Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, January 09, 1919, Image 6

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Brief Resume most important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
President Potncare may visit tho
United States in August, writes
Charles Omessa in L'Information.
After being closed to tho public for
nearly two years because of the war,
the White- House was reopened to
visitors Friday.
Edwin T. Earl, owner and publisher
of the Los Angeles Evening and Sun
day Express, and a well-known finan
cier of California, died at his home
thero late Friday.
It is reported in Washington that
Secretary Lane has been offered tho
director-generalship of railroads, and
that to make the proposal attractive a
salary of $50,000 a year is offered.
The British and Dutch governments
have arrived at an agreement regard
ing the status of, the former German
emperor. This information was con
tained in a dispatch to the Teiegraaf
from The Hague.
There are 15,000 more British prison
ers in Germany than the British
records show, so th'at a number of men
previously given up as dead or missing
will return to their homes, it was
stated in London Saturday.
Streetcar service in Denver which
was interrupted for several hours Fri
day night by demonstrations against
the collection of a 7-cent fare by the
Denver Tramway company, was main
tained later without serious difficulty
Christmas, the armistice, lack of
employment and Spanish influenza
were advanced by the county district
attorney's office Saturday as reasons
for the low prices at which liberty
bonds have been selling for in New
The Pershing Theatre, said to be
the only playhouse in the United
States maintained exclusively for
soldiers, and to which admittance is
free, was opened in New York Satur
day night by the New York Community
Camp Service.
Major T. C. McAuley, commander
of Taliaferro Field, Tex., will attempt
to fly from Fort Worth to San Diego In
one day. He made the round trip re
cently, a distance of 1500 miles, in
Ay days. He Is engaged in mapping
routes for aerial mail.
Sweeping electoral reforms effected
in Sweden providing the "most extend
ed universal suffrage for both men and
women, irrespective of taxability," are
described In a cable dispatch received
by Swedish Minister Ekengren from
the foreign minister at Stockholm.
Expansion of the business of the
General Motors Corporation was in
dicated Saturday by the chartering
In Trenton, N. J., of a J370.000.000 sub
sidiary of the parent concern, to do a
business in airplane, automobiles and
accessories, with a plant at Harrison,
N. J.
Senator Ashurst, of Arizona, Intro
duced a resolution requesting the presi
dent to open negotiations for the pur
chase from Mexico, by tho United
States, of Lower California, and of
about 10,000 squaro miles of other
Mexican territory lying north of 31
degrees latitude in the state of Sonora.
J. C. Ness, one of the best known
contractors of northern Montana, was
shot and instantly killed at his home
in Great Falls Tuesday. Ills wife,
found with bath wrists cut, told tho
police sho killed her husband and
attempted to end her life.
A resolution proposing that an
army of allied and United States
troops triumphantly enter Berlin to
Impress upon tho minds of tho (ler
mans tho fact that Germany lias been
decisively defeated is introduced by
HcprosenUtlvo Doollttle, of Kansas,
Director-General of Fleet Corporation
Declared Plant Great Asset.
Washington, D. C Only four ships
havo been delivered by tho three great
government fabricated shipbuilding
plants, Charles Pier, director-general
of tho Emergency Floot corporation
testified Saturday beforo tho scnato
commerce committee Difficulties In
constructing tho yards and obtaining
material largely wero responsible for
delays, he said.
Three of tho ships have coma from
tho Hog Island yard, Mr. Picz tcstl
fled, ami Uio fourth from tho Subma
rino Boat corporation plant at Port
Newark, N. J., which should havo tie
llvercd 124 vessels by last Docombor
7. Tho contract of tho Merchants'
Shipbuilding corporation at Bristol
Pa., called for 2-1 ships completed by
Decombor 7.
Tho Hog Island yard delivered its
third ship Saturday and has launched
12 others, the committed was told.
Beforo resuming its inquiry tho
commlttco adopted a resolution by
Senator Nelson, of Minnesota, extend
ing its investigation to includo n sur
vey of tho progress of all govornhicnt
merchant shipbuilding.
Under tho resolution tho Shipping
board and tho Emergency Fleet cor-
npratlon would bo required to furnish
a statement showing tho number of
shipyards whero ships for tho govern
ment arc being or aro to bo built or
contracted for, with tho capacity of
the yards, and tho amounts contrlbut
ed by tho government for their con
struction. It any, and tho number of
ships each has completed or launched
The commltteo also asked for tho
expenditures made from money appro
priated by congress for ships and
whether any of tho vessels completed
for tho Fleet corporation havo boon
used in carrying men or munitions to
or from Europe.
Washington, D. C. Advices to tho
State department announco that re
turning Russian prisoners of war on
coming out of Austria-Hungary and
Germany are being offered 300 rubles
monthly, clothing and food to join the
Bolshevik army. According to this
information few of tho prisoners ac
cept this offer and popular feeling In
Russia is strongly against the Bol
Nevertheless, tho power of tho Bol
shcvlkl is reported on tho increase
since the recapture of Kazan and Sa
mara from the Czechs. Their forces
are now said to be concentrating on
tho Ukrainian front
One prisoner declared that when
typhus struck' tho Russian prison
camps in Germany his comrades died
at the rate of 500 a day. It was re
ported that 750,000 died in prison.
Transportation conditions in Bol
shevlk-controlled Russia are much
worse than In Siberia.
Other advices reaching tho State de
partment say tho Kolchak government
at Omsk has abolished government
control of prices with a resultant In
crease. It is also stated that vodka
again is being manufactured by tho
government and Is selling for C rubles
a pint.
Carranza Controls Trade.
Washington, D. C. Tho Mexican
congress, it was reported Saturday to
the Stato department, has granted spe
cial powers to President Carranza to
raise or lower Import and export du
ties at his discretion.
It was noted by officials hero that
additional power given tho Mexican
president apparently is practically un
limited, and that tho chief executive
may virtually control exportation of
such commodities as petroleum and
copper. This recalled difficulties the
United States, Great Britain and
Franco had with tho Mexican govern
ment regarding oil during tho war
and the efforts of Germany to Inter
fere. Records Weigh 26 Tons.
Washington, D. C Twenty-six tons
of insurance records from tho Ameri
can Expeditionary forco were received
Saturday by tho Bureau of War Risk
Insurance They represent 1,C00,000,
000 of government Insurance wrltton
on American soldiers overscan und
will bring tho total Insurance written
by tho bureau to mora than 138,000,-
Ex-President Passes
Following Lodg
ing of Clot on
Now York, Jan. 6. Colonel Roose
velt died at Ills homo in Oyster lUy
at 4 o'clock this morning.
News of the death of tho former
president was received hero by Miss
Josephine Strieker, tho colonel's sec
retary, In a telephone mossago from
Mrs. Roosevelt.
Miss Strieker said that the colonel
had suffered nn attack of Inflamma
tory rheumatism on Now Year's day
and had since been more or less con
fined to his room.
Tho attack of rheumatism settled
mainly In Colonel Roosevelt's right
hand and Mrs. Roosevelt sent at onco
for a nurse in tho village of Oyster
Bay. His condition did not at first
seem to bo alarming and the turn for
the worse Is believed not to havo come
until last night.
In announcing Colonel Roosevelt's
death, Miss Strieker qald:
"Mrs. Roosevelt called me on tho
telephone shortly beforo 7 o'clock,
saying that tho colonel had died early
today. Sho did not glvo mo any par
ticulars and I am leaving at once for
Oyster Bay.
"The attack must havo been very
sudden. On New Years day Inflam
matory "rheumatism developed In Col
onel Roosevelt's right hand which bo-
came very much swollen. Mrs. Roose
velt sent for a nurso in tho vlllago
and tho colonel was mado as comfort-
ablo as possible. It did not occur to
me at that time that he was seriously
Miss Strlckor wont to Oyster Bay
last Saturday to pay the colonel a
visit. Sho said:
"At that tlmo tho colonel was sleep
ing In his room and I did not sco him
and there was nothing In tho circum
stances of his illness at that tlmo to
indlcuto to mo that death was near.
Wiien Mrs. Roosovelt called ma and
told mo of the colonel's death I could
hardly believe it.
"Mrs. Roosevelt gavo mo no partic
ulars of his death."
It is understood that only Mth,
Roosevelt und tho nurso wero with
him at tho tlmo of his doath. Tho
other members of tho family aro in
tlior purts of tho country or abroad.
Tho Immcdlato cause of Colonel
Roosevelt's deatli was pulmonary em
bolism or lodgment In tho lung of u
clot from a hrokon vein, It was said
by ono of his physicians, i
Complete returns from the Red Cross
membership drive In Douglas county
complied by W. 0. Hnrdingf show that
a total of GG3S Individuals subscribed
to tho fund.
Senator Chnmbcrlaln, of Oregon,
was 0C years old Wednesday. Ho spent
tho day quietly, devoting sumo tlmo to
opening letters and telegrams con
grntutntlng him on his speech exposing
conditions In tho War department.
Investments of Hood River county
citizens In war securities total 70t),
000. Hood River people bought a total
of 1010,000 of tho four liberty loan
bonds. Sales of war uavlugH stamps
probably will exceed $120,000.
Tho semi-annual examination of the
books In tho olllco of tho stato trens
uror was made Wednesday by Secre
tary of Stato Olcott. Tho law requires
nn examination by tho secretary of
statu on January 1 and July 1 of each
Tho Marlon county grand Jury,
which a fow weeks ago handed down
nn extensive report on conditions at
tho state penitentiary, will report soon
to the "circuit court and will return
some Indictments in connection with
tho prison.
Tho Stato Textbook commission next
June is to choose only books that glvo
accurate Information, and those con-
I tnlnlng any matter savoring of Gcr
! man propaganda will bo eliminated.
1 The commission Is now preparing for
the Juno selection.
All employes of tho Pendleton Wool
en mills who havo been on tho payroll
during tho past year will participate
In extrn earnings amounting to scvornl
thousand dollars, the management an
nounced. The enrnliiKH will bo based
on wages.
Chnnges In the school laws affecting
tho raising und distribution of money
In school districts nro proposed hy tho
county superintendents of the state, j
who are now In session In Salem, and
recommendations will bo formulated
for presentation to tho legislature.
County Clerk Brown estimates that
4000 Umatilla county citizens whose
names appear on tho registration
books of tho county have failed to voto
at nny of tho threo elections during tho
past two years. Tho offlco Ib now
engaged In eliminating these names
from the rolls.
In tho Astoria Justice court Krldny
morning E. P. Bailey, as manager of
tho Pacific Power Light company,
was found guilty on a chargo of per-
. mlttlng crudo oil to flow Into tho
waters of tho Columbia river and
fined $250. He immediately gavo no
tice of appeal to tho circuit court.
Members of tho Loyal Legion who
essayed to help In tho eradication of
Influenza In Marshflchl appeared be
foro tho city council, claiming tho re
strictive measures aro not adequate.
The appointed delegates told tho coun
cilmcn It was not proper to permit
any assemblies. Laxity In quarantine
and failure of ono physician to report
cases wero charged.
At a mass meeting ut Madras, tho
plan by which tho government will
extend aid to the North Unit Irrlga
tlon district was explained to the set
tiers, who for tho past flvo years have
beon working to bring about Irrigation
by privato enterprise. Tho govern
mcnt has taken up the project with a
view to disposing of tho land to set
tlers, and especially to tho returning
Linn county will havo an agricul
tural agent aguln next year. In tho
recent election the pcoplo voted against
tho county making an appropriation
for tho maintenance of tho agent, hut
committees of tho Linn County Agri
cultural council havo raised a fund by
popular subscription to pay tho coun
ty's portion of tho oxpenso of main
taining tho ofllce. Tho year now end
ing Is tho first .In which tho county
has had an agent.
Hotel Albort, ono of tho leading hos
ieries in Thb Dalles, and Tho Optim
ist omco, occupying tho samo three-
story building, aro In ruins an tho re
sult of a flro which broko out ut C
o'clock Friday morning In tho furnace
room of tho structure. The dumago is
estimated at $40,000. Hotel guests and
employe, scuntlly attired, wero forced
to grope their way through hulls denso
with smoke to the stairway leading to
tho street,
If League Fails, Need for Huge
Fleet Is Seen.
"Unless Wo Have Navy Which Can
Lick Any Other, Wo May As Wrll
Havo Noiu',Suy Secretary.
Washington, I). C Unloss'u leaguo
of nations or other trlhuual that will
muko certain tho limitation of In
ternational nrmumont Is established,
tho United States must build tho
greatest navy In tho world, Secretary
Daniels told tho house naval com
mittee. "It is my firm conviction," declared
tho secretary, "that If tho conference
at Versailles does not result In u
general agreement to put an cud to
naval building on tho part of all tho
nations, then tho United States must
bend her will and bend her energies,
must glvo her men and give her
money to tho task of tho creation of
Incomparably tho greatest navy In
tho world."
With tho complotlou of the pro
posed now three-year building pro
gram, adding 10 dreaduaughts, six
battlo cruisers, 10 scout cruisers and
130 smaller craft to tho fleet, Ameri
ca still will rank second In naval
strength to Great Britain, said tho
secretary, who appeared boforo tho
commltteo to mnku his flnul recom
mendations for tho 1920 naval bill
which tho commltteo Is considering.
"Does tho president back tho poli
cy to make us tho first naval power
In tho world?" asked Representative
Kelly or Michigan.
"Yes, If competitive building Is to
continue," said Mr. Daniels. "Wo
aro now easily tho second uuval
power, but this program will not
make us tho first."
Tho naval secretary said that if a
leaguo of nations Is established,
America must provldo a largo part
of a world pollco forco nocoBsary to
onforco tho' league's decrees. Ho
added, however, that with such a
leaguo formed It would not be neces
sary to. curry out tho full construc
tion program and asked tho commlt
tco to Include In tho bill legislation
empowering tho president to stop
construction at his discretion If an
International agreomcnt should muko
limitation of nrmamout a certainty.
"I would lika to lot tho world know
that wo aro tremendously interested
In tho president's proposition for re
duction of urmament," declared tho
socrctary. ,
Philadelphia. Tho homes of Justlco
Robert von Moschzlsker, of the state
supremo court; Judgo JamcB E. Gor
man, of tho munlclpul court, and Act
ing Superintendent of Pollco Mills, lo
cated In wldoly separated sections of
tho city, wero damaged by bombs lato
Monday night. In each Instance shrap
nel bombs woro used and tho forco of
tho explosions was so great that all
tho occupants of tho houses wero
hurled from their beds. No ono was
seriously injured.
Tho explosions occurred shortly be
foro midnight and within half an hour
of each other. Acting Superintendent
Mills, who lives in an apartment in
West Philadelphia, was blown from
his bed, but escaped with minor In
juries and bruises.
Scraps of paper found In front of
tho Mills homo expressed hatred of
soldlors, judges, priests and parasites,
Thoy declared that theso classes of
men subsisted upon tho "stcullngs
from brothels" and that their rulo was
ut an end,
Tho pollco wero at a loss to explain
tho explosions, Dalulls of pollco wero
hurried to tho homes of United States
Henutor Penrose, Mayor Smith, tho
judges of tho federal courts and other
prominent citizens, for four llicy might
also ho Attacked.