nature will cure. '... ...DRS. BIGGS & BIGGS. Chiro'prricbcstf and Nerve Speci- dlists. ' PhtoaCSl, Ofilco K. of P Bld'ff. Baker Orenort, "Somewhere in the West" tliwro In development Bolrftf on lh 1010 that ymi tvnnt to know nbout It may he a reelnmntlon project; a new mining project, n ncwlydl covered oil Held, opening tot tnpnutacnitcm opportunltloH In RrowliiB olicep, entile, hogn, horsea or otlfer livestock, of yoil piny want to know something of the Jiccnery of the Went what to bpc whcij you motor itcroM country on the new highway that nro IcUik built. Buyding tho Wect" Hi lteyr Vftti Mln It tl.fli hxdy pUhilenUm In Ux UnlUd S'.iU drro'.l 10'tW to "Uulldlnif lh Wilt,"- rrl It U tlvj nstlan-wk. exponent of the odrmnUiiJ nJ ppotunllli to t lounj in lh Wot. Jt U bringinw tb "UruiUu man to tb tnanleai Und." Amontf th Imporltnt mbjtet that will l tarefully vrnniti wlli corppny:na IlluiUatloni In Th Mew Wot Masazln In 1319 will Ui Wettern Reconstruction WatU Landi to L IUcl:mtd (i itrle) Rlvlnc lh Settlrr a Cbunfd Aerleultur th Dailt of Commrc. What CaplUl of th Writ KffWkncy on th Farm MaltlnK tiatltflnl Farmrr But Aid for Induitrlal Uerctopmtnt Cood Uvadi and Uittrlbutlon Western Wonders and Tourist Travel American Attraction V. European llatUefleld Ssrklnj; Pouly Inttrad of liulni L'jIWintf National Hlehwat Developing Home Industries Tli obtervanc of "Weitern Consumer Week." which orislnated with The Ife Went Macailne U reart ac will b earrltd out on a larger cle than ever in 1910, the eond week in April b ne the rczular date cboten. During thU week all the rople of tho Vet and etpcelallr the women will b kiked, to call for and u Wtetern-made twli, nrvl retail merchanti will make tpeclat dUplar of article manufactured In the Wot. katabUthed 1)10 The Nev Wesf Rlagazine ''DuUdinr KOI Whit nnlldlnr fieatlle. Waihlneton lilt Wclker n.nk Doildinr BALT LAKK CITV Utah, SPECIAL The New West Magazine w)ll give you a ge irvcy of the West its industrial, oil, minir survey oi the west its industrial, live stock opportunities, The Ergle Valley News tells you all the Ideal happenings and keeps you Informed on what is going on in the home community. The price of the NeV West Magazine is ,$2 a year 1 Outprjce jc The price of Eagle Valley News is also $2 per year ) for bothV'i TOO STRONG ON SYMPATHY Elvira Parkins Had a Fault From Which Too Many of Us Are Not Quite Free. "Is site gone?" Aunt Harriet In quired breathlessly. . . Aunt Harriet's niece, Elloen, turned from tho (lowers she vas. arranging flowers left the departing guest. "Shc'siJust going down .Uic path," sha replied.. "Shall, 1 call her back? Da you want to see her again? Did sho leave anything?" . "If you call her back, 111 disown fou, even If you are my favorite Mece." Aunt Harriet retorted, "Tell me. tlie minute the gate clicks." Eileen's eyes began to dance. Months . of Illness liad not broken Aunt Harriet's spirit. She left the flowers and devoted herself to th'o window. "Nowl" she announced. lAunti. Harriet drew a lopg breath, Ui.wlBh." she declared, "that Elvira ITarklns never had had a mother I There. I've said It. and I feel better 1" "Aunt narrletl" Eileen cried, with a laugh that broke bounds Iti spite of her. "I know, 1 suppose I ought to be ashamed, and maybe t wal) be some day, but Just this minute that seems to me the most relieving thing I ever said In my life. Elvira Parkins Is a good woman. She wouldn't, hurt the feelings of a fly, and she'd run her feet off doing kind things for'people. I could stand tho kindness, but what I cnri't stand ls her sympathy. ' -"If i'lsoirilucfi 'as imetitlon' n twinge hi my llttlo finger, she1 will draw down hor face and1 lower her voice and say, 'I know you1' can't tell me anything about' t. 'My mother suffered that way for y,enrs.' I have discovered that Hlvlra's mother had an accident like mlno and was hard of hearing like iritf and had a heart Just like mine. Elvira saw me dodging a streak of sun light for a minute, and she Jumped for the shade and pulled It clear down nnd came back and. patted my shoul der, nyirmurlng, 'My mother had Just such sensitive eyes. You must bq very, very careful. Mother suffered so with hers the last of her life.' " ,Aunt Harriet's mimicry was delight ful. Eileen wns enjoying herself greatly. "Do tell mo some moro of Elvira's conversation I" sho. pWaded. "I'm ready to vow neer to be sympa thetic, again as long as I live." Aunt Harriet sank back bri 'her pil lows, but her eyes wero twinkling. "I'm not saying that I'd ndvlse you to go quite ns far (is that, Eileen," sho retorted, "I'd only call your at tention lb th'o fact that there's sym pathy nnd sympathy, and advise you to exercise a lltOe.coro In chojgfw tho klnfl you use' M ZTS S Alaek.i America' UnexsIortJ Kmplr Obtuwln tlut I'rcrtnt Alai!can Dc . vtlopmtnt 1'iih Mora ValnabU than C.M Retatt of ImpoalOK Grandeur Th Ilallroad of .Alaika Itecent Alaikan Mlnlnir Development Adventure In Wonderland the Wt" Uetrolt. iiichiran OFFER; general comprehensive i ... 4 on, mining, agricultural and Estray Notice! In accordance with an order, oi sale, made by Frank Clarke, Justice- of tho Peace for Eagle Valley District 2S"q. 1 Baker Co., Oregon of date Feb. 20, 191j.' I will on the 21, day of March, 1919, aV my home place near Richland in said County, eell al public auction, tho fol lowing described t-stray animal, to wit; one black and whlt heifer about ono. year old, no ear marks and branded with a blotclied brand oil rixlil hip. Ter.ns of sale caelum hand T . Dated this 20th day of Kebiptf) 1S-1C - -Sam Brown. . . 'rj-.fv :.- " f Farrrer! Jncome Taxable. rvEvery farmer and ranchman who had a fair or a good year In 1918 must heed the Income Tax this year. H must consider all hla income as taxi able. He Is entitled to deduct from; his gross Income all amounts expendetf( In carrying on his farm. The cost o. , farm machinery, farm buildings an j Improvements cannot be deducted. The cost of live stock, either for resale o. for breeding purposes, is also regarded as Investment -J Overtime and Bonuses Taxed. i falary and wage earners must cotfi sider as taxable, every item received from employers and from other, ' sources. Bonusej and overtime p ag ar to be reported ns well as the regu lar payments. Allowin;?! for Losses. Losses sustained In 101S and nob covered by Insurance are deductible Items If Incurred in the taxpayer's business or trade, Iri any transaction' undertaken for profit or arising from fire, storm, shipwreck or other casu alty or from Uicft. 4,. SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERY INCOME TAX PAYER. Washttston, D. C. "Tho rights of nil persons now filing Income Tux, returns nre amply k protected . by provisions for abatements, refunds nnd ap-. penis," says Commissioner Dan- lei d. Ifdper.' "Everj person can be sure of fl square deal, No person Is ex- pccTcd ,io pdy more than his shnre"bf tar. HIS share Is de--Ar termlned solely by the amount -A- und nature of his net income for 1018, as 'defined In tins law. " tc "Abatement petitions are 'dealt - with open-nilndcdly. Refunds will be nluUe-fh irttiiT ease where too ihuch- tax U erroneously col- lecled." '' r it ''Tho Iiicotue Tux Is 'on the level' ull the way through." if. r. p i t i . . 4. i if: