Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, January 23, 1919, Image 1

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    - m
VOLUME 7, NO. )0
$2.00 A YEAR
j 1 jr
Physician and Surgeon ,
Night 'phono, ono long ring on
nil lincM.
Day 'pliono call central office.
Ct.Vtl mill Hlii(iin1(il All li
AlH; lit Ht'k
J'liono: Two chortH, Ono long
,1m", mwnTiM,m' nfJ'..iMmi!,wit
U?e Rog'ers
Baker's Popular Hotel
Undor Direct Supervision
of The Owner
Kpi'dnl ItntvH to lVniiniwnl GucHta
Irvine Lodge No. 86
.-tfnfgW-rfCf Pythias
MiMit every Wwlncwlny night nt tliulr
CiiHtlo Hull in Ittclilunil, Orison. Vlnlt
liiff Urotlivra nmilc wolcoiuo.
W. l ItAI.HY, K. of It. .t 8.
Notary Public J
Conveyancer $
0llco, fVcoml ami Walnut Htn. t
. 0i)OHltu Chrlntlnn Chinch 2
Notary Public
All kinds' of legal blanks on linnd
Your patronage solicited
Attorney at Law
Fourth Floor Sommors Building
Baker, Oregon
Bommor Bldg. Bukor, Oregon
Bankers Mortgage Corporation
If rou want t borrow money mi your I.lvo
look, WlivHt, Wool, or I.lburly lldliiln. Inlk with
your local Imnk nlioiit nip tfnnn unit njrvliv,
or writs u u iliu'i'i.
Tin) vmr U iivnr iiinl wo wnnl lo lielp you do
your luirl in titklllg euro ol lliu rciMll Irtiullou
uliloli In our ncii K'l'HI Only.
Portland - -Oregon
ascveo starving people
On Thursday the 9th Inst., Dan
Govor, Walter Saunders, Chester
Evans and Walter Cundlfl' left
for Baker Valley to look after
business pertaining to the inter
ests of the E. V. Cattle Raisers'
Assn. On their arrival at Raker
both Messrs. Gover and Saunders
were Btricken with influenza fol
lowed immediately by pneumonia.
They wero taken to the hospital
where Mr. Saunders is now on
the road lo recovery. Dan made
a gallant fight, but his heart whs
unable to stand the struin and he
passed away on Saturday night,
January 19th.
Danijl Valentine Gover was
born in Eagle Volley on Septem
ber 21, 1891, and had always re
sided here. On April 1, 1912, he
was married at Maker to Miss
Churbery Densley. Two children
blessed the union, a son who died
in infancy, and a daughter, Mar
garet Elizabeth, now five years
of age.
"Dan" was without question
ono of tho best liked young men
of this section. Of cheerful dis
position, absolute hone-it and fair
in all dealings, a man whoso first
thoughts were always for home
and loved ones., he commanded
Ut-'fticct and admit ation of all
with whom he came in contact,.
An expert horseman, an auth
oritative judge of cattle with a
knowledge of the range in Baker
county second to no man, he had
been in the employ of the Eaule
Valley Cattlo and Horse Raisers'
Association for several seasons as
range rider. As evidence of the
confidence hld in his judgment
by the Association, ho was unan
imously elected a member of the
ndvisory board tit the recent an
nual meeting. He had a nice lotof
cattle of his own and his pros
pects fpr a useful prosperous life
wero most brilliant when death
cut short his career.
He was a member of Irvine
Lodge No. 86 Knights of Pythias,
which organization conducted the
funeral services which wero held
Tuesday forenoon at the Eaglo
Valley cemetery.
Besides the heart-broken widow
and little daughter, the deceased
is survived by his mother, Mrs.
Rebecca Govor; and threo "broth
ers and four sisters, namely:
Walter A. of Pino Valley;
David S. of Keating;
W. Lovell of Richland;
Mrs. D. W. Allen and Mrs. J.
F. McPartland of Richland;
Mrs. B. P. Ciest of Sparta;
Mrs. J. P. Jones of Portland.
Notice to Creditors:
All nersons knowing themselves
indebted to the Richland Drug
Store are hereby notified to call
immediately and make settlement
George Trickel. who had been
stat oiu'd in England in the aero
service, was mustered out of ser
vice and returned to the Valley
last week and was Immediately
taken III with I ho flu,
William Clarence tyaloy was
born at Union, Oregon, on July
29th, 1880, and spent the greater
part of his life in Eagle Valley,
He was taken ill with influenza
on the 3rd inst., but in spite of
ad aid that humans could give
passed away at 9:45 p. m., Sun
day, January 12th. His funeral
was held the following Thursday
under the niiBpices of Irvine
Lodge No. 80 Knights of Pythias
of which he was a Past Chancel
lor Commander.
On February 3, 1907, he was
married at New Bridge to Anna
Clara White. For a number of
years he was connected with the
Saunders Bro's. storOj but in Feb
ruary, 1910, embarked in business
for himielf and was making a
success of the venture, a fact due
to his honesty and keen business
Clarence was n young man of
many splendid qualities and was
deeply repected by all who knew
him. He was a member of the
town council- of Richland, was
clerk of Union High School No. 2,
and took a prominent part and
great interest in, evorthing that
pertained to the betterment of
our low'n, our schools, and the
community in general His death
is keenly felt.
He is survived by the widow
and two children, Georgia Gene
vieve, aged 9, and Lorenzil Clar
ence, aged 3 years; also by his
mother, Mrs. Sahy Saunders; his
stepfather, W. G. Saunders; his
grandparents, Mr. and Airs. Wm.
Ill toh ; and a host of more distant
relati es.
Former Residents Die.
Word reaches us of the death
of both Mr. and Mrs. Merrill
(Jack) Middleton at Detroit,
Mich. Mr. Middleton, aged 28
years, passed away on Saturday,
Dec. 28th, -and his wife, Maude
May Bradford Middleton, aged
23 years, seven months and four
days, passed away on Sunday,
Dec. 29th. Both were buried in
the same grave. They left one
child, an 11-months old babe.
The parties were former resi
dents of Eagle Valley and the
news of their death will be a
shock to their many friends. Mrs.
Middleton was a daughter of Mrs.
Rosa Bennett, now a resident of
Killed in Battle.
Word roaches us that Quincy
Flynn, Co. I, IDSth Inf., met
death in one of the last battles of
the war, having been struck by
a shell from one of the big guns
of tho enemy. Quincy was a
brother of John Flynn of Dry
Gulch and was a meinbor of tho
local K. P. lodge.
Tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Woods, born Nov. 4, 1918,
passed away Tuesday and was
buried yesterday.
Earl Herring, one of Sparta's
young farmers, died of influenza,
The Influenza Situation
Tho torribl iilomjc of influenza whjeh has prevailed in Eaglo
! Villoy for ijio past three weeks is
those afllieted aro convalescing.
I I'mi 4 i,... ;.. ' ,
imii in, nun ui i in) worst i piiwsuii. pi. j. j i. irowii oj miner, viio
hnd bet'ii assisting Dr. Wilson for the pisfc two weeks, returned to his
homo this morning. r
Never before has our beautiful little Valley underwent such an ex
perience. Kor a time the situation appeared most terrible. Whole
families wero stricken at tho saino time; it was impossible tQ fiocurg
help as thorn wero more than two hundred casos at ono time. Ye't
out of a total of over throe hundred patients but eight have died.
To tho ficvcrnl women and men who, ignoring their own danger
contracting tho disease, so generously and conscientiously went from
homo to homo, cooking, washing, nursing, splitting wood, carrying
water, feeding stock, in fact, looking after tho ii"cds of tho sjok iij
every possiMo way, there is to bo extended the greatesf cominendj
ation. They wore in subjimcst truth "angels of mercy" and to their,
ministrations aro duo thn lives of many of our peoplo. May a kind
providence reward them.
Tho woakuess which results from the disease is beyond the com;
prehension of those who have escaped tho liij, and ns a consequence
tho danger of over exertion is exceedingly great, It is devoutjy'hopej
that ovory caro will bo taken by those convalescing to proyept relapse,
Another Man Passes.
Steven V. Lnam, a prominent
sheep raiser of this section, died
at his home on Upper Daly Creek
at six o'clock, Thursday morning
January 23rd, of pneumonia fol
lowing influenza. The remains
will be buried in the Eagle Valley
Influenza Victims.
Roy Leep died Jan. 10th and
was buried in the Pine Valley
Mrs. Carl C. Mason died Mon
day morning, January, 13th, and
was buried the following Thurs
day. Mr. R. S. Allen, an old G.A.R.
veteran who had been an invalid
for many years was attacked by
the influenza and passed away
Sunday, January 19th. The re
mains were laid to rest Monday.
The wife of Charles V. Howell
died last Sunday of complications
following influenza. The funeral
was held Tuesday under the aus
pices of the local Pythian Sisters
of which the deceased was a loyal
member. Mrs. Howell was one
of. the most lovable characters we
have ever kno.vn and was held in
the deepest respect and esteem
by all with whom she came in
coutact. A synopsis of her life
will be published in an early issue
Yo editor and family woro all
ill with tho llu last week, ns a eon-
sequonco wo missed getting out
tho Nows. This issuo is not up to
stundard, and many horns aro not
givon becauEo wo havo not sufli
oiont strength to put saino in typo,
and no help is obtainable. To
thoso who liuvo had tho flu no
apology is nocefsary, to our othor
roauurs wo menu for your Kind m-
Mrs. Henry Bradford has re
ceived word of the death of her
brother at Satsop, Wash. He was
aged 82 years, one month and
twelve days, and had been help
less from tho effects of rheuma
tism for several years.
Mr. Burnside, a homsteader in
tho Spartu district, died on Wed-nesday,
now subsiding and practically rtl
A few now cases are' reported 'daily;
r .. a rr t, - ? n I
It don't make no difference
whether yer got one of these
jn your window er not jest
so yer keep yer, pledge fer the
4th Liberty Loan Bonds.
Don't fergit that the last payy
ment iz due on or before
. Saturday, January 25tK
Card of Thanks.
To the many kind people who
so willingly assisted at thebprjaj
of our beloved daughter and
sister, Nettie Cross, we express
our heartfelt thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Sullivan
and famjly.
We desire to extend tothepeo.
pie of. Eagle Valley our heartfelt
thanks for the many kind acts
performed during our sad be
reavement. Francis J. Gibbon,
Maria Hearn and family,
. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gibbon
We wish to express our deep
appreciation to our many friends
for their attention and tender
sympathy extended to our be
loved Clarence Raley during his
sickness, and for' the many beau
tiful flowers for his funeral ser
vices. Mrs. Anna Raloy and children,
Mrs. Sally Saunders,
W, G. Saunders,