Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, February 06, 1919, Image 3

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In Many Section No Other Qreen
Forsao ! Ued Than That Fur
nished by Pasture.
U'rc-parcd by thn Unlld BUile Depart-
ineni or Agriculture)
Tin linportnneu of having a good
licriniuient pasture for hogs run hard
ly bo overestimated. In many hog
producing lucidities no other green
forage Im used (linn thnt furnished liy
grass or grass mid clover jiiiKturi'H.
Tln itdviin'tiigo of not IiiivIiik to go to
the ixh'iiho of frcuently preparing
mill seeding tho liiml iipju-iiIh to most
Hogs do not relish grossed except
when Hit) leaves me young mid ten
der. Jlonco It Ih necessary for tho
best results to keep periiiutient pas
tures well stocked. If tho plants tiro
allowed to iimtiirti they not only be
come less pnliitnliln hut uro dellrlent
Hogo Enjoying Themtelvei at Pasture.
In feeding vnltm u h well. It Is tixunlly
ndvlsnhlo to have some other stock In
tho pastures with tho hogH to eat the
counter pltintH. Cuttlo nro hcHt suited
for thin purpoHe.
It Ih Impossible to stuto how itiuny
nnltinilH per ncro will ho supported hy
n permanent piiHturc. In nmxt caseN
It Ih advisable to hnvo somo of tho
best supplementary forago crops to
grazo In iiihlltlou to tho pasture. A
fin ft) riilo Ih to hnvo at leant one ncro
of good permanent piiHturo for each
lirood now kept. Of conrso this acre
age could ho reduced or tho number
of hogs IncrciiHed whero a complete
succession of supplementary forage
crops Ih rained or whero tho land Is
very productive. A grottier area should
bo allowed If the grazing Ih poor.
To Secure Uniform Herd of Calves
Definite Tlmo of Year Should
e Decided Upon.
(Prepared by tho United Btntos Depart
ment of Agriculture)
In order to hnvo a uniform herd of
calves, cowh should ho bred at n defl
ulto tlmo of year with thin point In
view. For fall and early winter calves
(November nnd December), cows
Hhould be bred during February and
March. For spring calves (February
and March), which In most cases Is n
more desirable date to hnvo thu catves
dropped, the cows should bo bred dur
ing May and June. Whero milk for
family use. (luring winter montliH Is
not an Important consideration cows
may bo more cheaply wintered, and
calves escape flies and hot weather
when dropped at that time. In all
breeding operations pure-bred sires
only should bo used.
Urceders of pure-bred entile, who
deslro to grow calves for exhibition,
should breed their cows from tho 1st
to tho inth of December to produce
calves of senior classification, nnd
from tho 1st to tho 10th of April for
calves of junior rating.
Expert at Kansas State College Writes
Circular Explaining (Qreat
Valuo of Device.
How labor nnd feed limy bo saved
by using rt self-feeder Is explained In
a circular Issued by tho division of
extension In tho Kaunas Htato Agri
cultural col lego ami written by Curl
I'. Thompson of tho division.
Mr, Thompson shows In tho bulletin
that moro rapid and oconomlcttl gains
tiro tiiailo when tho self-feeder Is used
than when tho hogs aro fed by hand,
I'lans mid HpccllknlloiiH for construct
ing self-feeders lit small roNt uro In
cluded In Iho circular, which may bo
hud upon request (o Iho division of
cxU'iisloij .
There Is Much In Proper Curing and
Handling -Beets and Mangel
Wurzels Also Oood.
If you Imvo fed clover or nlfnlfti (o
poultry In Its green state or dry you
know Its value. If you Imvo not used
It as a hen feed do so this winter,
even If you lutvo to buy some, and
In future seasons you will lay In a
good supply. Thero Is much In cur
lug and bundling this food to Imvo It
right for hens. If It has been dono
properly, cut Into one quiirler-lncli
lengths, and place It In a tub or bar
rel, then turn on stoma or hot water,
which at ouco brings back tho iirnum
of the Imrvest Held. Next sprend out
In (he mixing box and sift on some
common!, middlings and nnlmiil men),
salt n little mid you have as good n
mess for laying hens as can bo pre
pared. In some respects alfalfa Is
better thtiii clover. It Is very rich In
protein, yletdi more In a year than
clover, nnd heni like It better.
For poultry It should never bo al
lowed to become woody, A good field
of nl fnlfn will product) moro hen feed
than Iho sniuo amount of spneo put
Into any other crop.
Next In order 'for n dependable win
ter food come beets and mangel-wur-rein.
There are different sorts, red,
yellow nnd white. All mako a good
winter hen food. They nro composed
largely of water, but It ninkes an ex
cellent winter food, being easily grown
and kept and Is very handy to feed.
Hy feeding plenty of green food to the
hens In winter thero Is a profit de
ilvod In two ways. Tho liens will bo
moro healthy, therefore lay better, and
by working It Into the tlnlly ration tho
cost of feeding tho Hock Is lessened
Among Other Things for Farmer to
Remember Is That Male Doesn't
Influence Number of Eggs.
(Prepared by tlio United Htntea Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
It In urged that nil farmers nnd
poultrymen ndhero strictly to the fol
lowing principal rules In handling
their poultry and eggs:
1. Keep tho nests clenn; provldo
one nest for every four hens.
1!. Outlier the eggs twlco dally.
it. Keep tho eggs In a cool, dry room
or cellnr.
I. Market the eggs at least twice a
H. Hell, kill or coullne till mnlo birds
as soon as the hatching season Is over,
One Hundreds Hens Should De on
Evory Farm.
so as to produce Infertllo eggs. Tho
main bird has no effect on tllo number
of eggs produced.
Not Given to Supply Qrlt, but to
Make Done, Mu6clo and Feathers
Help Out Ration.
Many poultry growers, 'especially
beginners, Imvo Iho Impression that
oyster shells mako a good grit for
fowls, but such Is not tho case. Oyster
shells, In soiuo respects do help to
grind tho fowl's food, but tho chief
lult-slon Is to mako bone, inusclu mid
feathers. They form tho shell of (ho
egg, or assist In this matter nnd at the
sumo tlmo aid In making a complete
ration when fowls aro fed charcoal
and grit together with their grain ru
lions. If you keep llieiu before tho
hens mid do not feed fat-producing
feeds, (hey will prevent soft-shelled
eggs anil keep litem from acquiring
Iho egg-oalliig liabll, which Is iiuu of
the greatest Ionnos ever experienced
by nny poiiltryiuiin, In almost every
food given to fowlM wo find n tdmrliigu
uf null,, , .
HoprcBonlallvcH Graham, Dennis and'
(loro nro appointed by Hpeaker Jones
as hoiiBO members of n Joint commit
tee to socuro samples of pavement for
submission to tho" roads nnd high
ways committee.
Kvory ono practicing dentistry In the
Htnto oroponlng parlors or offices for
contluctlng thoin will bo required to
tako out a statu license under tho
tonus of a bill Introduced by Itopre-
sontntlvo McFarland.
Legislation urged uy Hoerotary Lano
to modify hoincstend law privileges In
favor of soldiers who served In (ho
war or on tho Moxlcnn border was
annrovod Saturday by tho senate pub
lie lands committee nnd reported fav
Through deals closed (his week J
It. Niinamnkcr and sons, Don, Floyi!
ami Ncal Nunamakcr, already owners
of 7C ncroB of full-bearing orchards
at Hood Itlver, hnvo Increased their
holdings by 7C acres. Tho nggregato
of tho sums paid will reach $00,000
It Ih said.
Ouo of tho lurgcst flouring mills In
tho stato of Oregon outsldo of Port
land and by far tho largest in tho
southern part of tho state will bo
started at Klamath Fulls within n
few days when tho Martin Ilrotbers
bogln to turn their wheels for steady
All restrictions on fuol dealers and
nil prices sot by tho Fuel admlnistrn
tlon aro off Saturday, February 1.
Prices tuny fall. In tho belief of some
Portland dealers, who fear tho re
sult of tho lifting of restriction In
mld-wlntor, when fuel conditions are
most Important.
Announcement wan inado at Astoria
Saturday that within tho next CO days
tho Standard Oil company will begin
work on tho construction of its big
distributing plant on tho site pur
chased Jjy It shortly before tho war
started. Tho plant will entail an
expenditure of approximately ?200;-
In tho center of tho Irrigation devel
opment and In tho second unit of tho
Jordan valley Irrigation district of
Malheur county has arisen Iluby, a
brand-now town. Just at present tho
town Is rather small, consisting of only
two buildings ono of them for uso
of tho irrigation project, nnd tho other
a boarding-house.
Ono of tho largest shipments of bcof
cnttlo to leave Baker for boiuo tlmo
was loaded Saturday by Jenkins, Loon
grnn & Trowbridge, nnd consisted of
3C-carload8, or 930 head, of prime beef
steers for consignment to tho Chicago
market. At tho prevailing Chicago
prlco of 15 cents per pound for this
class of steers, the shipment will bring
Its owners 1GS,480.
Astoria la In tho throes of a real bar-
bora strike, ami the town Is looking
forward to slmvoless nnd shnmpooless
days. On Snturday ovonlng tho Dnr
bors' union nindo a demand that tho
shops closo at 0:30 instead of 7:30
each day. This was granted, but each
shop thou discharged ono of Us men,
which tho proprietors said was neces
sary in order to reduco expenses to
moot tho now conditions.
A bonding election for tho now
Sparta Irrlgntion project took placo
Monday and carried by a largo ma
jority, D. F. Keist, Olon Macy and
Ernest Dill wero elected dlroctors.
This election marks tho transition
of n ono tlmo f unions mining camp
from a region of desert hills to a
promising agricultural community.
Tho plan Is to reclaim 12,000 ncros
by bringing water from Englo Crcok
through tho Sparta mining ditch, and
tho estimated cost of tho project Is
50 per aero to tho laud reclaimed.
Tho Sheridan Fruit Growers' associa
tion, owners of tho Shorldnn cannory,
at its annual mooting elected tho fol
lowing directors: K. C. Miller, presi
dent; A. J. ilowloy, vlccvprosldont, II.
O. Funk, Bccrotary-troasuror; R. L.
Hskrldgo, Hoy 'QraveB. During tho
season of 1918, Hoy (iravos, oporator
of tho cannery, has paid 125,000 for
fruits nnd for labor lit caring for this
fruit nt tho cannery, $10,000, Tho totnl
output wits 3000 tons of canned goods,
representing 80 carloads. This Is tho
second year of operation of tho can
nery, mill tho fruitgrowers uro fooling
highly gratified at Its success,
The Premier Municipal Bond House
MORRIS BUILDING, 300-311 Stark St.
Government and PORTLAND, ORE. Ettabllihcd Over
Municipal Bondt Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-Five Year
Do You Want to Know
Both Sides?
Swift & Company's 1919 Year Book,
just out, tells you
What Swift & Company's profits
were in 1918,
The truth about the Federal Trade
Commission's investigation,
Why the prices of butter and eggs
are so high,
And many other vital facts.
Whether or not you agree with us after
reading this Year Book, you will at least
know both sides.
You will find it interesting; Americans like
to hear about big things done in a big way.
You will also discover that we are merely
human beings like yourself, doing in the best
possible way a necessary service.
Legislation is pending in Washington; as
a good American citizen you want to know
both sides of this question. It concerns you,
as well as one of the most important industries
in the country.
Dj not hesitate to send for a copy of this
booklet. Your name and address are all we need.
Address Swift & Company
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company, U.S.A.
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet
Try this yourself then pas
It along to others.
It works 1
Bought. Solii, Rented and Repaired
HiimnidA. eor. 10th I'ortlend Ore.
Ouch 1 ? I ? I I This kind of rough
talk will bo beard loss hero in town If
pooplo troublod with corns will follow
tho slmplu ndvlco of this Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a few drops
of a drug callod frcczono when applied
to a tondor, aching corn or hardened
callous stops soreness at ouco. and
soon tho corn or callous dries up and
lifts right off without pain.
Ho says froozono dries Immediately
and novor Inflames or oven Irritates
tho surrounding skin. A small bottlo
of froozono will cost very llttlo at any
drug storo, but will positively remove
ovory hard or soft corn or callous
from one's foot. Millions of America's
wouion will welcome this announce
mont slnco Iho Inauguration of tlir
high IiooIh. rt your druggist doesn't
lutvo froozono toll him to nrdttr n small
bottlo for youAdv
ImK rluble i (
prcfeir4rr 1
western ttucka
menu Dccmuso iney 1
urofMt nrhtT ethu "
-3 vaccines 1s.11,
fir Write ftv booklet ud o.HmnnL1.
u-oqsi pftx.Biaciutgr,ust
5(Wti Dltf.BIieiUl Pills. S4.00
Th (upcrioriir ol Cutter prelum U du. to o.rr IS
)tn ol spxUlLtinr In vaccinas andsikums
Cuttir Utwutory. Bwliely. Cillhnil.
KUD Lianarun aim
Itching with
Cuticura Ointment
Shampoo with Djticura Soap
For Coughs and Colds
tike tried nd tetf d remedr one that
net promptly" end cHrctlrcIy and contain
no opiate. You net that remedy by Mk!nK for