Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, February 06, 1919, Image 1

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Physiolan and Surgeon
Richland, :: Oregon
T" . V
Night 'pnono, onu lonf? ring on
all linos.
Pay 'phono ca) central oflipo.
Cfclct (till HIilOUiK ill All -"lie.
Alw7 III Ktnrk
riiuiiu: Two fhortH, Onu lon
Baker's Popular Hotel
Under pircct Superviafon
of The Owner
Hpuclal Itntua to Permanent Clients
frvirife Lodge No. So
Knights pf Pythias
Meet every V"itJnonltiv iiIkIiI at tlicfr
Cnstlu Hull In Klelilninl, Orunon. ' Vltiit
Imk llrotliiTH tnndu wotcomu.
II. it. MAsniusoy, o.p.
W. C It.VLUY, K. ol It. A K.
6- J)O0e-0-0
Notary Public
Olllcu, Second and Wulnut SIh.
Oppositu ClirlHtlnn Church
Notary Public
All kinds of legal blanks, op hand
Your ptftronngo solicited
Attorney at Law
Fourth Floor Sommers Building
Baker, Oregon
Hominor Bldg, Hitkor, Oregon
Bankers Mortgage Corporation
II yon want in borrow iiiimuy on imir ,o.
stock, Wliciil, Wool, or l.tborty Komi, lulk ultli
your loi'itl Imnk about our lurum ulul urvl('i,
or wrllo to im iltrurt. .... ,
Tlio par Uoviirnnd wownnt t liol ymi il
your jihrt In Uklnil euro ol tlio ruuoiritructluu
Hlilcfi In our next urea! duty
Portland - Oregon
sav66 starving p
Joseph P. McCaun was brn in
Kaglo Valley on October 5, 1899,
and made his home here until
uljoui six years affo. He enlisted
inha U. S. Navy in the fall of-
lOWfand while little is known
of his experience in the service,
it is a matter of record that he
was recently recommended for
gallantry and attention to duly
and his behavior at the time his
ship was torpedoed and Bank last
It was not known that ho was
ill until laut week when worii
came that he was in critical con
dition from the effects of pneu
monia at le Navy Hospital in
Brooklyn, N. Y. On Thursday
a message came announcing his
death, and at the request of his
mother the remains were shipped
here for burial. They arrived
here last evening and the funeral
vas Held at the Eagle Valley
cemetery this afternoon. Young
inen who hnd been mustered out
of sorvico acted as pall hearers,
Hev. Johnson made a short but
impressive address at the grave,
and a goodly numdor were pres
ent at the'services.
Thp deceased (s survived by his
mother, Mrs. Anna Smith of Rich
land; his father, Joseph McCabe
of Portland; one brother, James
McCabe of Portland; also a num
ber of half brothers and sisters
who reside in Eagle Valley,
Of Import to Bond Buyers.
We understand that a number
of our citizens have ns yet failed
to make the final pqymept and
take up the Fourth Liberty Bonds
at the Eagle Valley State Bank,
also that there is some misunder
standing in regard tq interest.
The bank adyanped money for
all bonds sold on installments, so
is entitled to nitwest on their
outlay. The bonds draw interest
from October SJ5. 1918, therefore
tho accrued interest reduces the
interest duo the bapk; i fact that
should be considered.
The last payment is now past
due and must be settled imme
diately, else tho payments al
ready made will be lost and the
bpnda will revert to tho bank.
, Misses Nellje Goodwin and Opal
Bennehoff came in from Boise
last evening; the former on ac
count of sickness at home and
tho latter on account home sick
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horr and
little son arrived last evening
from Bingham Canyon, Utah, for
a visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Herr.
Volnoy Young loft this morning
for Alaska. His father, I. N.,
accompanied him as far as Baker,
For Sale--i4xlG tent, 10-ounce,
in good condition, lncjulro of
Jdy Perkins, NcvYBridgo..-adi2p
A number of new cases of flu
have been reported the past few
A Letter From Germany.
llelow wo give extracts from a
letter received by4 Mrs. Frank J.
Buxton, it being the first word
she had get from her son for over
a year. In 19l8i the News was
sent to Jgsse by a' friend and it is
evident that he got some df the
A. R P., Franco, Dec. 28, 1918,
Headquarters Co., Gth F. A.
Pear Mother;
I am in Germany at present; it
is a nice looking country but it is
stormy and cool at present.
I saw in the paper that Meda
and Henry had got home, low
do they like thpcountry.
Well, I will try and finish my
letter. I just got back from the
show and it was pretty good for
a pick up. I had three Liberty
Bonds sent to yqu last month; if
you don't get them pretty soon
let me know.
Jesse Buxton.
To the People of Eagle Valleyi
We can have no Sunday school
yet, but we can all read the regu
lar lessons if we will, We should
do it, too.
God has ordained his word to
feed and onlightcn our souls.
You will finc the lesson for
Sunday, Febrqaty 9th, in Exodus
18:12-20, under the title "Co
operation in the Work of the
The golden text is in Gal. 6:2,
"Bear ye one another's burdens
and so fulfill the law gf Christ."
1 wish we could study this lesr
son togotherj as it has special ap
plication at this time.
Rev. J. M. Johnson,
Cajl for Bids.
Sealed bids will be received up
until 10 o'clock Feb. 22, 1919, for
cleaning tho Waterbury & Allen
Ditch from .he head of said ditch
to the end pf the pd incorpor
ation at old Bennehou; place.
Bids will also bo received at the
same time fqr building a concrete
headgate and waste tap.
Address bjds to M. A. Bennett,
Sec'y Waterbury & Allen Djtch
Co., Richland, Qregon. adt
May Be Home Soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simonis rp
ceiv.ed a letter Saturday evening
from their son Elmer in which he
stated that he was out of the
hospital and in a Casualty Co.
and for them to send him nconorp
mail as he expected to be sqnt
homo from France at any time.
Stray sorrel colt (about 2-yrst
old) broke into my feed lot a few
weeks ago, Owner my nave same
by paying foed bill and advertis
ing charges. J. It. Leo, Rich
land, Oregon. ad
Six thoroughbred Durham bullB
arrived In tho Valley this week,
four going to Walter Cundiff, qne
to Lovell Gover and ono to Walter
Saunders. The price paid was
from $250 to $350 per heaU
For Sale 10 to 20 tons of first
cutllntr alfalfa for Bale.
Ad J1l, Le, Highland,
4 I
Halfway-Baker Auto Service!
Art Inntr na tho rnnrln rnrrmir in nns::ihln onnrMttnn T umII
maintain the following schedule as closely as possible;
Will leave Halfway for Baker on Mondayp, Wednesdays.
and Fridays. Wfll leave Baker for Halfway on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays. ' 1 "
Wilj leave Richland about noon, Passepgers will please S
leave word at Richland Hotel, g
Sam Irwin,
i l , : ; j
Lctst Cctll
Portland Telegram an$
Eagle Valley News both
Your check must reach us by Feb. 10th
Some weeks agq we promised
to print a summary of the en
gineering work dqne qn the Spar
ta irrigation project, but the flu
epidemio necessitated a revision
of nearly all our plans.
The success of the project will
benefit Eagle Valley in' various
ways, and we believe the follow
ing communication to be of inter
est to all pur readers.
La Gpjmlo, Oregon.
Koveuibcr 30, 191.
Mr. B. 1 Keist,
Sec.-Trens. Sparta IrrigntiQU Projoct,
SSiwrta, Oregon.
Dear Sir:'
In compliance with your request ol
recent (lute 1 hand you herewith a sum
ihary of tho engineering work whicl
hna been accomplished to dnte towarc
tho organization of the Sparta Irriga
tion District. Tho work was under
taken with a view of, 1 establishing
tlio feasibility of tho project, and 2
of advising tho peoplo ns to tho npproxi
mnto cost per aero before tho election
which will bo ordered nt tho noxt regu
lar term of tho County Court. It w.
first undertaken by Mr. k. R. Stock
man, and then taken up by myself abou
the middle of October. Mr. Stockman 'i
work consisted of, 1 tho inspection ol
tho Sparta Ditoh from tho Lilly White
Mino to tho head; 2 an examination
of tho Lilly AYljlto resorvoir site; 3 an
examination of tho Wyatt reaorvoir
site; 4 an oxnmination and survey of
tho Sawmill Gulch reservoir sito; nnd
0 an examination of nnd prelimary sur
voy of tho country botweon Fourtoon
Milo Cabin and tho Lilly Whito mine,
tho purposo of which wns to locato a
shorter routo nnd avoid tlio heavy con
struction and flumes on tho present lino
from tho Fourteen-Mile Cttbln to tho
Lilly White divide. This lino involves
tho construction of n tunnol and a
shorter and easier constructed dlteb.
Mr. Stockman's notes and dnta have
been turned over to mo and I have
endeavored to tako up tho work where
ho left off, avoiding as much duplica
tion us possible.
After making myself familiar with
the project It nppeurs to me that there
ro throe routes by which water eoold
be diverted en (e the Uid of the yio-
$2.00 A YEAR
jeet. The first by a direct onlargcmenj
of tho Sparta Ditch, the second by an
enlargement of tjio Sparta Ditfih from
head to Fourteen-Mile; Cabin thence
by tunnel and now dith tp Lilly White
mine, thence following the old ditch
Uno to Sparta, and third, by enlarge
ment of the Hog 'Em Ditch, turning
water over divide Into Dart Canyon
md thence' by feeder into Sparta Ditch
acar Lilly Wnito, thence following saniq
routo as number two to Sparta1. Alj
if the above may be supplemented by
jtorage, though it is . eonsidered that
lumbers ony and two may be feasible,
vithout storage, since there is sufficient
unappropriated water from Mnin Eagle,
o givo a water right about equal tq
'hose of North Powder River, which,
"iy tho way, are generally considered
mong tho most valuable in the state'.
Storage is essential to route number
wo, sinco a part of tho flood water of
Vest Eagle is already appropriated; a
ugh line feeder from this route fronj
'Iain Eaglo. was suggested and found
'ot practicable, but an excellent storage
cscrvoir whs found at West Eagle,
neadows. This sito has been filei on,
nit under tho terms of the permit tho
ight has lapsed, and it seems probablo,
hat tho site may bo obtained through n
ufficicnt showing by responsible and
)ona fido impropriators.
1 havo mado an examination of all thq
bovo desoribed plana of reclnmattou
nd havo obtained sufficient data tq
inko a preliminary cstimato of the cost
f each. Sinco this data Includes the
measurement and classification of tha
mnterinls to be excavated, together with
a careful examination of all available
records of water supply, It necessarily
involves considerable computation and
office work. I nm now working on tlia
end and will provide you with n de,
tnilod roport in accordance with ou
ngreement, at an early date.
Yours truly,
The following directors for tho
ensuing year were elected at tho
annual meeting of tho Water
bury & Allen Ditch Co. held in
Richland last Saturday: D. W.
Jones, J. D. Bennehoff, M. A.
Bennett, Martin Olson and D. W
Onionp, mlnco meat, mustard
pickles, and lota of good "cats",
at Saundert Bro'fl. ad