Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, February 13, 1919, Image 8

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if. -
1 - - - i & . i
E. & W. Chandler
Different Store
Oiir Annual
is now in
This sale will include all of our WI1ITB GOODS
Sheets, Pillow Cases, Sheetings, Pillow Tubing,
Muslins, White Dies Goods. Long Cloths,
Nansooks and Muslin Underwear
We also have on display New Prints,
Blue, Gray and Shirtings
Percales and Ginghams hi the newest designs
A new line of Women's, Misses' and Children's
Our store is thoroughly
For the benefit of those who wish to lenew or subscribe for
the Eagle Valley News we make the combination rates quoted
below Should vou wish any ether magazine or paper pub
lished in the United States we will make you a reduced price
if clubbed with the News.
Idaho Statesman (daiiy) and ; E. V. Nejys and The Youth's
E. V. News, regular price ' Companion, total regular
, $8; our offer to you now $7.00 price $4, you get 'em for $3.25
Daily Oregonian and E. V. McCIure's anu E. V. News,
i News, reguiar price $S, for $8,001 regular price $4, now $3.00
Portland Journal, daily and ' Scribner's and E. V. News,
E. V. News, regular price ruiar price $0, our spe-
for both &7, yours lor ,o.W
Portland Telegram, dally, and
E. V. News, regular price
i $7; you may have 'em for $5.75
Weekly Bed Rock Democrat
and E. V. News regular
price $3.50, g.-t 'em for $'J.10
Let us send for your periodicals; we'll save you money.
McDowell Bros. & St John 1
Bee Keepers Supplies of all kinds
Hives, Suj-ers, Cards, FoundaMon, etc. i
All order lilled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed
Writ.-, phone or call for prices.
C. C. SI John, Manager,
I Halfway-Baker Auto Service
An lonj a., the roads remain in pasBable condition I will
I maintain the following schedule as closely as possible:
7 Will leave Halfway for Baker on Monday, Wednesdays g
and Fridays. Will Ihivs Halror for Halfway on Tuesdays,
m Thurtays and Saturdays.
; Will loav Kichland about noon. . t&sonKera wifl ploafic
; leave word at Kichland JlotoL
' Sam Irwin,
full swing
fumigated and ventilated
cial 1010 bnrtrain price $-1.75
Outing and L V. News, tho
total price $5, to jou now $4.00
New West Magazine and E.
V. News, price $4, now $2.75
Other periodicals at club rates.
- Richland, Oregon jj
1 1 i--v -" :
SlogRltiK through tho mud of
From o.
Camplns: In ttio mlu;
Hiking In n rronon tnnco
Down some (lorman plain; 4
"Fall In!' hearlho sorKoant yoll,
Far from homo' am) clovor;
Tell inc. who tliu bally hull
Said tho war "was over?"
Chow Tor bicaKfast Blum far
noon - , ,
Who inoii aro froo
Whllo tin- bustler's foolish luno
IMio3 tln reveille?
"HlBht dr-!" hoar thu iiorsoaut
WTl i
Fiom Muiiic noross to;l)ovor;
Toll mo who tho hull ,11 wue
Said tho war ,-wus over?"
CloanhiK mi a mass of wire,
Stained clottoif blood
Whoro tlw Ms trucks hog and mlro
In tho int.T mud;
Full or (lliii .in J iloas ntid fuzz
Catinoii' i'i ami drover,
Toll mo u ho tho fat head wire
Said tin- war "was ovor?"
Grantland Itlco.
Cable the Pence " Conference
America's prestlRo Is ot stake In
tho nomine u inry Liberty Loan. Tho
oyo-. of tho wiirM nro flxod upon uh.
Tho nation-- , tho world aro koIiik t
rato us on HiK Ian effort'. It In rlht
that they slumld Judo us, not by
wnai wo uo in i no mini, or. inn siniB
Bio. hut b our condition after tho
Ono of tli-- !'(-Bt guarantees of World
peaco for - irn to comti would ho tho
successful nutation of iho Victory Mb
orty Loan ui five or six billion dol
lars.- Kvi-n a combination of powers
Inclined to t-tart anoilH-r war would
hooltato in tin' faco of such a display
of IromondouH national Hlionsth.
Every man who buys a Victory Lib
orty Hand noxt April, moreover, will
ho adding to tho determination with
which America Mioaltn at tho Ponce
Conference. Thorn aro undoubtedly
KoIiik to bo many moments during that
Conference when every whit of tho
power of tho United States will be
needed to shnpo Into actualities I lioso
Ideals for which we eiitcied tho world
Let tho cnblofl carry Into the Qual
d'Orsay thin mossnge:
'.MnorlCH has oversubscribed hor
Fifth l.lhorty Loan by nioro than a
billion dollar."
TIiIb In a time for ntiulslit thlnklnt:.
Make nurp tho other fellow Ik not talk
iiiK drlvol. Analyzo It I h Uioufiht, don't
follow It. He may bo suffering wllh
phiaHroloBlc homorrhaKo. It in epi
demic nowadny liko Influonza and
much moro HorloiiH.
I'or lntanco; In regard to tho Vic
tory Liberty Loan and thomr followH
who thumb tholr vcBtH, frown wlnoly.
and hiiy "Lot (ho banks do It. They
are burHtfnB with monoy." Thoy aro
talking drlvol. It bouiiiIb fluo but It
Imi t good Hono. Nor Is It xood
econoiiilcs, which amounts to tho wmio
If the sovornment tboiiKht It was
ivi if to "lot tho hanks do It," tho gov
erntuciit would lot thoni do It. Thoro
wo-ihl bo up Victory Liberty Loan In
tin- popular sonso. Hut tho govern
im-iii knows bailor than to lot tho
bankH do It.
Tlii.s Is thu period of roeoiiHtruntlon
rllit now. ft Is a pdilod or many
pohsihllltfua ocon6micully. One pos.-.
biliiy Is industrial doprosslon. One
pn-vr ritatlvo of Industrial doprosslon
ih M( nty of money at favorable rates
of intcrost to tlinulute lulvalo oploi
i'il p. Thui rhoHii.H our hunks must
not hi! rlogged with Kovoriiliieut si
"iirltlcs. It inoans that wo can't af
iord rf "J(it tJio banks do It." Tho
i'1-oplo must do It do It from tholr
eaniiiiKH, preient and futuro.
Think straight.
Hupport tho Victory Llborly Loan.
'flu. ?t00 you put Into a Vleiory IJb
oily llond will ho wot III IT plus In
(in .i who'll prions sotllo down. A dol
lar ih worth what you can buy with It
M'-Hor hnvo tin) bOnds of tliu IJii!td
Sluti-K In tho hiniils of Stt.bou.04H
onliuwry uIUhiih than (ionouiilrHlwd In
,llio Jiiuultt of n fow (lull moil, 'I'll I ill"
'f Ihwt wliui Unolo Mam offam fun
Vlotory iJjlUliX 'tUJUj
Smooth Transition of Agricul
turc to Peace Basis Predicted
by Federal Reserve Board
American faimors -aro In btittor
financial shape than thoy havo boon
for-yoars. aceotdlni? 10 n tocont reimrt
of tho IVdoral llosorvo rV)tril at Wash
ington, which nUo preillets nihinooth
trniiHltlou of amlctilturn mid ludiistry
fmui a war to n poaco IihkIm. Tho
board's review of eronomlo romlltlons
thrtMKliout the country Is Imiod pn
dotalled reportn made to it , by tho
Bovornors of tho twolvo fodurul ro
servo banki.
"Tho farinor Is said to bo In tho
host flunjic-ltil Hhwpo for many years,"
the review Miys. "In tho South ho Is
utile to hold his cotton fur btttor
plires and Is marketing hit output
"Uxcwllent crop prospects ato re
ported from tho wheat stt.tos of tho
Wofll and from California. Oil tho
Pacific Coast the prospects for oxcel
lent crops are exceedingly lit i -.lit."
"Victory year" crops, acconllni; to
uttothiir eovominent repoit, added
$17.0do.00n.C0o to our wealth. The
principal 'contributions were:
Corn--2.5V..SI I.O00 bushels,
a lrr.ooo. ,
Wheat tM7.loo.00i1 bushels.
.Oats 1 ,ri38,3M,000 bushots.
Ilarloy ,.,r,fi.37r,.000 bushels.
ityo 80,lo:r.ooo inisholH, ?ini.!M7,-
Potatoes 897.070,000 bushels. Jl7r..
7.11,000. liny 7ft.tno.000 tons, $l.r,2'-M7.1.fOO.
Toharco I.8I0.0I0.000 pouiidn.
A piilns -173.032.000 batrolB. J22!i.
As n. result of tho rioitrfshliiK comll
tloti of tho farmer In Kouor.il tlm go.
erumont oxpnclH lihu (o'tako a a:vr
block, or Victory Liberty 1ian IK iiiIh
In April.
It Is difficult yot to valito norm. i 'v
or In Homo Instances (o pctci-lvc il
the wur has btOuKht (o on i imi. '
life or prunoil front It. The lln.i
we Ihlnk Utile now inny nppe.tr to
poatorlty the i;roatol. The Thn''
stamp Idea scorns to ho ono of tin
OrlKlnatod as a wrtr emergency ui,.
ure. it litis taken bold; bus app;.l- 1
to tliu common setiso of America, and
ma v yet shttpo tho destiny oi lb'
It is palenl, now that the u.ir la
over, thut tho Thrift Stamp liai. coi r
to stay. If wo Kot notlilug ohtc- out of
'he war but tho habit of kuvIiik, v. ,jI '
ln'ets tho coi'ollaiy slmidu llvliu-. v
will have roapod (lie full fruit of Hi"
wur. Kor a thrifty domociacy Is
firm democracy, a potent dumoer.ii-y.
a democracy hIiiiiik oiioiikIi to pre
servo Itself,
A man who saves is a hotter clti. n
than tho mail who does not save, tin
hucomos ti stocliholdor in his govcir
inont and ho is Jealous for Ihe t '
faro or that, uvoinnionl In war and
In ponco. In war ho will flxht for It
with IiIm )ir. In pence ho will prolei
It rrom those who would loar down.
As America unvos rrom this dm on
'o shall slio grow In benign power ai d
in tho oyoH of mankind. "A bank in
wmut for ovory American citizen''
vhouhl ho ono of our national sloj aii"
Tho Thrift and War SaviiiKH Ht;nii
ideu Is ftelKhlod with a mighty chae. )
for the better in our national life
The Thrift Stomp Is backed by th
United Slates' government. Wit!. out
doubt it Is the greatest Invcftnui.t
ever offered and It Is In such a form
that ovory Amurluaii, hhi amt llltlo,
can tlilio udvnnfutfu of It.
l""Y your sutMirip
K Pll 9-W tifin ut otu- at.'!
not iniHH ucopN
Oversubscriptions of January
and February Savings Cam
paign Allotments to Re
duce Loan Task
Victory Liberty Loan quoins of the"
twelfth Federal llesorvo Olstrlct aro
to bo determined In souio measure by
the itmouulH loaned the Kovornuiuut
by each district In War HhvIiirs
Btamps diirltu: January and February,
If a district oversubscribes its War
SavliiKS .Slump quotas for the first
two mouths of tho your, Its Victory
Liberty Loan quota will bo decreased
to tho extent of tho oversubscription.
Conversely, if a district falls to reach
its Jaitiiary and Fohruaiy Stump quo
tjiM, Its Liberty Loan quota will be
When Lewis II. Franklin, director
of tho War Loan OrKnnlratloti, was III
San. Francisco recently, he reuislod
(lint on tho (lay tho armistice. wu-
'ilKiiod there was In process in Wash
luiston a mculliiK to formiiluto plum
for tho continuous sale of LlboiC'
llonds such a plan as Koverus the
Halo or Thrift and War HiuIiikh
Stamps. Mortal or, the Liberty llotid
and War Htaui work was to b
closely coordinated,
These plans were Immediately dls
carded when tho (lorinatm sIkuciI tho
nrmlstlco and when Secretary of tho
Treasury Class took office he an
nounced that tho Victory Liberty Loan
would bo tho last. Ill the faco or siir
KeHtlous tliat tho Victory Loan h put
on a coin commercial husls, ho addud
that tho men mnkliiK these 8urkc;
lions weto discounting the palrlotism
of the American peo(ilu and ho would
depend iipoa tho iatrlotlsm or tho
American peoolo ruthor than place so
curitles of tlm United States govern
meiil upon a plane willl the paper of
prlvato corporations.