Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, January 30, 1919, Image 2

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    Carolyn of the Comers
Synopsis. Iler father and mother reported lost nt sen when the
Dunrnven. on which they had sailed for Kurope, was sunk. Carolyn
May Cameron Uannn's Car'lyn Is sent from Nuw York to her bneh
elor uncle, Joseph Stagg, nt the Coiners. Tlio reception given her by
her uncle Is not very enthusiastic. Carolyn Is nlso chilled by tho stern
demeanor of Aunty Hose. Uncle Joo's housekeeper. Stags Is dismayed
when he learns from n lawyer friend of his brother-in-law that Cnrolyn
has been left practically penniless and consigned to his enru as guardlnu.
Ctirolyn learns of tho estrangement between her undo mid his ono-ttmo
sweetheart, Amanda Parlow, nnd the cause of tho bitterness between
the two families. Prince, tho mongrel dog Hint Carolyn brought with
her, and tho boon companion of tho loneeomo girl. Is In disfavor with
Uncle Joe, who threatens to dispose of him, but l'rlnco becomes a hero
and wins the approval of tho Corners by routing a tramp In tho net of
robbing the schoolteacher.
A Sunday Walk.
Iteally If Prlnco had been a vain
dog his ego would certainly have be
come unduly developed because of this
Incident. Tho Corners, as a commu
nity, voted him nn ncqulsltlon, whereas
heretofore he hnd been looked upon as
a good deal of a nuisance.
After she recovered from her fright
Miss Minnie wnlked homo with Caro
lyn May and allowed Prince's delight
ed little mistress to encourage tho
"hero" to ;'shnko hands with teacher."
"Now, you seo, he's acquainted with
you. Miss Minnie," said Carolyn Mny.
"He's nn awful nlco dog.. You didn't
.know Just how nice he "was before."
Almost everybody went to church
nnd nil the children to Sunday school,
which was held first.
, The Itev. Afton Drlggs, though serl-ous-mlnded.
was a loving mnn. He
was fond of children nnd he nnd his
hlldJess wife gave much of their at
tention to the Sunday school. Mrs.
;Driggs taught Carolyn May's class of
little girls. Mrs. Drlggs did her very
best, too, to get the children to stny
to the preaching service, but Cnrolyn
Iny hnd to confess that the pastor's
discourses were usually hard to under
stand. "And he Is always rending nbout the
'Begats.' " sho complained gently to
Uncle Joe as they went homo together
on this particular Sunday, "nnd I
can't keep Interested when ho does
thnt. I s'posc tho 'Begats' were very
nlco people, but I'm sure they weren't
related to us they've all got such
funny rjamcs."
"Ilum!" ejaculated Uncle Joe.
smothering a desire to laugh. "Flow
gently, sweet Aftnn. does select his
passages of Scripture mostly from tho
vnlleys of dry bones,' I allow. You've
got It' about right there. Carolyn May."
"Uncle Joe," said the little girl, tnk
Ing her courage In both hands, "will
you do something for mo?" Then, ns
ho stared down nt her from under his
bushy brows, she added: "I don't mean
thnt you nrcn't nlwnys doing some
thing for me letting mo sleep hero nt
your house nnd ent with you nnd nil
thnt But something speclnl."
"Whnt Is the 'something special?'"
asked Mr. Stagg cautiously.
"Something I want you to do to
day. You always go off to your store
after dinner and when you come homo
It's too dark."
"Too dark for what?"
"For us to take a walk," said tho
little girl very earnestly. "Oh, Uncle
Joe, you don't know how dreadful I
miss taking Sunday walks with my
papal Of course wo took 'cm In tho
morning, for he had to go to work
on tho paper In the afternoon, but wo
did Just nbout go everywhere. If you
would go with me," the llttlo girl
added- wistfully, "Just this nfternoon,
seems to me I wouldn't feel so so
"Humph ! ' snld Undo Joe, clearing
lils throat. "If it's going to do you
any particular good, Car'lyn May, I
suppose I can take n walk with you."
It was a crisp day ono of those au
tumn days when the tang of frost re
mains In the nlr, In spite of nil tho
efforts of tho sun to warm It
Here and there they stopped to pick
up tho glossy brown chestnuts thnt
hnd burst from their burrs. That Is,
Cnrolyn May and her undo did. l'rlnco,
nftor n slnglo attempt to noso ono of
tho prickly burrs, left them strictly
"You might Just as well try to cat
Aunty Hose's strawberry nocdlo cush
ion, Prlnroy," tho : llttlo girl said
w:fSly. 'JYoti'll havo n, sorer noso thun
Alljoj Iforllett had whon lio tried lo
Wo H down wiiU n wood nisp."
"MUHli" cjuculntod Mr. Hlngg,
"whniWST vanmnnM Hint Hiirtlult
Mid to dp gucli u fool trick?"
I "Why, you know his noso Is awfully
uig, sum .nroiyn amy. "Ann Ms
mother Is always worried about It. Sho
must have worried Amos, too, for ono
day last week ho went over to Mr.
Parlow's shop, borrowed a wood rasp
and tried to fllo his noso down to a
proper slso. And now ho hns to go
with his noso all greased and shiny
till the new skin grows bnck on It."
"Bless me, whnt these k!ds will dol"
muttered Mr. Stagg.
It was Just at that moment that tho
little girl and the mnn. becomlug really
good comrades on this wulk. met with
an adventure. At least to Carolyn
May It was a real adventure nnd ono
she was not to forget for a long, long
Prlnco suddenly bounded nway,
barking, down n pleasant glndo,
through tho bottom of which flowed n
brook. Cnrolyn Mny caught a gllmpso
of something brown moving down
there nnd she cnlled shrilly to tho dog
to como bnck.
"But Hint's somebody. Undo Joe,"
Cnrolyn Mny snld with nssurnnce, ns
tho dog slowly returned. "Prlnco
nover barks like that unles It's n per
son. And I saw something move."
"Somebody taking a walk, like Us.
Couldn't ho n deer," said Mr. Stagg.
"Oh," cried Carolyn May later, "I
seo It again. That's a skirt 1 sec.
Why. It's a lady 1"
Mr. Stagg suddenly grew very stern
looking, as well as silent. All the
beauty of the day and of tho glndo
they had entered seemed lost on htm.
He went on stubbornly, yet as though
loath to proceed.
"Why," murmured Carolyn May. "It's
Miss Amanda Parlow I That's who It
Is I" '
The carpenter's daughter was sit
ting on a bare brown log by the brook.
She wns dressed very prettily, nil In
Cnrolyn Mny wanted r.wfnlly to
speak to Miss Amnnda. The brown
lady with the pretty roses In her
cheeks sat on a log by the brook, her
face turned from tho path Joseph
Stagg and his little niece wero coming
And Uncle Joe wns quite stubborn.
Ho stared straight ahead down tho
path without letting thcMlguro on tho
log get Into the focus of his vision.
Hanging to Uncle Joe's hand but
looking longingly at the silent flguro
on the log, Curolyn Mny wns going
down to the stepping stones by which
they were to cross tho brook, when
suddenly Prlnco came to a halt right
at the upper end of the log nnd his
body stiffened.
"What Is It, Prince?" whispered his
llttlo mistress. "Como here."
But tho dog did not move. Ho even
growled not nt Miss Amanda, of
course, but at something on tho log.
And It was Just then that Carolyn
May wanted to scream and sho could
not I
For there on tho log, raising Its flat,
wicked head out of an aperture, was
a snake, a horrid, silent, writhing
creature, tho look of which held the
llttlo girl horror-stricken rnd speech
less. Uncle Joe glanced down Impatiently,
to seo what mado her hold back so,
Tho chlM's feet seemed glued to tho
earth. Sho could uot take another
Writhing out of tho holo In tho log
nnd colling, ns It did so, Into nn nttl
tudo to strike, tho snnko looked to bo
dangerous Indeed. Tho fact that It
was only a largo blncksnnko and non
poisonous mado no dlfferenco at that
moment to tho dog or to tlio little
girl nor to Joserh Btnt'i; when ho
saw It.
II wiiU colled right at MIns Amanda's
back. Sho did not sou It, tor alio was
qulto dm Jnlont upon hooping Iwr fnco
turned from Mr, HUwk iin 1m Inn) juun
iJotonjJliH'd lo Ignoro lior prwunoe,
OopjrUht, MI, by IViJJ. Head A Company, Int.
Carolyn Mny was Blinking and help
less. Not to Prince. Ho repeated his
challenging growl nnd thou uprniiR
nt tho vibrating Ik at). Miss Amnndn
uttered a stilled scream and Jumped
up from the log, v lilrllug to seo what
wus happening behind her.
Joseph Stagg dropped Carolyn Mny's
hand nnd Ion pod forward with his
walking stick raised to strike Hut
tho mongrel dog was there first. Ho
wisely cnnglit tho blncksnnko behind
tho hend, his strong, sharp teeth sev
ering Its vertebrae.
"Good dog I" shout oil Mr. Stagg ex
citedly. "Kino dog I"
"Oh. Miss Amnndal" shrieked Caro
lyn May. "I 1 thought he was going
to sting you I did I"
Sho ran to the startled womnn and
clung to her hand. l'rlnco nosed tho
dead snake. Mr. Stagg looked exceed
ingly foolish. Miss Amanda recovered
her color nnd her voice simultaneously.
"What a hrno dog yours Is, llttlo
girl," sho said to Carolyn Mny. "And
1 do so despise snakes 1" Thcu sho
looked directly nt Mr. Stagg nnd
bowed gravely. "1 thank you." sho
said, but so coldly, so Carolyn Mny
thought, that her volCo might havo
como "Just olT an Iceberg."
"Oh. I didn't do anything really I
didn't," stammered tho man. "It was
tho dog."
noth looked very uncomfortable
Joseph Stagg begnn to pick up tho
scattered chestnuts from tho over
turned basket. The lady stooped and
whispered to Carolyn May:
"Como to seo me. my dear. I wnnt
to know you better."
Then sho kissed Cnrolyn Mny nnd
slipped quietly nwny from tho brook,
disappearing quickly In tho under
growth. Joseph Stagg and tho llttlo girl
went on ncross tho stepping stones,
whllo Prince splashed through tho
Leaped Forward With His Walking
Stick to Strike.
wnter. Cnrolyn May was thinking
about Miss Amanda Parlow and sho
believed her Undo Joo was, too.
"Uncle Joe," sho said, "would that
bad old snnko havo stung Miss
"Huh? No; I reckon not," ndmltted
Mr. Stagg nbscnt-mlndedly. "Black
snakes don't bite. A big one like that
can squcezo some."
"But you wero scared of It llko mo
and Prince. And for Miss Amanda,"
said Carolyn May very much In ear
nest. "I guess 'most everybody Is srnrcd
by tho sight of n snake, Car'lyn Mny."
"But you wero senred for Miss
Amanda's snko Just tho samo as 1
was," repeated tho llttlo girl decidedly.
"Well?" ho growled, looking away,
troubled by her Insistence.
"Then you don't hate her, do you?"
tho child pursued. "I'm glad or that,
Undo Joe, for I llko her very much.
I think slto's a beautiful lady,"
To this Undo Joe said nothing,
"I guess," thought Carolyn May
wisely, "Hint when two folks love ench
other nnd get angry the lovo's ihero
Just tho samo. Gutting mad doesn't
kill It; It only makes 'em feel worse.
"Poor Undo Joo I Poor Miss Amnn
dal Maybo If they'd Just try to look
up and look for brighter things they'd
get over being mad nnd bo happy
When Undo Joo nnd Cnrolyn May
returned from litis adventurous walk
Mr, Stagg went heavily Into Ids own
room, closed tho door nnd oven locked
II, Ho went over to Hir)ld'fadilonod
walnut bureau Hint Mood against I In
wall Initweeii Hin two window and
stood before It for somo moments In
nn nttltudo of deep reflection. Finally,
ho drew his bunch of keys from his
pocket nnd opened 'ono of tho two
small drawers In tho henvy ploco of
furniture tlio only locked drawer
there wns. Ho drew forth n tintype
picture, faded now, btit clear enough
to show him tho fenturoi of tho two
Individuals printed on tho scusltlxed
Ills own eyes looked out of the pho
tograph proudly. They wero much
younger eyes than they wero now.
And tho girl beside him In the pic
ture! Sweet ns a wild rose, Mandy
Pnrlow's lovely, calm countenance
promised nil tho beauty and dignity
her matured womanhood had achieved.
"Mnudyl Mandy 1" lie murmured
over and over again. "Oh, Mnudyl
Why? Why?"
Ho held tho tintype for n long, long
tlmo In his hand, gnxlng on It with
eyes that saw tho vanished years
rather than tho portraits themselves.
Finally lie hid the picture nwny again,
closed nnd locked tho drawer with n
sigh nnd with slow steps left tho
Carolyn learns from simple
Chet Qormley tome things about
her financial affairs that cause
her much worry. Read about It
In tho next Installment.
Handicap of Fog and Darkness Have
Been Overeomo by Development
of New Process.
Neither fog nor darkness handicap
tho supereyes of the war department
signal corps' cameras, according to
Kdwnrd Hungerford. who describes
tho remnrkahlo progress of wartime
aerial photography In Kverybody's.
no gives somu Interesting examples:
"I havo seen n photograph of a wan
ing moon over Home taken by the
new process. It Is tho tlrst real pic
ture of tho moon that I havo ever seen,
although I formerly attempted tho
thing myself. Most of the moonlight
pictures that ono sees nro 'fakes,'
made by photographing tho sun In
various unusual and artistic phases.
But this was real. One could see the
tiny pools of water standing In tho
uneven places of tho flagging, the
flickering street lamps nt the corner. A
plcturo whoso reality utmost makes It
uncanny. And tho photographer who
took tho plcturo In tho rain was ar
rested by a gendarme ns being mental
ly unsound. He Was only released
when ho took a picture of tho lieuten
ant at the police station and proved
beyond n question thnt ho could umko
good portraits by artificial light.
"I havo seen photographs mndo by
this now process from tho front row of
n theater balcony during tho progress
of tho play; others mado In church
ilnrlitf- t-nimnr t till tlliiinlrinri nntlrnlv
i -"I -r
' by tho candles upon tho high altar.
Tlio process Is very now and It Is very
wonderful. Moreover, It Is susceptible
of adaptation to night observation,
; both from airplanes and upon the
, land."
Aerial Tank.
An aerial tank has been Invented
ami put Into practical uso by Italian
soldiers who have astounded the world
by their extraordinary feats In moun
tain wnrfare. An Austrian machine
gun emplacement wns so sltunted on
n mnuntnlu sldo thnt It poured n liar
nsslng lire Into nn Italian post. The
Austrian position wns unassailable by
ordinary means, but It wns necessnry
that It bo wiped out. A "Teleferlca"
car, many of which aro operated by
tho Italians ncross chasms and up
mountain sides, was armored and
equipped with machine guns. Volun
teers were called for, and from the
many who responded two wero chosen
to man tho guns. This Improvised
aerial dreadnnught was then swung
out across tho vnlley, After ono or
two exploration trips nt n dizzy height,
tho men lir tho car finally located tho
Austrian post nnd quickly put It out
of action.
Shipbuilding In a Dry Dock.
It hns been proposed Hint concreto
ships bo built In n floating dry dock,
tho principal advantage being that tho
forms could be retained tn Hie dock so
they could bo used Immediately after
launching, for another ship. Tho
jnunchlng would bo effected by with
drawing tho outer forms slightly and
sinking tho dry dock until tho ship
floated on Its own bottom, This would
avoid sovcro luunehlng strains, and
would permit of launching tho boat
whllo tho concreto was still "green."
Henco (hero would bo a reduction In
tho period of construction. Scientific
Honest Bones.
Bones Jones always was n sport.
Before Bones cntiio Into tho nnvy ns
n ship's rook ho won many n roll
wllh tho old Ivories. Ono day n Judge
lined lilin IB for somo dilutions Bones
si olo on Monday night, whereupon
Hones replied, "Mako It f HO, Jadgo,
nnd that'll ho up to mid luoluillug
HiiHirdav nlulil. null," Our Nnvy,
Try Gnitulinotlter'ri old Knvorllo
Hoclpo of Siifjo Tea and
Almost everyone knows that Sago
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound
ed, brings back tho natural color nnd
lustra to tho hair when faded, streaked
or gray. Years ngo tho only way to
get ItllH ntlxturu was to mako it nt
home, which Is muesy and trouble
somo, Nowadays, by asking at nuy
drug storo for "Wyoth's Hngo nnd Sul
phur Compound," you will got a largo
bottlo or this famous old recipe, Im
proved by tho addition ot other In
gredients, nt n small coot.
Don't stay grayl Try Itl No ono
can possibly tell thnt you darkened
your hair, na It docs It so naturally
nnd ovenly. You dampen a sponge or
soft brush with It and draw thin
through your hair, taking ono small
strand nt n tlmo; by morning tho gray
hair disappears, nnd nftor another ap
plication or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, glossy nnd attractive.
Wycth's Bago and Sulphur Com
pound Is n dollghtful toilet rcqulslto
for thoso who deslro dark hair nnd a
youthful nppenrauco. It la not In
tended for the cure, mitigation or pre
vention ot disease.
With the Fingers !
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain
You ruckloss nion and women who
nro postered with corns nnd who havo
nt lonat onco n wook Invited nn awful
death from lockjaw or blood poison
nro now told by n Cincinnati authority
to uso a drug called freezone, which
tho moment a few drops nro nppllod
to nuy corn or callous tho soronoss Is
relieved and soon tho onllro corn or
callous, root nnd all, lifts oft with tho
Freozono dries tho moment It In ap
plied, and simply shrivels tho coru or
callous without Inflaming or oven ir
ritating tho surrounding tlssuo or skin.
A small bottlo of freozono will cost
very llttlo at any of tho drug stores,
but will positively rid otto's foot of
every hard or soft corn or hurdonod
callous. It your druggist hasn't any
freozono ho can got It nt any whole
Halo drug houso for you. Adv.
i Rich Man's Outdo to Health.
Tho only rulo for a rich mnn to bo
healthy Is by oxerctso nnd nbstlnunco
to Hvo ns If ho wore poor. Sir Wil
liam Temple.
WHY bu n Whbo HIivoT Got Into hunt-lif-HM
for yourmdf. Tlio Hnryclopedlti of
liliNlnou HmiMiiii' mm irnun nncroin
Is tint must out pie te work of Its 1:1ml ovr
milllMlii-l. Is tin' kiiIiI" l suri) niii'Ccmm.
Hi-mi MtHinii for booklet ami imrtlctiliim to
Williams Hon, 10 Rowland 1IMHT-. H
tli.lt, MUh.
Ar. Vnn I-ilifiP(i? nEHNKh.WAI.KER
Are km oaiisiietu husiness couxcf.
Ik tho blKRcst, most perfectly equipped
Ilualnaa Training; School In tlio North
wont. Kit yourself for n hltflier iioxltlon
with moro mmitiy. Permanent portions
umitirud .our Urnditnten.
Wrlto fur catalog Fourth nnd Yamhill,
Arhstt.ttl I
SB .L.
I Wl
tjm Thr will l
lAAsftM tmm vmaii Lit,
r win ru ivm m
Mil rf viwi4 sHUtk
Vmiim Granuloled Eyelids,
'.vet Inflamed bv extio-
inrr in Sun. Ilusl and Wind
S quickly relieved by Muilne
CyeRemcdy. NoSn'iatting,
lint I've Comfort. At
Vnnr Driicrirtiti or bv null 60c tier llolllc.
For Ilook ol the Eye free mite t is
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Cuticura Heals
Skin Troubles
Soap S.tc OIntmmt 25 and 00c
New Houston Hotel
SUth and Everett SU., Portland, Ore.
four locka from Union Depot Two tiloeki
from New I'oatofllee. Modern nnd ft reproof
Over 100 outiilde roomi. IUt lie to 12.00.
t Ulliio. w. iivji lima, riaiiottca.
You can Staipp Abortion Out
of YOtllt HEltt) nnd Keep It Out
By tlio uho of
Dr. David Roberta'
Small Expenie.
Katlly Applied. Sure Itciulti,
Uted tuccmiully for .'10 year.
(Vm.iilt Dr. l)vLl IliAwrU aU'Ut
all animal sllmrnU, Information fr. Hend for
I'Hl'.K copy ut '"ilia faille HperUllir with full
liifiirinalkii on Atiortlon In Cow.
Or.DiildRottilt' Vet. C, CrntiAii., WwMl Wli.
1', N. U,
No, 5, 1019