1 ' V Straight Truthful, Direct C E Thorp Entered as second clas3 '.natter Dec. 12) 1912 at the post oilice at , iticlilaiid Oregon, under act of March 8, 1879. Membor Oregon State SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 SIX MONTHS - - .50 SAMPLE COPY pNE YEAR - - THREE MONTHS - RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY. JAN. .30, 1919. Vol. 7, No. 11 AWAY WITH MONEY ! Japanese Idea of a Paradise of Peace. . Claim Made That Complete Abolition of. "Filthy Lucre" Would Promote Equality In Public Life of Man . kind Ticket System Urged. We will make here a suggestion which furnishes us n method to pre vent the appearance of the rich, ami avert the consequent result of the dif ference between rich and poor. The suggestion consists of the entire dis use of the money over the world, In order to give the struggle for exist ence a check, to- make awny with the iluTorence of rich nnd poor, nnd thus o promote 'pence nud 'equality In the public-life of mankind. J It 13 through the medium of the money that wealth Is accumulated, anil )he accumulation entails the difference of rich and poor, with Its resultant struggle for existence. This state of things Is most undesir able. The end of mnnklnd Is not to be proud of Individual talent or ability, but to co-enjoy the peace of the world, Just as In a family, and any cause which brings about any Inequality In public life must be radically elim inated. It Is for this reason that we dare to suggest the disuse of the money to prevent the difference of rich and poor. What crafty fellow ever produced 'the money for use In human life? Of course, nationalization of various val uables, such as gold, silver, Jewels, etc.. .shall be Implied In the disuse of the jnoney and their ownership by Individ uals be prohibited. Such valuables retain their values only when they nre used as a means of Inequality, but wll he nothing more than those pebbles on .the road when equality Is to be preva lent. They may have some value In giving us h good feeling on account of their elegance, then they may be used, under public ownership, for the jdecorntlon of shrines, temples, jchurches, halls, and many other like buildings to the common pleasuro of ,tho public at large. . Most complicated troubles may arise irom the adjustment of properties .after the enforcement of the disuse of the, money. With the proposed sug gestion mines, railroads, ships, electric nd gas plants, waterworks, and many flther properties essential to the com mon Interest of u nation shall be trans ferred to the national ownership, not to ay of the nationalization of lond, .and they shall be equally compensated for, as for the confiscation of money and several bonds, with a kind of reg istration bond nowly issued for the purpose, which should have the char, acfnrlstlc of temporary transitional .means until an Improved feature rarkes Its appearance in a new so ciety. ', Jn other regards Individuals may be permitted to retain their own property, peonal and real, nnd nialntaln their pn 'cfislons or occupations. Transac tion shall bo carried on by the ex ,.ch nge of kind In kind, or barter, lv ns barter Is too Inconvenient to bo enforced, a ticket system may be taken iot w remedy of tills, defeat. As has bet o stated, our Ideal disuse of the inc y docs hot admit any nccunjula ,)lo ' of wealth, and so the tickets shall $e ,f'rn each a certain period of. time, aj in, 20, ,30 years' or more, during tih' h they can be. In use, nnd after '(fJtl "' 'UeIr,.cIrculatlon ceaseg,, .., jv n this Is accomplished, there r no more CfltnplaJnU, do morji VnUoii NpiikW USE WHALE MILK Editor Editorml Association ,1.00 FREE How's This? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any ense of Cntnrrh that cannot bo cured by Haifa Catnrrh Medicine, Hni' i Catnrrli Medicine hnn-been taken by catarrh suITercr for the past thirty uvo years, and has becumo known as tho most reliable romedy for Catarrl.. Hall's Catarrh Medicine nets thru the ttlood on t'.ie Mucous surfaces, expelling tho Pol--on from the Dlood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh '' ine for a. short time you will see a ,r.at Improvement In your Roneral health. 8tnrt taklnrr Hall's Catarrh Medl cine at once nnd cet.rld of catarrh Send 'or testimonials.' tree. ' F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. tTTssnWfiictlo'h's, no Ttiott! contradic tions, and no more misunderstandings, and the world will ho reorganized Into a paradise of ponce. Seljlro Dawn shlmn In Dal Nippon. Not Too Tired to Fight Among the cheering anecdotes Eliza beth Shepley Sergeant reports In nn article on the present French-Anicrl-can offensive, none raise more san guine hopes of allied victory thnn this: Somewhat over a month ago n French general encountered nn Amer ican colonel of Infantry below Chntcnu Thierry. "How long have your men been on the march?" asked the general. "Thirty-six hours." "Then of course they nro too tired to go In." "Not at nil they'll go right In." "Can you stop the Germans?" "Certainly we can stop them." It was thus that an American Iri fantry regiment and five batteries of artillery were thrown straight across tho road from Metis to Pnrls. The Germans not only did not advance one step farther along that road ; they were Immediately driven back by tho Americans nnd their re-enforcements at Bourcsches, at Chateau-Thierry, nnd the Bols do Bellenu. Detroit News. Women In the Ranks. Two women fighters are In tho Serbian hrmy, Sergennt-Mnjor Flora Sandes, a Scottish woman, nnd Mil ukn Savic, a Serbian girl. Miss Sandes was severely wounded some time since, being struck by more than 50 frag ments from n Bulgarian, hand grenade. She recelyed a decoration. The Serbian girl lias been wounded several times. She was awarded the gold medal for valor, and wns made n Knight of the French Legion of Honor. Naturally. "The m'nrtlnl bands are brave who go Into battle playing to inspire the men." "Of course. It Is their business to face the music" NEGRO IS FATHER OF FORTY Had Elflhteen.ChlldreoJiy First Wife, None by Second and Twenty. Two by the Third. St. Louis. n. B. Banks, & negro, who lives In Benton, St. Louis county, says he 15 the father of 40!chlldrcn. Banks asserts tliut nil his "babies" nre nlly.e. He .pnys lie has six sons In France. , Banks , was discovered In Division No. 5 til tho circuit court) where ho wos a plaintiff, In un action ngulnst the Clover Leaf Cusualty company, seeking Judgment of $500 for ulleged personal Injuries suffered vlile em ployed ul a steel plant. "I've been married three times," Banks tuld. "By my first wife I hud 18 children. She's dead. Jty second wife had no children, r divorced her. t bad 22 children by my third wle." Possible Solution Seen of Problem in Oregon. Veterinary Says Milk Whale Can Bo Domesticated and Pacific Ocean Would tie Farm. Snlem, Ore. Whalo inllk tnny some tiny settle tho question ot antlk supply for Oregon, according to Slate Veter inarian Lytle, who Is cullrcly serious In tho mutter. "The milk shortage." said Mr. Lytle, '.'may bo swatted soino day by domes tlcntliig tllu whale. With tho whole Pacific ocean as a farm tho donicsll cntcil whale would put tho Oregon dairy business on n mammoth scale. Whales nro mammals, each of which furnishes about a barrel of milk nt it milking, nnd while at present they nro n little too shy to bo exactly classed ns easy milkers, somu duythey will bo domesticated." .Dqctpr Lytle suggests plnclng n sheep or two on every lawn In Oregon ns a more Immediate menus of curing the mill: nnd wool shortage. "A good sheep of long or medium wool will give as much milk ns u $75 milch goat, nud It Is the finest obtain able for Infants. In addition, from $0 to ?S worth of wool can be ob tained. If the lamb Is raised, $10 can be obtained for U nt three month, hut, of course, If the milk Is wanted the lamb must be sacrificed." SIR DYCE DUCKWORTH Sir Dyco Duckworth, one 6t the best known of England's prominent physi cians, served on the naval medicine consulting board. He IS nctlvo nnd honorary member of hlany of tho world's most famous medical socie ties. He sacrificed thousands of pounds yearly practice by devoting much of his time to the affairs of tho board. COAL COMING FROM ALASKA Railroads Planned for: Development of Big Fields In the Far North. Seattle, Wash. Development of tho boal resources In Alaska which have been locked up through federal laws has been greater In 1018 than In all previous years combined, according to hdvlces received by tho Seattle cham ber nf rnmmerco. "duo to the construc tion at the government railway. . xne iirsi snipniem ui uu cite coal to reach tidewater wns de livered nt Cordova October 24. An (other shipment of 100 tons Is now en route to Seattle. Tho Alaska anthrn clto railway has been completed from tidewater on Bering river to tho coal mines of tho Alaska Petroleum and Coal company, 2i miles. ., It If) planned to extend this railroad eight miles from Its, present tidewater 'terminus to deep, water on Oknlco channel, pontroljc'r My, "where coal can be dlscbrirgetl direct from thd curs to ocean cqrrl.erg., 4 By saving and sharing America kopt the world .together during the war cri sis..., ny'sarlnfe and sh'krlHtr America will help to bring the Dealing ot na tion. 1 a. This store is headquarters for Lambing Camp Supplies You will find our stock complete t 3 ! and our SAUNDERS BRQ'S. '7t takes Quality to fy mafce a real bargain, says xmy the. banker "Thissmnll chew of Real Gravely gives more real tobacco satisfaction than a big chewof ordinary plug. It tastes better nnd lasts longer.1' Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. ( 1'iibltfltcr.) Department of tbo Interior, U, 8. Land Office nt La Urarulo, Oregon, Jan. 13, 1010. Notice is hereby given Hint William A. SisHon, of llichluml, Ore., who, on April 7, 1011, mudo ild. 11. No. 013071, for 8U 1-1 810 !, Bee. 1M, NK 1-1 S'K I I 8cc.-25, Til. 0; 8., It. 13 E. W. M.., and lots 3 and Sec. 10, Tp. 0, S., I!. -I I E. nnd on April 28, 1011, made Ad. lid. E. No, 013S117, for SW 1-1 SM 1 -J, Hoc. , Tp. 0 8., It. -13 E. NB 1-1 NW 1-4, lot 1 and 2, ijec. 30 Tp.. 0 8., It. 11 E. W. M., has filed notico of in tention to mako three-year proof, to es tablish claim to tho land aliovo describ ed, before Woodnon I,. Patterson, Uni ted States CommiMioncr, at tii office, at Baker, Oregon, on tho lOtli day of March, 1010, Claimant names ail witnesses: Jcsso Sinclair, Thomas O. Welch, Woaloy Goodman and Arthur Mills, all oi liicliland, Ore. C. 8. DUNN, Hcgistor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ; (I'liblleiicr.) Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Offico at La O run do, Oregon, Jan, 13, 1010, Notico is hereby !vonthat Miitlades SpiropouloB, of Homo,, Oregon, who, Oil October 2, 1011, made lid, E, Noi 013781, for BE 1-1 NE 1-4, N i-2 BE 1-4, SE 1-4 8E 1-4,' Bee. 2l; and on May 16, 1010, made Adi lid, E. No, 014834, foil nrices right 8 u , . Good tnstc, smaller chcw.Iongcr life is what makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Write to; Gknuink Gkavp.i.y UANVILMl, VA. far hoallil on die win t ftuii SW I I NK 11, 81-1 I I 8W 1-1, SW I t HE 1 , Sec. 21, and NW 1-1 NE 1-1, Sec. 2S, all In Tp. 11 is., II, 15 K. , M., litis filed notice of intention to make throe-year proof, to cslnblish claim to the land above dcHcrlbcd, Imforo A. I), Combs, Jr., Clorlc of County Court, at Baker, Ore., on tho 11th day of March, 1010. Claimant nnmos us witnesses: Ot'or;o SpiroploH, Joint DamaN, Clirlfl Coloiimti,: and Wm, L. KIrhy, all of Home, Orefjon. O. 8. DUNN, lU'KlHtcr. o I know of a man who wants to rent a ranch in Eagle Valleyi if you are looking for a good tenant let me know at onCei C E. mm