Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, February 20, 1919, Image 7

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Youngsters Are Exposed to Extreme
Cold and Mutt De Main
talned In Stable.
(Prepared by the United Htntei Depart
mcnt ot Asrlculturo.)
Tho high prices which horses of tho
botUT grade tiro commanding has
been effective- In IncreiiHlni; tho nnminl
colt crop In sections of tho country
which previously Imvo neglected their
opportunities along horse-raining llnc
Am ii coiiKcqufiico tho production of
fall coltn linn Incrcnsod.
It In deslrublo that theso youngsters
bo accorded every clninco to begin tho
winter season in tho best pohhIIiIo
condition, as, although thoy avoid tho
Kep Only the Oeet Marea and Dreed
Them to Sound, Purebred Stnlllone
of tho Same- Dreed.
fly evil, they uru exposed to extremely
cold wenthcr and of necessity must bo
maintained In HtnbleH most of tljo
time unm tho grass season.
Joint-Ill, n germ dlHcaxo which
causes tho death of hundredH of now
born foaln, should bo controlled by
ligation of tho umbilical cord iih noon
as possible after birth and tho subse
quent swabbing of tho smnll portion
of tho cord left pendent In a 1:500
Holtitlon of corroslvo sublimate. Tho
fllth germs enter tho body by means
of tho umbilical cord unless hucIi pro
cnutlutm nro tnken. A pleco of sur
geon's silk should bo bound around
tho cord iih cIoko to tho body of tho
animal as possible. Then tho subll-
mato solution Hhould bo applied to tho
pendulous portion of tho cord twico
dally until It drops off. Tho colt
should bo born In a well-lighted nnd
ventilated stable and In a stall which
has been disinfected thoroughly and
bedded with clean, bright straw. After
tho birth of tho colt tho Htall Nhould
bo cleaned out and ognln (Uninfected
whllo tho litter Hhould bo burned.
Several Experiment 8tatlona Have
Tested Soy Dean With Very
Satisfactory Result.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
niont of Agriculture.)
As n Htipplemcnt to enrnmcal for
growing and fattening pigs tho Wis
consin ntntlon found that ground soy
bcatiB proved about 10 per cent su
perior to wheat middlings figuring tho
cost of tho feeds as tho samo. Tho In
dlana station compared rations of two
parts of cornmeul and ono part of
soy-bean meal with comment and
wheat middlings In equal proportions
and with live parts of cornmeul and
ono part of tnnkngo for pork produc
tion. Tho soy-bean ration produced
tho largest dally gains, and this with
tho smallest quantity of feed con
sumed for each pound of gain. Tho
Kansas station has tested tho vnluo
of soy-bean menl In combination with
cornmeal und with lenflr meal In com
parison with tho two lattor feeds
alono In feeding hogs. Tho feeds wcro
mixed In tho proportion of four-fifths
corn or kuflr nnd ono-flfth soy beans.
Larger gulns, varying from 10 to 117
po cent, vrero mudo in ovcry caso on
tho mixed rations than on corn or
kallr alone, Tho Missouri station In
ti rompnrutivo feeding trial of soy.
beau meal with lliiReed meal nnd tank
ngo showed tbat tho tlirco feeds wero
equally effecllvo In promoting tho
growth of young hog.
Blnto Capitol. Aftor n stormy bob
slon Monday, tho donate roads com
mlltoo agreed to start wrangling ovor
tho patented pavement bills Wed tics
day afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Moanwhllo, In tho houso, tho $10,'
000,000 bond bill wan being studied by
tho members. A number of features
connected with tho measure aro of Im
parlance to all cltlzons of tho ntuto.
An outtluo of tho bond bill Is sot
Of tho totul bond Issuo, $7,500,000 is
particularly doslgnatod for cortaln
primary trunk roads. When this
monoy Is oxhaustcd, Oregon will havo
713 miles of hard-surfaced pavetnont
distributed thus: Astoria to Tho
Dallus, 102 miles; Portland to tho Cat
Ifornln lino, 354 miles; Portland to
Junction City on tho west sldo, 112
miles; Hlllsboro loop, 49 miles. This
does not tnko into account five miles
paved In Umatilla county nor 12.C
mllos to bo laid this year in Coos
county. Tho foregoing glvos an Idea
of what will bo dono for tho Pacific
and Columbia rivor highways.
Out of tho bond Issue $2,C00,000 1b
sot asldo for othor roads. This sum
will bo swelled by tho rccolpts from
gasollno tax, tnillago and surplus II
censo money, so that tho stato high
way commission will havo a comfort'
ablo bunk account with which to Im
provo tho "othor roads." Thcso "oth
or roads" aro In tho system already
adopted and thoy ponetrata most of
tho counties.
Out of tho $2,600,000 and such othor
sums, tho commission Intends building
highways to tho coast. Included aro
tho roads from Itosoburg out to Coos
Hay; from Kugono part way to Flor
ence; from Corvallls to Toledo and
from McMlnnvlllo to Tillamook; tho
coastal road first unit from Scasldo,
via Klk Crook nnd Cannon Iluach to
In tho Interior, tho plan designs Im
provomont of tho central Oregon high
way, which Is from Klamath Falls to
Ilond and from Hand to Tho Dalles;
another projoctcd road Is from On
tario to Hums and thonco to IJond.
In tho south thoro Is tho Ashland to
Klamath Falls and to Lakovlow road,
and thoro Is nlso tho Mackonzlo Pass
route. Tho Mount Hood loop has bcon
In tho program for a couplo of years,
tho commission having already sot
asldo $24,000 to match a similar sum
from tho government to bo used this
year on tho zig-zag soctlon, which is
12 miles long. Tho sUito monoy for
this loop comes from tho Ucan-Darrott
Supplementing tho $2,500,000 to do-
velop this road program will bo post
road and forestry monoy. Various
counties nro expected to co-opcrato
freely. A largo part of tho success
and speed in executing this gigantic
plan Is dependent on tho nsslstanco
contributed by counties. Thoro has
boon no blnro of trumpots by tho com
mission, but this is tho work mapped
out for tho coming throo years. Cin
dors, macadam and gravel will bo
used, for it is not Uio purpose- to hard-
surfaco all this mileage A llttlo mon
oy may bo loft for othor market and
post-roads now on tho stato highway
Tho consolidation program Is dead.
for tho 1919 legislative sosslon at
least. Tho department of agrlculturo
bill, fathor of all tho measures and
pot of tho Joint consolidation commit
too, was knifed to Uio heart and bur
led deep In tho houso at a session
which extended Into tho early ovonlng
Inst Friday, and Its obsequies woro
hold under a foronslo barrage Ono
by ono, It is understood, what othor
consolidation bills omorgo from tho
commlttoo will bo sent qulotly to tho
gulllotlno to end tho consolidation
agony for this blonnlum.
A bill by Mrs. Aloxandor Thompson
providing for tho establishment ot n
minimum wago ot $75 a month for
toachors ot tho stato passed tho houso
last Friday, IloproBontatlvos Chllds
and Crawford voting against It. Mrs.
Thompson presontod a statomont
showing that living oxponsos for
toachors had increased all out of
bounds ns compared with Increases
In wages.
Tillamook county, through Statu
flonator Ilaudloy, has offered to the
stiito highway commission a $476,000
fund for tho construction of tho first
link of a coast highway, providing that
tho lilghwuy commission will mulch
thu fund, dollur for dollar.
Vole of Peace Delegates Kills French
Military Scheme.
Paris. Tho Hourgcols proposition
for an Interallied military forco to
enforce peace was defeated by an
overwhelming voto nt tho mooting of
tho Society of Nations commission on
Tho French and Czechoslovaks
woro tho only representatives voting
In tho ufllnnatlvo.
Tho draft of tho society of nations
plan was than unanimously adopted
as a whole
Tho final draft consists of 2C arti
cles. Tho Japancso delegation presented
an amendment providing that racial
discrimination, should not bo tolerated
In Immigration laws.
Bovcral delegates urged that this
would open such a large question that
great delay might ensue, and tho mat
tor was dropped without a voto.
President Wilson was not present
at this session, having to attend tho
supremo war council. Lord Robert
Cecil acted as chairman during his
O recce has been authorized by tho
pcaco council to send additional troops
Into Thrace, tho Smyrna district and
the adjacent territory along tho coast.
It Is understood that theso troops and
thoso which Italy Is about to send to
Asia Minor districts of Adalla and
Konlcn will bo considered as allied
troops subject to withdrawal by the
This movo is construed by observers
hero as tho first stop toward making
Italy and Orceco the mandatory pow
ers for tho territory thus occupied.
In a written reply to a declaration
of tho French association on tho soci
ety of nations which recently called
upon him, President Wilson makes
known formally for tho first tlmo his
intention to return to Franco after
going to Washington for tho closing
session of tho American congress.
In this reply tho president says that
ho accepts tho suggestion that after
his roturn to Paris a great public
meeting bo arranged In celebration of
tho peace conference. Thoro Is somo
belief in official circles that tho pcaco
conferenco will bo ablo to complete
Its work by Juno.
Tho pcaco conferenco commission
on international control ot ports, wa
terways and railways is considering
a proposed assertion ot Jurisdiction
over aerial international flights. Tho
British air ministry has already pre
pared an elaborate convention which
will bo submitted to tho pcaco con'
Tho international aviation confer
enco soon to meet In Paris will also
take up questions of great Importance,
such as how far national control ot
tho air may go, passports, customs, re
ciprocal landing facilities, aerial po-
llco and tho settlemont of damages
Civilian flights between nations aro
now impossible, becauso ot tho ab-
sonco of essential regulations. Many
enterprises, such as that ot preparing
a Paris to London air service, havo
bcon dolaycd in consequouce
Friedcrich Ebert, Socialist,
Is First German President
Weimar. Pealing church bells an
nounced to tho people ot Weimar at
4:15 o'clock last Wednesday afternoon
that tho Gorman ioik tor tho first tlmo
In history had chosen tho head of tholr
own stato.
Friederich Ebert, former saddler
and socialist lender, appeared boforo
tho theater 20 minutes lator and ro-
colved as president of Germany thoso
plaudits formerly marking tho appear-
nnco of tho monarch who onco stig
matized tho party to which Prosldont
Ebert bolongs as being made up of
men "unworthy to bear tho namo ot
Prosldont Kbert in his speech ac
cepting tho presidency said:
"I will administer my office, not as
tho lo'ador ot a single party, but I bo
long to tho socialist party and cannot
forgot my origin nnd training. Tho
privllogos ot birth already havo boon
ollmlnatod from politics and aro bolng
eliminated from social life
"Wo shall combat domination by
forco to tho utmost, from whatover
direction it may come, Wo will found
our statu only on tho basta of right
nnd on our freedom to shapo our des
tinies at homo nnd abroad, Howuver
harsh may bo tho lot threatening Our
man people wo do not despair of Our
many' vital forces,"
The Premier Municipal Bond House
MORRIS IJUILDINC, 309-311 Stark St.
Government and PORTLAND, ORE. Established Over
Municipal Bonds Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-Five Years
Why Swift & Company Handle
Poultry, Eggs, Butter and Cheese
Swift & Companywent into the pro
duce business because they saw a
crying need for the kind of service they
were equipped to perform.
The produce business was in chaos.
Collecting, transportation, preparation
and distribution was hit or miss,
with delay, deterioration and loss on
every hand.
The farmer was at the mercy of an
uncertain, localized market. He had
no way of reaching through to the
people who needed what he was
raising for them. There was no prem
ium upon improving his stocks, for
grading was lax or lacking.
The consumer had to accept produce
that, as a rule, had no known respon
sible name behind it. He had no way
of knowing how long the eggs or the
butter he was buying had been lying
around in miscellaneous lots in the back
room of a country store. Much of the
poultry was not properly refrigerated
before shipment or properly protected
by refrigeration in transit.
Swift & Company's initiative brought
system to this chaos. Their organiza
tion, equipment, and experience in
handling perishable food products were
already adjusted to the task. Their
refrigerator cars, branch houses, cen
tral points, far-reaching connections,
trained sales force, supplied just what
was demanded.
Now the farmer has a daily cash
market in touch with the nation's
needs with better prices. Standardi
zation makes better produce more
profitable. More consumers are served
with better, fresher, finer foodstuffs.
Nothing suffers from this save
inefficiency, which has no claim upon
public support.
Swift & Company, U.S.A.
Dally Thought.
Whatover chanco shall bring wo
will boar with equanimity. Toronco.
Riches aro a dlsgraco to htm who al.
hath kinsmen In want.
Not So Dad After All.
A lot ot people forgot that today U
tho fatal tomorrow about which thoy
woro so worried. Wllmlngtou Jour-
When your shoe ninth or your Corns and Dun.
Ion. ache, set Allen' Foot-Ease, the anUsentle
powder to be shaken Into shoe and sprinkled In
the foot-bath. Give Instant relief to Tired. Ach
In, Tender Keet. Bampla r'ltKK. Address AUen
8. Olmsted, Leltoy, New York.
fvmmm GraBulaled Eyelids,
UsT' Eves inlUmciI by ex
sure to San, Dust and Wind
ulekly relieved by Mwiae
ycResseiy. NoumauinK,
"""i v luii I've Comfort. At
Vour DmcRlili or by mail 60c' per Itottlc.
For Hook el (be Eve free mile b II
Murine Eye Uemedy Co.. Chicago.
P, N. U,
No, 8, 101V
Save Your Hair
With Cullcura
Soap 23o
Irritating Coughs
Promptly treat coiuus, coM, lioarsrnrsi,
liroiulillW and similar liilUmcd and muted
(ondliiuiia of the ttiroat Willi a Ute4 remedy