"Bringing Back" Victims of Shell Shock Strcnuou Training Adopted at Fort Sheridan Hoipiul to Return Sanity of Men Afflicted on Battlefields Tlio mod len I department of the nrmy In entering Into ono of tlio biggest reconstruction problem tlutt over him confronted It, It Ih tlio problem of reclaiming "shell shockers" by incuim of physical training ttitil development. The practice In being tried out ut ln new Fort Sheridan reconstruction hos pllnl, It In under the direction of I.lnul. Col. Theodore H. Proxmlre, head of tlio hospital. MnJ, George W, Woodnlek In tlio ulliletle director of tlio hospital mid Charlie White, lightweight prize lighter, In In charge of tho.exer duos, dipt. l' A. Walters In In clinrwo of thu shell-shock ward. Already -10 eases hnvo lieen received from France. All of these men were In some stage of tempornry Insanity iin n result of xhock. The theory on which the work In being done Ih Hint physical development first mid inentiil development Inter wilt bring nliont recovery, The first exorcise the men nro put through In rnpu skipping. Then comes handball. TIiIr Ih NtreiiuoiiN. After thnt coiiicn light work In hiiHket mill. IkixIiik mid the like, Kvery dny the nmoiint of work In Increased until finally the mttn will lie getting the piiiiiu miioimt of work iin ii boxer In (mining for a big match. In oniif"Vnse8 recovery In effected In an short a tlmo iin tea days. TIiIn Iiiih heen the fact In a number of punch at the now Imihc. The men nru then Kent homo on a furlough to rent tip, Of thu 10 punch In the hospital only a nuiiiII percentage aro violent. Hut even those- work out tinder guard. Homo will only work to munle. Homo prefer midline, while olherN show a liking for tlio cIiinnIcn. Meanwhile work In going forward at a rapid rntoon the new buildings of the lionpllnl, which will he equipped to euro for 1,500 men. The limit capacity In to ho 5,000. Ilulldlngs--temporary wooden structures uro being built all over the lilNtorlc parado grounds. .H-FI-M-l-t-M-t-l"H-l"I-H"I"lM-l-t STEPS TO SUCCESS IN POULTRY CULTURE;; 1. Keep accurato reeordN. l.lttlo progress can be uiiide without HiIn first hlep. Tho average monthly mid yearly egg production, cont of feed nnd In come from the llock should be known. Feed a properly bnlauced ration, Huch a ration furnishes iititrlentN for growth, nuilntenance, fattening and egg. Tho production of eggs miiNt bo n coiiNtaut aim. It. (llvo proper care and comfort by good housing and iiuiougement. DIs eomforlH ore: Hxtrcmes of beat and Early Hatched Darred Plymouth Rock. cold, hunger nnd thirst, foul air nnd dampiieHH, and discuses mid pariiHlteH. I. Keep standard-bred, utility stock. Thcro nro llvo Rood breeds for tho farm: Plymouth Hock, Ilhodc Inland lied, Leghorn, Wyandotte nnd Orplng ton. VnrlotleH of thcHo have been bred for heavy egg production. Thero are other good breeds for those who pre fer them. fi. Hrced from the best, both male nnd female. Thero nro many signs of vigor nnd high production. 0. Sell unprofitable utock. .7. Market graded products. Muxl- tw rctuniH nro secured froia graded rthjets. MarketH demand n constant Hupply, and tliiH culls for community cooperation. These seven HtepH will lend to sue- CCNN. 1,500,000 Habitual Users of Narcotics in Country Despite Harrison Antinarcotic Law No report of recent yenra will stir priHo tho casual render bo much mi thnt iinulo to tlo United States con gress by a special commlttco Invcstl gating the use of narcotics, observes a writer lu tho IIoiiRtoii l'o.st. According to that report thero nro no fowcr than 3,000,000 bnbltunl users of narcotics In tills country and this In splto of tho Harrison nntlnnrcotlc law In forco for Bcvcrnl years. Tho Investigators say that 1,000,000 peoplo nro known nB users of drugs mid thnt 500,000 nro Hccretly addicted to tho habit. They say that within tho former draft nges of twonty-ono to thlrty-ono nro found 200,000 known usera of tho drug In the state of Now York among tho men alone, Thoy Buy thnt thousands formed tho hnblt nfter thoy wero drnfted In or der to Insuro their rejection from tho tinny. Thoy sny thnt In splto of nil pres ent laws the uso of niorplilno, co caine, heroin and similar medicines and drugs In Increasing more rapid ly than over beforo In tho history of tills country, They say that It Is necessary Imme diately to piiHs iiioio stringent laws for the protection of peoplo from tho "dope" vender. Salt Lake Is 75 Miles Long, 30 to 50 Miles Wide, and Has An Average Depth of 20 Feet Perhaps no unit ponds anywhere In tho world possess so many natural ad vantages as the (Ireat Halt Lake, says Stanley W. Todd, In Popular Me chanics Magazine. Lying as It does In ono of the great valleys of tho Heck les, on tho eastern edge of the great basin, tho lake extends north mid south for 75 miles, while Its widtli va ries from SO to no miles. It has an average depth of 20 feet and Is 4,218 feet above tho sen level. There Is lit tle rainfall throughout the year, and the ever-present sun, together with tho Hat shores, contribute to tho Idenl con ditions of summer operation. Tho lake has no outlet and tho water Is as nearly saturated with salt as It can bo without crystallizing. Great strides have been made In recent years In tho methods of making high-grade salt, both by the graluer mid vacuum pun processes. Solar evaporation mid gralner methods nro used at Salt Lake, the mill being located at u place call ed Sultalr. During tho season when tho harvesting Is under way, the water Is pumped from the lake nt the rato of from 10,000 to 12,000 barrels n dny, tho pumping being cnrrled on from ten to I I hours. S COOKBOOK fPJ And you tlio nmrblo Htntuo nil tho lltno They prnlao and Klnt ut nn preferred to Yet lenv'o for tho flrst brtnthlng woman's check. Meals for the Family. It Is a wise plan to have a dozen or inoro vvnys of using stnlo bread crumbs where they may be easily referred to, In order to avoid repeating the snmo dish until It becomes tiresome. Any crusts or small bits of bread if placed In tho wanning oven to dry mny then bo put through tho meat grinder and are ready for countless dishes. Crumb loe Cream. Tnko ono quart of medium cream, ono tnblespoonful of vanilla, ono tea spoonful of almond extract and ono and n bnlf cupfuls of strained honey. Chill nnd freezo until thick nnd mushy, then open tho freezer nnd ndd ono cupful of brown bread crumbs. Con tinue freezing until firm. Hemovo tho dasher and pack to ripen. With tho need for careful saving of Hour somewhat over wo will still uso other cereals becnuso wo have learned their vuluo and becauso they lend va riety to our diet. For tho hot grlddlo enko to servo for tho morning meal thero Is nono which Is better liked than that mndo from corn flour. If ono Is fortunnto enough to have on hnnd plenty of but-1 tcrmllk tho cakes will bo bUU better, neat ono egg, add enough buttermilk to mnko n batter with corn flour suf ficient to sntlsfy tho family, adding a teaspoonful of soda for cncli pint of buttermilk nnd t-alt enough to mnko them pnlatnhle, neat well and fry on a lightly grensed griddle. Cook tlicm as thin ns possible. Queen of Puddlnaj. Soak ono cupful of stnlo but not dried .bread crumbs lu tbreo cupfuli Conservation of Fuel May Bo Made By Using Furnaco Fire to Cook Some Dishes An easy way to conserve fuel In cooking Is by utilizing the furnaco fire, Dishes that can bo cooked in n easNcrolo aro becoming more nnd more popular mid the furnaco offers an economical way of preparing them. Kvery furnaco has, Just within the rriiillni? ilfinr. ti U'lllo lcdttO ('lltinl)lo of holding it good-sled vessel. Thin ledge In an excellent place ror cook ing dishes which require slow linking or it sort of stewing. Hcmis as pre pared In New Kiigland are dollclously eiioknd on this ledge For them mi earthen pot Is even belter than a cas sorole. It should be large enough to contain an extra amount of water, for tho oviiporut'on I mom rapid hi so hlghly-hcnlod a place thon In u stove or range oven. A bean-pot, mi earthenware vessel with it handle making It look almost II If i ri tilt Iff. IH (ho best kind of uten sil us It has something by which it can bo moved. The shape and nlzo of the bean-pot I.m.vou iinnni Oil Mill lcdgC for SOIDC other vessel. Puddings nnd esenllopcd dishes can bo well-cooked anil soup can bo made to dimmer If the fire Is nt u low temperature. Casserole cook ery also adapts Itself to furnuce prep aration especially In the tiuglazed for eign casseroles. Tho gluzed articles may crude In time under such bent ns glows In n furnace. Hieroglyphics to Be Found In-California Are Believed Older Than Those in Egypt Amateur urcheologlsts of Rlshop, f:al are endeavoring to interest profes sional scientists of the Kast In the epigraphs which abound on tho rocks of Hound valley, not far from thnt city, and which nro believed to be as old, If not older, than the hieroglyphics of earlier Hgypt, to which they hour a strange resemblance. It Is believed by many that the strange markings constituted the names by which nnclent tribes marked tho sources of water supply for the benefit of those of their number who lived roving lives. These hieroglyphics hnvo never been deciphered, although they nre mntters of record In tho lending museums of the country, it Is snld. The Indlnn tribes now living In their vicinity de clare they nre the work of tlio In dian of North Amerlcn and thnt they nntednto nil aboriginal lore. Some who hnvo examined tho strnngo markings In tho flinty bowlders sny the hieroglyphics closely resemble those of earliest Egypt and may re plnco tho latter as tho first written language of humanity. of hot milk, add two tahlespooufuls of butter, tho yolks of four eggs beaten with one-hulf cupful of sugar, nnd n teaspoonful of vanllln with a cupful of corn sirup. Pour Into n buttered baking dish nnd bake forty-flvo min utes or until set. When tlio pudding is dono spread It with n lnyer of Jelly or Jmn nnd cover with a meringue using tho whites of tho eggs nnd n lit tlo powdered sugar. Brown nnd serve hot or cold. Bread Crumb Griddle Cakes. Tuko ono nnd n hnlf cupfuls of bread crumbs, two cupfuls of sour milk nnd let stnnd over night; In tho morning ndd an egg, n teaspoonful of sodn, a half teaspoonful of salt and corn flour to mnko n tdn butter; bent well nnd fry on a hot grensed grlddlo. A few brend crumbs added to chop ped meat mnkes It go farther nnd crumbs used with escnlloped dishes mnko tho dish more nourishing nnd uses tho wnsto brend wisely. Anthracite Coal in Use About One Hundred Years It Is only n llttlo moro thnn n hun dred years, says tho People's Home Journal, slnco nnthrnclto conl has been used ns fuel, tho first nttempts to bum it proving unsuccessful. Judgo Jesse Fell of Fell house. Wllkesbnrro. Pn.. wixa convinced thjit "stonp conl," ns It wns called, would burn; but his argu ments wero laughed nt. Flnnlly con vinced thnt whnt was necessary was n strong, draft, Judgo Fell built n Ore plnco of brick with a bottom nnd front of Iron grating. Piling tho conl In this, ho built n wood fire under It. Soon tho conl was n red hot mass, and the neighbors flocked In to marvel nt the sight nnd revel in tho grateful warmth. That was In February, 18081 People's Homo Journal, WORK OF COUNTY AGENT IN SOUTH Satisfactory System Has Been Firmly Established in Several States. PROGRESS HAS BEEN RAPID Recent Report 8hows Status of De velopment of Organization, and Olscunes Some of Problems Which Have Been Met (Prepared by tho United 8tatc Depart ment of Agriculture.) That the county-agent plan of carry ing agricultural Information to the farmer is firmly established, us a sat-J Isfactory system lu 10 southern states In shown in a review by officials of the United States department of agricul ture of progress made during tho last calendar year. A report of this work recently made public shovs the status of this rapidly developing agricultural organization in tho South during 1010, mid also discusses some of the prob lems which are being met In the effort to increase this service In accordance with tlio country's emergency agricul tural needs. The confidence of the stater, lu tho county-agent plan Is shown by the fact that most of the legislatures in the South ure making liberal appropriations to aid in Its support. Number of Extension Workers. There were employed in the 15 south ern states during the year 800 regular county agents, 2S assistant county agents, 31 boys club agents and CO One of Branches sf County Agent Work In South Is Interesting Boys In Better Farm Methods. colored men agents for work nraong colored people. Kacb state also has n director of extension and n stato ugent or assistant director In chargo of tho work of the county agents. Women engaged lu tho homo-demonstration work numbered 570. Of these 13 nre state agents In charge of the work In their respeclve states, 41 are assistants and district agents, nnd 013 county women agents nnd 7 colored bome- domonst ration agents. Increase In Community Organizations. Progress In organizing tlio county ngents' work In tho South this year wns gratlfyltiR, ofllclals of the depart ment of agriculture say. The last annual report shows the formation of 1,054 community organizations of farmers, with n membership of 44,548. Tho report for the present year shows nn Increase to 2,503 organizations with n membership of 78,000. This report docs not Include co-operative organtza tlons not formed ' by county ngents, oven though they gnvo nctlvo support nnd nsslstunco to tho county rcpre Bentntlve nnd served In the capacity of a local community organization. Such tissoclntlous Includo locnl granges, furmers' unions nnd church and chic organizations of varied character. It Is estimated thnt 200,000 farmers nro enrolled In nil these community organ PROFITABLE FARM SIDE LINE One That Can Be Worked at Odd Times When Other Work Is Slack Will Boost Income. A profitnblo stdo lino that can bo worked nt odd times when other work Is slnck will go far toward boosting tho lncomo of tho nverngo farm. Whcro thero Is n ledge of snlablo stono a quarry may bo made to fill In tho gaps In tho labor schedule, or nn outcropping of llmeatono may bo mndo profitable, to tho ndvantago of tho wholo neighborhood by tho Installation of a stono crusher. Don't Pamper Ducks. Do not pamper ducks or thoy will stay near tho houso waiting to bo fed. hot them forago for their living and thoy can bo raised at very llttlo ex pense. Shelter Will Save Feed. Tho man who wishes to savo on his feed bill should provide his stock with suitable shelter during thu winter. Izatlons which aro assisting county agents. HI urn Ihtn renort was mndo tlicro linx lipen a crcnt Incrnnso in this work. At the present tlmo tho total number of agents I opproxlmatcly 2,200, con slxtfritr In nnrt of 0S0 count v ncents. 815 county home demonstration agents nnd 85 negro agents (men) nnd 70 women. SYSTEMATIC BATTLE WILL STOP RODENTS Little Animals Extort Heavy Toll From the Farmer. Annual Loss Caused to Crops Esti mated at $300,000,000 Active Co operation of Neighbors Need ed for Extermination. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Systematic nnd organized cam paigns, In witlch the entire community Is interested, nro suggested as means of successfully exterminating Injurious rodent pests on the fnrjn by the bu reau of biological survey of the Unit ed States department of agriculture. There are about 700 forms of rodents inhabiting tho United States, and tbc annual loss which they cause in food nnd feed crops is estimated at fully $300,000,000. They feed upon crops In the field and in storage, in some cases destroying grass lnnd so completely that erosion follows. In the irrigated sections of the West some species bur row through the dikes, releasing tbo wnter nnd flooding tho crops. Meth ods of exterminating these pests by trapping and poisoning, which the in dividual farmer ns well as the commu nity can employ, nre told in Farmers' Bulletin 032, recently published by tho United Stutcs department of agricul ture. Any farmer may, by care and Indus try, freo his own premises of harm ful rodents, but he is helpless to pre vent nn enrly recurrence of the trou ble unless ho can secure the nctlvo co-operation of his neighbors. Tho de partment of agriculture urges, there fore, that whenever possible the de struction of these pests be a commu nity undertaking. In the past, Individ ual efforts often supplemented by tho payment of bounties by state, county or township have been only partially successful In reducing rodent depreda tions. In many western counties tho amount paid out In a single year for bounties on pocket gophers and ground squirrels, would, If wisely expended, in poisoning operations such as hdvo been practiced under government su pervision on public lands, secure tho destruction of nearly every such ant mnl In the county nnd mako unneces sary much further outlay for tho pur pose. A few of the rodents which Inhabit the United States nro not classed as Injurious ns they llvo In deserts, mountains or swamps and rarely come In contact with cultivated crops. Some nre valuable because they feed largely upon Insects, some because they pro duco fur nnd otlrcrs because they nro useful ns human food. Of the Injuri ous species nil nro natlvo to this coun try with tho exception of four tho houso mouse and three kinds of rats but these four cause approximately two thirds of all tho damage. Field mice, kangaroo rats, pocket gophers, ground Bqulrrels, pralrlo dogs, wood chucks, nnd rabbits nre among tho most destructive of tho native species. Chickens on Every Farm. A hundred hens on each farm and a hundred eggs per hen each year will glvo Americans Ave billion dozen eggs. Something to crow over I Causes of Much Damage. Lire, mites and fleas nro often tho causes of serious damago among the farm flock. SMUTS DESTROY MUCH WHEAT Farmer Can Do Nothing More Patri otic Than Treat Seed It Is Inexpensive and Sure. Preventablo smuts destroy enough wheat every year to mako 4,000,000 barrels of flour, onts enough to feed 1,000,000 cavalry horses, and barley nnd ryo enough for 400,000 barrels of wheat substitutes. You can do noth ing mora patriotic than treat your Beed. Simple, Inexpensive, sure. For Information wrlto to your stato exten sion department or tho United States department of agriculture. Do It now, Hogging Off Corn Crop. Ilngglng off corn has been tested thoroughly at several agricultural ex periment stations and by practical hog ralsors, nnd tho practlco is strongly recommended. Cool Cream Immediately. Tho cream must bo cooled Immediate- ly after It Is skimmed and warm cream . must never bo added to com.