MlCKIE SAVs 'fUU VJNOS GUN WHO tlR.GG"ZG5 tN UNO VSA.NOS fHB BOOG UMB OF CHATTER, 'QOU-f H6 1UZHBGG 'N VVHfVf N UOTtN IVONJGR--V0HCr Vitt'O OOtN DO , PKV. 'ROUND fHt6 OPtMCe "ffU. 'BOUt COhJlRtvCftK y -ma ncnr don't gnum gt n pwec, Two-avf .ocm OUTfk A NO VAOUEV ONNQ TWB 0O38S roooooooooooooooooofetfn . LOCALS VhWoooooooooMoooooooo I LambiuK lias commonccd. , Gut a Hutlerick Spring Quar terly at Saunders Iho's. ad 4Mrfl. Hoy Loop and family re liDvod to Halfway this week. Druggist Fisher spent Wednes day with his family in Halfway. George Densley has sold his jasulenco in linker and moved to Portland, , KOUNl)--Tvo heavy haltors. Owner call at this oflicc and pay for this adv. For SaleMxlG icnt, 10-ounce, in good condition. I iifjtiit'c of jay Perkins, Now Uridire.--adl2p Al Harbor, Walter Jones iyid Ira Bradford havo reached Camp Levis and are expected home uny day. . Mr. and Mrs. Grovcr Craig worn called to Portland this week by the illness 01 the latter'! brother. , Mrs. Thos. Harmon and child rcn arrived last week from Sen Unci Htitte, N. D and is visit ing- at the home of Geo. Graven . Bleadon Ashby arrived home Saturday, having been mustered out of service. lie had been sta tioned at Newport, Ore., in the spruce division. Our Whito Goods Said will start Monday, Feb. Wo will offer bur entire dno of white goods for your approvah ad G. & W: Chandler. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunders hre now located at 305 West 10th Street, Cheyenne, Wyo. The News has been ordered sent to their address so they may be kept posted on homo happenings. Private Harry E. Masdn, Co. C, 12th Inf., was coiled home1 from Norfolk, Vn.r, by the death of his mother. He arrived here Friday ovoning and was.' shortly afterwards taken down with the influenza. Mrs. H. It. Mastersorl and sis tor, Miss Goldio SuIIivun, hrtvo returned from Boise whore they Went some time ago to attend their sister, Mrs. F. B. Cross, and farrfily who were oil ill with infill jbnswii tttjd were themselves taken, down with the disease, ; 4 OUTfk A NO VAOUEV , J Kd I'j. Cntca was a Baker vis- itor last week. Mrs. Grbver Craig returned Saturday from a visit at Baker, i Joe May and wife of Srrnrta! are convalescing after ii niego of flu. For Sale-Six head of fat cattle fivo good steers and one cow. G. W. Martin. -lid Now shipment of shoos for men, children and laoies, just in at Saunders Bro's. ad A bill has been introduced in the legislature prohibiting teach ing the German language in the pujilic schools of Oregon. Morrie Long, who lias been working for the Blumaucr & Frank Drug Co. at Portland, ar rived Friday for a visit in Ragle Valley. Miss Ada Martin, who has been employed in tho railway offices al Wallace, Ida., has returned home to recuperate after a tussle with the flu. Waller S. Saunders arrived homo Monday ee from leaker where he had been confined in tho. hospital with influenza and pneumonia. Mr. apd Mrs. H. C. Maclt have returned from Hormiaton where they were called by tho illness of Mr. Mack's parents, whom we are told succumed. Spring Goods arriving every lay. Nev prints, ginghams, per cales, voils, also house and wash dresses for women, misses and children. E. & W. Chandler.-ad Mrs. J. C. Bowen, who is spend- inc. the winter at Salem where tho children are attending school, has accepted a clerkship in thy, state senate tendered by Senator Wood of Washington county. During Hev J. M. Johnson's illness lie received word of tho death of his youngest brother at Drumright, Okia. Tho deceased was just past 30 years of age and passed away on Jan. 7th of influ enza. Fred P. Thompson received ids discharge, from U. S. service jast week and Is visiting his sifctcr near Portland whoiehis wife and baby have been since Xmas. They will toon be back at homo in Eagle Valley. Word has reach here that Pvt. Claude It. Decker was wounded in the left leg on Oct. 12th. That tho wound was not serious is proven by the fact that hd w.aj back ,on tho battle front before tho armistice was signed. Ho is now in' Co. H, HOtli Inf., 28th Division, which is a part of the Army of Occupation in Germany. Ladies' georgette Waists in new colors and style's, .also children's spring hats. Saunders Bro's.-ad THK NKW WKST MXtiAANH "llnllJIne Th Wt ' Kittlil ilinl 1010 - Tor tli dylopmcnt of VWttrrn In lmtrln, crlcultur, mlnincv oil, nd' ctnld attrattltfna. lit Int.rW In the W.tjrn Invwtot-, furmtr ami Ixlititir. l'rlntnl on hlih irrcl paper with copper half-tone illustration,. Year. U i copr. I0cv Sami'l", 10c 3 back num btri for "tic, Kcml now, Th Nw Weit Maaa tins. 1211 Walker lUnk Ill.ln., Rait I.V City, lltalii JOOi While Hl.lf, Seattle. Wah. ! 790 Woodward Ave, Detroit, Mich. AJJrcm ncari lit office, or place jour lubicrlptlorl througH inn neitiuauai. Friends of the News who have occasion td publish legal adver tisements in settlement of estates or other probuto mattors or in cases in tho district court will do this paper a favor by directing their attorney or the county of ficial having such matters, in charge'ta have such' publication made in The Eagle Valley News. v' .',!'' ' Want llic News, Cnum UV) Jnn, ,3; mSi Mr. c, k, Thorp, itichhmd, Ore. Do"r 8,r wwio viiting onb of the oyt in tlio nrtillory thin ovoning wo fun ncronK nn Eiifjlo Vnlloy tiowt. It wriH go iiitercBtrtiK Hint C. V Mncy and I Imvo decided to pool Stakes and sub ne'rlho for It for a period of thrco iiioiitl tlmt Ii nil wo can "tnnd until )my dny. Tho 310th Field Artillery, of which Al Harbor, Walter .Tone" and Ira Urnd ford ii ro member, Is cxpeotod to nr rlvo In Cninp I.owiit thin week or early noxt week. Wo will cortnlnly bo K'd to boo tho boy n(;nln. Hornnrd Orceno will leave for home Bntnrdny; will rccolvo his diechnrgo I lion. Lucky boy! An nrdor Iidh been received to di chnr((0 CO por cont of tho men in this camp, Most of tho mon affected by order are cither, mnrrlcd fit havo do pnitdcnt rcintlvo. An neither Mncy nor mynclf nro married nnd no one 1b dopendlrif; on us (if tlioy were they would bo oiit of luck) wo will havo to toy nnd lock up tho houso after every ono olno in gone. Sorry to hear of nil tho fdeknees down thore. Torriblo, Isn't It f Tho flu lms rjlmoet run iti course hero It seems only thrco deaths out of 31,000 mon !nt wook. Uet tho paper started this way as soon oh ponsiblu. With boat wishes to all. M. A. HOUSTON, C. F. JfACV. JIIbc. Detach Q. M C. a Words of Thanks. We oxtend to tho people of Englc Valley our heartfelt thanks for their kind assistance during the illness nnd burial of our bo le ved wife and mother. Carl C. Mason and children. To the kind people of tho com munity who so generously.assist ed during the late illness and burial of our beloved wife and mother, Mrs. Josephine Howell, we extend our sincere thanks. GhnsV. Howell. William W. Howell, Mrs. Jns. II. Schultz, Orln J. Ho vel!. I desire to thus express my sincere thanks and heartfelt gra titude to the people o,f tho com munity in general, and knights of Pythias in particular; for their kind acts, their . words of syrti pathy, and the many florfil offer ings, at the death, and burial of my husband, Daniel V. Gover. Mrs. Churbery Gover. I desire to express rhy sincere thanks and appreciation for, the tender care bestowed upon my son, Chas. O. Clark, during his recent lllnesd and death, as well Us for the kindness .shown me. Mrs. L. B. Gatewood. We desire to thank the kind friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us during tho sickness ano burial of our. beloved husband and father. Mrs; M. L. Allen and family. ' ft 4 LATE WAR AREA AN EERIE PLACE Strange Quiet Nov nests Over Land Torn by Shot and Shell. TRAVELER AGAIN IS WELCOME Plain Vcfletablee and .Certain Meats, Even Choice Wines, Again Are Plentiful Friendly LlQhts Seen at Night. Behind the. Lines lri France. This land of recent buttled Is a queer hind now. Over the shell-torn villages nnd blnstcd woods, the pitted fields nnd ruin of all that once was Is a strange quiet. The winter sky Is lacking In uirplunes und great flocks of crows Imvo tuken their place. A few villagers have crept back to see what remains of their homes and holdings, but probubly the winter will have passed before reclamation nud reconstruction are undertaken on a large scale. Along the roads repaired nnd rc brldgcd for tho allies' advance Into German territory long camion trains move slowly nud always southward. They travel leisurely vow, for the need of hurry Is gone. Thoy bring back the salvage of battlefields, all tho things that go to make war, abandoned or captured. Endlecs Trophies of War. Truck load after truck load of rifles and shells, of water bottles and haver sacks, cartridges, machine guns, bayo nets nnd trench knives nnd pistols, niefcs kits; overcoats, caps, an endless catulogue Of paraphernalia arc brought In. The battle zone is still full of It all, In heaps and racks, waiting sal vuge. Now and then come trains of air plane camions burdened with disman tled flying machines of every type and ovcry nntlon, engine and fuselage nnd running gear on the truck und the great wings on Its specially designed trailer. Some of them are unharmed, but many show bullet holes through the frail fabric or the ruins of a crash. A fair proportion of them bear the Maltese cross that marks them bochc. There nre trains of captured enemy artillery, particularly of motor bat teries, driven nnd manned by French men, and these nrc happy outfits. Often the guns arc decorated with evergreens nnd always the French sol diers laugh und wnvo a greeting. As they creep through the villages the populace flocks, out to .view the can non that for four years gent death and devastation to their land, and tho children clamber on the carriages and out on the grim barrels. But It is the troops on the way back that are most Interesting, returning to rest areas or to their ports of em barkation for home. French or Amer ican, their behavior is the same. Al ways they. greet everyone cheerily or boisterously anil always tho French officers salute with n smile wheu they meet nu American caf, while the men wave nnd shout : "I.n guerre est tints I" or n similar greeting; Even the Chil dren cry "Finis! Finis 1" to the pass ing car. Travelers .Are Welcomed. Strangest of nil are tho lights at night In the; Jiniulets mul villages, or shining frleiidllly from the Isolated furmhpuse," lit regions further back. For so long Fruhco seemed n deserted land to the traveler by night. Hour after hour the press correspondent has traveled nt night without a glim mer' to bo seen In the countryside, and noW from every lilli nud vale tho chedry wlullbxvs bhlucnnd tho villages nrc ablaze,' The papers devoto col umns to did Illumination of l'nrls, but It Is-here In the remote ltnrt of Frnncd where war has beett thut lights at night ,secm -most wonderful, even If they hre ' but candle or little lamp, Whero oiico camions or staff cars loomed, llghtloss In, the., roads to the imminent 'thront oC.colHs'o.n., unit often Its accomplishment, the brilliant head lights sta the night. . ' Therd lh ovcrr .village how tho trav eling stranger' ctfrl obtain fool!',' nbt In vnrlety, perhalis, but onbugh nud very hospltablyM'-Hid'tleprdclitorr po lite und nccesstfry refusal to requests for refreshments that Usually were re ceived In little holcts or single fanai tiua ilyen. wnyifd A cheerful offering of whai-ihw-U, lor tbt farmern . knoy tib tlint tiio fipccter of n winter of; short rntlonn lms disappeared, Thq 'rationing of certain foodstuff) Is still In effect. Bread tickets nrc necessary In public eating places, no matter how. unpretentious; butter and milk nro el (lpm to be bad and cheese Is scarce' but of plain vegetables and certain meats there Is plenty, nnd the light red and white wines of the country arc forthcoming when demanded. . At this season tirc Is game In the stnnll town markets, hares and rabr bits, venison, red-legged partridges and. tho large French quail and wild boarj It is high, but not so high as It always Is tit home. Common LaW Wife Wins. St. Louis. Mrs. Catherine ClnrkJ who testified she was the common law wlfo of Walter L. Clark, Frisco' hi 11 road swltcJimnti who was knocked from tin engine nnd killed at the Chotcnu avenue viaduct April 1, 1017J has Just been given a verdict of $1C,-j 000 by a Jury in circuit court. She sued for $20,000. HAD MIGHTY WEAPON Big Ship Is Sunk by "Phantom Torpedo." British War Secret of Discharging Mis. slice From Airplanes Is . Disclosed. " j London. "Phantom torpedoes" from, the clouds sank a Turkish ship carry ing 3,000 troops, just before the end of hostilities. Only the armistice pre; vented other aerial "phantoms" from operating effecHrely against the Geri man warships In the Kiel Canal and other German navy shelters. . These hydroplanes discharging tor pedoes above the water have been the great secret of the Brtlsh navy during the closing month of the war; Scientific officers of this branch of the navy agree thnt these mysterious planes are designed to accomplish from tho air more effectively and more swiftly what the torpedoes from submarines can achieve. An armored ship carrying twenty of these machines met the German sur rendered fleet nt sea ready for nctlon In case the Germans should attempt some eleventh-hour trickery. These nmnzlng plnnes ascend 'from land or deck, climb thousands of feet for n sudden dive from the clouds at' n speed of 150 miles an hour, straight en out fifty feet above the sea and discharge a torpedo direct at the enc my ship. Then they disappear Into the clouds as suddenly as they an-' pcared, and so swiftly that the cnem craft has no chance of training its guns or machine guns on It. ITow tho difficulty of discharging a torpedo iu the air Is overcome is a naval secret It Is "kriow'n that se rlous accidents marked tho experi mental tests with these wonderful ma chines. THE GIRL HE LEFT BEHIND The gltf'llp left bclilBd hlb; Ameri can Womuhhobd, fexpresscs the thought I bf a grcal'satfoh of women In the tvbrusj "Ttiknk you, Yank." With arid . taMrclthg his n,eck, eyes dimmed witty pyous tears, elio presses her lips t6 bis cheek la fervor and feeling, be- , stowing d kiss of gratitude oh the bdj Whose glorious deeds on the batllefleliJ ' dQi.the'1cOmmn tafwy fertevAXaerl- lMd m P to lire Ib.